In study time, via reality of trading and exploiting stone of the company, our group decides to choose the topic “construct business strategy of construction stone in Viet Nam I Industri
Prepared by: Group 12 Class: GeMBA01.V02
Ha Tinh, September, 3 rd , 2010
Trang 42.4.1 Main strengths 41
After Viet Nam’s integration into WTO, it means that Viet Nam has
officially “jumped into” international playground therefore Vietnamese enterprises
must cope with violently competitive environment
An enterprise which wants to exist and develop in the market then the most
important and necessary thing is to orient company to go on a right way, suitable to
constant change of business environment to reach high adapting and ensure
enterprise’s sustainability
Therefore, centre and main problem of enterprises currently including
enterprise of producing construction materials is to build up a right and suitable
business strategy with competitive environment and how to adapt to conditions and
existing capacity of enterprise
In addition, together with common development orientation of the whole
nation, in recent years, economic structure of Ha Tinh province has transferred into
increase of construction and tourism, reduction of agriculture; Many main projects
are implemented then demand of construction materials has been increased highly;
this is the opportunity for enterprises in construction sectors including Viet Nam I
industrial Joint Stock company However, big opportunity as well as many threatens
have been raise, how to make company exist and develop within the market? Then
Viet Nam I industrial Joint Stock company, must have a good business strategy
which is suitable to short term period from 2010 to 2015
In study time, via reality of trading and exploiting stone of the company, our
group decides to choose the topic “construct business strategy of construction stone
in Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company
2.1 Study purpose
This topic will study business strategy of construction material sector, which
is the business strategy of construction stone in Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock
Company Studying strategy will help enterprise to discover weaknesses to adjust,
Trang 6promote profit increase, and create prestige of brand name within the market
Based on such spirit, choosing topic “construct business strategy of
construction stone in Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company” is to reach the
following targets:
Analyze environmental impact on trading activities of construction stone
in Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company
Build up a suitable strategy for business activities of construction stone in
Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company based on limiting and
adjusting weaknesses and promoting strengths to raise business effect and
maintain development of company
2.2 Study scope
- Survey object: internal and external factors impact on business activities of
Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company
- Study time: within the period from 14/07/2010 to 25/08/2010
- Study space: Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company
- Study limit: Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company operates in trading
construction stones and due to features of construction stones then this assignment
will focus on analyzing business strategy of construction stone of Viet Nam I
Industrial Joint Stock Company within Ha Tinh area
In this topic, we will go ton study and analyze some direct competitive
opponents within Hong Linh town, Ha Tinh province such as Viet Nam – Czech
economic cooperation company; Ha Tinh industrial development Joint stock
company, 999 stone exploiting company
3.1 Methods to collect data
Collect primary data: via following methods:
- The method of direct observation of daily activities in the company
including mainly working process, communication with partners….in Viet Nam I
Trang 7Industrial Joint Stock Company
- Interview leaders and employees in the company (business office,
accounting office, administrative office) to understand customers, providers,
partners related to business activities of Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock
Company as well as personnel policies that the company is implementing;
Besides, we can interview workers of company to understand their attitude with
Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company
- Interview competitive opponents: with sample size of 3, sampling is the
most convenient method which is simple to approach object of interview; Out of
which object of interview will be mainly director of divisions and managing cadres
of company; interview is done within 14/07/2010 – 20/07/2010 to collect
information of activities of company (products, distribution system, operational
area…) as well as their definition of influence which impact on construction sector
within Ha Tinh…
- Interview customers: with sample size of 20 (chosen according to
convenient method), quantity of samples will be distributed to customers who buy
company’s products (mainly transportation companies to buy stone to provide
customers, contractors within the area) Interview is done within 14/07/2010 –
05/08/2010 to get opinions of customers of products (quality, price…) as well as
policies to care for customers of Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company
Collect secondary data: by recognizing from resources:
- Reports and materials of Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company and
competitive opponents of company; providing divisions include: planning office,
trading office, accounting and marketing office of the company
