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Business development strategies of Sai Gon Thuong Tin investment joint stock company (STI) for the period of 2011 - 2015, forecasting to 2020

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G R Go) CG Global Advanced

Global Advanced Master of Business Administration


| BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SRATEGIES OF SAI GON THUONG TIN INVESTMENT JOINT | STOCK COMPANY (STI) FOR THE PERIOD | OF 2011 — 2015, FORECASTING TO 2020 Class : GaMBA-C0110 Group No : 02 Performed by: e Le Van Hung e Tran Tan Ngoc e Nguyen Quoc Dao e Nguyen Trong Cuong e Khuu Thi Bich Tuyen

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Grice) cane Capstone Project Report-C0110-Group 2 |


The members of Group 2 ~ Ga.MBAOI.CO110 would like to express our sincere thanks to the leaders of Global Advanced Master of Business Administration for providing us opportunities to study and make Capstone Project Report, to administration staff for providing the documents and timely information during our entire study

We also would like to thank our teachers who have provided the instructions and knowledge & guidance in a professional manner with all the latest information so that we can manifest all the knowledge and skills obtained from this MBA programme into practice We will remain all the best studying memorable moments that we have had together during the study

We also would like to express our best regards to Sai Gon Thuong Tin Investment Joint Stock Company (STI) in providing their documents and opinions

for our report Although we have tried our best to apply what we have gained from the programme, but due to the limited given time & the availability of the related data, the report rnay not be comprehensive We highly appreciate the opinion of teachers and leaders of Gamba Program to this Capstone Project Report


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os, i Guioc9 _— Capstone Project Report-CO110-Group 2 TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 0 eeceessssssssssssstsesecsescscsesseassessesssessssessssssesssesssseassesessesecees I PARTI: GENERAL, INTRODUCTION 5-5 5-555c7<cscsxsescscsesrscs 1

L SUBJECT SELECTION JUSTIFICA TION 5 2222222225 2232512122221 2112122122 c6 I 2 CAPSTONE PROJECT OBJECTIVES o ccccceccecceeeceessesecesecscseeecseeeeeseseeseteees Z 3 OBJECT & SCOPE OF THE_ STUDY 202.120 2112111181 211112218122 1 re 3 4 RESEARCH METHOID Q2 S21 2v 111221111 211121 2810111010101 81c re 4


N0) 9290) e Ả ÔỒỒố Ồ >

1.2 STRATEGIES PLANNING PROCESS Q0 0 2t v2 2222 reo 3 1.3 GENERALIZING THE ASSOCIATED STRATEGIES IN PRACTICE 8 1.3.1 Forward Integration StrategIes - + +5 ss s c1 SH HH rrệc 8 1.3.2 Backward Integration StratCg1C§ ¿+5 22 S2 cv sccsxeeererrrvee 8

1.3.3 Honzontal Integration Strat€gB1es - - S2 2c S212 2212 ra 8 1.4 PLANNING STRATEGY LEVEL S2 S222 222223212111 115215111 11212122 Ee 8 1.4.1 Overview on Environment of Business Field 5 5-5 2< s<zsc<sz 8 1.4.2 Infrastructure of Enterprise - - 2 2122122125151 11 mày 10 1.4.3 Business Objectives .ccccccccceccceccescssceseescsecssesesscescssvaseasessvaeeaseee 10 1.4.4 The Nccd of Researching STI Business Fields 5- II

1.5 PLANNING TOOLS AND METHODS 2 5+ S5 S St xxx 13 CHAPTER 2:ANALYSIS OF STI CURRENT STA TUS 5-5-< 21 Bb NOTED senrssnenceessnesn cmest 2207 20, t8Asnapeenenenaamenencvinnessemmenpeneutamenowonsessanmiaeconee 21 2.1.1 Establishmecnt and Development of Company 2: 21

2.1.2 Organization StruCfUF€ - n1 nh HH ệt PP) 2.1.3 Business ACIVILIS Q.2 2.12012112121222 ngà He 22

2.2 STIINTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION -2 222222 2c 2tExercrrerererrei 23

2.2.1 Capital & Financtal Stafus nnnnnn TH knkxện 23 2.2.2 Trade Mark o.oo ccc cceccccccccccesccsscsecesecasessccascnscuaseasevaseseaeeseveeseeerss 29

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GRIGGS UNIVERSITY = Capstone Project Report-CO/1 )-Group 2 2.2.3 Investment Portfolio cc ch H ra vớ ng 30 2.2.4 Human RĐesources§ - 2 1c 2 nàng HH HH na 3l 2.3 EXTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION 2c 2n rên 32 2.3.1 Political Environmet cv 51211112 re re re 32

2.3.2 Legal EnVvironinEnI sec cc s11 1211115111111 1t HH nung 33

2.3.3 Economic EnVironment ch net 33 2.3.4 Social Environment .0.0ccccccccccceccscsveveveceeevevevevevecsvevevevseaeseeeeeees 34 2.3.5 Compctitor ldentiflcatiơn ch HH HH ng nu re 34


P1 oo ccc cccccececescesseceseescsseececcsteseeccssvacseesevseseesveee 40

2.4.2 ObJective Reasons S0 120111111 n1 11T TH TT 111tr eey 40


3.1 MISSION OF COMPANY Q22 2221221 122121211111 11011111211 11111 26 43

SA 43 3.1.2 MisSiOn - 2Q 212 1 12021 1211121111110 1 11111 nưn 43 3.1.3 Core Value€s 5+ s s s23 122 121 2E 2E E11 EEEE re 43 3.1.4 Strategic Investment ObJ€ctIVe§ ch nen 44 3.1.5 Investment CTI{€Tii 5+ - xxx 1111111 1111111111010 re rrưng 45 Criteria for Project Investmenit + scncn cv vest 45 Criteria for Financial Investmeni - 2S Stcnv sec vrsrerrree 45 Captial Withdrawal Plan - 5 tt xxx SE 2111 2111 greg 46

TT 46


3.2.1 Core Investment Business .0.0ccccccccccsscsescseseseseceesescsusessceeveeessees 46 3.2.2 Investment Structure .cccccccceccccececsessescseseseseevsseesecevsnsececeeseneesvees 47 3.2.3 Finance Investment Structure: 0 47


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GRlo) | Sợ _.{._ ¬ Capstone Project Report-C()110-Orowu~ 2 3.4 SWOT MATRIX ANALYSIS 000 cccccccccseccccecccccccceccecectessecececeseveseeeeeseseseees 56 3.5 SPACEMATRIX 2 2222222222222 2 2222221122 nnnn nhe 60 3.6 QSPM MATRIX ANALYSIS 2222222222000 0 2222 1n nnnnn nh nh He 62


