Hướng dẫn sử dụng Tecora basic, các bước cài đặt chương trình và cách thức nhập, tính toán, hiệu chỉnh và đo đạc. Hướng dẫn sử dụng máy Tecora isotask basic để thu mẫu bụi khí thải và các thông số khí thải khác.
Trang 1IIssossttaacck BaassiiccUser Manual
Rev 0.3 Eng
june ’01
Trang 2INDEX Page
1.1 About the Emissions Isokinetic Sampling 5
1.2 ISOSTACK BASIC: Operating principles 5
1.3 Power Supply and Precautions 6
2.1 Basic Equipment 8
2.2 Accessories and Spares part 8
2.3 Commands description 9
2.3.1 Keyboard 9
2.4 Connecting the Umbilical cable to the rear panel connectors 10
2.5 Sampling line configuration examples 11
2.5.1 Isokinetic Sampling line 11
2.5.2 Gas Sampling line 11
4 Before to sample… 13
4.1 Initial preparations before to start the sample 13
4.2 Choosing the sampling point 13
4.3 Preliminary information about the emission characteristics 13
5 Sampling operation quick start 14
5.1 Preliminary operations 14
5.1.1 Turn on and AutoZero 14
5.1.2 Main menu 15
5.1.3 Set the Standard to be compliant with 15
5.1.4 Duct specifications settings 15
5.1.5 System Configuration 17
5.1.6 Leak Test 17
5.2 Preliminary velocity and flowrate measure 18
5.3 Isokinetic Sampling 20
5.3.1 Chose a nozzle using the “Nozzle Utility” Program 20
5.3.2 Start an Isokinetic Sampling 21
5.4 Operations during the sampling 22
5.4.1 New Sampling point 22
5.4.2 Pause during the sampling 22
6.1 Turbulence Fattore “FT” 23
Trang 36.4 Autozero 24
6.5 Simultaneous sampling with the derived line 24
6.6 End of sampling Pump ON 25
6.7 Pitot tube “K” Coefficient 25
6.8 Actual pressure “Pa” measure 26
7.1 External measures 27
7.2 Leack check - Leak Test execution 28
7.3 Flowrate test 29
7.3.1 Automatic Test 29
7.3.2 Manual Test 29
8.1 Date & Time 30
8.2 Method Selection 30
8.3 Default setup restore 31
8.4 Pitot Constant - Programming the Calibration Curve 31
8.5 Calibrations 31
8.6 New Password 31
9.1 Print the saved data 32
9.2 Last Sample 32
9.3 Calibration printout 33
9.4 Erase Memory 33
9.5 Built-in Printer 33
9.6 Serial Port 33
10.1 Duct Flow rate Measure 34
10.2 ISO Sampling 35
10.2.1 Displayed parameters during the isokinetic sampling 35
10.3 Constant flow sampling 37
10.3.1 Constant flow at actual conditions 37
10.3.2 Constant flow at standard conditions 37
10.3.3 Cyclone Constant flow 38
10.3.4 1 Displayed parameters during the constant flow sampling 38
10.4 Ambient Sampling 39
10.4.1 Displayed parameters during the Ambient Sampling 40
11.1 Change the Configuration parameters 41
11.2 Resume the sampling 41
Trang 411.3 Modify the sampling time 41
10.4 Immediate stop of the sampling 41
14.1 Power failure 44
14.2 Out of regulation 44
14.3 Gas meter temperature Alarm 46
14.4 The instrument resets during operations 46
15.1 Instrument 47
15.2 Sensors 48
Calibration procedure of the flowrate measure system 51
General Requirement 51
Standard flowrate meter systems 51
Calibration Check procedure using a direct reading reference flowmeter 51
Calibration check procedure using a reference dry gas meter 52
Temperatures calibration procedure 53
General requirements 53
Thermocouple sensor Calibration 53
Gas meter and Aux1 e 2 temp (optional) temperature Calibration 54
Pressures Calibration procedure 55
General requirements 55
Absolute pressure calibration Pa/Pam on 2 points 55
Differential pressure calibration 56
A good acknowledgement about the processes which origin the stack gas streams and methods for theparticulate matter sampling and flowrate determination in emissions are required If the suspended dust
is composed by particles which diameter is greater than 5 µm or if its concentration is greater than 5mg/m3 than it cannot be considered homogeneous thus the sampling must be executed with a certainnozzle velocity defined as “ISOKINETIC”.