- Report of trading results within 2007 – 2009, detailed report of related
factors of financial index such as asset structure, capital structure …(accounting
- Materials of partners of Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company such
as providers, customers, lending units…(trading office)
Besides, there are also direct instruction and direct information provision of
Mr Tran Quoc Huong – Director of the company
Trang 8- References from materials, papers, manual book of strategic administration
edited by Griggs University as well as materials on Internet
3.2 Data analysis
Method of comparison and synthesis: compared to reached norms of
company with norms that competitive opponents have reached in the following
conditions: space, time, economic content, measurement unit, estimation method,
scale, and business condition
Inductive method: realization from small and detailed problems to
common conclusion of analyzed problems
Analysis of SWOT: it is the main method in building business strategy
to find out strengths, weaknesses inside enterprises as well as opportunities and
threatens of external environment which can impact on enterprise
Besides, analysis also uses other matrix such as: main strategic
matrix,…such methods will be presented in the part “theory basis of strategic
construction of enterprise
Studying topic can orient to construction of business strategy in term of
construction stone of Viet Nam I Industrial Joint Stock Company, then we hope that
the results that topic can bring will be experiences that enterprises in the sector as
well as other sectors can study and consider to draw experiences in construction of
business strategy of enterprise At the same time, topic study can prove importance
of construction of business strategy in enterprise and then enterprises will clearly
realize importance and role of strategy then build up development strategy strictly
and scientifically
1 Definition of strategic management
1.1 Definition of strategic management
Strategic management is the study process of current as well as future
environment, define organizational targets, suggest, implement and check
implementation of decisions to reach such targets in current as well as future
environment (Garry D Smith, 1991)
1.2 The role of strategic management
- The role of defining:
Business strategy will help enterprise to see clearly its own purpose and
orientation It can indicate administrators to consider and define orientation
for organization and when to reach expected results
- The role of prediction:
In a variable environment, opportunities as well as threatens always appear
In the process of defining strategy, it can help administrators to analyze
environment and make prediction to find out suitable strategies Then
administrators can grasp opportunities, make use of opportunities and reduce
threatens related to environment
- The role of controlling:
Business strategy will help administrator to use and allocate existing
resources in the best way as well as coordinate effectively functions in
organization to reach given targets
1.3 Classification of business strategy
Business strategies are formed within three levels: company level strategy,
functional division strategy and business unit strategy; out of which, business unit
strategy is the main segmentation with sector’s competition
- Company level strategy:
Trang 10It is to define purposes and targets of the whole company, define business
activities that company can pursue, create policies and plans to reach targets,
allocate resources among business activities
- Functional division strategy:
In the strategy of functional division, we will focus on operational fields,
business sectors with outstanding advantage to the company
- Business unit strategy:
It is defined to define product choice or market form for business activities of
the company; within business unit strategy, we must define the method that each
business unit to implement to contribute to target fulfillment within company level
1.4 Process of business strategy building
1.4.1 Strategic vision
Strategic vision is the instruction diagram to indicate the method that
company must implement to develop and strengthen competitive power in business;
it will draw a picture of destination and reason to go to such destination
Strategic vision development include development of strategic thought on
future development of the company and the change of products – market –
technology to increase current position within the market and future prospect of the
Development of strategic vision is via analysis of PEST – factors in macro
environment and SWOT model of enterprise to find out a suitable vision for
1.4.2 Macro environment of enterprise PEST analysis
Analysis of PEST is to analyze macro environment to answer the questions:
with what does enterprise cope? There are four factors which belong to macro
environment that enterprise must cope with: legal and political factors; economic
Trang 11factor; social factor; technical and technological factor Such factors can impact on
organization independently which can combine with other factors
Factors of legality, government and politics: influence of legal,
governmental and political factors are high on activities of enterprise;
enterprise must follow regulations of leasing, lending, safety, price, advertisement;
competition, tax
Economic factor: main influences of economy including: inflate rate;
banking interests, periods of economic circle, payment scale, financial and currency
Cultural and social factors: can impact on enterprise in term of living
viewpoints, moral standards, community and female labors, consumption
habits…social factors often change slowly then it is difficult to realize
T echnological factors: can impact on enterprise: once many advanced