(AINIAILTY SỔ se set nhớt that Bay tP DũG t5 0GHER SA XE 1G1ếu Neeson nha Seo g thời Chư HH gọn HC HH time ates te 66 3.8 SOLUTIONS TO ACCOMPLISH THE STRATERGIES .0.0ccccccccccesceseseeseseeeeees 66 3.8.1 Penetrating Market - - c2 St TH Hưng Hưng rệt 66 3.8.2 Continual Devclop Curent Business Ficld sccccc: 69 3.8.3 Restructure Financial Portfolio 52c 2c 2v ng 69

3.8.4 Horizontally Combination Strategy - 522cc crse2 70

3.8.5 Sustainable Development Strategy . - 2S cnn t2 s2 cze2 7I 3.9 SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS S n t S2 22v grưyn: 72 CN cố na ốc cdiaăaỪ£ 72 3.9.2 Sacombank Financial Group - 2-5 2s ss<cz S24 cv c3 221 z2 2x cz 72 3.9.3 ST Company c1 12121221211 TH HH HH HH rêu 72 CÔNG, RUN sunnoeeeannnrtnnnnitrdttitiiitdtsiinEEE180đ1lÁsnsiásnlnntsekesseseiserigssrsonstszsegssssressvgesszZiốbe T5 ›4333;43/02-E6 77

Figure No Description Page No


FIGURE |- 2: SERVICES CONTRIBUTION RATE IN GDP 00oo ceccceccccsceecceccceceeeseeeeeees 9

FIGURE 2- 1: ORGANIZATION CHART .ccccccecccccccccceccecceececcceasesseseesesessesteaeeescessens 22

FIGURE 2- 2: CAPITAL & FINANCIAL STATUS .0.ccccccccesceceesceseeseeseesecesecseeseeseesees 23

FIGURE 2- 3: STI GOVERNING INVESTED COMPANIES .cccccccecesceescesecsceeseeseeseees 24

FIGURE 2- 4: STI OTHER INVESTED COMPANIES cccccecccecccescecsececsscecseeesssersrees 25 FIGURE 2- 5: SUMMARY FINANCIAL FIGURES .0.cccccccccceceeceeceseeseeescesseeseeseeseeees 26 FIGURE 2-6: FINANCIAL STRUCTURE AND KEY INDEX 00 0 ccccccccccececcecsceseceeeeeeees 26

FIGURE 2-7: FINANCIAL GROWTH TENDENCY .c ccccccccsceseeeceeeceveccscevececseeseeeesees 28

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FIGURE 2- 8: STI 2010 INVESTMENT SCALLES 2.20222201222212 1n na 28 FIGURE 2-9: CLASSIFH:D INVESTMENT GROUPS 22.22 222211222 ee 29 [FIGURE 2- I0: [NTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION à 22 cac 32 FIGURE 2- |]: [NTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION 2.2 2221221222212 36 FIGURE 2- l2: EXTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION c 22.122 22 2xx: 39

Figure No Description Page No

FIGURE 3 - l: INTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION .- S22 c2 ccsecerreerereeeee 2 FIGURE 3 - 2: CONTRIBUTION OE [NVESTMENTS 221 2n 212 v2 nhe 53 FIGURE 3 - 3: FINANCIAL [NDEX FROM 2013-20 1 5 - 22222 22222 cc+cexcssce2 54 FIGURE 3 - 4: FINANCIAL & HUMANCE ÏNDEX FORECASTING TO 2020 56 FIGURE 3 - 5: SPACE MATRIX CALCULA TION (22c 2222221 23222 2E Esxvsrrei 60 FIGURE 3 - 6: SPACE MATRIX GRAPH G22 22222122312 1211 E111 E1 1x re 6l FIGURE 3 - 7: QSPM MATRIX ( Ì) 1111222211121 11 125111119211 k 1H vn kg kg 63

FIGURE 3 - 8: QSPM MATTRIX (2) Q G1 222111221111 1113 1 1111152 11H 11g 1xx ve 65

FIGURE 3 - 9: RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES - L5 2 222222211121 1251251 15115232515 e2 66

Table No Description Page No



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Gricc) Capstone Project Report-C0/110-Group 2 ABBREVIATION LIST 1 CBRE 2 EFE 3 EVN 4 IFE 5 GDP 6 M&A 7 QSPM 8 STI 9 SWOT 10 SPACE 11 VND 12.WTO <3 Global Advanced ©:

CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc External Factor Evaluation State-run Electricity of Vietnam Internal Factor Evaluation Gross Domestic Products Mergers & Acquisition

Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix Sai Gon Thuong Tin Investment company

Strength, Weak, Opportunities & Threats Matrix

Strategic Position and Action Evaluation

Viet Nam Dong

World trade Organisation

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GRC 6) taille Capstone Project Report-C0110-Greup 2 | Laos

PART I: GENERAL INFRODUCTION 1 Subject Selection Justification

Based on the economic development of Vietnam, together the international globalization and economic integration, Vietnam economy has experienced a quick, solid and strong developiment

The integration of Vietnam economy to World Trade Organization (WTO has

marked the considerable turning point for Vietnam economy The opporturities have been opened for all businesses and enterprises who desire to invest, searck and take all advantages of these opportunities Besides that, the risks and threats shall create the difficulties for businesses and enterprises that are not be well prepzred As experienced in Vietnam, applying the scientific achievement in general and

administration science in particular is the strong point with high effect for the

development In the witness of severe and violent competition of the market, cach

business shall prepare the effective investment strategies to exit and develop I- the

business strategies are good and suitable, the internal capacity can be basec, all opportunities from the external environment can be taken all advantages, the risks can be avoided, the weak points can be reduced, and the enterprises can compete, develop and exist in the market The enterprises are required to plan the targets and clear development strategies for each development stages, so that they can affirm the status and trade mark, maximize the shareholders’ benefit

The financial investment tends to develop strongly all over the world ard in

Vietnam; selection of a financial investment company shall provide the overview on

development trend of economy Sai Gon Thuong Tin Investment Joint S:ock Company (STI) has been chosen as the typical representative of this business model We are going to analyze the manufacturing activities of the company ir the current global economy and develop the strategies & an action plan of Company during the period 2011 — 2015 and trends to 2020 to comprehend those selected strategies

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STI Company was established in 2007, witnessing the strong developmert of Vietnam economy with outstanding events such as: The integration of Vietnam to

WTO in the first year, the economic growth gained 8.48%, highest for the las: 10

years; the stock market experienced the strong growth, four times from the beginning of 2006; the foreign investment fund to Vietnam stock market strongly


