The essential of topic About the mode of management operation derived from “bau ganh”theater family, Cai luong Stage Art was “under” many differentmanagement modes: Private Management Mo
Trang 11 The essential of topic
About the mode of management operation derived from “bau ganh”(theater family), Cai luong Stage Art was “under” many differentmanagement modes: Private Management Mode, GovernmentManagement Mode, Flexible Management Mode of management subjects
in the period of Art Cultural Operation Socialization
Theater Family Operation of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art in theearly years of XX century as well as the Government Management Modeafter our Liberation, had achieved some specific success In our Reform,the Traditional Stage Art form generally, Cai luong Stage Art particularlyhad to cope with many challenges resulted from the marketing mechanismand the mass international integration Above all others, the reform ofmanagement was more and more important for the development of thePeoples’ Theater Art, especially Cai luong Stage Art
Presently, Cai luong Stage Art as well as the Peoples’ Theater Art are
in danger of falling behind, less audience How to preserve the uniquetraditional values of the Peoples’ Stage Arts and to improve and provethem in the contemporary life? How to improve art quality of the plays,and to reach the economical objectives in order to improve the livingquality for artists today?
By surveying, assessing the management modes of each period, wewant to study the impact of management modes and their deep effects onthe formation and development of the Southern Cai luong Stage Art
As a result of survey, we conducted some experiences, defined theachievements as well as the shortcomings of the management modes toThe Southern Cai luong Stage Operation in every development period.Since the dissertation suggests some solutions of the management model in
Trang 2order to partly consolidate and develop The Southern Cai luong these daysand in the future.
2 History of the studying
There were a lot of research and works of Cai luong Stage Art Someauthors mentioned the management, the management mode of Cai luongStage Art as follows:
Memoirs of 50year theater passion, written by Vuong Hong Sen
-1968 - mentioned the history of Cai luong Stage Art and the team withsignificant important contributions in the formation and development ofCai luong Stage Art, they were composers, artists, musicians, etc Inwhich, role of a guarantor who contributed to the formation of Cai luongStage Art was retold in the memoirs
Vietnam Stage Art, by Tran Van Khai - 1970, taking an overview of
progress of the Southern Cai luong Stage Art Formation
Stories of Cai luong, by the People’s Artist Ba Van - 1989 In this
memoir, Ba Van mentioned the theater family and the guarantors that heever knew, worked or collaborated with during his Stage Art Operationtime He affirmed that Cai luong Stage Art after our liberation was themost super stage that determined and honored the artists’ positions,manners in a new society
History of Cai luong Art, by Truong Binh Tong - 1997 Apart from
the mention of the origin, development history of Cai luong Stage Art, thework mentioned the formation, typical and style of Cai luong Stage Art,emphasized the role of a guarantor since before 1975 and the achievements
of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art under the leading of our Party andGovernment after our Liberation Day
Vang bong 1 thoi (A famous moment) - 2007, by Huynh Cong Minh,
recording the successful moments of the artists, composers, theater
Trang 3managers under the camera of a professional journalist on The SouthernCai luong Stage Art from 1955 until now.
Cai luong Stage in Ho Chi Minh City, by Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc
-Do Huong - 2007 This book led the readers to the thought of decliningtrend of Cai luong Stage Art presently
Music and Cai luong stage by Tuan Giang - 1997 As a musical
composer, the author went into the details of explaining the formation ofthe Cai luong Stage Art and Cai luong music of amateurs that associatedwith the historical periods At the same time, the author also analyzed,evaluated in terms of the development of this stageart form
The Southern Cai luong Stage, by Do Dung - 2000 In this work, it
referred to the role of the guarantors - the private management mode andthe role of the headleaders - the government management mode
The matter of Stage in the marketing mechanism, by Ngo Thao
-2000 In this book, the author mentioned generally the art performanceoperation of Vietnam Stage through the period between 1945 and now.The matters of the theater family, the theater guarantor, the privatemanagement mode in the early period of Cai luong combining with thepeople who contributed to the success in the formation of Cai luong StageArt were recorded in the memoirs of the senior artists, composers, etc
The dissertation will continuously contribute to the studying of theSouthern Stage Art’s formation and development under the impacts of themanagement modes, and review their interactions to the Art Subjects
3 Purpose of studying
This dissertation is carried out to study the Southern Cai luong StageArt, study the strong impact of the management modes to the formationand development of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art throughout thedifferent periods As a result of study, assessment of strong points as well
as shortcomings points under this impact, and then it suggests some
Trang 4Reform solutions of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art unit’s managementmode in order to be suitable for the present real conditions.
