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Đề cương phụ đạo-bồi dưỡng Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày dạy: 19/3/2011 GV: Lê Tấn Phong 1. The children, …………………parents work late, are taken home by bus. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 2. She doesn’t understand………………………I am saying. A. which B. who C. whom D. what 3. The place ……………………we spent our holiday was really beautiful. A. which B. who C. in where D. where 4.He will take us to the town………………………we can see old temples. A. which B. where C. whom D. in where 5. They would like to live in a country……there is plenty of snow in winter. A. which B. where C. whom D. in where 6.My uncle, …………………you met at the party, is a lawyer. A. which B. who C. whom D. that 7.Dien Bien Phu is the place…our army won resounding victory in 1954. A. which B. that C. what D. where 8.The woman…………son is studying at Hanoi University of Technology is a teacher. A. that B. whose C. which D. who 9.Hue city, …………………is an old capital, attracts millions of tourists every year. A. which B. who C. whom D. that 10.This is the school ……………………my father used to teach. A. which B. that C. what D. where 11. what I said last night, I still respect you. A. Until B. Despite C. Although D. Even though 12. the traffic was bad, I arrived on time. A. Despite B. In spite of C. But D. Although 13. A lot of things went wrong I had planned everything carefully. A. but B. because C. although D. in spite of 14. I don’t like stories have unhappy endings. A. that B. who C. in which D. whose 15. The man came from Vinh was the guide for our group during my holiday. A. whom B. which C. whose D. who 16. I recently went back to the town I was born. A. which B. where C. in where D. at where 17. My classmate, I wanted to see, was on holiday. A. whom B. which C. that D. whose 18. That’s the old lady husband won the Nobel Prize. A. whose B. who C. whom D. that 19. Did he explain went wrong? A. that B. what C. where D. when 20. I’m looking forward to the programmer is on after the news. A. it B. its C. which D. whose 21. I told the policeman had happened. A. that B. what C. where D. when 22. I never forgot the time we spent the holiday together. A. when B. that C. in which D. what 23. Peter works for a company…………………makes computers. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 24. What is the name of the girl……………………bicycle was stolen. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 25.She walked home by herself, ……………she knew that it was dangerous. A. because B. although C. and D. but 26. He got wet…………………he forgot his umbrella. A. because of B. because C. but D. and 27. They have a lot of difficulties in their life…………………their poverty. A. in spite of B. although C. because D. because of 28. Nobody could hear her…………………she spoke too quietly. A. although B. because C. because of D. in spite of 29. He left home early …………………he could arrive at the station on time. A. because of B. in order to C. although D. so that 30. He works hard………………… help his family. A. so as that B. in order to C. in order that D. so that Lưu hành nội bộ Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10 Đề cương phụ đạo-bồi dưỡng Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày dạy: 19/3/2011 GV: Lê Tấn Phong 31. He lighted the candle ………………… he might read the note. A. so that B. and C. because D. as a result 32. I’m learning Japanese …………………I don't like it. A. because B. so C. but D. although 33. People should save energy …………………the shortage of the natural resources. A. because B. because of C. in spite of D. despite 34. She is very tired ………………… she tried to finish her homework. A. because B. but C. and D. so 35. I didn't come to the party because I had to look …………………her younger sister. A. at B. after C. for D. up II. Rewrite sentences , beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same: 1. He was very busy. He helped me Although ………………………………………………………………… 2. I can’t buy a new dictionary because I don’t have enough money. If I ………………………………………………………………………… 3. They use electricity to catch fish. I suggest …………………………………………………………………… 4. The man is my uncle. You met him yesterday. The man whom …………………………………………………………… 5. The children are tired. The children go on their work Though ……………………………………………………………………. 6. We have a party outdoors even though the weather is bad. In spite of ………………………………………………………………… 7. My cat has black fur. Her eyes are very beautiful. My cat whose ……………………………………………………………… 8. Bill Grate is unhappy even though he has a huge money. Despite …………………………………………………………………… 9. After I had brushed my teeth, I went to bed. Before ……………………………………………………………………… 10. I couldn’t go to school yesterday because I had a headache. Because of ………………………………………………………………… III. Write a complete letter of complaint, using the cue words 1. I / write / you terrible smell / sea-product factory / my neighborhood. 