However, at the end of 2008, the globai economic recession originating from

land and housing credit crisis in USA have spread out and strongly affected global

economy The deeper and deeper integration of Vietnam economy to global economy has put Vietnam under the negative pressure from this economic recession Together with that negative pressure, in 2008, STI has faced with many

difficulties and challenges at very first steps of operation and development However, STI has actively set up the strategies for business development for the

period 2011 — 2015 and forecasting for 2020 STI understands that long term and

suitable business development strategies for new changes of economic environment,

society are absolutely necessary

The development strategies of STI for the period 2011 — 2015, vision for 2020

have been planned based on analysis and evaluation of external impact and internal capability of the company These development orientation strategies have been set up according to the vision and mission of the company until the year of 2020

2 Capstone Project Objectives

The capstone project “Business development strategies of Sai Gon Thuong Tin Investment Joint Stock Company (STI) for the period 2011 — 2015, forecasting

for 2020”, the research team desires to achieve the objectives as follows:

- Identifying the chances, opportunities as well as challenges of business activities of the company for financial investment, project investment

including real estate, tourism and energy projects during the period

2011 — 2015

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- Analyzing the strong and weak points on business activites of company during the last years and raising the solution for the coming


- Planning suitable business development strategies for STI far the period 2011 — 2015, forecasting for 2020, and proposing the soution

for successful implementation of planned strategies

= Supporting STI in identifving the operation model, accumuating

human resources and setting up the standards for STI trade nark,

establishing the position on the market and maintaining the stable strong development

3 Object & Scope of the Study

Within the scope of the report, the group members have concenrated

analyzing the main impacts to business activities of the company and the ictual operation characteristics of STI in order to plan the feasible and effective straegies for company business activities in financial and project investment

Object of the study:

e The whole business activities of Sai Gon Thuong Tin Invesment Company (STI)

Scope of the study:

e Generalizing the business activities of Sai Gon Thuong Tin Investment Joint Stock Company (STI)

e Analyzing business operations of Sai Gon Thuong Tin Invesment Joint Stock Company (STI) for the period 2007 — 201(, the

achievements, limitations and reasons

e Proposing solution, recommendation to perform the business development strategies of STI for period 211 — 2015, forecastng to


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4 Research Method

By such methods as qualitative and quantitative measurement, statistic method, model, estimation and evaluation of the whole business activity of Company based on studied knowledge, in order to state the stable impacting methods, exploit at the maximum level the opportunities and strong points, reduce the threats and weak point, raise the trends, and provide detailed solutions

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Strategy is defined as to identify the long term objectives of enterprises, select the operation method and distribute the necessary resources to implement these objectives (According to Alfred Chandler)

The strategic administration is the process of:

- Studying the internal and external environment of organizaton at current and 1n the future;

- Identifying the duties, functions and objectives necessary;

- Planning, implementing and establishing solution to chek the implementation of strategies, to support enterprises in making

effective use of resources and the potential to achiev the

objectives 1.2 Strategies Planning Process

Strategies planning process includes 5 steps as follows: Plannin; the

objectives, evaluating the current position, preparing and implementing stategy plan, evaluating and amending the plan

Step I: Establishing the Objectives for Company

Establishing the objectives and purposes that Company desires to achieve in the future During the strategy planning process, the key objectives are: ‘cope, revenues, profit and share

The factors need to be considered when establishing the objectives as folows:

- The desires of shareholders - Capacity of resources - Opportunities, challenges

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Step 2: Evaluating the Current Position

Two aspects need evaluating: business environment and internal cadacity


- Business environment evaluation: Researching the business enviroiment

to identify which factor in current environment is risk or target for objectives and

strategies of company Business environment analysis includes: economic, folitic, technological events, market pressure, relationship and society

- Internal capacity evaluation: Giving full analysis on strong and weak

points of Company on these aspects:: Administration, Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Manufacturing activity, resiearch and development (R & D)

Step 3: Planning the Strategies

After evaluation, the planner shall come into selection To get the selection,

considering the internal as well as objective factors; the selection is clear from

information related to evaluation of planning process However, in order to get the

selection, each project shall be considered according to cost, rare resources 1sage, ime — progress and payment capacity

Step 4: Preparing and Implementing the Strategic Plan

Preparing and implementing thie strategic plan include two different processes but inter-related: organization and policy processes

- Organization process: human resources and other resources to strergthen

the selection

- Policy process: development of functional policies to strengthen, detail

more than selected strategies

Step 5: Evaluating and Controlling the Plan

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At this stage of business strategy planning, the implementation model ts suitable with the objectives of the emterprise This is normal estimate controlling and managing processes, however, adals the scope

(According to Strategy, the autlhor of effective business strategy book)

According to Fre R David, the strattegy planning process includes 3 stages:

strategy establishment, strategy implermentation and strategy evaluation Feed baclk information T T 1 !

Environment research to Establish i] Establishm |

identify main ment of I ent of | opportunity and risk llong term ' annual aybjectives ; objective \ 1 | A ' a \ I | l | Measure and

Identification of Review ! Distribute the | | evaluate

duties, objectives and F->] _ business 4 >} resources Po Suey - i | achievemet strategies duties ' I I I I 4 I I I I Ily aud x ! Internally audit to

nay Plan, I| State the I

identify strong and weak points | sclect lect , policies licies i sstrategies I I J 1 1 | 4 ' l I ! | l | Feed back information

Establish l Implement Evaluate

|_—_— Strategy | strategy Strategy ~T

Figure I-t: Three Stages of Str:ategv Planning Process (Fred R David)

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1.3 Generalizing The Associated Strategies In Practice

1.3.1 Forward Integration Strattegies

Association forwards relating tto increase in ownership or control right for distributors or retailers An effective imethod to implement the associated strategies is authorization The enterprises cam develop fast by authorization becatse the expenditure and opportunities are opemed for all individuals

1.3.2 Backward Integration Strrategies

This strategy is to search the ovwnership and control right of distributors of company This strategy shall be extre:mely suitable when the current distributors of company can not be relied on, either tthey are too expensive or they do not meet the requirements of company

1.3.3 Horizontal Integration Strategies

This strategy is to search owmership or control right for competitors of

company One of the most outstandimg trends in applicable strategic administration

is combination in horizontal directiom as a growth strategy Merge, repurchase and ownership of control right betweem competitors shall allow the increase in effectiveness and exchange of natural resources and capacity

1.4 Planning Strategy Level

1.4.1) Overview on Environmentt of Business Field

The industrialization and mode:mization require a clearer identification on

important position and function of ec:onomic development strategy in general, and

service development in particular Thus, at the beginning years of 21" century, Vietnam has built the economic and ‘social development strategies within |( years