technology appears then it can create opportunities as well as threatens for all
sectors and enterprises Technological development can make up new market then
change competitive relations in the sector and make existing products outdated Five – force analysis
To analyze industry environment of an enterprise, we can apply the model of
five force of Michael E.Porter (1980) as follows:
Pressure from providers: including objects: materials and equipment sellers;
financial community; labor force; when provider has advantage then they can create
strong competitive pressure and create disadvantage for enterprise
Replaced products or replaced threatens are indicated by: transfer cost in
using products; using trend of replaced products of customers; relation between
price and quality of replaced products
Threats from new opponents indicated by: advantage of absolute cost;
knowledge of market fluctuation; approach of input factors; governmental policies;
economic scale, capital requirements, distinction of product label; change cost of
business sector, approach of distribution channel; retaliation, monopoly products
Trang 12Pressure from buyers or negotiation capacity of customers is indicated by:
bargain position, quantity of buyers, information of buyers, distinction of product
label; sensitivity of price; product differential, concentrated level of customers in
the sector; available level of replaced products; motivation of customers
Existing opponents or competitive intensity of the sector is indicated by:
concentration of sector; difficult to withdraw out of the sector, fixed cost, added
value, sector’s growth, redundant capacity, product differences, change cost,
distinction of brand name, diversification of competitive opponents
1.4.3 Internal environment analysis within the enterprise
According to Fred R.David, internal background of enterprise including
main factors such as: administration, marketing, financial accounting, production,
study and development, human resource and information system
Definition: including administration activities related to future preparation
such as: prediction, target establishment, strategy suggestion, policy development,
plan formation
Organization: including all administration activities which can create
structure of relation between right and responsibility; concrete tasks are: design
specialization of tasks, task description, tasks concretizing, monitoring
expansion, consistent order, coordination, arrangement, task designing, and task
Leadership: including efforts to orient to human activities including:
leading, contact, group work, change of operation, mandation, raise working
quality, satisfy tasks, satisfy demand, organizational changes, spirit of employees
and managers
Monitoring: related to all management activities to ensure realistic results
suitable to define results; main activities are: testing quality, financial control, sale
control, inventory, cost, analysis of changes, reward and punishment
According to Philips Kotler, Marketing including four main tasks: analyze
Trang 13market capacity; choose target market; draft marketing mix program (including 4
main elements: products, price, allocation and promotion);implement marketing
Financial accounting:
Financial condition is considered as the best competitive assessment method
of position which is the most attractive condition for investors Main function of
financial accounting includes: investment decision, supporting decision and
decision of stock interest
Analysis of financial index is the most popular method to define strengths
and weaknesses of organizations of financial accounting
Production and operation:
It includes all activities to turn input materials into products and services;
process of production and operation including 5 types of decision (functions)
including: process, capacity, inventory, labor force and quality:
Strengths and weaknesses in five functions can be together with success and
failure of organization
Research and development (R & D):
This activity is aimed to develop new products, raise product quality, control
price or improve production process to reduce cost; quality of efforts to study and
develop can help company to keep leading position and make company outdated
compared to opponents in the sector
Human resource:
Human resource plays important role in company’s success; in spite of right
strategy, it can not bring high effect without effective labors; company must
prepare human resource so that it can reach given targets
Information system:
Information system is the important strategic resource which approaches
raw data from both of internal and external environment of organization , helps to
monitor changes of environment, realizes threatens in competition and supports
implementation, assessment and controlling strategies
1.4.4 Model of strategy choice
Trang 14 SWOT:
SWOT will help us to develop four kinds of strategies:
- Strategies of strengths-opportunities (SO): such strategies are aimed to
use internal strengths to make use of external opportunities
- Strategies of weaknesses-opportunities (WO): such strategies are aimed to
improve internal weaknesses to make use of external opportunities
- Strategies of strengths-threatens (ST): such strategies are aimed to use
strengths to avoid or reduce influence of external threatens
- Strategies of weaknesses-threatens (WT): such strategies are aimed to
improve internal weaknesses to avoid or reduce influence of external threatens
According to Fred R.David, to build up SWOT, we must follow 8 steps:
Step 1: list important opportunities out of company
Step 2: list important threatens out of company
step 3: List strengths in company
Step 4: List weaknesses in company
