UNIT 1: FAMILY LIFE Period: 3 Class: 10D1 Teaching date: I. Objectives: !" !# ##$ ! %" #$ II. Contents: ###$ &! ' $ (%$ # %"$ # III. Teaching aids: )'%* IV. Procedures: Teacher/Students Contents 1. Warm-up questions )(%! '%+ ,+- #. /+ !!.$. suggested answers ,+) #$ +) # +)# #" # /+) !!% #+ 2. Choosing the best title ) #" * # + )$ # ! %%#' ##% !' )%# $ *# ##0# $'+ Answers: c 3. guessing the meaning of words from context )##$ '* $##$ 1%1 '+ $ ! % #$ )2'! $ !+ Answers: /+%+%2+%3+ 4. guessing the meaning of reference from context )$ ! " $it + $ % it $ Answers: ,+/+% 5. Answer the ) (* Answers: questions ( $ (% "#$ + $ ! $ '+4*2$ * $ *) + ,+5 /*/* /+! /*6*7 +! /*" 2+! *,*/ 6. Discussion )#$ #0 %( Problems **%*! V. Homework: )%$ # *###( ,+0! % #$ . /+0$ .-. + !!$$ .-. 2+-$ $. 3+ ! $ .-. 6+-%"#$$ .8$! *! !!9: Exercises in workbook:2*3*6 . *) + ,+5 /*/* /+! /* 6* 7 +! /*" 2+! *,*/ 6. Discussion )#$ #0 . $ .-. 6+ -%"#$$ .8$! *! !!9: Exercises in workbook:2*3* 6