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SUMMARY ON TENSES TENSES FORMATION USE MARKER SIMPLE PRESENT S+V o / V s/es - Diễn tả sự thật hiển nhiên, 1 chân lý. - Diễn tả thói quen, hành động xảy ra thường xuyên ở hiện tại. Often, usually, frequently, always , constantly, seldom, rarely, sometimes, occasionally, everyday/week/month PRESENT PROGRESSIVE S+ am/is/are + V-ing - Diễn tả HĐ đang diễn ra và kéo dài 1 thời gian ở hiện tại. - Xuất hiện sau câu đề nghị, mệnh lệnh. - Diễn tả HĐ sắp xảy ra ở tương lai gần - Diễn tả sự phàn nàn Now, right now, at the moment, at present. Look! Be quiet! SIMPLE PAST S+V 2 ed - Diễn tả HĐ đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, chấm dứt rồi và biết rõ thời gian - Diễn tả thói quen ở quá khứ Last, ago, yesterday , in + year(in the past) When, as (hđ ngắn) PAST PROGRESSIVE S + was/ were + V-ing - Diễn tả HĐ đang xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm quá khứ/ suốt khoảng thời gian ở quá khứ - Diễn tả HĐ đang xảy ra ở quá khứ thì có 1 HĐ khác xen vào cũng ở quá khứ - Diễn tả 2 HĐ cùng xảy ra song song ở quá khứ At this time, time + yesterday, last….when, while SIMPLE FUTURE S + shall/ will + V 0 - Diễn tả HĐ xảy ra ở tuơng lai Tomorrow, tonight, soon, again, next + … , in + year (in the future) - 1 suy nghĩ , giả thuyết về tương lai FUTURE CONTINUOUS S + shall/will + be + V-ing - Diễn tả HĐ đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm tương lai/ suốt quảng thời gian ở tương lai - HĐ đang diển ra ở tương lai lúc việc khác xảy đến At this time + tomorrow PAST PERFECT S+ had+ V 3 ed - Diễn tả HĐ quá khứ xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm ở quá khứ hoặc trước 1 HĐ quá khứ khác. Before , after, when, as, as soon as,… Up to then PRESENT PERFECT S+ have/has + V 3 ed - Diễn tả HĐ vừa mới xảy ra, HĐ được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần ở quá khứ. - Diễn tả HĐ bắt đầu từ quá khứ mà còn kéo dài đến hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp tục ở tương lai. - Diễn tả HĐ xảy ra trong quá khứ mà không biết rõ thời gian. Just,ever, never, already, yet,since,for, sofar=until now = =uptonow = up to the present Before it’s the first time PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS S+ have/has + been + V ing - Diễn tả HĐ bắt đầu trong quá khứ và kéo dài liên tục đến hiện tại (người nói chú ý đến sự việc xảy ra hay thời gian xảy ra) Since , for All day… NEAR FUTURE S + be going to + V 0 - TENSES & TENSE TRANSFORMATION 1. S + began/ started + V-ing/ To V …… in+time/ time+ago  S + have/has + Ved/3…………… since/ for + time have/ has + been + V-ing……. Ex: I started learning English five years ago  I have been studying English for five years 2. S + have/ has + (not) + Ved/3…… for + time  It’s + time + since + S + (last) + Ved/2 Ex: I haven’t seen him for two months  It’s two months since I last saw him 3. S + have/ has + not + Ved/3………for/ since + time  a. The last time + S + Ved/2……was + time + ago in + time b. S + last + Ved/2 …… time + ago in + time Ex: I haven’t seen him for two moths  The last time I saw him was two months ago  I last saw him two months ago 4. S + have/ has + not + Ved/3………before  It/this/that is the first time + S + have/ has + Ved/3 Ex: I haven’t seen that man here before It is the first time I have seen that man here 5. How long is it since + S + Ved/2… ? have/ has + S + Ved/3… ?  When did + S + V 0 …….? Ex: How long is it since you sold this car?  When did you sell this car? 6. S + have/ has + never + Ved/3 + such (a/ an) + Adj + N  It/this/that is the + Adj (superlative) + S + have/ has + ever + Ved/3 Ex: I’ve never met such an intelligent boy  This is the most intelligent boy I’ve ever met 7. Before + S + Ved/2………….S + had + Ved/3 After + S + had + Ved/3……….S + Ved/2 Ex: He played football but first he did all his homework  Before he played football, he had done his homework  After he had done his homework, he played football 8. S + have/ has + (not) + Ved/3 ….+ since + S + Ved/2  S + (last) Ved/2 + when + S + Ved/2 Ex: John hasn’t seen her since she left for Japan  John last saw her when she left for Japan 9. S + had + hardly + Ved/3 + when + S + Ved/2 = Hardly + had + S + Ved/3 + when + S + Ved/2  S + had + no sooner + Ved/3 + than + S + Ved/2 = No sooner + had + S + Ved/3 + than + S + Ved/2 Ex: He had hardly seen me when he ran away  He had no sooner seen me than he ran away PASSIVE VOICE Active: S + V + O Passive: S + BE + V 3/ ED + by O I. Tense forms of Passive Verb : ( Các dạng thì của những động từ thể thụ động ) 1.Passive form of The present tense ( Dạng bò động của thì hiện tại đơn) S + Am / Is / Are + V 3 Active Ex : The news surprises me. Ex : The news surprises Sam. Passive Ex : I am surprised by the news. Ex : Sam is surprised by the news. 2. Passive form of The past tense ( Dạng bò động của thì quá khứ đơn) S + Was / Were + V 3 Active Ex : They bought this house last year. Ex : I saw them yesterday. Passive Ex This house was bought last year. Ex : They were seen yesterday. 