2. When / factory / produce / it / have / smell and lots of flies. 3. I / suggest / the local authorities / stop / move it / the countryside. 4. I / look forward / see / answer. 5. Sincere / the people around this factory. Dear Mr. President, 1…………………………………………………………………………… 2…………………………………………………………………………… 3…………………………………………………………………………… 4…………………………………………………………………………… 5…………………………………………………………………………… 1. I/ write/ you/ the pollution/ make/ factory/ near/ our houses. 2. They/ produce/ so/ much/ smoke/ we/ not/ breathe. 3. They/ also make/ river/ behind/ our houses/ dirty/ chemical waste. 4. I/suggest/ local authority/ make/ them/ stop/ polluting activities. 5. I/look forward/ hear/ you/ see/ your solution. Dear Mr. President, 1…………………………………………………………………………… Lưu hành nội bộ Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10 Đề cương phụ đạo-bồi dưỡng Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày dạy: 19/3/2011 GV: Lê Tấn Phong 2…………………………………………………………………………… 3…………………………………………………………………………… 4…………………………………………………………………………… 5…………………………………………………………………………… Sincerely IV. How can Recycling Save Energy ? Recycling means to use something again. Newspapers can be used to make new newspapers. Aluminum cans can be used to make new aluminum cans. Glass jars can be used to make new glass jars. Recycling often saves energy and natural resources through conservation.(bảo tồn) It almost always takes less energy to make a product from recycled materials than it does to make it from new materials. Using recycled aluminum scrap to make new aluminum cans, for example, uses 95 percent less energy than making aluminum cans from bauxite, the raw material used to make aluminum (nhơm). Natural resources are riches provided courtesy of Mother Nature. Natural resources include land, plants, minerals, and water. By using materials more than once, we conserve natural resources. In the case of paper, recycling saves trees and water. Making a ton of paper from recycled stock save up to 17 trees and uses 50 percent less water. 1. What does recycle mean ? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. What does recycling save ? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. Does it take less energy to make a product from recycled materials than from new materials ? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What do natural resources include ? ………………………………………………………………………… 5. How do we conserve natural resources ? ………………………………………………………………………… 6. How many trees does making a ton of paper from recycled stock save up ? …………………………………………………… …………………… Thất vọng vì………?????????? Kính thưa qúi thầy cơ cùng các em học sinh chân chính ! Gần đây tơi có upload một số bài lên trang Violet với mục đích được cùng chia sẽ những kinh nghiệm cùng q đồng nghiệm cũng như tặng cho các em một số bài tập làm thêm. Ngồi ra tơi khơng hề có mục đích gì xấu hay kinh doanh gì cả.Thế mà tơi ln bị một số em học sinh quấy rầy khơng thương tiết… số là tơi có để lại địa chỉ mail và số điện thoại trên các bài đó (để tiện trao đổi thơi) nhưng các em này lại nhá máy cho tơi liên tục (khơng kể thời gian) buộc lòng tơi phải gọi lại thì các em mới Lưu hành nội bộ Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10 Đề cương phụ đạo-bồi dưỡng Tiếng Anh 9 Ngày dạy: 19/3/2011 GV: Lê Tấn Phong bắt máy, có em hỏi bài, hỏi cách giải, nhưng lại có em thì khơng trả lời, có em thì vung tục với tơi bằng những lời vơ cùng khó nghe… có em thì bảo ra đề chi khó thế…rồi tắt máy… sự việc này xãy ra với tơi suốt 10 ngày nay. Tơi cài chặn cuộc gọi đến cũng khơng giải quyết nỗi. Tơi thật sự thất vọng…… và tơi khơng hiểu tại sao tơi phải gặp chuyện phiền này!!!!!!!!!!! Ai có cách nào khắc phục xin giúp dùm! Số máy của những em này là: 01885376990/ 0746510894/ 01297727427/ 01699390865 /0972117665 / 0976790643 / 01239308750…0975048599 Lưu hành nội bộ Tài liệu ôn thi vào lớp 10 . of paper from recycled stock save up ? …………………………………………………… …………………… Thất vọng vì………?????????? Kính thưa qúi thầy cơ cùng các em học sinh chân chính ! Gần đây tơi có upload một số bài lên trang Violet. như tặng cho các em một số bài tập làm thêm. Ngồi ra tơi khơng hề có mục đích gì xấu hay kinh doanh gì cả.Thế mà tơi ln bị một số em học sinh quấy rầy khơng thương tiết… số là tơi có để lại địa

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2015, 00:00

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