Step 5: combine strengths with opportunities to form SO strategies and write in
suitable square
Step 6: Combine internal weaknesses with external opportunities and down
results of WO strategies and write in suitable square
Step 7: Combine internal strengths with external threatens and write down
results of ST strategies
Step 8: Combine internal weaknesses with external threatens and write
down results of WT strategies
Purposes of SWOT matrix is to find out feasible strategies to choose which
cannot decide the best strategy; therefore, in development strategies in SWOT, only
some best strategies are chosen to implement
Table 1.1: model of SWOT matrix
Trang 15(Weaknesses ) WO strategies WT strategies
QSPM matrix:
The followings are six steps QSPM:
Step 1: List external opportunities and threatens and internal strengths and
weaknesses in company
Step 2: classify for each external and internal successful factors
Step 3: define replaceable strategies that company should consider to
implement; gather them into private groups
Step 4: define attraction point of each strategy (AS) attraction point can
indicate attraction of each strategy compared to other strategies; just strategies in
one group can be compared to each other; attraction point is as follows: 1 is
unattractive; 2 is rather attractive, 3 is fairly attractive and 4 is very attractive If
attraction does not impact on choice of strategy then we will not mark for such
groups of strategies
Step 5: estimate total attractive point (TAS), which is the result of
multiplying classification point (step 2) with attractive point (step 4) in each row
Step 6: estimate total attractive point for each enterprise in strategic column;
If the point is high then strategy will be more attractive
Due to limited resources of company then we cannot implement all feasible
strategies but choose some best strategies that QSPM has indicated to implement
1.5 Basic competitive strategies
in two factors: cost advantage and product difference; by applying such advantages
company will pursue three common strategies:
- Leading cost
- Product differential
- Concentration
Trang 16Table 1.2: Common strategies in five-competitive force model 5 of
Micheal Porter
Competitive advantage Low cost
Concentrated strategy (Differential products)
- Strategy of leading cost:
This strategy will orient to the target to become producer with low cost in the
sector with a defined quality standard; then company will sell product with mean
price of the whole sector to get higher profit than competitive opponents or with
lower price to occupy market share; leading cost strategy will be applied in large
Successful enterprises in applying leading cost strategy always have the
following features:
Good capital for capital approach to invest in production equipment; this is
also the barrier that many other companies cannot overcome
Capacity of production designing to increase production effect such as create
a small detail to shorten assembly
High production qualification
effective distribution channels
Any common strategy has hidden risks and low cost strategy is not an
exception; with the help of modern technology, competitive opponents can have
surprised breakthrough in production, delete competitive advantages of enterprise;
Trang 17besides, some companies follow concentrated strategy into narrow market where it
is not difficult to reach lower cost in a traditional market then create a much bigger
monitoring group of market share
- Differential product
This is to develop products or services of enterprise so that products and
services have distinctive features which are highly appreciated by customers rather
than other products of opponents Added value due to distinctive products can allow
enterprise to set higher price which can be accepted by customers They hope that
such higher price will not only compensate added cost in providing products but
also more than that; thanks to product differences, if providers increase price then
enterprise can transfer the differential part to customers because customers cannot
easily find out similar products to replace
Successful enterprises in such strategy can have the following advantages:
Capacity to study and approach scientific achievements
Group of R&D with high skills and creation
Positive sale group with successful communication capacity of product’s
power to customers
Fame of quality and innovation capacity of enterprise
Risks together with differential product strategy is the capacity in which
competitive opponents imitate or consumers change consumption tastes; besides,
many companies also follow concentration to reach higher differential products
within the market
Conclusion: the process of strategic administration is always active
and constant; a change in some main elements in the model can change one or all
of other elements; therefore, activities of formation, implementation and
assessment of strategies should be done constantly; process of strategic
administration really never ends
2.1 General Introduction
Viet Nam I industrial JSC is established according to business registration
certificate No 2803000282 on 25/10/ 2004
Total charter capital: 11 billion dong
Chairman of administration board – general director: Trần Quốc Hương
Address : 70 Nguyễn Đổng Chi street –Hồng Lĩnh town, Hà Tĩnh province
Tel: 0393.570570 – Fax: 0393.836129
Company has many trading sectors, as follows:
- Produce and trading construction materials; exploit and process
construction stone for serving civil and industrial projects
The new line of stone grinding of Hoa Phat corporation
Trang 19- Main function of the company is to exploit stone, sand on mines which are
issued certificate by Provincial People’s Committee to provide for provincial
