I felt _________when she walked over to me!. FRIGHTEN Frightening/ frightened 10.Ted forgot to close his zipper.. Lancelot felt _________.HUMILIATE humiliating/ humiliated 12.My alar
Trang 1ADJ of Attitude (Ving / Ved )
1.My bath was _ I feel _now (RELAX)
2.Joe is _ because he had a _day (TIRE)
Tired/ tiring
3.How to get the cheese was _ The mouse was _.(CONFUSE)
4.So much homework was _ The student felt _.(OVERWHELM)
5.Your jokes are _ I am _.(AMUSE)
amusing, amused
6.I was so _by the movie The scenes in the movie were _.(TOUCH)
7.The TV program was _ I felt _while watching it (BORE)
8.My angry father's words were _ I felt _.(UPSET)
upsetting/ upset
9.The nurse's big needle was _ I felt _when she walked over to me! (FRIGHTEN)
Frightening/ frightened
10.Ted forgot to close his zipper It was _ Ted felt _.(EMBARRASS)
11.Getting hit in the behind with an arrow was _ Lancelot felt _.(HUMILIATE)
humiliating/ humiliated
12.My alarm clock wouldn't stop ringing I was _ The sound was _.(ANNOY)
Trang 2 annoyed/annoying
13.I was _after reading the _news headlines (ALARM)
14.The movie, King Kong, was _ The children who were watching it were
15.I felt _ after getting a _ massage (PLEASE)
Pleased/ pleasing
16.Michael Phelps was _ Michael Phelps' Olympic win was _.(EXCITE)
excited/ exciting
17.I was _ The painting called" Mona Piggy" was _.( INTRIGUE)
Intrigued/ intriguing
18.He heard a strange sound and was _ The strange sound was _.(CONCERN)
concerned/ concerning
19.Her weight loss from the diet was _ She was _.(ENCOURAGE)
encouraging/ encouraged
20.The taste was _ I was _.(SATISFY)
21.He's such a monotonous speaker I was stiff (bored / boring)
22.Most sequels are (disappointed / disappointing)
23.I had such a day I went straight to bed (tired / tiring)
24.Everyone's very about the news (excited / exciting)
25.That lamp produces a very effect (pleased / pleasing)
26.The whole school was by the tragic event (saddened / saddening)
27.I don't like watching films on my own (depressed / depressing)
Trang 328.I was when she told me she'd got divorced (amazed / amazing)
29.He's such a guy He only ever talks about himself (bored / boring)
30.I'm very in films and theatre (interested / interesting)
31.No one knew what would happen next We were all (intrigued / intriguing)
32.It was a very situation (interested / interesting)
33.There's been some very news (surprised / surprising)
34.His mother was by what she found under his bed (disgusted / disgusting)
35.Their hamburgers are (disgusted / disgusting)
36.Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly (exhausted / exhausting)
37.He's always showing off It's really (annoyed / annoying)
38.I think Alex is one of the most people I've ever met He can't keep still for a
second (annoyed / annoying)
39.I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman He seemed really
(embarrassed / embarrassing)
40.She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night It was rather
(embarrassed / embarrassing)
41.By 12.00 Susan felt so _ that she went to bed ( INTEREST )
42.I heard the film was good, but it was very ( DISAPPOINT )
43.Being alone in an old house at night can be ( FRIGHTEN )
44.Anita was so _ that her whole face turned red ( EMBARRASS )
45.Jerry gets _ if he has to study too much ( BORE )
46.It's very to be taught in so many classrooms ( CONFUSE )
47.Dolly said that the twenty-mile walk was EXHAUSTING
48.Are you _in going to the beach tomorrow?
49.I was really when my employer gave me the day off ( SURPRISE )
Trang 450.Why don't you go away and stop being so ( ANNOY)
51.What a thought (shocK )
52.Have you heard the _ (suprise) news about Alice and Ted? (suprising)
53.I thought it was the most _ (astound) thing I'd heard in a long time They're always fighting
like cats and dogs (astounding)
54.I agree with you I was pretty _ (shock) when I heard about it myself (shocked)
55.I was always _ (worry) that they would break up Now I can relax (worried)
56.What a _ (depress) idea (depressing)
57.That would be an _ (upset) thing to happen (upsetting)
58.Dogs often feel _ during fieworks.( frightened/ frightening)
59.The metro can be _ the first time you use it.( confusing/ confused)
60. Satoru was _ to hear about the earthquake.( shocked/ shocking)
61.I think that rainy days in winter are _.( depressed/ depressing)
62.She's _ of doing the same thing every day.( bored/ boring)
63. It was the most _ I have been watching a film.( excited/ exciting)
64.The meals at Immigrant's Cafe are _ (satisfied/ satisfying)
65.Sally has been running for three hours and now she is _(EXHAUST)
66.My brother had an accident and his situation is quite _(WORRY)
67.When we visited that abandoned house it was really _(DEPRESS)
68.I think he was _because he called me Mary and my name is Rose (CONFUSE)
69.That film is not _despite being a comedy (AMUSE)
70.Your bathroom is _! Couldn’t you clean it a little? (DISGUST)
71.Are you _in reading one of my novels? (INTEREST)
72.What is the most _story you’ve ever heard? (FRIGHTEN)
Trang 573.It was the most _meeting I have ever attended (BORE)
74.When we broke the vase, we felt very _.(EMBARRASS)
75.Is the book you are reading very _? Interest
76.The new James Bond film is really _ Thrill(-ING)
77.We were both _that she hadn’t heard the news Surprise(-ED)
78.The images of the war were very _ Depress(-ING)