(2001 — 2010), in which services deve:lopment strategies with the target “all services

operations under the value added shalll gain the average growth 7 - 8 %/ year and to

the year of 2010 accounting for 42 - 4.3% GDP, 26-27% of total labors"

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Thus, the implementation of ecconomic — social development strategies, the state policies, during 10 years, is to promote the services development However, in the fact, the achievement in service dtevelopment strategy does not match with the advantages of services as well as the potential over the country Services contribution rate to economic development does not change considerably even

tends to decrease The detail data shown on the Figure 1- 2 | Year 260% ; 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2605 | 2006 | 2007 | 2608 | 2009 | 2010 ————— —— ——-———-——-——————— Rate 38.63 | 38.46] 3.0 37.98 38.0] 38.06 BQ | 3Ñ 17 | IRS IR 6 (Source: General statistics of VN) Figure 1-2: Servicess Contribution Rate in GDP

The integration to local and glolbal economy currently has been creating the new opportunities and challenges, which requires the continuous renewal in thinking and development strategies im the next period The opinion of Vietnam in development strategies “Quick and susstainable development of services in Vietnam — the development in thinking for soccial and economic development strategies for period 2011-2020” , the key content wf sustainable development “the development has met the applicable demand, has; not created any obstacles in meeting the

requirements of the next generations” , the sustainable development is based on 3

key factors: sustainable developmentt on economy, sustainable development on society and environment protection

Thus, the social economic development strategy in general, service

development in particular identify thatt the targets need to be achieved is to take all

advantages of chances, overcome the challenges during development of special

services especially sensitive services which needs to expand the domestic market,

diversify the foreign market, develop the competitive products, establish the trade mark

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Capstone Project Report-C0110-Group 2

1.4.2 Infrastructure of Enterprise

The head office of the Company ts located at No.201A Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ho Chi Minh City Company is the owners :and controls the potential projects mainly in real state, tourism, energy and some others:

e Thanh Binh hotel system at the centre of Tan Binh District e Hana Beach Resort

e Ben Tre Tourism JSC e Kien Giang Tourism JSC e Dakai Mineral Water JSC e Gia Lai Electricity JSC

e Strategic investment to chain of other joint stock company Resort 5 star Palm Garden, Truong Phu hydroelectricity, Truong Phu JSC, etc

With the “toward to customer” orientation — being active in approaching customers and diversifying the investmemt — since the establishment in 2007 to now, STI did expend the investment aspects, diversify the profession as project and financial investment, medium agency M&A, Investment consultancy, etc, however, provide specific products

The infrastructure of enterprises includes: general administration system, accounting — financial, legal planning, relationship with authority, quality management system

1.4.3 Business Objectives

Business objectives are establishing the priority, setting up strategies, and planning & distributing working tasks This is the starting point for establishing the administration, the working tasks management structure allows the enterprises to

outline the directions and establish the targets

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1.4.4 The Need of Researching S5TI Business Fields

In very recent years, we have wittnessed the unexpected fluctuation o- global economy after crisis, with the depreciiation of USD, the increase in gold price and instability of Eurocurrency Particularrly in Vietnam, GDP exceeds the expectation of Government; however, the instabiility has existed, especially in currency and

finance The exchange rate continuovusly fluctuates, the interest increases extra-

ordinarily, the stock market is unstablie STI operates in finance investmen:, which is impossible to avoid the general diffiiculties of the market However, STI also has opportunities to affirm their position im the market

With more than 80 million people in population and more than 4 million of

tourists per year, Vietnam is the destiination of finance investors The Vietnamese economy has been growing for many years, the resort and services demand of the people are increasing The solid domtestic market is the basis for development to foreign market

The demand for quick change oif young generation and the compettion of

foreign enterprises when opening the market as well as the regulations of WTO, it is

necessary to plan the strategy, in which developing, diversifying the profession,

occupying the domestic market and e>xpanding the local and foreign markets shall be the solid step and suitable for curremt situation


The international integration sthall increase the prestige and position of

Vietnam banking system, especially in: local finance market

International integration shall be: the promotion for innovation which forces the domestic banks to operate under’ the market regulation, overcome the weak point, at the same time, and strengthicn the competitive capacity on the basis of

improving the qualification in executive administration and developing the sanking

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services, verifying the investment aspects During integrating and openng the domestic finance market, the legal procedure shall be completed and suitatle with

international regulations, which leads the establishment of equal tusiness

environment and step by step re-divides the shares between banking groups to be more equal; the number of shares of State bank can be reduced and repleced by shares of other banking group, especially in big city and urban areas Bascc on the strong points of cach bank, the banks diversifying investment shall appear

Thus, banks need to increase the cooperation to transfer the techiology, develop the services, diversify the profession, and exploit the market During the integration, the expansion of international relation of domestic banks shal create the chance for development of international payment, commercial aid, which

promotes the investment cooperation and technology transfer

By international integration, domestic banks shall approach the international finance market in an easier way, the capital mobilization and use effectiveness shall increase, which enhances the operation quality and model The domestic banxs shall

respond, adjust and operate in a more flexible way under the domes:ic and

international market sign in order to diversify the profit and reduce the risks

Difficulties & Challenges:

The opening of finance market shall increase the number of banks who own the strong finance, technology and administration qualification; the competition

pressure increases when the regulations are loosen for foreign “inance

organizations, especially branch and transaction agencies establishment, operation

scope, limitation on customers and allowed deposit, ability for expand the tanking services while the Vietnam finance organizations are still weak:

- The professional and administration qualification are still insufficient,

the operation effectiveness and competition are still low, the cverdue debt is high, risks are difficult to avoid, low capital, low financial capacity, not high asset quality;

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Capstone Project Report-CO110-Croup 2 The credit 1s quickly expanded; however, the credit risk 1s not

controlled and evaluated strictly, which is not suitabe for

international standards and integration requirements;

- The products are still monotonous, the utility is not high and the

service quality is still low

- Banking technology infrastructure and payment system are out of date and under the risk of being lagged behind in comparison wit) local


- Vietnam banking system has to face up with economic, international

finance shocks and crisis risks

Thus, it is necessary to plan the strategy in order to identify the objectives,

verify the profession and investment aspects to take all advantages of opportunities, reduce the risks, and step by step affirm the position of STI

1.5 Planning Tools and Methods

1.5.1 Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)

The matrix function is to analysie the strong points and weak points of the functional department & the business units, it provides the data for relationship between them The IFE matrix develop through 5 steps

