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Kichi-Kichi is a system of hotpot bar restaurant which appeared in 2009 on Ha Noi market. Its freshness and originality make it successful.

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English for Business Department Faculty of English for Economics





Field: Marketing Code:

Supervisor: Ms PHAM THUC ANH


Hanoi, May, 2010

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The writer would like to show thanks to Ms Duong Hoa Mai, Customer ServiceExecutive and Ms Le Bich Diep, Marketing Executive and other staff at GoldenGate Trade & Service Joint-Stock Company for their help during internship.The writer has the honor of expressing deep gratitude to Ms Pham Thuc Anhwho whole-heartedly gave directions

Due to limited time and ability, this report is inevitable to be present of mistakesand inappropriate aspects So the writer is looking forward to all comments fromreaders to improve the writing better

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1 Golden Gate Trade & Service JSC and Kichi-Kichi system 5

2 Problem statement 7

3 Research methodology 8

4 Research scope 10


1 Customer care or customer service definition 11

2 The importance of customer service to business 11

3 Requirements on customer service 16


1 Real state of using customer service activities at Kichi-Kichi Ma May – Customer satisfaction evaluation 19

2 Reasons for sales decrease 26


1 Satisfying customers by suitable product, price and promotion policies 32

2 Finding new target groups and satisfy them 33

3 Training for employees 34

4 Saving marketing budget by investing in selective channels 35



1 Comment card 37

2 “Eat 5 Free 1” leaflet 38

3 Result of the survey in January, 2010 39

`4 The result of survey in April 2010 39

4 The result of survey in April 2010 40


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Table 1: Revenue of Kichi-Kichi in first 3 months from flotation 8

Table 2: Effect comparison 21

Table 3: “Eat 5 Free 1” effect 22

Table 4: Competitor analysis: Ha Noi – F1 27

Figure: Figure 1: Reasons for Switching to another Vendor 13

Figure 2: Result of survey in week 4, January, 2010 23

Figure 3: Result of survey in week 2 and week 4, April, 2010 23

Figure 4: Result of survey in week 4, January 2010 25

Figure 5: Result of survey in week 2 and week 4, April, 2010 25

Figure 6: SWOT model 29

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that belong to customer service section

In this study, the researcher uses primary data from customers’ opinion pollresults and observation at restaurant and secondary data provided by Marketing andAccounting Department from Golden Gate Trade & Service Joint Stock Company

Primary data:

 Survey:

The survey is carried out daily after customers’ meal Each customer will fill in acomment card which consists of both closed and opened questions The answers forclosed questions will provide researcher with customers’ data including theirpersonal information such as name, gender, age, and communication informationsuch as telephone number and e-mail address; customers’ evaluation to restaurant’sproduct and service Through these answers, the writer will also know whatadvertising channels are most effective in marketing restaurant’s image as well aswhat features can attract most customers to restaurant Besides, opened questions’result voices the feelings and expectations of customers to restaurant at present and

in the future

 Observation:

The researcher studies its major competitor F1by having lunches at F1 five timesincluding two times in off-peak hours and three times in peak hours The quality ofproduct and service of F1 will be exposed, so the researcher can evaluate itscompetitive power and then compare with Kichi-Kichi competitive ability

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In order to find out reasons that caused the decrease in sales at Kichi-Kichi MaMay, the researcher directly comes to restaurant and observes purchasing behaviorand feelings of customers and service manner of employees After two weeksobserving in both off-peak hours and peak hours at weekdays and weekend,researcher can know the strengths that need to be upheld and weaknesses thatshould be improved.

Secondary data:

All the data about each restaurant turnover and result of promotion programs areprovided by Marketing and Accounting Department from Golden Gate Trade &Service JSC The writer will collect and analyze these data

According to the study result, the writer recognizes reasons of sales decrease:

 Strong competitors

Rivals of Kichi-Kichi exist on both Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City market On HaNoi market, F1 is the strongest competitor with similar products, similar conceptand similar payment procedure

Direct competitors of Kichi-Kichi Ma May are restaurants and old make shiftshops in the Old Quarter

 Wrong place

Placing in the Old Quarter, a famous tourist area, the restaurant is far from itstarget customers: office staff There is no car parking around the restaurant site.This is a reason that makes it difficult for car-driving customers to come to Kichi-Kichi Ma May

 Lack of employee

With its medium size, Kichi-Kichi Ma May used to be short of human resource atpeak hours English level of all the staffs at Kichi-Kichi Ma May is too low to serveforeign travelers

After defining sources of sales decrease, the researcher proposesrecommendations to increase turnover for Kichi-Kichi Ma May:

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 Strengthen competitive power: Improving product, price, and promotionpolicies to fit with conditions in the Old Quarter, to satisfy existing customers.

