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Grade 2 B Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, of McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Two Penn Plaza, New York, New York 10121. Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, network storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Printed in the United States of America 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 073 12 11 10 09 English Language Development Ph y sical Science s 1. The motion of ob j ects can be observed a nd measured. As a basis f or understandin g this conce p t : a. Students know the position o f an object can b e described b y locating it in relation to anot h er o b ject or to t h e b ac k groun d . b. Stu d ents k now an o bj ect’s motion can b e d escribed b y recording the change in position o f the ob j ect over time. c . Students know the wa y to change how somet h ing is moving is b y giving it a pus h or a pull. The size o f the chan g e is related to the strength, or the amount of force, of the push o r p u ll . d . St ud ents k n o w t ool s a n d m a c h ines a re u se d to apply pushes and pulls ( f orces) to make things move. e . Students know ob j ects f all to the ground un l ess somet h ing h o ld s t h em up. f. Students know magnets can be used to ma k e some o b jects move wit h out b ein g touched. g. Stu d ents k now soun d is ma d e b y vi b rating o bjects and can be described b y its pitch an d vo l ume. Li f e Sciences 2 . P l ants an d anima l s h ave pre d icta bl e l ife c y cles. As a basis for understanding t h is concept: a. Students know that organisms reproduce off sprin g o f their own kind and that the off spring resemble their parents and one anot h er. b. Students know the sequential stages of life c ycles are di ff erent f or di ff erent animals, such as butterflies, frogs, and mice. c . Students know many characteristics of an or g anism are inherited f rom the parents. Some characteristics are caused or influenced by the environment. d . Stu d ents k now t h ere is variation amon g i ndividuals o f one kind within a p o p ulation. e . Stu d ents k now l ig h t, gravity, touc h , or envir o nment a l stress c a n a ffect the g ermination, g rowt h , an d d eve l opment o f p lants. f . Students know f lowers and f ruits are associated with re p roduction in p lants. Earth Sciences 3. E a rth is m ad e o f m a teri a ls th a t h a ve d istinct p ro p erties and p rovide resources f or human activities. As a basis for understanding t h is concept: a. Students know how to compare the ph y sical properties o f di ff erent kinds o f rocks and know that rock is com p osed of different combinations of minerals. b. St ud ents kn o w sm a ller r o cks c o me fr o m the breaka g e and weatherin g o f lar g er rocks. c . Students know that soil is made partly from w eathered rock and partl y f rom organic materials and that soils differ in their color, t exture, capacity to retain water, an d a b i l ity to s upport the growth of man y kinds of plants. d . Students know that f ossils p rovide evidence about the plants and animals that lived long a g o an d t h at scientists l earn a b out t h e past histor y of Earth b y stud y ing fossils. e . Stu d ents k now roc k , water, pl ants, an d s oil provide man y resources, including food, f uel, and buildin g materials, that humans use. Science Con te n ts P S 2 .1. a P S 2.1. b P S 2.1. c P S 2.1. d P S 2.1. e PS 2.1. f P S 2 .1. g L S 2.2. a L S 2 . 2 .c L S 2.2. b LS 2.2. d How Can You Describe Where Something Is? . 6 Poetry in Motion 8 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 10 Critical Thinking CAPTION . 11 Objects in Motion 12 What Are Forces? 1 3 Amazing Machines 14 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 16 Critical Thinking CAPTION . 1 7 Gravity 1 8 Up in the Air 20 Description Writing Frame 22 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 23 Magnets Push and Pull 24 Trains That Run on Magnets 26 Description Writing Frame 28 Critical Thinking LABEL . 29 What Is Sound? 30 Turn the Volume Down 32 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 34 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 35 Traits from Parents 3 6 Follow the Herd 38 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 4 0 Critical Thinking CAPTION . 41 A Butterfly’s Life/A Frog’s Life 42 Monarch Butterflies 44 Sequence Writing Frame 4 6 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 47 2 L S 2.2. b LS 2.2. d LS 2 . 2 . e L S 2.2. f E S 2. 3 . a E S 2.3. b E S 2 . 3 .c ES 2. 3 . d The Life Cycle of Black Bears . 4 8 What Is a Population? 4 9 Daddy Day Care 5 0 Description Writing Frame 52 Critical Thinking CAPTION . 5 3 How Plants Change to Get What They Need 54 From Seed to Pumpkin 5 6 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 5 8 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 59 What Do Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds Do? 60 Bees, Bats, Bears, and Bison 62 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 64 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 65 What Are Rocks Made Of? 66 Monumental Material 6 8 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 7 0 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 71 How Do Rocks Change? 