Step | List key internal factors as identified in the internal-audit process Use total of from ten to twenty internal factors, including both strengths and weaknesses List strengths first and then weaknesses Be as specific as possible, using perceatages,

ratios, and comparative numbers

Step 2 Assign a weight that ranges from 0.0 (not important) to 1.0 (all-important)

to each factor The weight assigned to a given factor indicates the relative

importance of the factor to being successful in the firm's industry Regardiess of whether a key factor is an internal strength or weakness, factors considered to have

the greatest effect on organizational performance should be assigned the highest

weights The sum of all weights must equal 1.0

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Step 3 Assign a |-to-4 rating to each factor to indicate whether that factor represents a major weakness (rating 5S)

1 a minor weakness (rating 5) 2 aminor strength (rating 5 ) 3 or a major strength (rating 5)

4 Note that strengths must receive a 4 or 3 rating and weaknesses must receive a | or 2 rating Ratings are, thus, company based, wherezs th:

weights in Step 2 are industry based

Step 4 Multiply each factor's weight by its rating to determine a weighted score for each variable

Step 5 Sum the weighted scores for each variable to determine the total weighted

score for the organization

Highest possible weighted score for the organization is 4.0; the lowest, 1.0 Average = 2.5 Regardless of how many factors are included in an IFE Matrix, the total weighted score can range from a low of 1.0 to a high of 4.0, with the average

score being 2.5 Total weighted scores well below 2.5 characterize organizations

that are weak internally, whereas scores significantly above 2.5 indicate a strong

internal position

1.5.2 External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE)

External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix method is a strategic-managenent tool often used for assessment of current business conditions The EFE matri» is a

good tool to visualize and prioritize the opportunities and threats that a business is


The EFE matrix is very similar to the IFE matrix The major difference

between the EFE matrix and the IFE matrix is the type of factors that are included in the model While the IFE matrix deals with internal factors, the EFE matri› IS

concerned solely with external factors


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External factors assessed in the EFFE matrix are the ones that are subjected to the will of social, economic, political, le:gal, and other external forces Developing

an EFE matrix is an intuitive process which works conceptually very much the

same way like creating the IFE matrix The EFE matrix process uses the same five steps as the IFE matrix

Step 1: List factors: The first sttep is to gather a list of external ‘actors

Divide factors inte two groups: opportuniities and threats

Step 2: Assign weights: Assign at weight to each factor The value of each weight should be between 0 and | (or allternatively between 10 and 100 if vou use

the 10 to 100 scale) Zero means the factcor is not important One or hundred means

that the factor is the most influential and critical one The total value of all weights together should equal | or 100

Step 3: Rate factors: Assign a rating to each factor Rating shculd be

between | and 4 Rating indicates how effective the firm’s current strategies respond to the factor | = the response is poor 2 = the response is below average 3 = above average 4 = superior Weights aire industry-specific Ratings are company- specific

Step 4: Multiply weights by ratings: Multiply each factor weight with its

rating This will calculate the weighted sc:ore for each factor

Step 5: Total all weighted scores:: Add all weighted scores for each factor

This will calculate the total weighted scorre for the company

Total weight score remains in the limit of | to 4 regardless of oppor:unities and threats Similarly, the average total weighted score is 2.5 If the total weighted score is 4 On the other hand, the total weighted score of | shows that firm is not

able to take opportuities or avoid extcrnall threats

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1.5.3 Strength, Weak, Opportunity And Threat Matrix (SWOT)

The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external

factors that are important to achieving the objective These come from witiin the

company's unique value chain SWOT analysis proups key pieces of information into two main categories:

Internal factors — The strength:s and weaknesses internal to the organizaton

External factors — The opporttunities and threats presented by the external

environment to the organization

The internal factors may bee viewed as strengths or weaknesses depending

upon their impact on the organization's objectives What may represent stengths with respect to one objective may !be weaknesses for another objective The factors

may include all of the 4P's; as well as personnel, finance, manufacturing

capabilities, and so on The extermal factors may include macroeconomic matters,

technological change, legislation, and socio-cultural changes, as well as chaiges in the marketplace or competitive possition The results are often presented in the form

of a matrix

SWOT analysis is just ome method of categorization and has its own

weaknesses For example, it may tend to persuade companies to compile lists rather than think about what ts actually important in achieving objectives It also presents the resulting lists uncritically and ‘without clear prioritization so that, for example, weak opportunities may appear to lyalance strong threats

It is prudent not to eliminaite too quickly any candidate SWOT entry The

importance of individual SWOTs will be revealed by the value of the strategies it generates A SWOT item that proquces valuable strategies is important A SWOT item that generates no strategies is mot important

The usefulness of SWO'T analysis is not limited to profit-seeking organizations SWOT analysis may be used in any decision-making situation when

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a desired end-state (objective) has boeen defined Examples include: nov-profit organizations, governmental units, anad individuals SWOT analysis may also be

used in pre-crisis planning and preventitive crisis management SWOT analysis may also be used in creating a recommendatition during a viability study/survey

To perform the SWOT analysis, 8 folloowing steps to be followed I List all the key external opportunnities (O1, O2 )





List all the threats from external | environment (TI, T2 )

List all the strong points that the 2 company currently have (S1, S2 )

List all the weak point of the conmpany (W1, W2 )

Combine the strong points and oopportunities to make the SO strategies Combine the weak points with oopportunities to make the WO strategies Combine the strong points with t threats to make ST strategies

Combine weak points with threaats to make WT strategies SWOT ANALYSIS Opportunitities (O) O1: List oppportunities in order of inmportant O2: Threats (T) TI: List all threats in order of important 12: Strong Point (S) S1: List all the weak points in order of important S2: SỐ Strattepies

1: Use the : strong points to

make use cof all the opportunitities


ST Strategies

1 Use the strong points to avoid all possible threats 2 Weak points (W) WI: List all the weak points in order of important W2: WO Strattegies

1 Minimizze the weak points and i promote the opportunititics 2 WT Strategies 1 Minimize weak points and avoid 2

1.5.4 Strategic Position and Actioon Evaluation MATRIX:

The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation or the SPACE Matrix is a four-

quadrant framework which indicates \whether aggressive, conservative de‘ensive,

or competitive strategies are most apprcopriate for a given enterprise or company

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The steps required to develop a SPACE Matrix are listed below:

1 Select a set of variables to define financial strength (FS), competitive advantage (CA), environmental stability (ES), and industry strength (IS) 2 Assign a numerical value rangting from +1 (worst) to +6 (best) to each of the

variables that make up the FS and IS dimensions Assign a numerica value

ranging from -1 (best) to -6 (worst) to cach of the variables that make up the cS and CA dimensions

t9 Compute an average score for FS, CA, IS, and ES by summing the values

given to the variables of eacth dimension and dividing by the number of

variables included in the respective dimension

4 Plot the average scores for FS, IS, ES, and CA on the appropriate axis in the SPACE Matrix

5 Add the two scores on the x-a:xis and plot the resultant point on X Add the two scores on they-axis and plot the resultant point on Y Plot the

intersection of the new XY point

6 Draw a directional vector from the origin of the SPACE Matrix through the

new intersection point Thiis vector reveals the type of strategies recommended for the organization: aggressive, competitive, defensive, or