4 The Object and studying Cope
4.1 The Object
Topic “The Southern Cai luong Stage Art under the impact ofmanagement modes” directs to the object of The Southern Cai luong StageArt and its management modes; their wide effects on the art subjectsoverseen from the theory and the reality
4.2 The Cope
Studying the management modes, the role of the managements inThe Southern Cai luong Stage Art in the West-Southern such as VinhLong, Tien Giang, Bac Lieu, etc and Saigon, presently Ho Chi Minh City
Studying the management modes, the role of the managements of Cailuong Stage Art in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and the West-Southernfrom the beginning and developing until now
Studying 2 areas including art content and form, and the management
of creative workforce, the capital and material foundation, the performancebusiness
5 Method of studying
The Interdisciplinary Approach: Art, culture, history
The Countryside Approach: Interviewing, discussing an idea tocollect the information of an object We will approach to the audience andthe managements, directors, actors/ actresses, and leaders of The SouthernCai luong Stage Art units to refer to the professional reviews of the peoplewho have directly worked, contributed to the art
Trang 56 Contributions of the dissertation
6.1 Theory
By analyzing the historical facts which impacted the existence anddevelopment of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art, the dissertationsynthesizes and completes the theory system of management mode,completing and reforming the management mode of theaters, the units ofThe Southern Cai luong Stage Art these days
6.2 Reality
The dissertation reflects the current conditions of The Southern Cailuong Stage Art and gives some feasible solutions to improve the qualityand the organizational effects, the management of The Southern Cai luongStage Art now and in the future
The dissertation’ result will be a document for the governmentmanagements, the public and non-public Cai luong Units for reference toacknowledge the management modes in the Stage Operation Socializationperiod under the guideline of our Party and Government
7 Structure of the dissertation
Apart from the preface (08 pages), Conclusion (03 pages), Portfolio
of References (09 pages), the dissertation’s content is divided into three
STAGE ART 1.1 The concepts and relevant technical words
1.1.1 The Southern Cai luong Stage Art Cai luong Stage Art
Cai luong Stage Art is a form of the Peoples’ theater stage Thisform, including many different art forms, such as poetry, stage art(including directors, actors/ actresses), music, fine art, dancing, and otherfacts such as sound, voice, lightning, etc The Southern Cai luong Stage Art
The Southern Cai luong Stage Art (including the Eastern and the
West-Southern provinces) is a part of Vietnam Cai luong Stage Art.
1.1.2 The concept of Management Modes Management Mode
Management Mode is the organizational and control mode and themethod of operations in order to make sure the continuous and effectiveoperation of a system, an organization The Government Management Mode
The Government Management Mode is based on the owned relationship of production materials and workforce A directoperation of production - trading activity in an economic unit under thegovernment’s general management and in law It aims to make theproduction and trading develop, assure and expand the capital, with themore and more interest and expanding reproduction cope, to increase theworkforce’s income
collective- The Private Management Mode
* Theater Company
Trang 7Theater company (stage) is a social organization of the artists ofLand Puppet, Water Puppet, Comedians resulting from the contribution ofmany members or it is founded by a wealthy and powerful person in avillage.
* Theater Family
The free competition made most of the wealthy people who liked Cailuong theater art found the group The first managements were called thegroup guarantors
* The Private Management Mode
The Private Management is the organizational and control mode andmethod of the operation of an individual as specific requirements under theGovernment’s general management The Art and Cultural Operation Socialization
* Concept of Socialization
The Socialization of the social activity is the process of operation,arrangement in order that the social subjects (individuals, groups,organizations, communities, social organizations) can join consciously inthe social activities based on the awareness of their roles and positions inevery social activity, and then make the social activity suitable for thesociety’s development
* The Art and Cultural Operation Socialization
The Art and Cultural Operation Socialization, in fact is thesocialization of organizational and operational power of the art & culturalproduction’s operation and arrangement in the trend of variousmanagement subjects, in order to draw the crowd of the social forces, thecollectives and the individuals that stand for caring the cultural activity,the organization and operation of the process of production under the law
of the government Management Mode
Trang 8Management Mode is the description of the management mode’smain features in order to study the management mode.
1.1.3 Regional Culture
The Natural and Social condition is one of the reason which speeds
up development of the culture The geographic, humanity, socialbackground impacts, etc are the facts which impulse the formation anddevelopment of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art