 Adjust to the Old Quarter environment: Finding new target customers such

as children and foreign tourists and satisfy them

 Attach special importance to employees training as well as the recruitment

 Saving marketing budget: by cutting off ineffective advertising channelssuch as radio along with promoting effective channels including advertising onhoarding and on internet

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Eating out is popular every day in every country Consequently, restaurantsmushroom in all kinds and forms Alone in the United State, it is expected that thiskind of business can reach return at about USD 577 million in 2010 1 Viet Nam isnot an exception Several years up to now, the mushroom growth of restaurants cansurprise anybody Because of profit objective, businesses try to attract customer byall means Thus, restaurant business is now more competitive than ever Thus, to getsuccess in this hard industry, it asks for the combination of many factors and amongthem, customer service plays an important role In the service sector, customersatisfaction is a decisive factor with the existence of a business Golden Gate is atypical company in restaurant business, and customer service is its priority care

Thus, in this study on the topic “Customer service recommendations to increase

sales for Kichi-Kichi hot pot bar restaurant on 61 Ma May street, Ha Noi” the

writer will focus on analyzing and evaluating the effects of customer serviceactivities used in Kichi-Kichi hot pot bar restaurant on 61 Ma May street fromGolden Gate from flotation up to now, and from that point of view, the writer willoffer some recommendations in order to improve customer service policy of thecompany To do these tasks, descriptive method will be used to collect allinformation, and then statistic method will be used to analyze them

This essay will be divided into four main chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction of the company with their problem

Chapter 2: Theoretical framework

Chapter 3: Analysis and Finding

Chapter 4: Recommendation

1 Art of restaurant business, Entrepreneur


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1 Golden Gate Trade & Service JSC and Kichi-Kichi system

Golden Gate Trade & Service Joint Stock Company is the international name of acompany in restaurant business which is called Cong Ty Co Phan Thuong Mai vaDich Vu Cong Vang Situating on the 4th floor in Anh Minh Building on 36 HoangCau Street, Ba Dinh District, Ha Noi, Golden Gate Trade & Service JSC consists ofmore than 500 staffs

Golden Gate Trade & Service Joint Stock Company is a foreign investedcompany operating and managing luxury restaurants They are proud of uniqueproducts, beautiful restaurants and hospitality service Golden Gate is one of thefirst companies in restaurant business with its famous brand name Ashima

Ashima is a restaurant system specializing in Mushroom Hot Pot Currently thereare 7 units throughout the country centered on Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi with oneunit in Haiphong The first Ashima Restaurant opened for business on the 3rdNovember 2005 on 44 Phan Dinh Phung Street, Hanoi Ashima mushroom hotpot isconsidered to be not only the first but also the best chain of restaurants in Vietnamspecializing in mushroom hotpot The chain now has 7 restaurants in total and can

be found in all the major cities of Vietnam, such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and

Haiphong Ashima mushroom hot pot was opened with the intention of bringing to

the Vietnamese people a new concept of eating, combined with specialized service.This has created a “mushroom wave” in Vietnam

In 2009, company started running a new kind of drinking and service: KichiKichi hot pot bar with target is fast food market segmentation With price at aboutUSD 6 each person and the slogan “eat as much as you can”, Kichi-Kichi receiveswarmly welcome from urban customers

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The first Kichi-Kichi restaurant was opened in Feb, 2009 and there are 22 unitsover country up to now, and 11 units among them are placed in Hanoi Targetcustomer is class B people who live in city, for example, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoiand other potential cities in Vietnam: Danang, Cantho, Nhatrang, etc at the agefrom 20 to 40 Company aims at administrative staff circle - accounts for about 20%population, mostly in HCMC and Hanoi – who has tendency to go eating outside,meeting with guests, colleagues, friends, and families at lunch and dinner time; andwho is interested in a restaurant with clean environment that is good at food andservice, that is convenient for their travelling, parking and the price is affordable.All the waiters and waitresses in Kichi-Kichi are young, sympathy, friendly,brisk, and good-mannered, and always ready to serve fellow dinners