The directional vector associated with each given profile suggests the type of

Strategies to pursue which are: aggressive, conservative, defensive, or competitive When an organizations directional vector is located in the aggressive quadrant (upper-right quadrant) of the SPACE Matrix, a firm is in an

excellent position to use its intermal strengths to (1) take advantage of external

opportunities, (2) overcome intermal weaknesses, and (3) avoid external threats

Therefore, market penetration, imarket development, product development, backward integration, forward inttegration, horizontal integration, conglomerate

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diversification, concentric diversification, horizontal diversification or a

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combination strategy all can lpe feasible, depending on the specific circumstances that the company is fiacing at the time

1.5.5 Quantitative Strategic Planining Matrix (QSPM) Steps to develop the QSPM matrix

1 Make a list of the firmm’s key external opportunities/threets and

internal strengths/weaknesses tn the leeft column ef the QSPM This information should be taken directly from the EFE! Matrix and IFE Matrix A minimum of 10 external critical success factors and 1(0 internal critical success factors should be included in the QSPM

2 Assign weights to cach key external and internal factor These

weights are identical to those in the EFTE Matrix and the IFE Matrix

4 Examine the Stage 2 (matching) matrices and identify alternative strategies that the organization showld consider implementing Recorc these strategies in the top row of the QSPM Group the strategies into mutually exclusive

sets if possible

4 Determine the Attractiveness Scores (AS), defined as numerical

values that indicate the relative attrac:tiveness of each strategy in a given set of alternatives Attractiveness Scores are determined by examining each key external

or internal factor, one at a time, and asking the question, “Does this factor affect the

choice of strategies being made?” If tthe answer to this question is yes, then the strategies should be compared relative to that key factor Specifically, Attractiveness Scores should be assigmed to each strategy to indicate the relative

attractiveness of one strategy over otthers, considering the particular factor The range for Attractiveness Scores is | = not attractive, 2 = somewhat attractive, 3 = reasonably attractive, and 4 = highly atttractive If the answer to the above question

is no, indicating that the respective key factor has no effect upon the specific choice

being made, then do not assign Attrac:tiveness Scores to the strategies in that set

Use a dash to indicate that the key factoor does not affect the choice being mace

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5 Compute the Total A ttractiveness Scores Total Attractiveness Scores

are defined as the product of multiplying the weights (Step 2) by the Attractiveness

Scores (Step 4) in each row The ‘Total Attractiveness Scores indicate the relative

attractiveness of each alternative strategy, considering only the impact of the adjacent external or internal critical success factor The higaer the Total Attractiveness Score, the more attr:active the strategic alternative (considering only

the adjacent critical success factor)

6 Compute the Sum Total Attractiveness Score Add _ Total

Attractiveness Scores in each strategy column of the QSPM The Sum Total Attractiveness Scores reveal which strategy is most attractive in each set of

alternatives Higher scores indicate more attractive strategies, considering all the

relevant external and internal factors that could affect the strategic decisions The magnitude of the difference betwee:n the Sum Total Attractiveness Scores in < given set of strategic alternatives indicates the relative desirability of one strategy over another


In the severe competition for the company in Viet Nam & world marke:, each of the company has to set up a clear development orientation with specific strategies so that they can exist and develop In this chapter we have reviewed the

fundamental basic theory of investment We had also carefully evaluated the tools

that can be used for strategic building together with all the matrixes that are widely

being used for the strategic management The macroscopic & microscopic fac:ors of

the business field that impact direct:ly into the STI operation, so that the selection of

strategy later can be done in a reasonably manners

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2.1.1 Establishment and Development of Company

Sai Gon Thuong Tin Investmemt Joint Stock Company - STI was estatlished on 11" May 2007 with the initial chartered capital of 300 billion dong with

establishment shareholders are strong development enterprises in various activities:

Banking (Sacombank); Securities ({Sacombank-SBS); Construction — Education (Toàn Thịnh Phát); Real Estate (Sacomreal); Import - Export (Betrmex);

Production — Commerce (Thanh Thanih Công)

Four months after the establishment date, STI has contributed 65% of capital to Thanh Binh Tourism Company (Thanh Binh hotel system) This is the typical investment on tourism real estate On 28" March, 2008, STI increased the chartered capital from 300 billion dong to 375 billion dong, and to the end of 2010, the total

asset is 1,879 billion dong

Overcoming the general impact (of global economic crisis from forth quarter in

2008-2009, with the internal effort and great support from Sacombank Group,

Sacomlvest has, step by step, got ower the recession and affirmed the positon in

investment After more than 4 years, ‘STI has owned the strong development nodel Currently, STI has invested and controlled the potential projects mainly in tcurism real estate, cnergy and some others: ‘Thanh Binh hotel system, Han Beach Fesort,

Ben Tre Tourism JSC, Kien Giang Tourism JSC, Dakai Mineral Water JSC, Cia Lai Electricity JSC and strategic investment to other joint stock companies: Resort 5 Star Palm Garden, Truong Phu Hydrorelectricity, Truong Phu JSC, etc

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Gric 135 UNIVE RNITY ai Capstone Project Report-C0110-Group 2 2.1.2) Organization Structure Generral shareholders council Bosard of Drector Superasion board | ——————— FT " Ẻ 7 f hư ren ‘General shareholder _ Geenerral Dưectar ' Intemal audit ‘office i | a an ail OO TT N2 nh tntctri910410/4009020102014010300000010510010-01010000011010etxemsll USD ị | | | | mm M | ¬( =5 2

Froyect Investment | Finance Investment | Adminustration- Accounting - - | Andyas- (Plan-Strateges Legal Department Department Department | Human resources Finance || Research ; Department |

| Department || Department | Department | | | i _Ì i | | J Duecthyy usnder office Figure 2- 1: Oorganization Chart (Source: fp sviw.sticom.vn) 2.1.3 Business Activities

STI mainly operates in project tnvestment, finance investment, selling, purchasing and merging companies (M&A) In which, project investment and M&A

are two key business activities, and being the strong advantages of the STI


Project Investment: is investmenit to control enterprise for a long term and

contributed capital to projects STI togrether the enterprises enhance the business

effectiveness, the value of enterprises via supporting administration and executive

and control activities; support the fimance and human resources, re-structure comprchensively the enterprises to increase the income for labor: increase the

