A comparison essay is an essay in which you emphasize the similarities.. PurposeWith comparison and contrast essay, the purpose is not just to point out similarities and differences,
Trang 1The Comparison and
Trang 2Definition
Comparison and contrast essays indicate the similarities and
contrasts between two things
A comparison essay is an essay in
which you emphasize the similarities.
A contrast essay is an essay in which you emphasize the differences.
Trang 3Purpose
With comparison and contrast
essay, the purpose is not just to point out similarities and
differences, or advantages and
disadvantages; the purpose is to persuade, explain or inform.
Think of comparison and contrast
as a method of development – not
as a purpose for writing.
Trang 4A paragraph of comparison
A paragraph of contrast
Trang 5attending classes A second way in which these two towns
Gridlock is surrounded by many acres of farmland which is devoted mainly to growing corn and soybeans In the same way , Subnormal lies in the center of farmland which is used
to raise hogs and cattle Thirdly, these towns are similar in that they contain college campuses Gridlock, for example,
is home to Neutron College, which is famous for its
Agricultural Economics program as well as for its annual Corn-Watching Festival Likewise , the town of Subnormal boasts the beautiful campus of Quark College, which is well
Trang 6Contrast Paragraphs
Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways For example, the physical size of each state is different Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square
miles Another difference is in the size of the
population of each state Arizona has about four
million people living in it, but Rhode Island has less than one million The two states also differ in the
kinds of natural environments that each has For
example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of
large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year However , Rhode Island is located in a
temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches
of rain per year In addition, while Arizona is a
landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic Ocean and does have a
significant coastline.
Trang 8Point-by-Point or Alternating Arrangement
(five paragraphs)
I Introduction in which you state your purpose which is to discuss differences between
vacationing in the mountains or at the beach
II First difference between mountains and
IV Third difference between mountains and
beaches is the location
A Mountains
B Beach
V Conclusion
Trang 9Block Arrangement
(four paragraphs)
I Introduction in which you state your purpose which is to discuss the differences between vacationing in the mountains or at the beach
Trang 10Go on vacation : on a beach or in a city
1 Introduction:
Thesis statement: The purpose of this essay is to contrast the differences
between vacation at a beach or in a city.
-Fancy clothes, etc.
c Differences about the pace of life:
- Relax and let things happen at a beach
- Schedule activities to have enough time to visit many places in a city
3 Conclusion:
- Both are interesting
- Keep in mind that wherever you decide to go you will enjoy it.
Trang 11_ Collect your raw data—the similarities and differences
you’ve observed—and make them cohere into a meaningful argument
_ When you write a compare and contrast essay, you can end up evaluating good and bad sides of the items you are discussing
_Be consistent, don’t firstly state similarities, and
secondly provide a list of differences
Trang 12The Introduction
General guidelines:
within which you place the two things you plan
to compare and contrast in your essay.
_Grounds for custom essay comparison
two things you’ve chosen to compare/contrast actually relate to one another; it means that the statement should arise from grounds for
comparison In your thesis statement you should make it clear to the readers whether the essay is indicating the similarities or differences.
Try a quotation, or an anecdote to make the
context more lively
Trang 13- No matter what you prefer, make sure to give
equal amount of attention to both comparison and contrast in your essay.
- Don’t forget to link your investigations to the thesis The readers should have a clear picture
of your comparison and contrast.
Trang 14The conclusion
General guidelines:
-A conclusion should be a strong paragraph; restate your thesis in new words and show how you’ve proven it in the preceding
-Wrap the essay up with a final sentence or two.
Trang 15Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject you have raised in your paper
It is also your opportunity to make a good final
impression and to end on a positive note
Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for further study This can redirect your
readers’ thinking process and help them to apply your ideas to their own lives or to see the broader
Trang 16A vote for McDonald’s
For my birthday this month, my wife has offered to treat me to dinner
at the restaurant of my choice I think she expects me to ask for a meal at the Chalet, the classiest, most
expensive restaurant in town
However, I’m going to eat my birthday dinner at McDonald’s When I
compare the two restaurants, the
advantages of eating at McDonald’s are clear.
Trang 17For one thing, going to the Chalet is more difficult than going to McDonald’s The Chalet has a jacket-and-tie rule, which means I have
to dig a sport coat and tie out of the back of
my closet, make sure they’re semiclean, and try to team out the wrinkles somehow The
Chalet requires advance reservations Since it
is downtown, I have to leave an hour early to give myself time to find a parking space within six blocks of the restaurant The Chalet
cancels reservations if a party is more than ten minutes late Going to McDonald’s, on the
wearing jeans or a warm-up suit I don’t have
to do any advance planning I can leave my
house whenever I’m ready and pull into a
doorside parking space within fifteen minutes.
Trang 18The Chalet is a dimly lit, formal place While I’m struggling to see what’s on my plate, I worry that I knock one of the fragile glass vases off the table The waiters at the Chalet can be
uncomfortably formal, too As I awkwardly
pronounce the French words on the menu, I get the feeling that I don’t quite live up to their
standards Even though the food at the Chalet is gourmet, I prefer simpler meals I don’t like
unfamiliar food swimming in dead-white sauce or cover with pie pastry Eating at the Chalet, as to
me, is less enjoyable than eating at McDonald’s.
McDonald’s is a pleasant place where I ell at ease
It is well lighted, and the bright-colored décor is
informal The employees serve with a smile, and the food is easy to pronounce and identify I know what I’m going to get when I order a certain type of sandwich.
Trang 19The most importance difference
between the Chalet and McDonald’s,
though, is the price difference Dinner for two at the Chalet, even one without the appetizers or desserts, would easily cost
$50 And the $50 doesn’t include the cost
of parking the car and tipping the waiter, which can come to an additional $10
Once, I forgot to bring enough money At McDonald’s, a filling meal for two will cost around $10 with the extra $50, my wife and I can eat at McDonald’s five more
times, or go to the movies five times, or buy play-off tickets to a football game.
Trang 20So, for my birthday dinner
celebration, or any other time, I prefer
to eat at McDonald’s It is convenient, friendly and cheap And with the
money my wife save by taking me to McDonald’s, she can buy me what I really want for my birthday-a new
Sears power saw.
Trang 21The outline
Thesis statement
When I compare the two restaurants, the advantages of eating at
McDonald’s are clear.
Body: point by point
difficult than going to McDonald’s
Trang 22Pa.2: Eating at the Chalet is less
enjoyable than eating at McDonald’s (block)
Trang 23Language and
Sentence Structures
Trang 24To show similarities
Short Conjunctions Longer Expressions
Similarly, Likewise,
In the same way,
X is similar to Y in that (they)
X and Y are similar in that (they)
Like X, Y [verb]
In like manner, One way in which X is similar to Y
is (that)
Another way in which X is similar
to Y is (that)
Trang 25On the other hand, even though + [sentence] although + [sentence] whereas + [sentence] unlike + [sentence]
while + [sentence]
Trang 26On the other hand
Example: On the other hand, winter is much
Example: Vancouver has a mild winter, but Halifax
has a cold one.
Example: While Vancouver has a mild winter,
Halifax has a cold winter.
Example: Unlike Vancouver , Halifax has a cold
Trang 27Thank you for