agencies or for construction projects
- Main duty of the company is to be in charge of financial activities such as
management of capital, asset, funds, accounting…publicize financial reports
- Pay tax and budget item as defined by the State
- Actively construct and implement business plan
Table 2.1 Revenue and profit of VN I industrial company
(Source: Accounting department of VN I industrial company)
Diagram 2.1: Revenue and profit of VN I enterprise via recent years
Trang 20In general, since establishment, Viet nam I industrial JSC has stable
development and on growth rate; current growth rate of company is not high and
annual profit is low but company has gradually defined firm basis to have high
development potential in the future This is the premise for company to build up a
right strategy The revenue was increase gradually year after year but the profit was
declining because the company has been investing intensively on new equipment
and production technology
2.2 Analysis of external environment
2.2.1 Analysis of PEST model
* Legal, governmental and political influence
Currently the world has considered Viet Nam as one of nations with stable
politics which can create good condition for national economic development
The Party and Government always care for economic development which
creates good condition for enterprises to develop and raise living standards of
Trang 21In the process of modernization – industrialization of the nation, Viet Nam
government really cares for technological transfer to modernize industry out of
which construction material sector is paid much attention Within recent time,
Government has implemented many projects of construction such as:
consolidate power, road, school, station; construct projects of traffic,
Currently, the State has encouraged foreign invested projects into Viet Nam
related to infrastructure construction
Together with national political stability, Ha Tinh also has many supporting
policies, create legal corridor, and solve related problems of administrative
procedures for enterprises investing in Ha Tinh
Then, legal and political environment is very favorable for Viet Nam I
industrial Joint Stock company as well as all enterprises operating within the
* Economic influence
The year 2010 is the final year to implement five-year socio-economic development
plan within 2006-2010 and ten-year socio-economic development strategy within
2001-2010 Then business activities of the sectors within 6 beginning months have
reached positive results for fulfilling socio-economic development targets in 2010
as follows: total domestic products in quarter I/2010 increases 5,83% compared to
the same term of 2009, quarter II/2010 increases 6,4%, equal 109,8% growth rate of
quarter I/2010 Within six beginning months, total domestic products increase
6,16% compared to the same term of previous year, including area of agriculture,
forestry and seafood increase of 3,31%, contribute 0,59 % in total increase; industry
and construction increase 6,50% Growth rate of total domestic products within 6
beginning months is not equal to target of 6,5% but 1,6 times higher than Growth
rate of 6 beginning months in 2009 and increase in three sectors This can show that
our economy is on quick recovery
Together with economic development, situation of infrastructure investment
of the whole nation has been cared; within hundreds of sector then rate of
construction investment is rather high and stable
Trang 22FDI by 20/6/2010 reaches 8,4 billion USD, equal to 80,9% compared to the
same term of 2009, including: registered capital of 438 projects reaching 7,9 billion
USD, reducing 19,9% in term of quantity of project but increase 43% in term of
capital; registered capital of 121 projects previously issued certificate is 525 million
USD FDI within six beginning months of the year reaches 5,4 billion USD,
increase 5,9% compared to the same sector in 2009
Within six beginning months of the year, the whole nation has 35 provinces
and cities directly under the Central with FDI projects out of which Ba Ria Vung
Tau province has the biggest registered capital of about 2,2 billion USD, occupying
27,3% total new registered capital; the next is Quang Ninh of 2,1 billion USD,
occupying 27,2%; Ho Chi Minh city of 1,1 billion USD, occupying 13,6%; Nghệ
An 1 billion USD, occupying 12,7%; Quảng Ngãi 340 million USD, occupying
4,3%; Hà Tĩnh 206,1 million USD, occupying 2,6%
( Source: website of foreign affairs of viet nam)
Above situation has shown that VN I enterprise as well as other companies within
the sector has got opportunity for its own investment sector because construction if
one of main investment sector within short term period of 2010 – 2015; the
opportunity for enterprise especially stone exploiting enterprises is the preferential
treatment from the State, especially loans from the bank which can borrow more
with lower interest via demand stimulus packages in recent time; Moreover the high
rate of construction leads to the increased demand of construction stone which can
create good condition for enterprise to promote sale revenue
Condition for business development is more favorable when economic norms of Ha
Tinh have reached plan especially industrial development
Economy of Ha Tinh has rather high growth rate reaching mean of 9,6%
year; economic structure transfer according to increase density of industry, service
and reduce density of agriculture-forestry- aquaculture; mean income per capita in
2010 increase more than 2 times compared to 2005 Mean increase of foodstuff
quantity increases 5,6%/year Domestic budget reaches from 435 billion dong in
2005 to 1.400 billion dong in 2010
* Social and cultural influence
Trang 23Currently, Vietnamese living standard in general and Ha Tinh people in