3. Passive form of The past progressive tense ( Dạng bò động của thì qk tiếp diễn) S + Was / Were + Being + V 3 Ex : Mai was cooking dinner at 6 p.m yesterday. Ex : She was talking to them when I came. Ex : Dinner was being cooked by Mai at 6 p.m yesterday. Ex : They were being talked to when I came. 4. Passive form of The present progressive tense ( Dạng bò động của thì ht tiếp diễn ) S + Am / Is / Are + being + V 3 Ex : The secretary is copying some letters now. Ex : Someone is building a new hospital. Ex : Some letters are being copied by the secretary now. Ex : A new hospital is being built. 5. Passive form of The present Perfect tense (Dạng bò động của thì hiện tại ht ) S + Has / Have + Been + V 3 Ex : I have just bought a car. Ex : Phong has done these excercises for 3 hours. Ex : A car has just been bought. Ex : These exercises have been done for 3 hours by Phong. 6. Passive form of The past Perfect (Dạng bò động của thì quá khứ ht ) S + Had + Been + V 3 Ex : They had phoned me before they left. Ex : I had been phoned before they left. 7. Passive form of The Future tense (Dạng bò động của thì tương lai đơn) S + Will + Be + V 3 Ex: Mai will visit Cuc Phuong national park next week. Ex : Cuc Phuong national park will be visited by Mai next week. 8. Passive form of The Future continuous tense (Dạng bò động của thì tương lai td ) S + Will + Be + Being + V 3 Ex : They will be writing the lesson at 8 a.m tomorrow. Ex : The lesson will be being written at 8 a.m tomorrow. 9. Passive form of The Future perfect tense (Dạng bò động của thì tương lai ht ) S + Will + Have + Been + V 3 Ex : We will have finished our work by the end of this month. Ex : Our work will have been finished by the end of this month. 10. Passive form of The Future perfect continuous tense (Dạng bò động của thì tương lai httd) S +Will + Have Been + Being+V 3 Ex : They will have been teaching English at this school by then. Ex : English will have been being taught at this school by then. 11. Passive form of The present and past perfect continuous tense (Dạng bò động của thì hiện tại hoàn thành & quá khứ hoàn thành td ) S+Have/Has + Been + Being + V 3 S + Had Been + Being + V 3 Ex : They have been learning French for ten years. Ex : We had been eating lunch before they called. Ex : French has been being learned for ten years. Ex : Lunch had been being eaten before they came. II. PASSIVE MODAL AUXILIARIES ( Dạng bò động của trợ động từ hình thái hay khiếm khuyết ) Form : Modal + Be + pastparticiple Active Modal Auxiliaries Passive Modal Auxiliaries Can Could May Might Have to S + Has to + Be+ V 3 Ought to Should Must Used to Be going to Ex : I can do these exercises . Ex : You have to clean the floor. Ex :Ted should mail it. Ex : They are going to build this bridge. Ex : These exercises can be done. Ex : The floor has to be cleaned. Ex : It should be mailed. Ex : This bridge is going to be built . III / SOME OTHER CASES ( Một số trường hợp khác ) 1. Verb of opinion : say, think, believe, report, hope, explain ……… A. S + V + That + Clause <=> It + Be + V 3 + That + Clause Ex : They think that he is a good teacher. => It is thought that he is a good teacher. Ex : People say that we will pass this exam. => It is said that we will pass this exam. B. S + V + That + Clause ( S 2 + V 2 + O 2 ) <=> S 2 + Be + V 3 +To infinitive or perfect infinitive Ex : People said that he had gone abroad. => It was said that he had gone abroad. Or He was said to have gone abroad. Ex : They believe that he is a good singer. => It is believed that he is a good singer. Or He is believed to be a good singer. 2. S + V + Direct Object + To + V (inf.) <=> Direct Object + Be + V 3 + To + V (inf.) ( advise, ask , force , encourage , invite , tell , allow , convince , warn ………… ) Ex : He asked Tom to sit by me. <=> Tom was asked to sit by me. Ex : She told him not to look for a job. <=> He was told not to look for a job. 3. WH – WORD + [ WILL/ DOES / DO/ DID ] + S + V + O ? <=> WH – WORD + BE + S + V 3 ? Ex : Why did you explain it ? <=> Why was it explained ? Ex : Where will you do these exercises tomorrow ? <=> When will these exercises be done tomorrow ? 4. YES – NO QUESTION : DO / DOES / DID + S + V + O ? <=> IS / ARE / WAS / WERE + S + V 3 ? Ex : Do you solve this problem ? <=> Is this problem solved ? Ex : Did your mother make some cakes ? <=> Were some cakes made by your mother ? 5. IMPERATIVE SENTENCE : V + O + ADVER B <=> LET + O + BE + V 3 + ADVERB Ex : Write your name here. <=> Let your name be written here . Ex : Open your book now. <=> Let your book be opened now. . present. Look! Be quiet! SIMPLE PAST S+V 2 ed - Diễn tả HĐ đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, chấm dứt rồi và bi t rõ thời gian - Diễn tả thói quen ở quá khứ Last, ago, yesterday , in + year(in the past) When,. đến hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp tục ở tương lai. - Diễn tả HĐ xảy ra trong quá khứ mà không bi t rõ thời gian. Just,ever, never, already, yet,since,for, sofar=until now = =uptonow = up to

Ngày đăng: 26/01/2015, 06:00