Isokinetism means that the sampling flowrate must be set so that the gas velocity entering the
sampling probe nozzle is equal (or as close as possible) to the gas velocity of the stack.
A nozzle gas velocity lower than the stack gas velocity cause an enrichment of coarse particles in thesample because they enter the probe thanks to their dynamic force and without following the normallaminar flow; the opposite happens when sampling at higher nozzle velocity respect to the stack velocitycondition This is why the Isokinetic condition is very important, especially when a granulometric
determination has to be carried out
The relationships between the gas stream fluid dynamics parameters (velocity, temperature, pressure,molecular weight) and the sampling ones are solved using complex mathematics equations which canlead to errors and then to incorrect measures Moreover, the thermodynamic conditions can suddenlychange making the operator to correct the sampling flowrate often
A particular attention should be dedicated to the position and distribution of the sampling points since thegas flowrate isn’t always laminar and also because the particles granulometric distribution is neveruniform
A sampling section ,possibly circular and vertical, as far as possible from obstacles that cause
turbulence is always advisable
Execute the sampling with enough measuring point distributed along the diameter; ISO 9096, EPA andUnichim recommendations give exhaustive explanations on this subject
The automatic isokinetic sampler ISOSTACK BASIC has been realised in accordance with US EPA,Unichim Standards and with the most recent international ISO 9096 Standard, to carry out stack gassampling in ISOKINETIC conditions
Fumes are automatically sampled through the sampling probe nozzle at the same velocity they have inthe stack (isokinetic condition) Those adjustments are done automatically, without the need for theoperator to solve the complex relationships controlling the stack fluid dynamic conditions and the
sampling parameters
Only if this condition is satisfied it’s possible to collect on a filtrating device, placed along the samplingprobe, a representative sample of particulate matter Hot fumes are then convoyed to a cooling deviceused to remove the fumes water content and cool them before they enter the sampling and control unit.It’s possible to use the Isostack basic also for gases constant flow samplings in stack or use it in
combination with Cyclones for the particulate cut size sampling
A dedicated software allows the Isostack Basic application also for ambient samplings
Trang 61.3 Power Supply and Precautions
For safety and good functioning reasons, the Isostack should be powered with a grounded and disturbsfree power supply
Do not connect other instruments or devices to the power line where the Isostack Basic is connected inorder to avoid power short fall or even damages
The Isostack Basic’s power circuit is a double phases plus the ground with a protection fuse on eachphase and a ON/OFF bipolar interrupter with a power on lamp
The Isostack Basic is equipped with a internal battery and with electronic circuits protecting the sampling
if a power loss occurs, anyway, disturbs caused by improper electrical contacts may cause criticalfunctioning situations
Attention: remove the instrument and its accessories from the package and check for physical
damages, in case you encounter any problem, contact us or your local dealer immediately
1 Keyboard and backlight display
2 Built-in printer (optional)
3 Gas Dry Meter
4 Cover with lock
5 Thermoregulators for heated devices
Rear Panel Connectors details
10 Gas inlet with protection filter
11 Actual temperature thermocouple connector (fumes)
12 RS232 Connector
13 Gas outlet
14 2 ways ∆p Pitot and Pa/Pam Connector
15 Auxiliary Temperature connectors - Taux1 e Taux2 (optional)
16 Heated probe thermosetting connectors
7 6 5
1 2
Trang 82.1 Basic Equipment
The Isostack Basic shipment includes:
Ö Quick connector for the gas inlet
Ö Raufilam suction tube (5 meters)
Ö 1 Filter cartridge for the gas inlet
The instrument can be equipped with the following accessories or options
2 thermoregulators for the thermosetting of the micropolluntants probe Cod AC99-020-9900SP
Ambient temperature probe Θa with compensated cable (4 m length) Cod *******
Spare Parts
Trang 92.3 Commands description
2.3.1 Keyboard
The keyboard is located on the front panel, a sound alert you when a key is pressed and it featuresalphanumeric keys and function keys as well The following keys are present :
<ENTER> Accept the displayed settings and skip to the next step
<MENU> Accept the displayed settings and go back to the previous step
<NEXT> When entering data or settings, it move the cursor to the next field; During the data or
