Texle Tesng Instrument Prepared By : Mazadul Hasan sheshir ID: 2010000400008 13 th Batch (session 2009-2013) Department : Wet Processing Technology Email: mazadulhasan@yahoo.com Blog : www. Textilelab.blogspot.com (visit) Southeast University Department Of Textile Engineering I/A 251,252 Tejgaon Dhaka Bangladesh Prepared By : Total Texle Process at a Glance No Machine Descripon ! " #$ ! ! % &'( ) $*++),,, - . / 0 , 1 !23 3 3 03 " % No Machine Descripon ) - / &4*2 , 5&46 (6. ( (78 " 9 % # 2 ) :#!$; - &42< / 6!*!0 , !0 ! 00 (!$= ! *> !5 ! 3?1311'4@&4'.@.A&3? 1&&&@42?A&3?1&@$913B?'4@ 2&3?'44&?4&CCC?@ 3A&3.9&&141@ Introducon 1. Checking Raw Materials 2. Monitoring Production 3. Assessing the Final Product 4. Investigation of Faulty Material 5. ProductDevelopment and Research Reasons for Texle Tesng GSM_Cu#er Marndale_Abrasion_cum_Pilling_Tester Manual-Crockmeter [...]... Permeability Tester Rainproof Tester Moisture Analyzer Fineness Meter Softness Tester Brightness Color Tester Lab Conditioner Fabric_Thickness_Gauge Water_Repellency_Tester Yarn_Strength_Tester Tensile _Testing_ Machine Tearing_strength_tester Sublimation_Fastness_Teser Stiffness Tester Light_Fastness_Tester Washing Fastness Tester . Tesng Instrument Prepared By : Mazadul Hasan sheshir ID: 2010000400008 13 th Batch (session 2009-2013) Department : Wet Processing Technology Email: mazadulhasan@yahoo.com Blog : www. Textilelab.blogspot.com. mazadulhasan@yahoo.com Blog : www. Textilelab.blogspot.com (visit) Southeast University Department Of Textile Engineering I/A 251,252 Tejgaon Dhaka Bangladesh Prepared By : Total Texle Process at