RENEWABLE ENERGY IN VIETNAM - POTENTIAL AND PROSPECT. Ho Son Lam Institute for Materials Science Applications. Currently, energy issues and environmental concerns are all the world. In the process of producing energy from fossil raw materials is always accompanied by the formation of unwanted gases. This is the main gases cause warming of the earth, leading to climate change. Optimal solution for this problem is to have a change in perception as well as our action on energy. Renewable energy is the way to help us with energy and environmental protection. Raw materials for renewable energy in Vietnam is very rich, including solar, wind, hydroelectric energy and geothermal energy from biomass The potential and advantages of renewable energy in Vietnam is currently being exploited and used at low levels, not to mention the new forms of energy for future generations. I. BACKGROUND: In the scientific conference "Bioenergy policy and technology" in October 2008 due representation to the south of the MOST and KITECH organization, we had the opportunity to present the report "Research results baits are not experimental technology to produce biodiesel from waste vegetable oil in Vietnam "[1]. Since then, many issues related to renewable energy have also been studies and surveys to define a strategy to develop higher level, to meet the demand for energy development in Vietnam, as well as worldwide. In addition to fuels of biological origin such as ethanol (biofuel), diesel (bio- diesel), air composting waste (Biogas), there are other forms of renewable energy from wind (Wind Power), solar ( Solar Power), wave energy (Wave Power), geothermal (Geothermoelectric) and energy from water (Hydroelectric). These are energy sources that Vietnam is blessed with a generous way. Variable potential of this energy source a reality, not only is the task of scientists but also the responsibility of the agencies set guidelines and policies of the State of the State management agencies , of the enterprises in the field of fuel and energy. The selection of renewable energy to invest, need to be studied carefully on all fronts, including environmental issues and economics should be put first. Overall, renewable energy sources are cleaner than energy from oil, however, the downside of it is not there. Depending characteristics of each country, depending on level of position and geographical characteristics of each country, the impact of it will be big or small. Choose to be a promising direction for the future is difficult but not impossible. II. STATUS OF RESEARCH AND FIELD APPLICATIONS RENEWABLE ENERGY IN THE WORLD AND VIETNAM. According to the scientists [2], starting from 2050, mainly energy source would be solar, wind and geothermal, account for over 43%. Meanwhile, energy from fossil fuels to go only about 25%, nuclear energy accounted for 15%, 12% of energy from biomass, hydroelectric energy from 5%. Energy structure analysis above, we allow lysis and find practical basis for planning and work study, production of green energy. Global Energy Conference held in Bonn - Germany (2004) set out the agreed targets by 2020 20% of total global electricity production by renewable energy. Renewable sources are solar energy, its potential energy, kinetic energy of wind, biomass (biomass) etc The energy has been used since the early civilization, before the fossil energy resources are exploited. However, environmental concerns recently to promote the effective application of them. Renewable forms of energy including typical [3]: II.1. Solar energy Solar maximum intensity at about 1 kW/m2 is a clean energy source, no emission. Because solar energy exists only in the daytime under favorable weather conditions, the energy storage is needed for continuous use. Because it has so little energy density acquisition region should have a large area. Its use can be divided into two methods: (1) Use direct heat radiation and (2) Generate electricity through photovoltaic cells. II.1.1. Use direct heat radiation The acquisition system solar thermal energy is widely used to boil water in the family. They have a flat structure and are usually mounted on the roof to generate hot water for the family needs. The vacuum tube and the curved reflective surface is used to generate the high heat flow for power generation. Currently, the products of this type have been a number of enterprises producing and selling pretty much on the market. The distillation equipment used solar energy on a small scale is used for desalination purposes in some areas without fresh water. The dryer using solar energy in various forms are used in agriculture in the process of harvesting. The solar thermal generators are operating in a few pilot projects, focused use of a concave parabolic surface, the generator disk or device to create this high heat flow for running the turbine generator , solar stove is used in some limited applications in isolated areas such as mountain climbing. II.1.2. Photoelectric effect The power generation using photovoltaic effect of semiconductor materials was developed to provide starting power for remote areas as well as for spacecraft. Because of its clean natural environment, the production and application of solar cells was clearly expanded in recent years. The most common application is the solar home system (SHS) with solar panels placed on roofs, followed by the installation of public facilities such as signal directions and information of national emergency cap.Mot country has a large program on solar energy, as Americans have the program a million solar roofs, the Japanese program 150,000 solar roofs, a European program 600,000 solar roofs. Vietnam is located in the tropics, the average hours of sunshine around 2000-2500 hours per year with a total energy of solar radiation on average 150kCal/cm2/nam, potential theory is evaluated about 43.9 billion tons oil equivalent (TOE) per year. Vietnam also has many models of ecological houses, eco-village Solar power has been present in the islands and remote areas across the country. Vietnam has a solar power are plentiful, especially in the southern region. Radiation level in this area range from about 3 to 4.5 kWh/m2/ngay in winter, to 4.5 to 6.5 kWh/m2/ngay summer. Solar energy is considered to have great potential in providing electricity to remote areas, remote areas, where there is no national grid. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 3000 solar system, with a capacity to 1.500Wp 500Wp (Wp - maximum capacity of a solar unit at the time of the noon day sun) was been installed in hospitals, schools, power stations for fiber optic lines and the household (total solar deployed not exceed 1 MWp). Most power stations are located in the project due to the support of international organizations (SELF, Rockeffeler Fund, organized by CASE Australia, North Rhine Westphalia in Germany ). Research Program Generators with solar heat has also been approved by the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology and funded. II.2. Energy Water Potential production of electricity from water (hydro) accounted for about 7% of electricity production in the world. Cost to build a hydroelectric power plant and related infrastructure is quite large, however, overall costs can be reduced thanks to a long service time of it. Hydropower has been in Vietnam for quite some time and now, many small and medium hydropower plants have been built. However, the construction of large dams as well as the construction of many hydropower stations have caused changes in the environment, causing local flooding many areas, deforestation and shrinking natural habitat . Mekong River Commission's member countries have also recommended the construction of large dams will cause impacts to downstream areas. Production of small-scale hydropower is often beneficial in rural areas to provide local electricity network. In developed countries, the implementation of this means there is often subsidized by the government (or other financial support and international technical). To provide stable flow and pressure head effect, it provides infrastructure such as dams and pipelines for water distribution has large potential energy into the turbine. Small hydro is a hydroelectric station with an output of 200 W to 10,000 KW. With a system of small streams of thick, Vietnam really has the potential of this energy. Currently there are about 120,000 small hydroelectric stations, mainly due to private investment, with a total capacity estimated at 20MW, supplying 65 to 120 million kWh of electricity annually to more than 130,000 households in mountainous areas and highlands of Vietnam. II.3. Wind Energy History of using wind energy has many centuries ago. Many different types of windmills have been used in most agricultural applications. Improving water pump driven by the low speed windmill still useful in remote areas where power use is not practical. To deal with environmental issues, the technology to produce electricity by wind turbines has been studied thoroughly in two decades. Because electricity generated by windmills is proportional to the cubic wind speed, so we only use this method in areas where wind speed annual average of not less than 5m / s. The cost of an electrical equipment manufacturer as an ideal wind speed is greater than 6 m / s. If the use of modern turbines, we often choose the type of 2 or 3 wings for higher performance. Because power is proportional to the square of the length of the turbine blade diameter should be larger, smaller production costs. In 2005, there were a total 58,982 MW of wind capacity installed worldwide. Wind Energy Association estimated in 2010 the world will have 120,000 MW installed worldwide. Current contribution of wind power last 1% of total electricity production worldwide, but with some water and some wind energy sector is accounted for 20% or more of total national power output . With this country in the near future wind energy would become "pillars" of the national electricity system. According to initial survey data, the potential of wind energy is measured in different regions of Vietnam are as follows: in the island is 860-1410 kWh/m2/nam; coastal areas (Ky Anh, Cua Tung, Binh Dinh, Tuy Hoa, Cam Ranh, Vung Tau) 800-1000 kWh/m2/nam; a number of areas in the interior: 500-800 kWh/m2/nam. Recently there was a power station with wind energy being built at Bach Long Vi Island (ODA Spanish). In Binh Dinh is also underway to build a power plant run by wind energy. It is expected the first phase of the project will be completed later this year with a capacity of 15 MW. The second phase of the project will increase capacity to 35 MW and 50 MW is the third stage. It is considered as power projects on the largest windmills in Vietnam today. However, the downside of wind energy should also be considered. In Europe, many fields of lush fruits, after the electric field was turned into the wind, the trees become ragged, ruined. This change is due to the operation of the turbine caused. In Vietnam, Central Region and coastal storms are usually large, each year about 10-15 storms and tropical low pressure, causing much damage to the economy. Therefore, the need to calculate the wind power station on the safe and effective, should not be run by the movement. Rice-growing areas of crops or vast plains of northern or southern, new look very advantageous for wind power, but the cost of a few years later would be enormous. II.4. Geothermal energy: Geothermal energy is considered renewable and clean has been widely used around the world, but in Vietnam, this energy source is forgotten, not take advantage and exploit a systematic way. The world has at least 24 countries have exploited