options display, this key scroll the window and let you explore the whole page
<F1> Function key with the following actions:
• System Manager : when the instrument is in the pause mode, it let you enter the
• During the setting, it changes the sign between + and –
• During the Date setting, it modify the Day setting
(1=Monday , 2=Tuesday 0=Sunday)
∧∧ The up arrow key increase the flowrate or the vacuum level You can increase with
1-10-100-1000 rate in function of the keys number
∨∨ The up arrow key decrease the flowrate or the vacuum level You can decrease with
1-10-100-1000 rate in function of the keys number
<ABC> Alphanumeric keys – They are used to enter site identification data in the instrument that
will be printed in the measure summary Their use is similar to the portable phones one,pressing more than one time the same key, you change the letter you see on the key.Pressing another key will move the cursor to the next field To enter the same letter twice
or to move the cursor in the next field, press the NEXT key
Trang 102.4 Connecting the Umbilical cable to the rear panel connectors
Trang 112.5 Sampling line configuration examples
2.5.1 Isokinetic Sampling line
2.5.2 Gas Sampling line
ISOSTACK BASICSamplerSilica Gel Trap
Unichim type Gas probe
Isokinetic Probe Slide & Lock Device
Silica Gel trap Cooling/Condensing device
Umbilical cable
To be compliant with to the International standard ISO 9096 “Stationary source emissions Determination
of concentration and mass flow rate of particulate material in gas-carrying ducts – Manual gravimetricmethod” we have adopted the following symbology :
KPt Pitot tube coefficient (KPt 1÷4)
Trang 134 Before to sample…
Both Standards and “local norms” give indications about the procedures to follows before to makingemission isokinetic samplings
Short introduction to basic operations:
Ö Verify the apparatus and accessories before to go to the sampling location, check the integrity for allthe needed parts of the instrument, tubes, glass devices, Pitot tube and so on
Ö Prepare, dry and weight the filter If you are using the basket, fill it with 1 g of quartz wool
Ö The filtering material should be compatible with the emission conditions (temperature…)
The sampling point should be chosen in a straight segment of the duct with a constant section and far aspossible from any flow perturbation generator both before and after
Prepare the sampling stack port to be compatible with the probe slide and lock device
In most of the countries, the stack port is standard so you need only to use the right adapter; in Italy, forinstance, the standard stack port features a M90 x 1.5 threaded ring; in alternation, it’s possible to usethe TCR Tecora Universal Flange which allows the connection with unified flanges with a 4” diameter or5” PN2.5 ÷ 10
Before you start the sampling, you should know:
Ö Maximum predicted temperature Θ Θa, to verify it is compatible with the filter and probe specifications.
Ö Gas chemical composition, in relations to the probe material construction
Ö Gas composition; expressed as one of the following characteristic:
• Gas density, dry at standard conditions ρn = Kg/m3
Ö Gas Water Vapor content; expressed as one of the following characteristic:
• Molar Fraction rw = ( pure n° < 1 )
Ö Duct Internal dimensions:
• Circular: diameter, ports number
• Rectangular: port side length; lunge side length; port number
Trang 145 Sampling operation quick start
5.1.1 Turn on and AutoZero
Turn on the instrument with the interrupter, the interrupter light should be on and a whistle should beheard (this is due to the device controlling the flowrate setting valve engine)
Timed message lasting about 15 seconds, during this period,the ISOSTACK BASIC make a self functional test
Timed message lasting about 99 seconds with the countdown displayed on the screen, it’s needed for the sensors stabilization This operation can be aborted in any time pressing the <MENU>key
The instrument serial number and program version will also bedisplayed in this screen
Finished the stabilization, it’s possible to proceed with thepressure sensors autozeroing We suggest to allow theinstrument a long stabilization time (about 5/6 minutes) before to
do the autozero
Before pressing the <ENTER> key, disconnect the Pitot tube
pneumatic connector on the rear panel of the ISOSTACK
Temporary message appearing during the autozero operation
Main screen with the time and date indication
Trang 155.1.3 Set the Standard to be compliant with
From the Main Menu select <6> Settings and then <2> Method
Scroll the display “Standard” using the <NEXT> key and selectthe norm you to satisfy for the measuring points determination.The number on the side of the header “STANDARD” indicate theactual selection
Notes :