particular is higher and higher; demand of self-satisfaction is paid much attention
Apart from eating delicious foods, beautiful dressing then there is also desire to
live in beautiful houses with distinctive designing Modern and clean streets have
become essential demand of people currently, especially modern technological
Then construction materials and stone are more and more developed
according to the changes of consumers’ demand
* Influence of geographical and natural conditions
Ha Tinh is the Northern Central Coastal province with geographical co-ordinate
from 17053'50'' to 18045'40'' Northern latitude 105005'50'' to 106o30'20'' Eastern
It is bordered with Nghe An province in the North; bordered with Quang Binh
province in the South, bordered with eastern sea in the East and bordered with Laos
in the West
Feature of climate: Ha Tinh is in the area of tropical monsoon climate with
Northern climate in which it is cold in winter
However, due to influence of Northeastern monsoon from China is weakened
then it is less cold in winter and winter is shorter than northern provinces with two
main seasons of hot and cold seasons
Mean temperature in Ha Tinh is high Land temperature is from 18-22oC on
average, Land temperature is from 25,5 – 33oC on average in summer However, it
can be changed according to type of land, color of land, coverage and moisture of
With climate condition of two clear seasons then construction material sector
including construction stone will mainly operate in hot season because in rainy
season it cannot be exploited; this is an unfavorable factor for constant production
then enterprise should arrange suitable production to avoid wastes
* Technological influence
Trang 24Fast development of science and technique has provided sector of
production and processing with better equipments and machines; this is also the
opportunity for enterprises to care for innovation of technological line and
machines to avoid being outdated; currently, production line of construction stone
has been designed and produced by modern machine with suitable price
2.2.2 1 Customers
The mentioned survey has shown the features of factors to impact on
decision to buy construction stone that customers of VN I enterprise care for:
Diagram 2.2: Factors to impact on decision to buy construction stone
Comment: there are 50% total customers to answer that important and
necessary factor impacting on buying decision is price; price of products must be
suitable to economic capacity of customers which can help customers to save cost to
use in other purposes; Such number is a good sign for price policy that company has
been implementing In term of quality (style and durability) there are 20%
customers to assess it as very important This means consumers always expect to
own products with high quality but suitable price; besides, 20% in total customers
suppose that brand name is the most important factor which impact on buying
decision; although company has not constructed brand name but the name Viet Nam
I industrial JSC has been known as a provider of construction stone Current competitive opponents
Times of appeara nce
Rate %
Bran name 4 20
Style sample 0 0 Durability
Trang 25With above analysis of customers, target customers of Viet Nam I industrial
JSC are transportation companies and construction companies, and a small part of
people via agencies…This will be the basis for defining competitive opponents of
Viet Nam I industrial JSC currently:
Analysis of main competitive opponents
Current competitive opponents of VNI
Table 2.2: Charter capital of competitive companies at the time of
business registration
cooperative company
stone 999
(Source: VNI, Viet Nam – Czech cooperative company and stone company 999)
Table 2.3: advertisement form of VNI and two typical opponents
(Source: VNI, Viet Nam – Czech cooperative company and stone company 999)
Comment: advertisement task of Viet Nam – Czech cooperative company really
focuses on advertisement cost in recent time
Currently, Viet Nam – Czech cooperative company and other joint venture
companies have advantages when exploiting stone with strong financial power,
modern equipments and big scale Annual stone exploiting quantity has been
increased Implementing many promotion and advertisement programs; However,
Trang 26all of beginning cost and time for capital withdrawal is long On the other hand,
invested projects of stone exploiting have been implemented for 1 – 2 years then
places for exploiting are further than companies with investment of more than 5
years and traveling of big companies are not convenient like other companies
With regard to company 999 and similar companies of small invested capital
and tidy machine: many enterprises use labors in the form of family; such
companies sell products depending on regular customers; low quantity is due to low
capacity and less participation in advertisement and marketing programs
After analyzing two competitive opponents and representatives of other
enterprises within Ha Tinh market, we can see that each company has its own
strengths Then, in the process of business construction, Viet Nam I industrial
Joint Stock Company enterprise must realize and exploit main strengths –
management, relations Besides, VN I must adjust limitations of input
management system, better adjust financial capacity by making use of capacity to
mobilize and borrow capital and increase marketing system of company
Potential competitive opponents:
To analyze competitiveness as well as appearance capacity of potential
opponents of company in the coming time, we must realize the relation between
barriers of penetration and barriers of withdrawal to help enterprises to have
