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10 topics speaking B1 thi đầu ra cao học bach khoa ha noi

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Đây là các chủ đề trong thi nói B1 của Đại học bách khoa Hà Nội, Topic 1: Describe a city you have visited which has impressed you Topic 2: Describe an environmental problem in your country Topic 3: Talk about something you’ve bought that you were very happy with Topic 4: Describe a travel experience you have had Topic 5: Describe the role of the women in your family Topic 6: Describe an event or activity that has made you happy Topic 7: Describe a person who has influenced your life Topic 8: Describe a place that has special meaning to you Topic 9: Describe a movie that made a strong impression on you Topic 10: Describe a show or performance (with dancers or a singer or actors) which you enjoy watching.

1 10 topics speaking Topic 1: Describe a city you have visited which has impressed you You should say: - where it is situated: - why you visited it - what you like about it and explain why this city impressed you In the summer of 2010, I had a good time in Nha Trang City. I and my friend went to NhaTrang by plane. We stayed in a hotel near the beach for 4 days. This city is small but veryclean and romantic. It lies along the coast. The largest street of Nha Trang- Tran PhuStreet- is along the beach. Nha Trang is said to be one of the most beautiful and romanticcities in Vietnam. During the time in Nha Trang, we visited some famous places such as;Vinpearl Island, Pogana pagoda…, enjoyed some local food and took mud bath. It was arelaxing and impressive trip in my life. The sand beaches with blue water ang small islandaround are very impressive to me. I will come back to this city when I can. Topic 2: Describe an environmental problem in your country You should say: -what the problem is -how you have learned about this problem -who or what is affected by this problemand explain what you think could be done about it More and more people are rushing to big cities. That burderns these cities. I think that it isdifficult and unpleasant to live in a big city. First, the streets are always overcrowded,traffic is so heavy. Traffic jam and traffic accidents happen very often. The 2 air is polluted.All the people living in big cities suffer from the bad effects of bad enviroment, easily getsick and stressed. Second, the city is much more expensive than in the countryside sopeople spend more and save less. Last, city life is very dangerous, the city people,especially the young, always have to face many social vices. Topic 2: Talk about something you’ve bought that you were very happy with You should say: - what it was. Describe it - why you bought itwhere you kept it and explain why you were so happy with it I have just bought an Ipad. It is an Apple. I need to buy it because Ipad is one of the mostuseful devices in my daily life. First, it is a means of getting materials and information formy work and study. Second, it is very useful and convenient because it helps me workmore quickly and effectively such as; typing and printing the documents or storing data,checking emails, downloading necessary materials. Besides, my Ipad is a good means ofentertainments, for example listening to music, watching films, reading E- books…whenever I like because I often take it with me. Topic 3: Describe a travel experience you have had You should say: - where you went and how you got there - why you went to this place - how you heard about this placeand describe what you liked or didn’t like about this place Last weekend, I and my family went on vacation in Hoa Binh province for 2 days;Saturday and Sunday. We left home very early in the morning, drove all the way andarrived in Hoa Binh at 9 a.m. We visited Ban Lac in Mai Chau- a famous area for 3 tourists,took many photos of Ban Lac and its residents‟daily work. We walked aroud Ban Lac toenjoy its beauty and bought local craft. In the evening, we had dinner with residentsaround a big fire. We both ate the local food - „lam‟ rice and drank local drink - „can‟alcohol. In the late evening, we joined in „sap‟ dance with young men and women. Wesang, danced and laughed a lot. We all liked this trip so much because we had a great timethere. We might come back there in a short time Topic 5: Describe the role of the women in your family You should say: - what tasks the women in your family do at home - whether the women in your family have jobs - which family members are responsible for taking care of childrenand discuss whether or not the life styles of the women in your family are typical inVietnamese families Nowadays, the role of women in Vietnam has changed positively. They play an importantrole both in their family and in society. In family, they are loving mothers and wives, goodcooks. They do the housework, take care of their children and husbands very well, educatetheir children and sort out family problems if any. Whenever their children or husbandsare in trouble, they are good advisors for their husbands, good teacher for their children. Insociety, they