ISO 9096 C.P : means measure with also the central point ISO 9096 no C.P : no central point
ISTISAN e UNICHIM are equivalent
After the selection, press the <MENU> key to go back to the Main Menu
5.1.4 Duct specifications settings
From the Main Menu, select <2> DUCT SELECTIONChose the duct section (for instance : <2> Rectangular)
Enter the section dimensions and the available port number
<NEXT> Move the cursor
<ENTER> Enter the value
When finished, press the <MENU> key to go back to the previous screen
Trang 16Selecting <3> Site, it’s possible to enter a name or siteidentification for the measure, this will be useful when you willmanage the samplings collected data
Enter the informations using the keyboard as normally done forthe portable phones
Only selecting EPA Method you have to insert the up and down
stream flow disturbance distance in meter
rw = stack gas water vapor volumetric fraction; is a number
always lower than 1; if the water vapor percentage is 13% thenthe rw is 0.13
fn = water vapor concentration expressed in kilograms per cubic
meter at standard conditions (101.3 KPa, 0° C)
Note : For further information’s about the water vapor determination, see the Appendix A.
The value indicated by the cursor when you press the <ENTER>key is the one which will be used by the instrument
The other value will be automatically calculated and updated.The values entered in the “duct specifications” menu will beretained in the memory until you modify them
In case you will have to work again on the same stack you don’tneed to enter the data again
Trang 175.1.5 System Configuration
From the Main Menu chose <4> CONFIGURATION
The first parameter is the Turbulence Factor FT
The turbulence factor is a number between 1 and 99 whichallows the duct gas velocity (v’a) data averaging before to updatethe pump working flowrate
This option is useful to stabilize the sampling when turbulentflows are present
The velocity measure time is 3 seconds; setting FT = 5 meansthat v’a will be updated every 5 seconds
Default FT value = 5The standard configuration is indicated for samplings withstandard sampling lines (as described in par 2.5)
For further informations about the dry gas determination, see
the chapter 6 System Configuration
5.1.6 Leak Test
The leak test allows the automatic detection of the global leakage the entire sampling line, pump
This operation is requested from both EPA and ISO9096 Methods
Before to proceed with the test, we suggest to read the paragraph 7.2 Leak Test of this manual
Turbulence Factor
num Cycle = 05
Trang 185.2 Preliminary velocity and flowrate measure
If the fluid dynamic parameters of the emission are unknown, a velocity and temperature measurement
is needed to detect the nozzle which better fit the sampling, this operation can be carried out with a fullflowrate measurement following the methods or with testing few measuring points
In the example, a full flowrate measurement will be done
During the flowrate measure you have to avoid to collect the dust inside the nozzle, tap the nozzle orpoint it to the opposite side respect the gas stream
Ö Insert the probe in the duct fixing it with the slide and lock device
Ö Verify the connection of the umbilical cable
Ö Verify that the Pitot tube is oriented correctly respect the fumes direction; use the thermocouple fixingplate placed on the external side of the probe as reference, if the duct is vertical and the gases go
up, the fixing plate must be facing down
In the Main Menu, select <1> STARTand then <1> Duct flow rate
On the display will appear the dimensions and section of theduct, for instance, CS (circular section) diameter 1 mt
Those values cannot be modified since are the ones entered inthe duct specifications menu
The following message allows you to chose the methodcompliance operations or perform a user customized measure.For the example we will chose to operate in compliance with themethod
X = Point distance from the stack internal wall
<1> Duct flow rate
Trang 19Ö Place the probe nozzle at the indicated distance.
Ö Read on the display the indicated v’a and Θa values
Press the <ENTER> key to start the measure, it will take about
30 seconds
At the end of the measure, the data will be automatically saved
In relation to the port and points number attributed to the duct,the same cycle will be updated for the B, P and X values
It’s possible to stop the measure in any point pressing the
<MENU> key and achieve the measure report including the
flowrate determination
Repeat the operation until you reach the end of the measurepoints, a data saving request will appear on the display If theinstrument is equipped with the printer, a hardcopy of the
measure final report will be printed
It’s possible to display the measure report selecting <5> DATA
MANAGER in the Main Menu and then <2> Last sample.
