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de thi hsg tinh 2002-2003

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ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH Năm học 2002-2003 A.VOCABULARY& GRAMMAR (30 points) I.Put a word from the list into each space, in a comparative form. Some words can be used more than once (9p) convenient easy exciting expensive interesting relaxing sociable good I’m not sure whether watching films is better than reading books, or not. Books are certainly (1) …. than films and probably (2)…. too (because you keep them). On the other hand, some films are (3)…. because of the special effects, although some people say that books can be just as (4) …. . Going to see a film is a (5) …. activity than sitting alone and reading, it’s true. But if you don’t like a book, it’s much (6)…. to stop reading it than it is to leave the cinema! Some books are (7) …. than others, just as films are. Personally, I find a good film (8)…. than reading if I’m tired, but in general I think books are (9)…. . 1.……………………… 2. ……………………… 3. ……………………… 4. ……………………… 5. ……………………… 6. ……………………… 7. ……………………… 8. ……………………… 9. ……………………… II.Choose an adj from the list on the left and put it with a preposition from the list on the right to complete the sentences. Use each adj once only. The first one has been done as example.(10p) √close afraid famous good preferable √to of short similar grateful full sorry tired for at Ex: The shop is close to the park. 1.Could you lend me $30?_I’m a bit………………………… money at the moment. 2.I’m afraid I’m not very ………………………… speaking Italian but I’ll do my best. 3.I’m ………………………… doing the same thing all the time! Can’t we do something different? 4.At night that tree is ………………………… birds. The noise makes it different for me to sleep. 5.Her dress is very ………………………… mine. Only the belt is different. 6.Having a boring job is ………………………… having no job at all. 7.The town is ………………………… its museum. People come from all over the world to visit it. 8.We had to go by sea because he’s ………………………… flying. 9.It’s very kind of you. We’re very ………………………… all your help. 10.Everybody felt very ………………………… him aftter his terrible accident. III.Put each verb in blankets into the passive voice in a suitable tense.(11p) Now that we have settled into our new house, I thought I’d tell you all about it. Before we bought it, it (0.own) was owned by a foreigner, and (1.not live in)…. for a long time. So we have been very busy redecorating! Since we moved in, all the rooms (2.paint)…., and the garden (3.reorganize)… But we have had a few prolems. Last week the electricity (4.cut off) ….,and nothing could (5.do) …. until the bill (6.pay)… Next month some workmen are coming to do some building work. One wall in the living room (7.knock down)…., and the room (8.make)…. larger. Then perhaps we’ll have some peace and quiet. We (9.visit)…. b some of the neighbors, but we (10.not invite back)…. by any one of them yet. I suppose they wanted to see what (11.do)…. to the house. Your answer 1.……………… 2.……………… 3.……………… 4.……………… 5.……………… 6.……………… 7.……………… 8.……………… 9.……………… 10……………… 11……………… B.READING (25 points) I.Reading the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. (7p) CAMPING Camping is an activity in which people live temporarily in the outdoors. Campers participate in fishing, hunting, swimmimg, plant study, wildlife watching, and nature photography. It provides physical benefits when it involves hiking to, from and around a campsite, and many people believe that camping makes youngsters feel more confident. People throughout the world enjoy hiking to wildness campsites. This activity is called backpacking because it involves carrying such essential camping gear as a tent, food, clothing, and sleeping bag on the back I a bag called a backpack. Backpackingis the best suited for those who are in good physical condition as it may require walking for several miles. The key to any enjoyable camping trip is planning. A decision on where to camp depends on personal preference, but planning the trip before leaving help campers avoid preventable accidents. Many situations – bad weather, injury, or simply a crowded campsite – are less alarmimg if campers are perpared. True False 1.Camping helps people enjoy outdoor activities and nature. 2.The only purpose of camping is to have pleasure. 3.Camping not only strengthens your health but also makes you feel confident. 4.A form of camping is called backpacking because it involves to wildness campsites. 5.Backpacking is suited for every one. 6.Careful planning can help campers avoid trouble. 7.A crowded campsite is good for all campers. II.Read the following story carefully and then answer the questions that follow. (8p) THE SHAWL This story happened in Philadelphia towards the end of the nineteenth century. One winter evening Dr.S.Weir Michell sat down in an armchair and started reading a book, but after an exhausting day at the surgery, he soon felt asleep. A short while later he woke up suddenly when heard a doorbell ringing. There was a girl standing on the doorstep. It was cold and snow was falling, but she was wearing only a thin shawl around her shoulders and she was shivering.