geothermal energy resources, led by the U.S., followed by the Philippines and other countries in North and Central Europe. Countries such as France, Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands, Japan also has a huge investment to tap geothermal energy. More than 10 years ago China was very concerned about the air conditioning system using geothermal energy, the strong development of this system will contribute to reduce the load energy demand of China. In Vietnam, according to estimates by the Institute of Geology and consumption for air conditioning reached 2.5 billion kWh. If the exploitation of geothermal heat pump technology in the land, would save at least 1 / 3 of the electricity on. If a contract price of electricity is 2,000 kWh per year would save 1,600 billion. However, only in the Center of My Dinh National Conference is using a very small portion for cooling geothermal resources. The use of geothermal energy also reduces emissions of at least 250,000 tons of CO2 each year. Moreover, geothermal energy is used not only for the purposes heat neutral, needs rest, but also can be used for power generation purposes. Vietnam has more than 300 hot mineral water has a surface temperature of 30 oC to 105 oC, concentrated in the Northwest, Central Coast. Forecasts to 2020 to develop about 200 MW. II.5. Energy from biomass sources (biomass) This is a very traditional energy sources. From the ancient source of fuel can be used directly, but today the birth of flora and fauna are made of chemical metabolism, metabolic biology to create fuels such as biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, in groups of biomass energy from many countries are focusing on the direction of regeneration efficiency, the maximum recovery of waste (in order to create sources of cheap raw materials), research and technological development suitable for converting biomass into fuel. If in the years before 2004, it is statistically about 50 countries and territories have started using biodiesel, then since then, according to statistical reports of IFQC's "Global Biofuels Center" [4] of water and territories are using, are there programs accounted for most of the world map. Russia's own, some middle east countries, Africa is no information. This demonstrates that Biodiesel is slowly entering the life of human society and will be one of the important fuels in the 21st century. If we refer to the situation in biodiesel research over the patent is granted the certificate, we would not be surprised and skeptical about getting the above [5]. Table number of patent statistics in the years from 2002 to 2007 found that: In patent number 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 147 271 302 391 640 1.045 Table 1: number of patent statistics in recent years. If you compare the number of patents in the field of biodiesel compared to other areas of new energy, we will also see a similar picture: Biofuel in 1045 [56%] Solar Power 555 [29%] Wind Power 282 [15%] Parallel to the research, the actual needs of Biodiesel on the market also increased significantly [6]: f the U.S. market in 2004 just 24 million gallons per year, and 2007 has increased to 450 million gallons. Europe intends to put the extent of using biodiesel in the previous period by 5.7% to 6% in 2010. Other countries are similar. Energy biological origin of Vietnam currently exist in four different formats: 1. Direct use: coal, firewood, straw, used as fuel in rural areas, remote areas. 2. Straw, livestock waste is buried annealing to form biogas (mainly in rural households, farms and residential focus) 3. Bioetanol from cassava, sugarcane, maize 4. Biodiesel from oil seeds, fatty fish and animal fat. In the form above, a common form. Every year, a large number of wood used for charcoal production, rice straw branches, small wood for fuel. Bioetanol industrial production has been tested in some type E5. Biodiesel has not become the industry and are at the research stage, is the main test. Although the project "Biofuels of the Government" was born, but so far, energy from biomass has not contributed significantly to the process of ensuring energy security, environmental protection. As reported by a number of units [7], the biomass resources of Vietnam are not small. The following statistics indicate that: It can be concluded that the potential of renewable energy sources in Vietnam are plentiful. In which geothermal energy can be exploited to 200 MW in 2020. Solar energy sources with the average hours of sunshine is 2000-2500 hours per year, the total thermal radiation 150kcal/cm2/nam average, equivalent to about 43.9 billion tons of oil per year (estimates on theory). Wind energy in Vietnam is very abundant, the intensity of wind energy now in the area around 1.400kWh/m2 islands each year. Energy intensity of about 500-1.000kWh/m2 each year in the Central Coast, Southern Highlands and, in other areas under 500kWh/m2 each year. In addition Vietnam has the potential of wood biomass, agricultural waste (equivalent to 43-46 million tons of oil per year; Biogas and Uranium (U308 ore is 218,167 tons, ranking the world average). III. FUTURE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY. If the view in 1990, is a landmark for the development of robust renewable energy, we can see that, nearly 20 years, the energy structure of the world still rely on fossil raw materials is key. Advanced countries are striving to increase the percentage of renewable energy from 20-30% in the past few decades toi.Tham Journal, the Federal Republic of Germany 2050 is expected to reach 85% renewable energy. Meanwhile, Vietnam is striving to increase the percentage of renewable energy up to 3-5% in the 2011-2015 plan. If you think the prediction of PB & IEA above still worth it to 2050, fossil energy still makes up 25%, nuclear energy and hydropower accounted