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satisfaction of customers and client:s; increase the contribution to state budget and

value to shareholders

Finance Investment: is inve:stment to listed or nearly listed companies on

securities trading floor of potentiail profession owning the quick and sustanable

growth To 31° December, 2010, the STI investment list includes 5 business activities, in which banking and finiance are two key activities with high investment rate, Which promises to bring the great value to STT &

M&A Medium Agency: STI gathers the experienced professors in investment, establishes the sustaimable relationship with domestic and foreign

strong finance groups, which shall be the advantages for STI to implement the quick

and effective medium with low cost

Investment Consultancy: Besides the investment and M&A activates STI focuses on supporting investment consultancy for enterprises in business activities

Nowadays, STI has been focusing ‘on investment consultancy organization At the

beginning of 2011, STI has established the research team and to analyze and promote the research, predicted to well serve the investment in STI and supported investment consultancy

2.2 STI Internal Factor Evaluaition

2.2.1 Capital & Financial Status Items Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

Current assets Billion VND 323.6 399 425 1,134 Fixed Assets Billion VND 208.9 379 649 746

Total assets Billion VND 532.5 778 1,074 1,880

Total liabilities Billion VND 235.0 508 655 1,456 Equity Billion VNID 302 270 417 423

Profit after tax Billion VNID 18 (74.6) 110 +4

Figure 2- 2: Capital & Financial Status

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In general, the total assets and capital cipability of STI is still quite

insignificant comparing to the compainies workitg in the investment business Additionally, the company established and stared its business in the world

economic crisis therefore the activities has not ye stabilized and was not really effective However, the STI has rapidly invested ino companies that STI will hold the dominant managing roles Those projects ar quite big in size and have established the position in the market & most of them fall into the energy and

tourism in association with the long tierrn develcpinent of the company & the Sacombank group Chattered No | List of companies — STI took control capital aa CN Đeei0) (Bilion VND) P

l Gialai Electricity Joint Stock Company 261 56.48%

Toan Thinh Phat Architecture

2 Investment Construction Joint Stock 50 51.00% Company (Hana Beach Resort & Spia)

3 Thanh Binh Tourist company 90 49.83%

4 Ben Tre Tourist company 20 55.25%

5 Kien Giang Tourist company 80 51.20%

6 Dakai Mineral Water Joint Stock 6 53.63%


(Source: STI)

Figure 2- 3: STI Gov erning Invested Companies

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Capstone Project Report-C0110-Group 2 Chattered Capital STI

No List of other companies — STI has iinvested ae Occupied (Billion (31.12.10)

VND) :

l Phuoc Thinh Company ( Palm gardem Resort & spa) 90 25.0%

2 Truong Phu Joint Stock Company 234 14.0%

5 Trucng Phu Hydropower Joint Stock Company 300 14.0%

5 Thanh Phat Investment company 50 30.0%

6 Hung Anh Construction Company 200 75%

7 Saigon Thuong Tin Logistics Joint Sttock Company 110 11.0% (Sacom - Stl) 8 Dong Tam Company 14 23.97% Figure 2- 4: (Source STI) STI Other Invested Companies Items Unit 2007 2008 | 2009 2010 TOTAL IMCOMES Billion VND 40.23 (33.10) 168.40 150.60 Projects Billion VND 0.38 53.00 57.20 98.40 Finance / trading Billion VND 39.10 (91.50) 105.50 55.20 Others Billion VND 0.75 5.40 5.70 0.018

TOTAL EXPENSES Billion VND 16.20 41.50 52.10 106.94

Cost of raising capital Billion VND 250 | 33.40 41.50 87.70

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Managing cost Billion VND 2.60 6.00 10.50 18.60

Other costs Billion VND 1.10 2.10 0.1) 0.64

Profit before tax Billion VND 24.03 (74.60) | 116.30 — 46.70

(Source STT)

Figure 2-5: Summary Financial Figures

Items Uniit 2008 2009 2010

Current payment index times 0.82 0.75 098

Total debts / Total assets % 65.30% 60.96% 77.5% Total debts / Equity % 188.00% 155.00% 344.0)%

Net incomes / Total assets (ROA) % (9.600%) 10.22% 3.0)%

Net incomes / Equity % (27.65%) 26.18% 10.49%

(Source: STI) Figure 2- 6: Financial structure and key index

Financial status & income of Compamy for the period 2007-2010

The business activities of STI Company in the period 2007 to 2010 mainly

focused on two main including project and finance investment The income from project investment is mainly from diwidend; receivables from project transfer are

not considerable, because most projecits invested by STI are under the re-stru-ture stage Income from finance investmemt mainly depends on development of stock market

In 2007, after 6 months from tlhe establishment date, the pre-tax pro1t of

Company gained 24 billion (mainly from security trading of finance investmen‘)

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In 2008, global economic crisis has created the fluctuations to Vietnam stock market VNIndex continuously lost points and reached the bottom at 322.8 points, which created the great impact tc) income from the finance operation of STI, (interest from selling and purchasimg securities of 80 billion dong, price decrease

provision at the end of year 171.5 billion dong, net income from finance investment is -91.5 Billion dong, which leaded to loss of 74.6 billion dong in income statement in 2008

In 2009, with the modest chartered canital at 335 billion dong at the first 9

months and 375 billion dong at the last 3 months, the Company gained the achievement with the total pre-tax profit of 116 billion dong, over 3.82% as planned The income rate from finiance investment in 2009 was mainly from the

return of provision of 88 billion dong, accounting for 88% and interest from

securities investment about 17%, which showed that STI Company depended considerably on direct investment om stock market

To the year 2010, Vietnam economy experienced the considerable fluctuation

on currency market, inflation, and the stock market once impacted the investment of

Company However, the revenues from finance activities gained 261.4 Billion dong,

due to extreme increase in interest for the last 6 months and decrease in stock

market; Company cut loss and set up the provision for increase in expense, which leaded to pre-tax profit of 46.7 Billion dong

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Griccs) 7 ou, Capstone Project Report-C110-Group 2 million dong Fimancial growth tendency 2000000 ¬ 1,600,000 ¬ 1,200,000 ¬ g00,000 ¬ 400,000 ¬ 31/12/2008 31/1 2/2009 3441242010

—e—Total assets —«—Total debt —»—Owner's equity Figure 2- 7: Financial Growth Tendency

In 2010, Company issued succ:essfully 300 billion dong of share, restructured the capital resources to be suitable: for business activities However, the project investment continued to expand, the Debt’ total asset rate in 2010 increased in comparison with past years


Figure 2- 8: STI 2010 Investment Scales

(Source: STI 2010 financial reports)