go to work, earn money as their husbands do. Many women are now in highsocial positions. If they are very successful anf powerful, they still know how to keep theirhome warm and happy. Topic 6: Describe an event or activity that has made you happy You should say: - what this event or activity is - how often you have participated in this event or activity 4 - whether you would do it more often if you couldand explain how your life has been enriched by this event or activity I am very active. I don‟t like a quiet life so I like all festivals, office acitivies, familyevents. Of them, I am most interested in family activities, especially attending birthdayparties of my family members. When I am invited to a birthday party, I feel very happyand excited. I help prepare the party if required. I prepare food and drink, arrange flowersand party table. To attend the party, I always dress well, arrive a bit early. I join all theaccivities if anyat the party such as; singing, dancing, telling jokes and funny stories. Afterattending such a joyful party, I feel happier, sleep better, behave people better, too. Topic 7: Describe a person who has influenced your life You should say: - who this person is - how and when you met them - how you feel about this personand explain how this person has influenced your life My mother is the person that influences me most in my life. She is now 70 years old, fatbut still active and clever. She is my loving mother, of course. She is also like my bestfriend and my good teacher. When I was a little girl/boy, she looked after me, my sleep,my meals, my playing. When I grew older, she taught me, took me to the shops, movietheatres. When I was a grown-up, she told how to make friends, helped me how to dealwith my problems. Whenever I am in need, she is the first person I ask for advices. It isvery lengthy if I tell you all about her. I feel happy and lucky to be her daughter/son. Topic 8: Describe a place that has special meaning to you You should say: 5 - What kind of place it is and where it is - What it look like - What things you associate with itand explain why you particularly like the place The place that has a special meaning to me is my bedroom. It is the place where I sleepevery night. In addition to that, my bedroom is like my small library where I can do somereading; books, newspapers, magazines or I can listen to music without bothering the otherfamily members. My bedroom can be the place where I can text my close friends when Ilike that. I love this place because of another reason. My beedroom is the only place whereI can sit and lie freely as I want. Besides, I can decorate my beedrrom in a way I like most.I love my bedroom so much. When I am away from home, I always miss my bed room andwant to come back home as soon as possible. Topic 9: Describe a movie that made a strong impression on you You should say: - which movie it was - what movie was about - who the main stars wereand what it was about this movie that made such impact on you My favourite kinds of movies are romance and comedy. Romance brings about goodfeelings, comforts my soul, helps me relax and destress. I think everybody is moved by abeautiful love story and I am not an exception. My favorite movie is “ Gone with thewind”. This film is about a pretty and strong girl who tries her best to overcome difficultyin her life and find her happiniess. She is very gentle and cheerful in her daily life butstrong and thorny in hard situations. I can lean something from her behaviour and 6 herpersonality.Watching this film, I also know more about the US Civil War and the USsociety during that time. It is the most interesting film I have ever seen. Topic 10: Describe a show or performance (with dancers or a singer or actors) which you enjoy watching. You should say: - What kind of performance it was - where and when the performance took place - who the performance wasand explain why you enjoyed watching this performance I like watching reality shows and programs on TV very much. Of them, I am veryinterested in the program named “We seem never to be seperated”. This program is madeby Thu Uyen and her partners. This program is live broadcast on last Saturday everymonth. This is a humane and useful program. It helps many missing people find theirfamily. TV viewers are deeply moved by many reunions after a long time. People highlyvalue and support this program. I like this program because it makes me feel lucky andhappy, live better, try to do something to help our community . 1 10 topics speaking Topic 1: Describe a city you have visited which has impressed you You should say: - where it is situated: - why you visited it - what you like about. to keep theirhome warm and happy. Topic 6: Describe an event or activity that has made you happy You should say: - what this event or activity is - how often you have participated in this. something you’ve bought that you were very happy with You should say: - what it was. Describe it - why you bought itwhere you kept it and explain why you were so happy with it I have just bought

Ngày đăng: 21/07/2015, 11:25

