[...]... are concerned Several haute couture contemporary textiles from museum collections exhibit serious conservation problems due to the high complexity of materials and production methods used in their conception Conservation of contemporary textiles with new materials and production methods requires scientific research into the identification of materials and new conservation techniques This was the case... of the systems developed for its implementation In: Textiles: Types, Uses and Production Methods Editor: Ahmed El Nemr, pp 1-152 ISBN: 978-1-62100-239-0 © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc Chapter 1 FROM NATURAL TO SYNTHETIC FIBERS Ahmed El Nemr* Environmental Division, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Kayet Bey, El Anfoushy, Alexandria, Egypt 1 INTRODUCTION Fiber is a class of materials... other esthetic features of pattern and feel, which are determined by the fiber and textile structures, are as important as the functional requirements for cover, protection, warmth, and durability The third category of technical textiles includes some old and simple uses, ranging from ropes to wiping cloths, but is becoming of increasing importance in demanding engineering and medical applications The global... (natural and regenerated) Finally, the applicability of these new materials for different hygiene and health care segments (skin and hygiene care, skin and gynecological infections, wound treatment, etc.) are discussed Clothing is composed by textile fibers, coupling and fixer agents, finish products, dyes and complements Contact dermatitis is produced by the contact between these clothing components and. .. subdivision into very fine flexible strands and are used for the best grades of cordage and fabrics Included are hemp, jute, flax and ramie Hard or mixed fibers are structural elements found mainly in the leaves of many tropical monocots, although they may be found in fruits and stems They are used for the more coarse textiles Sisal, abaca, henequen, agaves, coconut and pineapple are examples of plants... in which the textiles are exposed to the ultrasonic field in flat format and within a thin layer of liquid by applying specific ultrasonic plate transducers Such process has been implemented at laboratory and semi-industrial stage Chapter 20 deals with the progressive advances in the use of the ultrasonic energy for washing textiles and in particular with the new process and the structure and performance... and the alpaca, which are close relatives of the camel and live predominantly in the high grasslands of the Andes in South America Further, one uses hair from horses, cows, and angora rabbits There are many types of Angora rabbits English, French, German and Giant Angora is prized for its softness, thin fibers of around 12-16 µm for quality fiber, and what knitters refer to as a halo (fluffiness) The... and size of a peanut shell [72-74] The silk substance is produced by two glands and is discharged through a spinneret, a small opening below the jaws The spinneret is made up of several chitin plates which press and form the filament The filament (called bave) actually consists of two strands (called brins) that are glued together and coated by silk gum (sericin), which is excreted by two other glands... before the Christian era, cotton textiles were woven in India with matchless skill, and their use spread to the Mediterranean countries In the first century, Arab traders brought fine muslin and calico to Italy and Spain The Moors introduced the cultivation of cotton into Spain in the 9th century Fustians and dimities were woven there and in the 14th century in Venice and Milan, at first with a linen... hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur Instances are spider silk, sinew, catgut, wool and hair such as cashmere, mohair and angora, fur such as sheepskin, rabbit, mink, fox, beaver, etc The wool fibers from domestic sheep and silk are used most commonly both in the From Natural to Synthetic Fibers 3 manufacturing world as well as by the hand spinners Also very popular are alpaca fiber and mohair from Angora . washing textiles and in particular with the new process and the structure and performance of the systems developed for its implementation. In: Textiles: Types, Uses and Production Methods. on Nova’s website under the E-book tab. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES TEXTILES: TYPES, USES AND PRODUCTION METHODS AHMED EL NEMR EDITOR .