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grammar friend 6

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grammar friend 6 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế, ki...

[...]... woit/forthe letter o[t week / 9 I lpL o n / m g p o rl g ox "r/ ,, ,/ perfect Complete sentences the present the Use continuous o verbfrom the box ond toLk moke cleon wsit eot point shop wotch 6j12i ;,L A 6t He Jo ro n h our I h6r I rrLy I thefenc e E t h e c ok e the window I tr Theg 5 he on footboLL TV M um o c ok e tr He ,2 o Lot 4 U nit Have you ever dreomt of doing reolly somethinq adventu rous? My nomeis... sportonTuesdog? (Listen)to music Wednesdog? on (visit) g friendson Thursdo ? (hove)o picnic Fridog? on (hetp) Koren with her project Soturdog? on (wotch) f Lmon Sundog? o lO Complete sentences the Writeobout goursef.Usethe present continuous 1 At 10 o'clocktomorrowI 2 At 1.2 otLocktomorrow I 3 At 2 otlocktomorrowI 4 At 3 otl.ocktomorrow I 5 At 5 otlocktomorrowI 6 At 7 otlocktomorrow,I ' , .irw'f= ' :-:J* ,:id... n g o n 'tw i n th e roce o w 6 I ' [ Lg oto th e co n ce rt 7 i t r o i n s mo rro w , to 8 g o ue o t u n h e o L th g o d s, fo t4 Unit2 I' [Lbehoppu pooL we' L[ o house bug with o swim m ing thegdon' tr unJost come with me Uou w e w o n' thove picnic o go u wo n ' t b e v e rg h e o L t h g Complete first conditiono]sentences the I If Rgon 2We 3 If Penng 4 Iess 5We 6 If gou wlns (win)the competition,... phone ,f at' shop open is ! 6 If it roins n won'twolkhome D a Writefirst conditiono[questions Keep wordsin the someorder ond shortonswent the 1 | /get goodresults I / studg everg dog { / ? 2 she/find o nicepresent I / giveherthe moneg/ I 3 we / buiLd tree house Dodl hel.p / o us / t he/plog voltegboU /get homeeorl.g I / he 5 we / seethe oudience / /the stogeLights beon X 6 everuoneheLp ptonet theg/... learnEnglish faster?Yes, would./ No,you wouldn't Unit2 5 Circlethe correctonswer 1 If I wosgoodot moths, g"t /6; ho r goodjob 2 l'dbe /'m vergcoldif I Lived Norwog in 3 Woutdgoubeverghoppg Uouwon/win the roce? rJ 4 If gouwork/ gouworked o bonkgouUhove begoodot moths in to 5 You burnif goudon't/ didn'tusesuncreom d 6 lf gouwrote/ 'dwrite to her, d repLg she 7 Wouldtherebeo lot of snowif I go / wentto Sweden December?... 3I hove job o 4* " n o t b u rnsomo n g fossiLfuels 5 Iulio h o ve g o ch t o 6 m gd o d sp e o k u ssi o n R 7 _\ \ N r n ufo m Li ,; 1r f a, t weUuseour Jom e heLp people to -al 2IT hed go intospoce do scientific to reseorch 3r f Id bever gbusg 4IJ ourplonet wouLdn' t sopolluted be 5I J shed soi[ or ou thewor ld nd 6IJ he' d to Russio holidog go on Complete second the conditionoI questions write... usuotlg o time expression the post use gesterdog, ond ogo For lost simp[e, exomp[e, with the postsimp[e Theycamebackfrom Cairogesterdag evening Unit 3 Yes,I wosreollynervous 6efore we perf ormed our song, f ployed but wellondmy friends song beoutif ully Lily Did you wino prize? Ted No, we didn't wina prize this yeor, but f hod o lot of fun! Moybe we'llwin next yearl * perJect totk obout We usethe present... homework 2 losper 3 lospero n dSe b 4 losper 5 Eric 6 Eric 7 Eric I Eric ondSeb I 5eb l0 Seb ll 5eb 12 Seb n dEr i c o t Writesentences the present perfect Use continuous I / point/ the kitchen I've been 2 George Ethon not pLog ond / /footbol.l I 3 She/ not tisten 1 Mr Green teLL / someinteresting stories / /us 5 Mg dod/work/ in the gorden morning o[[ 6 Suzg not studg/ Jorherexoms / 7 Tockond / notdo/verg... / LLer / Gorg'sg-o-ulg be o Jootbq[[er to 2 SoLl.gleornChinese rY / gomes 3 GinoondChorles pLogcomputer / / 4 Mg brother livein Fronce I / 5 Youond Bob/ wotchTV X 6 Mg brother invento computer gome/ / 7 I/beonTV I 8 I / do mg homework / 6 Tickthe correct Sometimes bothsentences correct ore sentences 1 Thot's phone.It'l.t foro.@ the be Thot's phone.It's going betoro [-l the to 2 When Potrick oLder,... newMP3ploger, b we'dbecome Jootbo[L o teom 3 IU pLog o bigJootboLL club for c I'd bugsomenewtroiners 4 plog, -If I wosin o schoot 5 - P e o p l e w o u td to ke p h o to so fme d iJI wosJomous e iflLivedinlopon 6 f 7 IU leornIoponese g people wouldoskformg outogroph 8 ' IJ I hodten brothers, if I wosgoodotfootboLL If I wosfomous, h I'd Leorn mg words o[L Completethe secondconditionoIsentences Write the correctform . (3): commonds ond requests Wish Question togs Irregu[or verbs 4 L4 20 26 30 36 42 48 52 64 70 74 58 80 86 92 96 After fhe holidnys The present simple and continuous; the past simple. pp.12 (girl), 16 (climbing, Tony), 22 (boy playing guitar), 35 (hot air ball@m), 40 (conveyor b€lt, child), 54, (compass, orientees) 60 (stoneh€nge main), 66 (postcsd sceDe),. of irregutorverbs on poge 96. 6 Comptete the toble of regulor ond irregulor verbs. Boseform Post simple Post porticiple I modemoke see fLs peeI send mode 2 sow 3 sent peeted 6 put show enter showed entered 10 L-:- Complete

Ngày đăng: 14/11/2014, 04:59

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