Trang 20In relation to the stack fluid dynamic parameters, select the nozzle which better fit the sampling in order
to work in the best conditions also in relation to the pump characteristics
To simplify the nozzle selection, the Isostack basic include a routine called “Nozzle Utility”
5.3.1 Chose a nozzle using the “Nozzle Utility” Program
To access the program select
<1> Run
The default values are taken from the previous measurement
If they have changed, you must enter the v’a, Θa and Pa
On the display :
- Theoretic nozzle diameter
- Pump flowrate value “qVg“ to satisfy the isokinetic condition
- Max sampling line absolute pressure “Pal” at which the pump can correctly operate that specific flowrate
Selected nozzle 5 mm
It’s possible to change the nozzle diameter many times until youfind the one matching your application
Note: When a normal sampling line is used, we suggest to work
with a qVg between 15 and 25 l/min
Ö Mount the selected nozzle on the sampling probe and place the probe at the 1° sampling point.
<1> Duct flow rate
Trang 215.3.2 Start an Isokinetic Sampling
The duct type and section dimensions will appear on the screen,for instance Circular section 1mt diameter, and the programmedTurbulence Factor
regulation valve of the instrument will be activated setting aflowrate as close as possible to the one needed to satisfy theisokinetic condition
Grid following the Rule.
The next screen allows you to follows the rule as regard thesampling point positions or do the sampling at your discretion
We will chose <1> Meet standard
Similarly to the flowrate measure, when we follow the rule, theminimum sampling points number for each diameter is indicated.Anyway, this number can be changed
On the display will appear the first sampling point.
Press <NEXT> to activate the cursor and modify the sampling
time (Note : the minimum sampling time suggested is 5 minutes
with a turbulence factor FT lower than 10) and proceed asfollows:
Ö Place the probe to the indicated distance
Ö press <ENTER> to save the sampling time
Ö <ENTER> again to start the sampling.
Grid at your Discretion
Selecting <2> Customized, the minimum sampling points willnot be indicated
Pressing <NEXT>, the cursor moves in the B , P and x fields,
is now possible to enter different values and save them In thisway the printed report will contain the exact informations aboutthe sampling points
When finished, press <ENTER>
Ö Press <NEXT> to activate the cursor and change the sampling time and then :
Ö Place the probe to the indicated distance
Ö press <ENTER> to save the sampling time
Ö <ENTER> again to start the sampling
The most important parameter are displayed on the screen during the sampling operation, for furtherinformations about the displayed data see the Chapter 10.2.1 Displayed parameters during the
isokinetic sampling of this manual.
Trang 225.4 Operations during the sampling
5.4.1 New Sampling point
When the 1° measuring point is finished, the display will show the indications to place the probe to thenew sampling point
If the instrument is equipped with the printer, the 1° point data will be printed
After you have placed the probe, press <ENTER> to proceedwith the new point
Ö To stop the measure and generate the sampling report, press the <MENU> key.
When the measure is finished, you will be asked to save themeasure
If the instrument is equipped with the printer, the final report will
be printedIt’s possible to display the measure report selecting :
and then,
<2> Last sample.
Press <NEXT> to scroll the data screens
5.4.2 Pause during the sampling
Press the <F2 / PAUSE> key during the sampling the operation enter in Pause mode and you will havethe following options:
<F1> to access the configuration menu with the possibility the
change the following settings:
<F2> Resume the sampling
<NEXT> to modify the current set sampling time.
<MENU> to stop definitively the measure and generate the
<NEXT> Change Time
<MENU> End of Sampl
From the Main Menu, press <4> CONFIGURATION to enter theconfiguration menu where important sampling parameters andoption can be changed
The Turbulence Factor is a number between 1 and 99 whichallows the duct velocity value v’a averaging before to update thepump working flowrate
This option is particularly useful to stabilize the sampling if turbulent flows are present.