Besides, the architecture of Kichi-Kichi restaurant is unique Space iscommodious, design is youthful All inspire people about dynamic and creativeyouth Along with clear and bright stone-tables, high seats make opulent feeling.The bars move with speed at twenty five dishes per minute, fast enough to not have

to wait and slow enough for anyone not to miss any dish There are red ceilingbands which are installed parallel with the moving bar You can find a red bandabove any bar The idea of red ceiling bars is based on Eastern people; especiallyVietnamese people’s conception that red is the color of luck and pleasure These redceiling are a symbol of good luck to customers from company Red is alsopreponderant color that makes impression of a space full of vitality Another designwhich is remotely related to traditional conception is rectangle mirrors coveringwood walls They are all high enough for anybody’s image not to be cut At thesame time, they cause restaurant area seems to be enlarged

Specific characteristic of Kichi-Kichi is it represents an image of young,dynamic, independent, modern, and creative Kichi-Kichi customers initiativelymake their own menu Hot pot bar makes customers feel that they hold theinitiative, taking favorite food is alike taking opportunities in life This is an eatingand drinking style of youth, a style of modern Asian – always move and ceaselesslydiscover Kichi-Kichi infused a fresh spirit and diversified Vietnam eating anddrinking culture

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2 Problem statement

From flotation, this chain of restaurant had good sales and received warmlywelcome from urban customers because of its freshness and diversification.Quantity of Kichi-Kichi customer is about 100,000 people per month, accounts for3.6% market size Possibility of market penetration is still very high, as long asKichi Kichi continues to open widely and guarantee to do what Kichi Kichi hascommitted to customer

The idea of a hot pot bar came from sushi bar invention in Japan and promptlyspread out to Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc And the pioneer who initiatedhot pot bar trend in Viet Nam is Kichi-Kichi It’s very easy to have a meal in Kichi-Kichi Customers just have to buy an opening-seat ticket, chose for themselves theirfavorite broth taste, and enjoy delectable food until full Owning uniquecharacteristics of both the traditional and the modern eating and drinking style,Kichi-Kichi brings to you not only a meal but a cultural space, a new style

This chain of restaurants provides customers with the variety of options fordinning out Instead of cooking so many dishes to satisfy every member’s demand,people now just need to go to Kichi-Kichi hot pot bar restaurant Here, people canchoose any among hundreds of dishes on non-stop moving bar that please not onlywho love fast food but also traditional customers You like pork or beef, vegetable

or sea food? Whatever you want, whatever you are interested in, you will be bestserved in Kichi-Kichi restaurant Especially, if you have a passion with Japanesecuisine, you will pleasure with delicious sushi and other Japan food cooked bytalented cooks Sake is a favorite wine in Kichi-Kichi restaurant In the case you arenot interested in alcohol, fizzy drinks may be your choice There are six tastes ofbroth consist of Thai or Sichuan, or Korea style for whom love sea food or pepperyfood, Japan style, mushroom broth for people whose taste is vegetable, and Shabubroth is the perfect choice for any food After dinning, you can order ice-cream orfruit for dessert

However, just after several months after opening, amount of customers goesdown gradually This matter happens most seriously at Kichi-Kichi Ma May

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Since flotation, sales of Kichi-Kichi Ma May is always much lower than otherunits despite ideal characteristics come from a famous tourist area Below tableshows total revenue of some restaurants in the first three months from opening.Thus, we can compare growth rate between Kichi-Kichi Ma May and others.