1.2 Cai luong Stage Art in the natural and social environment in the Southern.
1.2.1 The Natural Environment
The process of formation and development of Cai luong Stage Art inthe Southern goes with the features of natural environment here In theearlier, the theater groups traveled by marine in the boats and did theirperformances on an empty land, etc
1.2.2 The Social Environment
The culture of migrates in the new land was the collection of culturalmemory and the communication in the social environment Thecommunication and various transforms of the culture between Vietnameseculture and the west, which was the direct exchange between Vietnameseand French cultures, occurred in the Southern rather fast and widely
It was that its self-structured process, eliminating the unsuitablevalues in the new environment, and the development or the creation ofnew values helped people exist and develop in the water-river plain, alongwith the minorities with different cultural features, Cai luong Stage Artcame up then
1.3 Progressive of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art
The forming progressive of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art was inthe current of the Peoples’ theater Stage
Trang 91.3.1 The premises of Folk Culture in the formation of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art The Southern Classical Theater
In Vietnam Peoples’ tradition theater Art, the classical Theater is thePeoples’ typical Stage Art The Folk performance forms
In the process of working and production and in the daily life, theSouthern farmers took an inspiration to create the various forms of theFolk Performance in order to exchange their feelings, decrease theirtensions, difficulties The Royal Music, Ritual Music
Apart from the classical theater, the Royal Music composed byconfucians, musicians from Hue moved into the Southern Somecompositions were used to offer sacrifices to the Spirits, in the funerals,called the ritual music The Amatuer Performance
In the early XX century, the amateur performance derived from Huewas publicized strongly The Southern Amatuer performance was a formwhich was formed in the late XIX century, and the early XX century in theSouthern Because of their Root memory, the rhythm, the voice of theamateur performance contained the sorrow and they were the people’sfavourites The Acting Singing
The first form of the Acting Singing was from Vinh Long, founded
by Professor Pho Muoi Hai, as known as Tong Huu Dinh And then it wasdeveloped by Mr Nguyen Tong Trieu and successful in My Tho It can besaid that it was the premise of a new form of the Peoples’ Stage Art - Cailuong Stage Art
1.3.2 The appearance of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art
Trang 10After the night of 16th November 1918, firstly the guarantor AndreaThan and then the guarantor Nam Tu who introduced Cai luong onto theStage In 1922, it was the typical year in which the piece “Trang Tu thuvo” (Trang Tu tried getting married) and the piece “Kim Van Kieu”performed in My Tho Theater, next in Cho Lon Theater and then inMorden Saigon.
1.3.3 Typical of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art
Typical of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art was singing Thesinging or playing the musical instruments in Cai luong Art remained theacting To reach the harmony of acting and singing, the style and theperformance of the piece had to be unified, containing the true feelings,attracting the audiences into the details of the piece
1.3.4 Production of Goods is a dynamic of the appearance of Cai luong Stage Art
“The basic typical of the small goods production was that the directproducer concurrently the production material owner (belonging to theirownership or renting), the combination of their labour and the productionmaterial in order to produce goods for sale” Since the fact of Cai luongArt showed that the money-owned people made the theater groups in order
to sell a special product - the pieces The guarantors of Cai luong theatergroups came up from a landowner, capitalist, private businessman, etc
Trang 11products for sale in order to satisfy with the public’s entertainment in theSouthern, Cai luong Stage Art has been strengthened and completedcontinuously in topic, style, content and art form
Cai luong Stage Art was formed and developed based on its activecreation, it showed and found out the new of the Southern people Theeconomic, political, cultural, social changes made changes in themanagement; the private management in the competitive marketingeconomy, and the guarantors’ management was the premise of Cai luongStage Art in the development in the next period
OF THE SOUTHERN CAI LUONG STAGE ART 2.1 The Southern Cai luong Stage Art under the private management mode from the beginning until 1975
2.1.1 The Southern Cai luong Stage Art derived from the marketing mechanism of capitalism
The Southern Cai luong Stage Art was formed and developed (1918 1975) in the capitalism’s marketing mechanism of French colonialism,American imperialism, therefore it was under the impact of the privatemanagement mode Besides the positive side, the private managementmode made a special product - the performance pieces with variouscontent and form However, in the other hand, that unavoidable in thegoods production was the exploration of plus value So the progressive ofThe Southern Cai luong Stage Art was not excluded the rule
-2.1.2 The Southern Cai luong Stage Art under the impact of the private management mode from 1918 to 1954 The political, economic, cultural - social background
Trang 12The French colonialism wanted to make the Southern into acommodity agricultural area, specializing in production of rice for theworld market exporting.
In the early XX century, My Tho was a cradle of the amateurperformance campaign and of The Southern Cai luong Stage Art This wasthe period with the convenient natural, cultural, social conditions to make
a new art form suitable for the Southern’s land and people The Southern Cai luong Stage Art in 1918 - 1954
* Composition and Orchestra
An acting singing, the composers did not compose the compositionbut composed the lyrics based on the musical composition with a suitablecontent, different feelings tones of the characters in a performance piece
The classical orchestra was structured as an amateur performanceorchestra Because of the sound fitness of the Guitar and the Violin for Cailuong rhythm, they would be used to enrich the sound and rhythm for anorchestra
* Content and Form
Cai luong Stage Art since the beginning has been competitivebetween the theater groups, opening of a new performance to attract theaudience, and it makes The Southern Cai luong Stage Art various in Artform
* The operation mode
- Management of creative force
The competition between the theater groups in signing a contractwith an author, “buying of the actresses, bribing the actors” was one of theactions that the guarantor đi in order to expand the theater group’sreputation and to affirm his theater management
- Management of capital and material foundation