Implementing the policy of the Company, giving investment to two majors: energy and tourism real estate, in 2010 Company gave control investment to Gia Lai with total initial capital of 261 Bilion VND

accounting for 67.76% of chartered

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capital The total value of project investment portfolio to the end of

2010 is 650 Billion dong In which, the investment value to tourism

accounts for 39%, other majors 12%

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The capital transfer of some projects and a part of capital of invested project has been implemented successfully in 2010, which brings the considerable profit for Company Before the strong impact of global economic crisis, the continuous change in currency — finance policy and the stock market, etc Company has focused on restruciuring the finance investmeni portfolio, reyecting the low effect investment or low growth To 31st December, 2010 the total finance investment portfolio of Company gains 685 Billion dong, increasing by 126 billion in comparison with the end of 2009 The current finance investment portfolio of Company is identified to be the potential and accumulative resources for outstanding development in 2011 Classified investment groups ˆ taNEe TU ˆ Rate (%) Service — Energy 19 0.003 Transportation 6.310 0.92 Aquatic 24.100 3.52 Construction/ Construction material 17.280 2.52 Real Estate 28.011 4.09 Consumer goods 59.454 8.67 Securities 183.144 26.73 Bank 366.681 53.53 Figure 2- 9: 2.2.2 Trade Mark

Classified investment groups

Indirect investment capital to Victnam has been established since 1990 and strongly developed in 2006-2007 via capital contribution, share purchase, investment trust and direct investment on Victnam stock market The foreign investment funds have appeared in Vietnam and contributed to the capital market development via more than 5 past years with outstanding organizations such as Dragon Capital, Vina capital, Indochina Capital, Mekong Capital, Bankinvest In

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terms of operation period, the operation period of STI ts not long in comparison with other companies in the Vietnam finance market In terms of capital scope, the chartered capital of STI is really limited in comparison with Domestic and Foreign Private Equity Companies

The trade mark of an organization who implements M&A is very important Being aware of this, during past time, STI has carcd and focused on trade mark establishment and advertisement However, the advertisement is_ still limited, mainly via genera! program of Sacombank Group and via website as well as investment opportunities searching promotion, the STI trade mark is not becoming the great trade mark in Vietnam M&A market In the future, being the member of Sacombank Group and named “Sai Gon Thuong Tin”, a famous trade mark on banking and finance, STI identifies that this is a positive factor contributing to trade mark of STI when the suitable advertisement strategy is available

2.2.3 Investment Portfolio

For recent operation period, SIT has received the support and association from Sacombank Group and members of Group This is a convenient factor, based on which, STI can update, connect and share resources, information to establish an effective investment portfolio

e For project investment: At current period, STI gives the investment to companies operating in 2 main majors: energy and tourism real estate However, in order to get high effectiveness, it is necessary for STI to restructure comprehensively the company, promote the supporting task for human resources in managing, controlling, executing to promote

and enhance the business effectiveness

e The finance activities shall focus on listed or non-listed companics

operating at potential profession for growth The current finance investment portfolio of STI includes various professions, in which banking, finance and real estate are two key major with high rate These operations are under the impact of stock market; thus, STI shall reduce

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the investment rate in the future time and be replaced by professional investment portfolio management and key investment

2.2.4 Human Resources

In spite of having operated at short time, STI have employed qualified and enthusiastic human resources With the average age at 29, this age is really active with desire for promotion, casy in acquiring the knowledge, quickly adapts with change in operation Morcover, this is the professional staff, full time educated with

10% post-graduate, 73% from university

The human resources scope is comparatively intelligent and enough with about 57 people, in which 14% is appointed to work at company that STI invests In past years, STI has promoted the staff training program on profession and _ skill; however, the training does not match with the development of Company The current staff is not equipped by enough knowledge and experience to advise and become the inheriting manager of member companies STI understands that it is

compulsory to establish the key training courses to be suitable for each level of leader and staff

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No Items mạ Grade Marks

6 Internal communication system 0.04 2 0.08

7 Diversified business field 0.05 2 0.1

8 Board of managing 0.05 3 0.15

9 Diversified investing field 0.13 â 0.39

TOTAL 1.00 / 2.69

Figure 2- 10: Internal Factor Evaluation

Highest possible weighted score for the organization is 4.0; the lowest, 1.0 Average = 2.5 with the average score being 2.5 In this case STI has 2.69 just

slightly above average, we can sec that the internal environment of the company is

not so strong There are quite a few internal factors that negatively impact to the operation of the company In the near future, the company would need to improve the reputation / image of the company, improve the finacial capability those are strong points of the company The staff would need more training to handle tasks in a professional manner The company woud maximise the internal support & improve the marketing activities

2.3 External Factor Evaluation

2.3.1 Political Environment

In recent years, Asia has been famous for high economic growth with the pariicipation of powerful countries such as China, Japan, Korea and Singapore This is not only to create the stable, peaceful and prosperous future in the local area but alsc create the condition for newly developing country as Victnam to develop more

With stable political environment and policy amendment within important ares and major, Vietnam Government has created the favorable conditions for devzlopment of economic sectors In foreign relation, the relation between Vietnam anc big countries has been being improved day by day, especially with USA, Japan,

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China and European Community Vietnam has started to express the roles and impacted for the solution of international issues The position of Vietnam in global market is being enhanced

2.3.2 Legal Environment

To current time, the Vietnam legal environment has experienced a plenty of clear amendment, which shal! create the belief for domestic and forcign companies in implementing the investment However, being the developing country and on the deen and wide integration to international economy, these amendments in development policies and trends shall lead to amendments in legal documents, especially documents related to economy

The investment of STI to various enterprises and projects shall be under the amendments of legal documents mainly Enterprise Law, Security Law, Credit Organization Law, Foreign Investment Law, etc Thus, the change of legal and sub- law documents shall directly impact the operation of STI, which forces STI to

review and amend the operation to be suitable

2.3.3 Economic Environment

The global economic crisis orginating from the financial crisis in 2007 in USA has expanded deeply and widely to global economy in 2008 A chain of commercial banks in USA, Europe, etc went to bankrupt or were repurchased The stock market to the end of 2008 lost a nearly half of value in comparison with previous year of 28.7 thousand billion USD The unemployment increased, estimating about 41 million workers at Asia — Pacific Ocean

Coming to 2009, after macroscopic policies for growth support of Government are issued such as first and second demand encouragement, tight currency policy, Vietnam economy starts to be more optimistic The industrial production at the first 8 months in 2009 increased by 5.6% in comparison with corresponding period of preceding year, the total retailing goods and service revenues increased 18.4 % in comparison with the corresponding period of preceding year

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2015, 15:12