Kichi-Kichi Revenue in first three months from flotation (VND)

Source: Accounting Department

Table 1: Revenue of Kichi-Kichi in first 3 months from flotation

In this essay, the researcher will focus on studying reasons caused that decrease

in the aspect of customer service and then give some proposals for sales increasing

3 Research methodology

Research information are collected by descriptive and observation methods Allthe statistics are total up from customers commend cards which were drawled totable companions in all Kichi-Kichi restaurants on Hanoi market during 2009.These cards are dispensed to customers after their meal by waiters in each restaurantand then gathered in Marketing Department each Monday Collecting, reckoning

up, and comparing these figures will help the writer evaluate the effect of marketingstrategy in customer service Data of revenue and business cost are provided byAccounting and Marketing Departments The researcher studied customer behaviorwith restaurant promotion program by observing at restaurant and supervisingleaflet distribution in the road show around the Old Quarter and buildings

Primary data:

 Survey:

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The survey is carried out daily after customers’ meal Each customer will fill in acomment card which consists of both closed and opened questions The quantity ofcards depends on the customer number each day The answers for closed questionswill provide researcher with customers’ data including their personal informationsuch as name, gender, age, and communication information such as telephonenumber and e-mail address; customers’ evaluation to restaurant’s product andservice Through these answers, the writer will also know what advertising channelsare most effective in marketing restaurant’s image as well as what features canattract most customers to restaurant Besides, opened questions’ result voices thefeelings and expectations of customers to restaurant at present and in the future.

 Observation:

The researcher studies its major competitor F1by having lunches at F1 five timesincluding two times in off-peak hours and three times in peak hours The quality ofproduct and service of F1 will be exposed, so the researcher can evaluate itscompetitive power and then compare with Kichi-Kichi competitive ability

In order to find out reasons that caused the decrease in sales at Kichi-Kichi MaMay, the researcher directly comes to restaurant and observes purchasing behaviorand feelings of customers and service manner of employees Because of specialcharacteristics of a busy tourist site, working and relaxing and eating hours in theOld Quarter are later than other area Peak hours at Kichi-Kichi Ma May at lunchtime is from 12h30’ to 14h, at dinner time is from 20h to 21h30’ After two weeks(from 15th March to 28th March) observing in both off-peak hours and peak hours atweekdays and weekend, researcher can know the strengths that need to be upheldand weaknesses that should be improved

Secondary data:

All the data about each restaurant turnover and result of promotion program areprovided by Marketing and Accounting Department from Golden Gate Trade &Service JSC The writer will collect and analyze these data

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1 Customer care or customer service definition

Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during, and after apurchase According to Jamier L Scott (2002), “Customer service is a series ofactivities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feelingthat a product or service has met the customer expectation." 2

In opinion of this customer, customer service can be a high quality product withsuitable price However, another customer can consider it on-time delivery whileother customer measures it through service attitude of staffs In fact, a huge range offactors can contribute to customer satisfaction, but your customers - both consumersand other businesses - are likely to take into account: how well your product orservice matches customer needs; the value for money you offer; theprofessionalism, friendliness and expertise of your employees; how well you keepyour customers informed; and the after-sales service you provide

2 The importance of customer service to business

Customer service is normally an integral part of a company’s customer valueproposition Every time you have contact with your customers you have anopportunity to improve your reputation with them and increase the likelihood offurther sales From the point of view of an overview sales process engineeringeffort, customer service plays an important role in an organization's ability togenerate income and revenue From that perspective, customer service should beincluded as part of an overall approach to systematic improvement

Customer service plays an important part in keeping existing and making loyalcustomer, attracting potential customer, thenceforth helping company reduce costand increase turnover

Keeping existing customers and making loyal customers

2 www.wikipedia.com

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Firstly, customer service is an effective tool in keeping existing and making loyalcustomer Generally, customer is divided into two kinds: existing and potentialcustomer.

Your sales and profitability depends on keeping your customers happy It is alsocheaper than attracting new customers According to the Customer Service Institute,65% of a company's business comes from existing customers, and it costs five times

as much to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one satisfied Losing acustomer is even more expensive

According to studies by the Technical Assistance Research Programs Institute, 91%

of unhappy customers will never buy again from a company that has displeased themand will also voice their dissatisfaction to at least seven other people Thus, the goal

of customer service is customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction is what customerfeels subjectively and sometimes irrationally 3

When ordering a new service or maintaining an existing service, consumers musttake into account the following three key factors: the quality of the service, the price

of the service, and the customer service of the service provider The first two factors

are relatively objective and usually easy to control As shown by Figure 1, the

graphical representation of a market research study done a few years ago, customerservice dissatisfaction is the most important key factor when a consumer decides tochange service providers

