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eyewitness travel malaysia and singapore a

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THE GUIDES THAT SHOW YOU WHAT OTHERS ONLY TELL YOU EYEWITNESS TRAVEL MALAYSIA & SINGAPORE RAIN FORESTS • BEAC H ES D I VI N G • SHOPPING TEMPLES • FE S T IV A LS RE S T A T T U A A RAN T S • WILDLIFE RESOR T R R S • ARCHITECTURE M ala y sia and Singa p ore Region b y Region NO RTHWE S T PENIN SU L A Pa g es 86–115 EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENINSULA es 132–49 K UALA LUMPUR Pages 5 6 –85 0 km 0 mi l es 100 00 00 0 0 1 00 b b b b b b b b b 4FSFNCBO O ,VBMB5FSFOHHBOV , ( (FPSHFUPXO ( ( ,VBOUBO , +5!,!,5-0 -05 52 5 5 ./2 / 2 24 4(7%34 4 4 0%. . . .). . .). .35,! ) ). . ). ). ) ) %!34%2.!.$ ,! 5,! #%.42!,0%.).35, 5, 5, ).$/.%3)! 35-!42! .$ !. 4(!),! !. ! 4PVUI$IJOB4FB b SABAH P a g es 17 4 –9 5 SARAWA K P ages 150 –7 3 S IN G AP O R E P a g es 196–26 7 SOU THERN PENIN SU L A Pa g es 116–31 b b b b b b b b .JSJ SJ ,PUB,JOBCBMV MV V V #JOUVMV V #BOEBS4FSJ#FHBXBO BO 3!"!( "2 "25.%) "25.%) "2 2 "2 " 3!2!7!+ ).$/.%3)! +!,)-!.4!. )00).%3 0(),)0 0(),) 0(),) 0(),) EYEWITNESS TRAVEL MALAY S IA & S ING A POR E [...]...INTRODUCING MALAYSIA & SINGAPORE DISCOVERING MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE 811 PUTTING MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE ON THE MAP 1215 A PORTRAIT OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE 1631 THE HISTORY OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE 3245 8 I N T R O D U C I N G M A L AY S I A A N D S I N G A P O R E DISCOVERING MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE M alaysia and Singapore have an astounding range of attractions for visitors, offering experiences and activities... T R A I T O F M A L AY S I A A N D S I N G A P O R E 25 BUDDHISM In both Malaysia and Singapore the Chinese communities follow the Mahayana school of Buddhism practiced in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam The Thais of Singapore and the Orang Syam, or indigenous Thais of Malaysia, follow Theravada Buddhism, practiced in Thailand, Lao PDR (formerly Laos), Cambodia, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka Buddhism R in... the Malay sultanates Today, they predominate on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, while in Singapore, they constitute about 14 percent of the population Malays celebrate Hari Raya Puasa, also known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri (see p52), the Muslim New Year Here, men are dressed in traditional Malaysian finery at a formal reception Traditional Malay culture revolves around village compounds called kampung,... states Astronaut’s photograph of Gaya Bay, Kota Kinabalu PUTTING M A L AY S I A AND SINGAPORE ON KEY International airport 0 km Domestic airport 0 miles Ferry port Major road Minor road Railroad International border State border 0 miles 25 25 THE MAP 15 16 I N T R O D U C I N G M A L AY S I A A N D S I N G A P O R E Landscape and Wildlife Although separated by the South China Sea, Peninsular Malaysia. .. temple at the summit 30 I N T R O D U C I N G M A L AY S I A A N D S I N G A P O R E Arts and Crafts of Malaysia Malaysia has a wealth of indigenous artistic traditions, many dating back centuries, but its arts and crafts have also been enriched by the cultural influences of Chinese, Indians, and other peoples While Peninsular Malaysia excels at metalwork, Malaysian Borneo produces the most spectacular... spectacular Although some festivals have a fixed date according to the international calendar, the Malay Muslim, Hindu, and Chinese traditions all set their festive days according to the lunar calendar (see p333), making these celebrations movable events Fortunately, the Malaysia and Singapore tourist boards regularly publish calendars of national and local festivals Giant banners in ab ndance marking the... wildlife-watching Visitors can observe green and hawksbill turtles laying their eggs at the Turtle Island T National Park (see pp190– 91), orangutans at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center (see p190), and an amazing variety of fauna at the Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary (see p191) Wildlife-watching and thrilling treks are also possible at Danum Valley (see p192) Off the state’s east coast, Pulau Sipadan... peninsula, separating the densely forested and sparsely populated east coast from the west Satellite view of Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo ALAYSIAN BORNEO 0 km S I N G A P O R E PUTTING M A L AY S I A AND SINGAPORE ON THE 0 km MAP 50 0 miles KEY International airport Domestic airport Ferry port Highway Major road Railroad International border State border 50 13 14 I N T R O D U C I N G M A L AY... the area that is most Malay in character, with Kelantan and Terengganu being the repositories of Malay culture and artistry Nature-lovers flock to T Taman Negara (see pp138–9), Malaysia s oldest and biggest national park, to view its wildlife, climb mountains, and take trips on Sungai Tembeling Less visited than other national parks, EndauRompin National Park (see p137), a huge tract of protected rainforest,... the major religions of Malaysia and Singapore s South Asian and Chinese communities respectively Although Hinduism dates back to at least 1,500 years in both countries, the religion only took root when contract laborers from India were recruited to work in rubber and coffee plantations in Malaysia in the late 19th and 20th centuries Buddhism became a permanent feature in Malaysia and Singapore after . #BI IBHJB UB B .VBE[BN .VBE[ 4IBI BI "JS)JUBN BN S)JU # ().! !534 342!,)! 534 4 !)7! . 0(),)00).%3 % ) . ,)0 , () 0( 0 ). % ) .% ,)0 , () 0( 0) 0 ). a a a a a a a N J J 3!2!7!+ 2 ! ! ! ).$/.%3)! 3) -!,!93)! ! -! 4PVUI$IJOB4FB . B I B L B N " O B Q 3 B b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 4BOUVCPOH 4BOUV ,BCPOH OH H H 3VNBI#FTJ #F J 4PO 3VNBI,BN N I,B ,BQJU ,BQ /BIBCVBO I #FMBHB MBHB B #FM -BCBOH BOH O 4VB 4VBJ BJ BJ .J SJ J J ,VBMB #FMBJU #FMBJU Putting Mala y sian Borneo on the Ma p INT RODUCI N G MALAYSIA A N D SI N GAPOR E 1 4 A stronaut’s photograph of Gaya Bay, Kota Kinabalu Genera ll y re f erre d to as East Ma l aysia, Ma l aysian. tree in Taman Ne g ara MA N AGI N G EDI T O R A ru na G hose EDITORIAL MA N AGER An k i ta A wasthi A A D ESIGN MANAGE R Priyanka R T h akur P RO J ECT EDITOR S S a ndh ya I yer , S h onali Yada v PROJEC T D ES I GN ER S N e ha. Peninsula r Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo form a part of the Sunda Shelf, a tectonic plate that once joined them in a single land mass. As a result, the y share man y geo - l o g ical features

Ngày đăng: 13/11/2014, 07:06

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