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Topics NhËn biÕt Th«ng hiÓu VËn dông Tæng TN TL TN T L TN TL listening I.True or false sè c©u: 4 sè ®iÓm:2 số caââu: 4 số đñiểm: 2 = 20 % GRAMMAR II.Multiple choice Soá caâu: 5 Soá ñieåm: 2,5 V. Fill in the míssing word Soá caâu: 5 Soá ñieåm : 1,5 số caââu: 10 số đñiểm: 4 = 40 % reading III. Read and anwer the questions sè c©u: 4 sè ®iÓm: 2 số caâu: 4 số đñiểm: 2 =20 % Writing Rewrite the Sentences sè c©u: 4 sè ®iÓm:2 số caââu: 4 số đñiểm: 2 =20 % Tổng số câu: Tổng số điểm: Tỉ lệ : % số caââu: 4 số ñđiểm: 2 =20% số caââu: 9 số ñiểm: 4,5 =45% số caââu:9 số đñiểm: 3,5 =35% TS caââu:26 TSđñiểm:10 =100% Kim Dong school Class: 9 Test on English Name:__________________ Time: 45 minutes. I/ Listen to the announcement and write True (T) or False (F) to each sentence below: (2 marks) _________ 1. Mary is 10 years old. _________ 2. She has short dark hair. _________ 3. She is wearing a short-sleeved white blouse. _________ 4. Her mother is waiting for her. II/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2,5 marks) 1/ Yoko is from___________, a big capital city of Japan. a. London b. Tokyo c. New York d. Paris 2/ Lan __________ her friend to Hoan Kiem Lake last week. a. take b. takes c. took d. is taking 3/ The weather isn’t nice today. I wish it ___________ nice. a. is b. was c. were d. be 4/ We have learnt English ____________ 2000. a. since b. for c. never d. just 5/ Nam usually goes to school _____________ 7:00 in the morning. a. in b. on c. at d. of III/ Read the text and answer the questions: (2 marks) In the 1960s, many university and college students wore jeans. Designers made different styles of jeans to match the 1960s’ fashions: embroidered jeans, painted jeans, and so on. In the 1970s more and more people started wearing jeans because they became cheaper. In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing. Sales of jeans went up and up. But in the 1990s the worldwide economic situation got worse, the sale of jeans stopped growing. Questions: 1/ Who liked to wear jeans in the 1960s? à_______________________________________________________________________ 2/ Why did more and more people begin wearing jeans in the 1970s? à_______________________________________________________________________ 3/ What happened when jeans became high fashion clothing in the 1980s? à_______________________________________________________________________ 4/ When did the sale of jeans stop growing? à_______________________________________________________________________ IV/ Rewrite these sentence as directed below: (2 marks) 1/ They will build a new school next year. (Change into the passive voice) à________________________________________________________________________ 2/ I don’t know many words in English. àI wish __________________________________________________________________ 3/ Nga (do)_____________ that exercise for 3 days. (Put the verb in parentheses into the correct tense) 4/ People use the telephone to communicate in a long distance. (Change into the passive voice) à_______________________________________________________________________ V/ Fill in each blank with one word from the box: (1,5 marks) population Ha Noi divided language religions area Viet Nam is one of the countries in ASEAN. It is (1)_______________ into three regions: the North, the Central and the South. The (2)_____________ is 326,258 sq kilometers. The capital is (3)_____________. The Vietnamese unit of currency is dong. There are many (4)_______________ in Viet Nam such as Buddhism, Cao Dai, Christmas… The (5)_______________ in 1997 was nearly 70 million. The national (6)_____________ is Vietnamese. KEY I/ Listen to the announment and write True (T) or False (F) to each sentence below: (2 marks) 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F ( Tapscrip: Her name is Mary. She is 3 years old. She has short dark hair.She is wearing blue shorts. Her father is waiting for her.) II/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2,5 marks) 1/ b. Tokyo 2/ c. took 3/ c. were 4/ a. since 5/ c. at III/ Read the text and answer the questions: (2 marks) Questions: 1/ Many university and college students liked to wear jeans in the 1960s. 2/ Because jeans became cheaper. 3/ Sales of jeans went up and up. 4/ The sale of jeans stopped growing in 1990s. IV/ Rewrite these sentences as directed below: (2 marks) 1/ A new school will be built next year. 2/ I wish I knew many words in English. 3/ Nga has done that exercise for 3 days. 4/ The telephone is used to communicate in a long distance. IV/ Fill in each blank with one word from the box: (1,5 marks) population Ha Noi divided language religions area (1) divided (2) area (3) Ha Noi (4) religions (5) population (6) language . text and answer the questions: (2 marks) In the 196 0s, many university and college students wore jeans. Designers made different styles of jeans to match the 196 0s’ fashions: embroidered jeans,. In the 197 0s more and more people started wearing jeans because they became cheaper. In the 198 0s jeans finally became high fashion clothing. Sales of jeans went up and up. But in the 199 0s the. Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2,5 marks) 1/ b. Tokyo 2/ c. took 3/ c. were 4/ a. since 5/ c. at III/ Read the text and answer the questions: (2 marks) Questions: 1/ Many university

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2014, 00:00

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