3 www.eDigitalPhoto.com

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Figure 1: Reasons for Switching to another Vendor


Retaining existing customers mean making them keep buying company product

or service It means they are less likely to go to your competitors in the increasinglycompetitive markets where customers have more choices than ever As satisfiedcustomers, they will recommend you to other, resulting in an increase in newbusiness

It is said that it costs up to ten times as much to win a customer than to keep anexisting one When being satisfied, they are less likely to tell other people of badexperiences Customers experiencing poor service are likely to tell up to twentypeople about their experience, which is not good advertisement for your business.This may deter other from even trying you out, and so you will not get a chance to

Businesses can improve profitability by focusing their attention on their customerthat has the highest potential lifetime value

In their book Rules to Break and Laws to Follow (2008), Don Peppers andMartha Rogers, Ph.D write that “customers have memories They will rememberyou, whether you remember them or not." Further, "customer trust can be destroyed

at once by a major service problem, or it can be undermined one day at a time, with

a thousand small demonstrations of incompetence”

4 2009, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, 10 Minutes Guide: Customer Service Program

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All the customers want to receive the highest attention from supplier, want theirsupplier considers their demand as the top priority Only the fastest and mosteffective service can satisfy customers Once companies provide an excellentcustomer service, they can retain their customer and make them loyal These loyalcustomers help company retain a fixed income and even make more profit becausewhen customers are pleasured, they will buy not only more but more regular.Existing customer relationships are opportunities to increase sales because yourcustomers will already have a degree of trust in your recommendations.

Employees who deal with customers' orders should be fully aware of currentoffers and keep customers informed Sometimes brochures and other marketingmaterials are the best way of getting word out about a new customer incentive.Don't forget though that your customers' view of the overall service you providewill influence their loyalty much more than short-term rewards will

Attracting new customers

Loyal customers are so important to every business However, to exist anddevelop in this competitive environment market, business must try its best to winnew customers

The first step in attracting new customers in any economic climate is pleasingyour regulars because the word-of-mouth buzz you gain from them will be a hugeboon in attracting new business Satisfactory customers will tell others aboutexcellent service you provide that is more effective and trustworthy than anythingyou advertise or broadcast on public media

Next, you could reach your target groups by some direct means such as salespromotion, meeting, and free consultancy, etc have function is to provide newcustomers with more information about company as well as product and service,along with gain sympathy and trust from potentials To begin with, you have to letpeople know you exist – advertise yourself If people don’t know where you are andwhat you do, they can’t buy from you and you will never make enough money tostay open Advertising greatly increases your chances of success if you know whoyour customer is Then you can tell them what they want to hear However, good

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advertising techniques are useless without an effective message An effectivemessage gives people reasons to spend their money with your business

There are a number of free or nearly free ways to advertise your business orservice You could rely on word of mouth, that does not cost anything, but it mighttake a long time before word spreads

The second inexpensive method would be flyers This method can be veryeffective for certain business, but the effect does not last long Chances are theperson will take one look and throw away the flyer

The third relatively inexpensive advertising method is newspaper advertisements.You could place a small ad that runs for a few weeks in a few local newspapers.This will give you great exposure to your selling area However, the ads do not runforever unless you want to keep paying

An effective way to advertise that has a relatively low initial cost is with salespromotion Sales promotion covers a wide variety of short-term incentive tools such

as coupons, premiums, contents, buying allowances that are designed to stimulateconsumers, the trade, and the company’s own sales force

Sales-promotion spending calls for setting sales-promotion objectives, selectingsales-promotion tools, developing, presenting, and implementing the sales-promotionprograms, and evaluating the results.5

In the sales promotion strategy, promotion products are a difficult question tomany businesses What are promotional products? Promotional products are itemsthat proudly display your company's name and information Sure, the initial cost ismore than using flyers or newspaper ads, but, unlike the other methods, thepromotional product makes a lasting impression Every time customers use yourpromotion items, they will see and think about your company’s name Then whenthey are ready to make a purchase, your company's name is at the top of their mind