A high FT doesn’t mean a less precise measure, if turbulences are present, it’s far better the isokinetismcorrection on a long time basis instead of following quickly an unstable velocity; keep in mind that
between the v’a measure and the flow correction at least 3 seconds are needed while the variations due
to turbulences are faster
The velocity measure interval is 3 seconds; setting a FT of 5 means that the v’a value will be updatedevery 15 seconds Default value: 5
Note : Enter a FT value to obtain an updating time (FT x 3) lower than 1/10 of the sampling time of each
sampling point, for example, setting a FT=10 the suggested minimum sampling time is 5 minutes
This function allows to set in the instrument a fumes velocity value in the manual mode, and then, toadjust the isokinetism without considering the informations coming from the Pitot tube
The use of this function become essential when the turbulence condition during the sampling doesn’tallow the measure and the automatic operation even if high turbulence factors are used
It’s possible to turn on and off this function in any moment during the sampling pressing the
<F2-PAUSE> key and accessing the configuration with <F1>.
Turn on the function pressing <1> ONPress <NEXT> to activate the cursor and then enter the desiredvelocity value
Trang 246.3 Manual setting of the fumes temperature “ Θa” Θ
This function allows to set in the instrument a fumes temperature value in the manual mode, and then, toadjust the isokinetism without considering the information coming from the thermocouple
The use of this function is particularly useful when strong EMF are present (for example close to
electrostatic filters) because the thermocouple acts like an antenna and lead the noise into electronicboard of the instrument generating a possible fault of the instrument
It’s possible to disconnect the thermocouple and to turn on this function in any moment during the
sampling pressing the <F2-PAUSE> key and accessing the configuration with <F1>
Turn on the function pressing <1> ONPress <NEXT> to activate the cursor and then enter the desiredvelocity value
This function executes the autozeroing of the Pitot tube differential pressure sensor
It can be accessed in any moment during the sampling pressing the <F2-PAUSE> key
The Autozero function recovers the pressure sensor drift and increase the low velocities measure
Before pressing the <ENTER> key, disconnect the pneumatic
connector of the Pitot tube located on the rear panel of the
Isostack Basic
If the application ask for a simultaneous sampling on a derived line, the working flowrate set on thederived sampler must be entered in the Isostack basic
When this option is actived, the Isostack Basic subtract from the theoretic sampling flow the one of thederived sampling at standard conditions
It’s possible to activate or deactivate this option also when in pause mode during a sampling
Select <1> ON to activate the simultaneous sampling
Enter the flowrate at Normalized conditions of the derivedsampler, for instance 2.0 l/min
Trang 256.6 End of sampling Pump ON
This function force the pump to continue to work when the each programmed sampling point ends
When the programmed time is over, a warning message appearalerting the operator about the end of the sampling point andprompting to place the probe to the next distance
After you have placed the probe to the next point, press the <ENTER> key to start with the new
It’s possible to select the Pitot tube calibration factor to be used
The default values are:
<1> K = 0.84 average coefficient of the TCR TECORA Isokineticprobe S type Pitot tube
<2> K = 1 average coefficient of the classic Pitot tube
To program the calibration curves of the Pitot tubes see the chapter 8.4 Pitot Constant of this manual
Trang 266.8 Actual pressure “Pa” measure
Built-in with the Isostack Basic there is an absolute pressure sensor dedicated to the measure of bothAmbient Pressure “Pam” and Duct Pressure (Actual) “Pa”
The pressure sensor is connected to the 2 way pneumatic connector located on the rear panel of theinstrument
During the Autozero operation, the instrument measure and save the Ambient pressure “Pam” value.After the autozero, this sensor is used to measure the Actual pressure “Pa”
To allow the firmware to be compatible with different isokinetic probes, the program has 2 options :
<1> Manual input
If the sampling line hasn’t the Pitot tube, the Pa value must beentered with the keyboard selecting <1> and then typing thevalue
If the Pa value is unknown, to easy the estimation, the ambientpressure Pam value is displayed on the screen
Trang 27Use the <NEXT> key to skip to the next screen
thermocouple connected to the instrument
Θaux1 = Auxiliary Temperature 1 Pt100 (optional)
Θaux2 = Auxiliary Temperature 2 Pt100 (optional)
Pam = Atmospheric Pressure
Pa = Actuale Pressure dpPt = Pitot tube differential Pressure