“ My mother is very ill,” she said. “Please come.” Walking through the dark and snowy streets was not easy, but eventually the came to an old apartment building and the girl led the doctor up to a room on the third floor. There was a woman lying on the bed and the doctor recognized her as a former servant of his. After examining her, he took out his notepad and looked around for the girl. “Where’s your daughter?” he asked the woman. I need her to go for some medicine.” “My daughter?” She said in surprise. “My daughter died a month ago.” “But that’s impossible,” said the doctor. “She came to fetch me. I saw her. She was wearing a shawl.” “My daughter’s shoes and her shawl are in there,”said the woman, pointing to a small cupboard. The doctor stopped writing out the prescription and went to a cupboard. He saw the girl’s shawl lying on the shelf. It was folded and dry. It clearly had not been worn that night. Questions: 1.When and where did the incident take place? 2.What was the weather like that night? How did the girl feel? Why so? 3.What was the relationship between the doctor and the woman? 4.Why did the woman show the doctor that her daughter’s shoes and shawl were in a cupboard? 5.Who was the girl who came to the doctor’s house? 6.Give a(n) synonym / equivalent / explanation of the following words or phrases from the test a. a shawl = b. exhausting = c. was shivering = d. eventually = e. medicine = f. prescription = III.Fill each of numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space. The first one has been done for you.(10p) Everyone is becoming aware that the enviroment is a (0)serious issue. However, we have not done (1)….to deal with this prolem because we seem to wait for the governments to (2) ….actions. In my opinion, individuals can do many things to help (3)…. the prolem. To begin (4)…., we can be more responsible in the (5)….we dispose of water. We should not throw rubbish into lakes and (6)…. Moreover, we also need to (7)….the water we use. Fresh water (8) …. drinking is running out in many (9)…. of the world. Finally, I think that if we use (10)…. transport more we can reduce air pollution in cities. Your answer: 1.…………… 2. …………… 3. …………… 4. …………… 5. …………… 6. …………… 7. …………… 8. …………… 9. …………… 10………… C.WRITING (25points) I.Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.(6p) 1.The dentist will have to take out the infected tooth. →The infected tooth 2.Driving on the left feels strange to me. →I’m not used 3.Henry regretted buying that old car. →Henry wished 4.We want to visit a museum. It opens at 12:00. →The museum 5.A boy’s bicycle was taken. He went to the police station. →The boy 6.As a correspondent, Jack could write very fast. →Because II.The sentence in column A, when combined, tell a story. Tell the story by rewriting the sentences in the spaces provided in column B, keeping the meaning of the original sentences with the words given in the column B. Make only those changes which are necessary. The first one has been done for you.(5p) Column A Column B (0)We sensed Mary’s anxiety so we asked her what was wrong. (0)Sensing her anxienty, we asked her what was wrong. (1)She was on the verge of tears when she told us that she had lost her purse. (1)On………………………………………… ……………………………………………… (2)“We’ll help you look for it,” we promised, trying to comfort her. (2)We tired………………………………… ……………………………………………… (3)Suddenly, the phone rang and Mary swiftly picked up the receiver. (3)With………………………………………. ……………………………………………… (4)She turned around to tell us the good news and she was brimming with joy. (4)Brimming…………………………………. ……………………………………………… (5)A stranger had found her purse and had handed it over to the police. (5)Her………………………………………… ……………………………………………… III.Write a paragraph (of about 150 words) in which you suggest several ways to protect the environment of your school. You can use the cues and the words / phrases that state an opinion and the list points below.(14p) - not throw rubbish inside and outside classroom. - put wastes in dustbins. - not write or draw on desks or walls. - water trees and plants in the school regularly and plant more trees. - clean classrooms every day. - not eat in classrooms and make too much noise at school. *Expressions stating an opinion In my opinion, / As I see it, / To my mind, / Personally, I think that, / *Expressions listing points In the first place, / To begin with, / Furthermore, / Moreover, / Finally, / Lastly, / . very busy redecorating! Since we moved in, all the rooms (2.paint)…., and the garden (3.reorganize)… But we have had a few prolems. Last week the electricity (4.cut off) ….,and nothing could. enjoyable camping trip is planning. A decision on where to camp depends on personal preference, but planning the trip before leaving help campers avoid preventable accidents. Many situations – bad weather,. woke up suddenly when heard a doorbell ringing. There was a girl standing on the doorstep. It was cold and snow was falling, but she was wearing only a thin shawl around her shoulders and she

Ngày đăng: 03/05/2015, 08:00