for 25%, the rest was renewables from biomas , wind, solar to geothermal. The limitations of geothermal energy, wind, solar and biomass of both, do not allow people to reach other solar systems. Just wander in Earth's orbit and then someday perish is what human beings do not endure. Energy that can help people to find new land in the universe? It is the energy of the particles and hydrogen energy. For the energy of the particles need to build a large accelerator machines with huge funds that countries like Vietnam is difficult to obtain. Also with hydrogen power, it seems nature has prepared for this human preferences, so that at some point, people can use hydrogen for their trip. The world has begun to have civilian applications based on hydrogen, but that is just the breakthrough test, because its cost is too high. Hydrogen production, storage and distribution of liquid and gaseous hydrogen are still major challenges to science and technology. Currently, research on hydrogen energy is strong investment. The prospect of a hydrogen economy is beginning to form. This is an economy that is not polluted by waste products of the creation of water-energy is hydro-power sources to create life on our planet. But before the formation of a hydrogen economy, human beings need to undergo a phase transition from a petroleum economy to a low carbon economy. This transitional period is necessary and required as to have an oil economy and prosperity development, the earth has undergone nearly 70 million years to prepare this material. Hydrogen economy can only become a reality in the 22 century. From now till then, to reduce environmental pollution, to deal with the energy crisis, renewable energy from biomass is an important part in the global energy picture. How much percentage of it, dependent and results of scientific innovation and technology. IV. INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS SCIENCE APPLICATIONS (Iams) Institute VIETNAM Science and Technology (VAST) AND ITS RESULTS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH biomass. IV.1.Sinh volume and low-carbon economy. The concept of "less carbon economy", also known as "low-carbon economy, " the scientists set out in the next few years, has become a topic of research in the Institute, School of many countries have the scientific and technological advances. The question is why one can not produce fuel, materials from plant-derived precursor of coal and petroleum when they can live and reproduce easily? Means that an economy in which raw materials, fuels derived from lower carbon components. Maybe the first half of the 21st century, the economy account for only a few dozen percent, but in the second half of the 21st century, when rising sea a few hundred cm, at which the oil is not easy anymore , low-carbon economy will promote their roles. Production of raw materials and fuels in the low carbon economy is a pretty interesting features are: - Raw materials are not lost, which is renewable. - Not less energy intensive and polluting emissions protocol environment. - Lower cost compared to the raw materials come from petroleum. - Production of materials not only protects the environment but also contribute to economic growth in a sustainable way. IV.2. Studies raise the economic efficiency of the biomass at the Institute KHVLUD - Vietnam's Institute of Science and Technology: Over the years, the Institute of materials science applications to invest in research in the field of rational use and effective natural resources, especially plant resources [8-15]. overall map of the study are shown in Figure 4. The specific results of blade technology in the production of biodiesel emissions have been published in the previous report of this conference forum in 2008. Since then, we've added many new products based on renewable raw materials is biomas. Specifically: 1. Metabolism of straw, sawdust, branches into hydrocarbons for fuels and chemicals. 2. Many synthetic additives (Additive) to improve the octane rating, xetan, antioxidant for fossil fuels and biofuels. 3. Nano-structured catalysts and reaction technology for separating hydrogen from water. 4. Composite materials for hydrogen storage process. V. CONCLUSION: 1. Renewable energy in Vietnam not only has great potential, but also are in the form of primitive, it is necessary to invest in research and technology development in Vietnam to be able to advocate on imported technology . 2. Energy from biomass, ethanol is not only a biological, bio-diesel, biogas, but also the type of fuel the new generation called "sunfuel" also need to produce research. Especially in the context of climate change-that the possibility of a land area of Vietnam-flooded areas, the mangrove plants will play an important role in providing raw materials for chemical production and fuel. 3. Renewable forms of energy such as solar, wind, small hydro development should be synchronized and it's worth. However, this form of energy is entirely dependent on the climate should consider the investment level, avoiding the movement of investment or project to minimize waste and damage. 4. Right now, need to prepare forces for hydrogen economy in the future. It is the path that humanity must inevitably toward - including Vietnam. VI. REFERENCES: . theory). Wind energy in Vietnam is very abundant, the intensity of wind energy now in the area around 1.400kWh/m2 islands each year. Energy intensity of about 500-1.000kWh/m2 each year in the. in perception as well as our action on energy. Renewable energy is the way to help us with energy and environmental protection. Raw materials for renewable energy in Vietnam is very rich, including. them. Renewable forms of energy including typical [3]: II.1. Solar energy Solar maximum intensity at about 1 kW/m2 is a clean energy source, no emission. Because solar energy exists only in the