prevention such capacity because pressure from opponents can impact and threaten
the existence and development of enterprise; as follows:
Trang 27Diagram 2.3: Barriers and profit
Lợi nhuận thấp,
ổn định
Lợi nhuận thấp, mạo hiểm
Currently, stone exploiting companies within the province can raise capacity
as well as potential opponents can invest in modern technology although stone
exploiting is a distinctive sector within condition Then with opportunities from
supporting policy of local authority and fast growth rate of the sector then stone
exploiting can have some new competitive opponents; VNI enterprise must be
put in ready status fighting in case of any opponents’ a ppearance Replaced products:
Construction stone rarely has replaced products; currently there are some
gravels in streem and river to be replaced stone of 1x2 but quantity is low to provide
to a small locality then for a long term, demand of stone is high for construction
sector Providers:
material zone:
Stone material zones are mines; most of companies exploit and process at the
place to save loading cost and waste of time impacting on exploiting
Providers of technology and equipments
High profit with advantures
low and stable profit
low profit with advantures
high and table profit
Trang 28Equipments and machines for exploiting stone have appeared for tens of
years; currently some Vietnamese companies actively import comprehensive
Equipments and machines such as Hoa Phat corporation, Thien Hoa An…
Many equipments and machines are imported from Germany, the US,
Russia, Japan; and some other equipments are imported from China
Capital providers
Main capital source of Viet Nam I industrial Joint Stock Company is
mobilized from shareholders and bank’s loans In the future, to expand activities, it
must mobilize capital by issuing more stocks within the market
Labor force
Currently, labor force in company has met position and qualification of each
cadres; However company must also increase to raise professional skills and have
standby labor information to supplement if necessary
Then currently, providers are rather stable which has good condition for
company to implement production
2.3 Analysis of internal environment
2.3.1 Administration Definition
Prediction task of Viet nam I industrial JSC is mainly based on intuition of
leading board, without using demonstrative data as well as scientific prediction;
Leading board of company mainly based on policy, development strategies of the
provinces on construction sector to predict norms of company; then prediction based
on intuition cannot reach 100% as planned but implemented results are
approximately equal to given plan
Trang 29Table 2.4: Comparision of implemented results with plan in 2009
(Source: Annual report of 2008, 2009 of VN I)
The above table has shown that predicted norms have difference between
reality and given plan, in 2009 such differences are not considerable; then it can
claim experiences of leading board of company and prediction quality that leading
board has made according to experiences and intuition is rather accurate but not
trusted to be the basis for planning
In brief, although supporting information for definition is not
comprehensive, it is just based on intuition, due to many experiences in
activities as well as right appliance of strategic construction of leading
board then we can say that strategy definition of company is rather well
done Organization
Organizational designing: organizational structure of company is
maintained according to structure applied since 2008 This is a management
structure which is organized closely downwards; functional divisions will help
leader to find out the best solutions in all activities of company; out of which
decision right belongs to director which is implemented downwards
(organizational structure of company is presented in diagram 2.2)
As in the diagram, structure has been changed based on old structure via
many years and such organizational structure is very close; in which director board
of company will manage generally all enterprises as well as divisions of company
Trang 30Diagram 2.4: organizational structure of VNI
Chairman of administration council – general director: Trần Quốc Hương is
the one who will bear responsibility and highest right in leading and managing all
activities of company Director can delegate employees and bear responsibility
within such delegation
Deputy Director 1: Nguyễn Đình Thắng: support director to be in charge of
exploiting stone to ensure technical safety, quality, quantity to meet demand of
material supply division
Deputy director
trading division
ng division
administrative division
stone grinding division
assistance division
Chairman of administration council – general director
Deputy director
Trang 31Deputy director 2: Bùi Tiến Thành: support director to be in charge of
trading activities of company; sale task for agencies and final consumers or be in
charge of contracts to provide stone for construction companies
Administrative division: be in charge of implementing orientation and
policy given by director and bear responsibility in front of director of all related
problems; consult director to manage personnel, assets, give plan for activities of
company; make recommendation of related problemd of labors: salary, bonus to
encourage employees and social policy
Accounting division: bear responsibility in front of director in term of
financial accounting of company as defined by accounting law
Material supply division: be in charge of searching (materials, providers)
and buying materials for company to ensure materials for production division
Transportation division: be in charge of transporting materials from
providers to store and to mixed area; at the same time transport finished products to