7 2 Secret Life of Rocks 74 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 7 6 Critical Thinking CAPTION . 77 What Is Soil? 78 A Martian Garden 80 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 82 Critical Thinking CAPTION . 8 3 What Are Fossils? 84 A Rain Forest in Illinois 86 Description Writing Frame 88 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH 89 E S 2 . 3 .e How We Use Natural Resources 90 It’s Crowded on Earth! . 92 Description Writing Frame 94 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 95 3 Con te n ts HSS 2.1.1 HSS 2.1.2 HSS 2.1.3 HSS 2.2.1 HSS 2.2.2 HSS 2.2.3 HSS 2.2.4 HSS 2.3.1 HSS 2.3.2 Then and Now 96 Same Place, Different Times! 98 Sequence Writing Frame 100 Critical Thinking TIME LINE 101 All About Location 102 Grid Fun 104 Description Writing Frame 106 Critical Thinking MAP 107 North America 108 Two Maps: One New, One Old 1 1 0 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 112 Critical Thinking MAP 113 Our Ancestors in California 114 Coming to America 116 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 11 8 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH 119 From City to Country 120 Whose Habitat Is It? 122 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 124 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH 125 Rules and Laws 126 Too Young to Work 128 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 130 Critical Thinking CAPTION 13 1 Governments of Other Countries 132 Remembering Rosa Parks 134 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 136 Critical Thinking MAP 137 HSS 2.3.2 Countries Work Together 138 One Tough Job 140 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 142 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH 143 4 HSS 2.4.1 HSS 2.4.2 HSS 2.4.3 HSS 2.4.3 HSS 2.5 HSS 2.5 HSS 2.5 Farming Yesterday and Today 144 Spinach Detectives 146 Sequence Writing Frame 148 Critical Thinking CAPTION 149 From Farm to Home 150 Picking the Perfect Apple 152 Sequence Writing Frame 154 Critical Thinking DIAG RA M 155 Producers and Consumers 156 Kids In Charge 158 Description Writing Frame 160 Critical Thinking PH OTOG R APH 161 Trading with Other Countries 162 Kids Selling to Kids 164 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 166 Critical Thinking MAP 167 People Making Differences 168 Women Make History 170 Sequence Writing Frame 172 Critical Thinking PH OTOG R APH 173 Leaders for Freedom 174 Dr. King’s Journey 176 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 178 Critical Thinking CAPTION 179 George Washington Carver 180 Golda Meir 181 Their Stamp on History 182 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 184 Critical Thinking CAPTION 185 Credits 186 5 How Can You Describe Where Something Is? Position i s the place where somethin g is. You c an tell the position o f an object. Compare it to s omet h ing t h at d oes not move. Use wor d s suc h as a bove, below, left, right, near, far, next to, in, on, a nd under. These words describe, or tell, position. ↓ The oran g e f ish is to the le f t o f the chest . When somethin g moves, its position chan g es. Y ou can d escri b e its new position. You can com p are it to ot h er o b jects. You can com p are i t to the back g round . ↓ T he oran g e f ish is above the chest . Amazing riders can do a backfl ip on a bicycle! Seb Rogers/Alamy Poetry in Poetry in H o w do you ride a bicycle? Most people ride on the ground. B ut some p eo p le can fl y in a bic y cle! L oo k at t h e picture. How many b icyc l es d o you see? Th ere is just one b icyc l e. T h is picture is many pictures in o ne. All of the pictures show the same bicycle. The bicycle i s movin g , or in motion. The rider is doin g a backfli p ! H e starts on t h e rig h t si d e of t h e picture. He ri d es up a b rown ramp. He l an d s on t h e san d on t h e l eft si d e . To start a b ac k f l ip t h e ri d er l eans b ac k . Loo k at t h e picture. Where does he lean b ack? His front wheel is p ointin g at the sky . His b ac k w h ee l is p ointin g a t t h e groun d . I n t h e mi dd l e o f t h e backfli p , the rider is u p side d own. Loo k at t h e p icture. W h ere is h e upsi d e d own? L ook at his helmet. When the r ider is u p side down, his helmet is p ointin g at the groun d ! T h e b icyc l e w h ee l s a re pointing at t h e s k y . L oo k at t h e picture. W h ere is t h e ri d er l an d ing? W h en t h e rider lands , his wheels touch the g round. The front wheel l an d s first. T h e ri d er is no l onger a b ove t h e truc k an d the ramp. Riders need a lot of p ractice to learn to do a backfli p . This rider is a n expert! — S usan Moge r 9 . New, One Old 1 1 0 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 112 Critical Thinking MAP 113 Our Ancestors in California 114 Coming to America 116 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 11 8 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2014, 09:15