The demand for the work is always a common problem of modern society. Due to the rapid increase of IT Companies, etc… and as well the seekers, the demand for the consultancies has been increased, as they are one of the sources for recruitment.
Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 193 Marvell Consultancies Ltd Documentation Group 193 Trần Mạnh (Leader) Group Member Nguyễn Quý Dũng Bùi Văn Dũng Instructor Nguyễn Anh Quân - Hanoi, 4/2010 Marvell Consultancies Page of 30 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 193 INDEX Problem Definition 1.1 Problem Abstraction 1.2 The Current System 1.3 The Proposed System 1.4 Boundaries of the System 1.5Hardware and Software Requirements 1.5.1 Minimum Requirements 1.5.2 Recommended Requirements Recommended 1.5.3 Software Requirements Customer Requirements Specification Users of the System System functions System Designs Architecture & Design of Project Data Flow Diagram Entity Relationship Diagram 12 Database Design 12 Screen Design 14 Task Sheet 28 Marvell Consultancies Page of 30 Problem Definition 1.1 Problem Abstraction - The demand for the work is always a common problem of modern society Due to the rapid increase of IT Companies, etc… and as well the seekers, the demand for the consultancies has been increased, as they are one of the sources for recruitment - Recruitment (consultancy) Agency firm that bridges the gap between the Job providers and the job seekers So in order to maintain and retain the customers and clients, it want an application to be developed which meets the requirements and increase the comfort level to both the job seekers and the Providers 1.2 The Current System - The old system is use heavy paper work to store the details of the Candidates who register (along with the skills, background, and experience) Thus by this system they will spend more paper and more time to done it 1.3 The Proposed System - A system application to be developed that maintains the details of the customers and that of the clients along with the payments, number of vacancies, which are to be updated regularly as they keep on changing from time to time - When we open a profile of a candidate they should be able to know his/her qualification, experience, and as well the contact information as they need to be contact when ever his/her profile is matching with the required profile for a job vacancy - Similarly when a profile of the Client is opened they should no the details of the company, vacancies, skills required and as well about the location Also there should be provision for searching the vacancies from the Client’s module and as well the names of the Jobseekers based on the skills, Location and Experience - Thus by this system application reduce the paper work and time consumption and as well it make to easy reference for all the functions of the firm 1.4 Boundaries of the System - This application of our still limited in many professional, and it only meets for fewer users 1.5Hardware and Software Requirements 1.5.1 Minimum Requirements Minimum PC Pentium II 600 MHz 128MB RAM 500MB hard driver 1.5.2 Recommended Requirements Recommended PC Pentium III 1800 MHz 2G RAM GB hard drive 1.5.3 Software Requirements o JDK 1.4.1 (or later ) o SQL server 2005 o Window XP or over Customer Requirements Specification Users of the System Administrator Staff System functions All user Description Input Process Output Description Input Process Output Description Input Process Output Log in To allow the user log in Username and password Check username and password in database Display the result log in Change profile personal This function let user change their password by input their old password and new password after logged in Old password, new password, full name, account Update information into database Display message box successful or unsuccessful Log out Allow the Admin log out Exit application Staff Description Input Process Output Customer Management Staff can add, view details information, delete customer Information of customer Insert ,delete information into database and view, search information Display information of customer in Database Description Input Process Output Client Management Staff can add, view details information, delete, edit Client Information of Client Insert ,delete information into database and view, search information Display information of Client in Database Description Input Process Output Description Input Process Output Description Input Process Output Description Input Process Output Candidates Management Management the list of candidates looking for work add, view details information, delete, edit candidates Information candidates Insert, delete information into database and view, search information Display information of client in database Recruitment Management Staff can manage the selection of candidates through the requirement that em ployers offer Requirements of employers and candidates information Display information on the form data Transaction Management Staff can view and add new transactions with the client Transaction information Update into database Display message box successful or unsucessfull Test Management Staff can test Customers information and if they match then take them to Interview list Click button Add to IL Change Status field in Database Displaying the form data to validate candidate Administrator Description Input Process Output Description Input Process Output Staff Management Adminnistrator can add, edit, delete staff Information of staff Insert, update, delete employee into database Display message box successful or unsuccessful Statistics View Administrator can view Gereral Statistics and Search Statistics details by months, years Display statistics information System Designs Architecture & Design of Project Data Flow Diagram Level – Context Diagram Level – Application Processing Level 1.1 – Login Processing Level 1.2 – User Management Level 1.3 – Recruitment Management Level 1.4 – Transaction Management Login Successful Change User's Information Client management Search module Client Details Create New Client (Company) Customer Management Search module Customer Details Create New Customer Industries Management Locations Management Task Sheet Project ref.No: eP/TECHBOOKS/01 Sr No Task Database Design DFD Coding configuration Coding Log in and log out Coding manage Industries Coding manage Locations Coding Manage Client Coding Manage Customer Coding manage Transaction 10 Coding Manage Staff 11 Coding Manage Candidates List Searching Module 12 Project Title 13 Statistics Module 14 Create Documentation 15 Test Bug Date of Preparation of Activity Plan: Actual Start Date Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Marvell Consultancies Ltd Actual Days Team Member Names Status 05/10/10 05/14/2010 Quy Dung Completed 05/04/10 05/10/10 Tran Manh Completed 05/15/2010 05/15/2010 Tran Manh Completed 05/15/2010 05/16/2010 Quy Dung Completed 05/16/2010 05/17/2010 Tran Manh Completed 05/17/2010 04/17/2010 Tran Manh Completed 05/17/2010 05/19/2010 Tran Manh Completed 05/19/2010 05/21/2010 Tran Manh Completed 05/24/2010 05/29/2010 Tran Manh Completed 05/21/2010 05/22/2010 Tran Manh 05/30/2010 05/31/2010 Completed Quy Dung Completed 05/22/2010 05/23/2010 Tran Manh Completed 05/30/2010 05/31/2010 Tran Manh Completed 05/04/10 05/14/2010 Completed 05/31/2010 06/02/10 Quy Dung, Van Dung, Tran Manh Quy Dung Completed 5.Checklists Check List of Validation Option Do all the options present in the application display the correct result? Dose the application’s functionality resolve the user problem, and satisfy their needs? Has the hardware and software been correctly chosen? Validated Yes Yes Yes a Submission Checklist Sr.No Particulars Yes Are the users able to login to the applications after validation is performed on the user name and password? X Are the users able to modify their details after getting registered? Are all the screen contents devoid of spelling mistakes? Is the user able to trade on fund which has been selected? Is the application user friendly? No Na comments X Only Administrator and Staff X X X Tested on desktop ... 05/17 /20 10 04/17 /20 10 Tran Manh Completed 05/17 /20 10 05/19 /20 10 Tran Manh Completed 05/19 /20 10 05 /21 /20 10 Tran Manh Completed 05 /24 /20 10 05 /29 /20 10 Tran Manh Completed 05 /21 /20 10 05 /22 /20 10 Tran... Manh 05/30 /20 10 05/31 /20 10 Completed Quy Dung Completed 05 /22 /20 10 05 /23 /20 10 Tran Manh Completed 05/30 /20 10 05/31 /20 10 Tran Manh Completed 05/04/10 05/14 /20 10 Completed 05/31 /20 10 06/ 02/ 10 Quy... 05/10/10 05/14 /20 10 Quy Dung Completed 05/04/10 05/10/10 Tran Manh Completed 05/15 /20 10 05/15 /20 10 Tran Manh Completed 05/15 /20 10 05/16 /20 10 Quy Dung Completed 05/16 /20 10 05/17 /20 10 Tran Manh