With the right promotional product, a small business owner will see a great return

on their investment 6

5 Philip Kotler, Principle Marketing

6 2009, http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angela_Marino

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Reducing cost and increasing sales

Good customer service can help company reduce cost It is true When customersaren't happy with your business they will complain They, however, usually won'tcomplain to you - instead, they'll probably complain to just about everyone else theyknow and take their business to your competition next time As a result, you have tofind solution to solve the trouble, and that task costs your budget On the otherhand, as mentioning above, satisfactory customers easily become loyal customers,and so you will save budget for attracting new users

Customer care is a tool increases your sales promptly Your existing customersare among the most important assets of your business - they have already chosenyou instead of your competitors Keeping their custom costs far less than attractingnew business, so it's worth taking steps to make sure that they're satisfied with theservice they receive

Existing customer relationships are opportunities to increase sales because yourcustomers will already have a degree of trust in your recommendations

Satisfied customers will contribute to your business for years, through theirpurchases and through recommendations and referrals of your business

3 Requirements on customer service.

Good customer service is all about bringing customers back And about sendingthem away happy, happy enough to pass positive feedback about your businessalong to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselvesand in their turn become repeat customers

If you’re a good salesperson, you can sell anything to anyone once But it will beyour approach to customer service that determines whether or not you’ll ever beable to sell that person anything else The essence of good customer service isforming a relationship with customers, a relationship that individual customer feelsthat he would like to pursue

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For all these above reasons, a business’s top priority task is a good customerservice How to deliver a good customer service?

Put your customer first

Firstly, be up front, even bold, in stating how your goods or services make thingsbetter for your customers, so that they can make a decision about whether to ask formore information This respects their time and attention by answering the question,

"What can you do for me?"

A customer service is considered prompt when it is carried out on time and intime When a problem related to customers’ interests appears, they want it to besolved immediately

To satisfy clients, you have to set them first The first step is to set standards.Then, make certain everyone in the company understands them Finally, rewardemployees for achieving your service goals Seek out and solve any annoyancesthey might have that could lead to poor morale

Stay close to your customers

Besides, staying close to customer is a decisive factor to quality of a business’scustomer service If you want your business to be successful, you must listen to andtalk with customers as well The best business owners are not only committed tostaying close to their clientele, but also identify with them They give theircustomers the level of service they themselves would expect to receive Moreover, agood relationship with customers necessitates paying attention to every link in thedistribution chain That means listening to everyone who helps get your products tomarket and asking them for suggestions on improving your service

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Pay attention to the details

It means that all the information about your products or your service and otherplans you provide customers must be accurate The purpose of this accuracy is toavoid misunderstandings that can make further problems to your business

Monitor the quality of your services and products constantly Satisfied customerswho spread the word about your business are the best source of new customers Payattention to pricing, customer service, product availability and prompt delivery

Besides, you should be clear about what it takes for you to deliver consistentvalue How much time? How much money? How much energy? What kind ofcommitment? What support? What resources? What else? When you know whatyou need in order to deliver good customer service, set your price, policies, andprocedures accordingly and make it easy for your customers to understand them

Give Your Customers What They Want

To succeed, you must give your customers what they want, not what you thinkthey want And, as you never know who might eventually become a customer, thatmeans providing courteous, friendly service to your suppliers and others with whomyou come in contact, as well as current customers

Critical to keeping customers happy is to understand them and the way theythink For example, customers do business on the basis of emotional desire - theywant what they want when they want it Customers also tend to gravitate toward acompany or group of people they like And, most customers have a strong tendency

to stick with businesses with which they are familiar, and are slow to change buyinghabits unless given a very good reason

Ngày đăng: 15/04/2013, 13:51

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
4. Entrepreneur review, Art of restaurant business www.tailieu.vnArticles Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Entrepreneur review
5. Ban da quan tam den chinh sach san pham? http://www.bwportal.com.vn/?cid=4,4&txtid=1934 Link
12. 2009, http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angela_Marino Link
1. Kotler, P. (1996), Principle Marketing Khác
6. 8 rules for good customer service - By Susan Ward, About.com Guide Khác
14. Series of Kichi-Kichi article on sites: www.dantri.com.vn, www.ngoisao.net, www.24h.com, www.vnexpress.com Khác



