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Ngày đăng: 25/03/2015, 10:01
Nguồn tham khảo
Tài liệu tham khảo | Loại | Chi tiết |
1. Balenson, D., D. McGrew, and A. Sherman, ‗‗Key Management for Large Dynamic Groups: One-Way Function Trees and Amortized Initialization,‘‘ draftirtf- smug-groupkeymgmt-oft-00.txt, IRTF, August 2000, work in progress | Khác | |
2. Baugher, M., et al., ‗‗Group Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP,‘‘ draft- ietfmsec- gdoi-04.txt, IETF, March 2002, work in progress | Khác | |
3. Baugher, M., et al., ‗‗Group Key Management Architecture,‘‘ draft-ietf- msecgkmarch- | Khác | |
4. Bellare, M., and P. Rogaway, ‗‗Entity Authentication and Key Distribution,‘‘ in Advances in Cryptology: Proc. of Crypto, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 773, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1993, pp. 232–249 | Khác | |
5. Blum, M., and S. Micali, ‗‗How to Generate Cryptographically Strong Sequences of Pseudo-Random Bits,‘‘ SIAM Journal of Computing, Vol. 13, No. 4, November 1984 | Khác | |
6. Briscoe, B., ‗‗MARKS: Zero Side Effect Multicast Key Management Using Arbitrarily Revealed Key Sequences,‘‘ in Proc. of First International Workshop on Networked Group Communication (NGC), Pisa, Italy, November 1999 | Khác | |
7. Briscoe, B., and I. Fairman, ‗‗NARK: Receiver-Based Multicast Non- Repudiation and Key Management,‘‘ in Proc. of the First ACM Conference on E- commerce (EC), Denver, CO, November 1999 | Khác | |
8. Burmester, M., and Y. Desmedt, ‗‗A Secure and Efficient Conference Key Distribution System,‘‘ in Proc. of EUROCRYPT, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 950, Perugia, Italy, May 1994, pp. 275–286 | Khác | |
9. Cain, B., et al., ‗‗Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 3,‘‘ draft- ietfidmr- igmp-v3-09.txt, IETF, January 2002, work in progress | Khác | |
10. Canetti, R., et al., ‗‗Multicast Security: A Taxonomy and Efficient Constructions,‘‘ in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, New York, March 1999 | Khác | |
11. Canetti, R., P. Rohatgi, and P. Cheng, ‗‗Multicast Data Security Transformations: Requirements, Considerations, and Proposed Design,‘‘ draft-irtf- smugdata- transforms-00.txt, IRTF, June 2000, work in progress | Khác | |
12. Chang, I., et al., ‗‗Key Management for Secure Internet Multicast Using Boolean Function Minimization Techniques,‘‘ in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, New York, March 1999 | Khác | |
13. Chen, W., and L. R. Dondeti, ‗‗Performance Comparison of Stateful and Stateless Group Rekeying Algorithms,‘‘ in Proc. of Fourth International Workshop on Networked Group Communication (NGC),Boston, MA, October 2002." | Khác | |
14.DeCleene, B., et al., ‗‗Secure Group Communications for Wireless Networks,‘‘ in Proc. of the IEEE MILCOM, Vienna, VA, October 2001, pp. 113–117 | Khác | |
15.Deering, S., et al., ‗‗The PIM Architecture for Wide-Area Multicast Routing,‘‘ IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1996, pp. 153–162.Diffie, W., P. van Oorschot, and M. Wiener, ‗‗Authentication and Authenticated | Khác | |
16. Dinsmore, P. T., et al., ‗‗Policy-Based Security Management for Large Dynamic Groups: An Overview of the DCCM Project,‘‘ in Proc. of the DARPA Information Survivability Conference & Exposition, Vol. I of II (DISCEX), Hilton Head, SC, January 2000, pp. 64–73 | Khác | |
17. Diot, C., et al., ‗‗Deployment Issues for the IP Multicast Service and Architecture,‘‘ IEEE Network, Special Issue on Multicasting, January/February 2000.Estrin, D., et al., ‗‗Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM):Protocol Specification,‘‘ RFC 2362 (experimental), IETF, June 1998 | Khác | |
18. Hardjono, T., B. Cain, and I. Monga, ‗‗Intra-Domain Group Key Management Protocol,‘‘ draft-ietf-ipsec-intragkm-02.txt, IETF, February 2000, work in progress | Khác | |
19. Hardjono, T., et al., Secure IP Multicast: Problem Areas, Framework and Building Blocks, draft-irtf-smug-framework-01.txt,, IRTF, Sept. 2000, work in progress | Khác | |
20. Hardjono, T., M. Baugher, and H. Harney, ‗‗Group Security Association (GSA) Management in IP Multicast,‘‘ in Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Information Security (IFIP/SEC), Paris, France, June 2001 | Khác |