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Bộ đề thi Anh 11 (001) - HKI

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Grade 11 THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION-1 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest. 1. A. figure B. grow C. organize D. average 2. A. cheese B. chemical C. children D. teacher Find out the word that has different stress pattern from the others. 3. A. volunteer B. effective C. tomorrow D. promotion 4. A. illiterate B. education C. eradicate D. minority Vocabulary and grammar: Choose the correct answer. 5. The new students hope________ in many of the school’s social activities. A. to be included B. to include C. including D. being included 6. The police let him________ after they had asked him some questions. A. to leave B. leave C. leaving D. left 7. I suggest ________the hospital before ________the police to look for him. A. to call- to ask B. calling - asking C. call- ask D. to call- asking 8. Their friendship was based on________ respect, trust and understanding. A. attractive B. loyal C. mutual D. suspicious 9. Laura and John are happy together for their silver________. A. pary B. anniversary C. celebration D. occasion 10. We can’t grow enough food to ________ the increasing population. A. support B. supporter C. supportable D. supportive 11. ________is the state of not knowing how to read or write. A. Literacy B. Illiteracy C. Campaign D. Struggle 12. The children enjoyed ________ on fishing trips. A. taking B. to be taken C. being taken D. having taken 13. Alberto is always afraid of________ mistake when he speaks English. A. doing B. making C. to do D. to make 14. John always dreams________ a doctor. A. for becoming B. to being become C. of becoming D. to becoming 15. Mary should have apologised________ being late this morning, but she did not. A. about B. at C. for D. up 16. How many________ are there in the competition? A. participants B. participates C. participations D. participative 17. The doctor said ________ the patient did not stop smoking, he’d be seriously ill. A. that if B. whether C. if that D. as if 18. ________ is the limitation of the number of children born. A. Population B. Resource C. Birth rate D. Birthcontrol 19. If you had taken my advice, we________ our way. A. will not lose B. would not lose C. would not have lost D. had lost Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to compete the following passage. In some countries there is negative population growth, (20)_______means that the population (21)_______, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, mainly due to low birth rates, and Southern Africa due to the high number of HIV-related (22)_______. Within the next decade, Japan and Western Europe are also (23)_______to encounter negative population growth due to sub-replacement fertility rates. Population growth which exceeds the carrying capacity of an area or environment (24)_______in overpopulation. Conversely, (25)_______areas may be considered “underpopulated” if the population is not large (26)_______to maintain an economic system. The future of world’s population could be significantly (27)_______ by the worldwide HIV/AIDS pandemic. In Africa, birth rates are already (28)_______highest in the world, especially in sub-Sahara Africa. But if HIV/AIDS is controlled or even eradicated, the world’s population could increase (29)_______faster than predicated. 20. A. which B. that C. this D. whose 21. A. increases B. grows C. raises D. decreases 22. A. die B. dead C. deaths D. deadly 23. A. appeared B. represented C. expected D. shown 24. A. leads B. results C. makes D. causes Page 1 THE FIRST SEMESTER Grade 11 THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION-1 25. A. so B. such C. so as D. such as 26. A. enough B. too C. very D. quite 27. A. infected B. affected C. indicated D. interfered 28. A. a B. an C. the D. no article 29. A. as B. more C. many D. much Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting. 30. Overpopulation is a short way to lead to poor, illiteracy, and social evils. A B C D 31. Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked forward to meet their children soon. A B C D 32. The teacher encouraged John joining the football team. A B C D Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one 33. “Don’t talk in class,” the teacher said to his students. A. The teacher told his student do not talk in class. B. The teacher told his students did not talk in class. C. The teacher told his students not to talk in class. D. The teacher told his students not talking in class. 34. The customer said, “I would like to buy a coat. ” A. The customer wanted to buy a coat. B. The customer said to buy a coat. C. The customer told to buy a coat. D. The customer warned her to buy a coat. 35. “It was very nice of you to visit me. Thank you,” Miss White said to John. A. Miss White thanked John for visiting her. B. Miss White told John to visit her. C. Miss White wanted John to help her and said thanks. D. Miss White would like John to help her. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi bằng cách chọn phương án đúng với A, B, C hoặc D. There are many proverbs about friends and friendship, such as “True friendship is like sound health; the value of its seldom know until it is lost”, and “A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out”. When you read these quotes, stop and think about your friendship. Do you and your friends act in a caring way towards one another, do you respect them and do they respect you, but most of all do you value the relationship and love spending time together? Friendship is more than just hanging out together and gossiping about other people. True friendship is when two people have mutual respect for one another, and really care about the each other’s feelings and dreams. You need to be able to be honest with your friends. If there is ever a time when you feel that you cannot tell them the truth, for fear that they will be mad or will not understand, then they are not true friends. Friends share with each other important things that they would not share with others. Friends also care about each other, stick up for one another and enjoy spending time together. [ hang out: visit often, stick up: be upright] 36. The passage is about________________. A. a friend B. friendship C. proverbs about friends and friendship D. caring for friends 37. The author advised us________________. A. not to tell a secret to a friend. B. to respect our friends. C. not to tell a friend about important things. D. to make friends to gossip 38. Friends________________. A. should not spend time together B. should be honest C. should gossip about others D. should not care much 39. Which sentence is NOT true? A. Friends should respect each other. B. We should be honest with our friends. C. We can share important things with a friend. D. Dishonesty is needed for true friendship. 40. Which of these can be used to describe true friendship? A. be honest and be mad B. hang out and gossip C. have lunch and gossip D. trust, respect and share THE END Page 2 THE FIRST SEMESTER . ________the hospital before ________the police to look for him. A. to call- to ask B. calling - asking C. call- ask D. to call- asking 8. Their friendship was based on________ respect, trust and understanding to the high number of HIV-related (22)_______. Within the next decade, Japan and Western Europe are also (23)_______to encounter negative population growth due to sub-replacement fertility rates Grade 11 THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION-1 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of

Ngày đăng: 16/02/2015, 14:00