store and to agencies or construction projects ( according to order )
Production division: be in charge of techniques of production process,
manage production shifts to ensure right progress of company
Coordinate and arrange task: task coordination and arrangement between
leading board and employees as well as among employees in company are well done
with high effect Leadership
Leadership: function of leadership is well implemented in which the whole
company from director board to head of divisions always have smooth coordination
in management of divisions and units
Capacity of leader: Viet Nam I industrial Joint Stock Company has 1
director with many experiences of more than 15 years of management and
administration and good qualification Besides, other members of leading board also
have many experiences, capacity and enthusiasm which contributes to the results
that company has reached in present and in the future
Trang 32Organizational and operational change: leading board of company is very
satisfied with organizational structure and operational method as currently; then in
the near future leading board of company has no intention to change such factors
Employees spirit: i n g e n e r a l , most of employees are satisfied with
personnel policies that company is implementing (salary, bonus, welfares….), then
it can promote working spirit as well as enthusiasm and fidelity of employees with
company; however some employees cannot fulfill all given tasks with collective
Management spirit: with capacity and working enthusiasm, most of
managing cadres care for common business of company for the common
development of company Corporate governance
The function of corporate governance is done rather well by leading board of
company; as usual, leading board of company will check production shits suddenly
to consider progress as well as working attitude of workers Besides, this function is
rather well done in term of cost and quality; financial situation of company is
closely monitored
In brief, with administrative function, strengths of Viet Nam I industrial
Joint Stock Company is that leading board has much experiences and good
qualification as well as suitable personnel policy to encourage spirit of employees
in company
2.3.2 Personnel
With more than 6 years of operation, it can be said that Viet Nam I industrial
Joint Stock Company has got professional labor force with quantity of 80 people in
2 0 0 9 a nd i n cr e as e t o 1 0 1 in 2 0 1 0 (excluding seasonal labors) professional
capacity and labor quality of such labor force are as follows:
Trang 33Table 2.5: labor structure of Việt Nam I industrial JSC
(source: administrative office of VN I)
With such personnel structure, it can show that Viet Nam I industrial Joint
Stock Company has employees with suitable capacity with necessary qualification
including post-graduate, university, intermediate school; a no so new staff together
with experienced leaders then it can help the company to have effective trading
and bring stable income which can create premise for future development
2.3.3 Marketing
In previous time, marketing task of company is not focused to implement;
marketing office is not established; marketing tasks has been implemented via
trading office of company; since implementation, situation is as follows: Products
Product development: due to distinction of construction materials
of stone exploiting then some kinds of stone such as stone 1x2; 2x4;
4x6; Base Company is studying to apply some products such as stone powder in
producing block brick…
Trang 342.3.3.2 Price
Based on price situation of construction stone, based on product price of
company, leading board of company has given some following price policies:
- Product of type A: price will fluctuate from 120.000đ/m2 to 260.000đ/m2
(products of type A including green stone of 1x2; 2x4; 4x6; 0.5)
- Product of type B: price will fluctuate from 90.000đ/m2 to 190.000đ/m2 Via
survey that author did in recent July (within Ha tinh area with interview objects
which are customers using products of Viet Nam I industrial Joint Stock Company)
Price that companies apply for construction stone has survey results as follows:
Diagram 2.5: customers’ opinion on price of VN I compared to
Survey information has shown that 60% total customers of Viet Nam I
industrial Joint Stock Company suppose that stone price of the company is cheaper
than opponents, 30 % suppose that stone price of VN I is equal to that of Viet Nam
– Czech Cooperative company and company 999 Then price of company can
impact on buying behaviors of customers; customers always want to buy high
quality products with competitive price Then in coming time, company must care
for price policy especially the period of market penetration as currently
more expensive equal cheaper
much more expensive
cheaper 8 40 Much
20 100
Trang 35Company has been developed, apart from two main channels to provide
transportation companies and construction companies within Ha Tinh province
F i g u r e 2 1 : c u r r e n t d i s t r i b u t i o n c h a n n e l o f V N I Advertisement
Advertisement: currently, advertisement of Viet Nam I industrial Joint
Stock Company is low; due to distinction of products which are construction
stones and serving two sale channels which are transportation and construction
companies then customers will know company via introduction for each other;
annually products of company will appear twice or three times on local paper;
besides company also has posters on transportation vehicles then advertisement
effect is very good
Via investigation of customers’ opinion in term of effect of advertisement
that company has applied, we have the following feedbacks:
on companies