LtfU ciiUYBN TIEN TU HO~T DONG KINH DOANH CASH FWWS FROM OPERATION ACTIVITIES 1 Tit~n thu ban hang.. Tien thu kha c tU ho~;~.t dlng kinh doanh Other receipts from operating activities
Trang 1CONG 1Y C6 PHAN
V/V: Giai trinh ket qua ho(lt a(mg
kinh doonh qui 4 nom 2013
cua Cong ty m(?
Tp.HCM, ngay 18 thong 01 nom 2014
Cong ty Co phan TRANSIMEX-SAIGON ( ma CK : TMS) gii1i trlnh ket qua hoG~t d(>ng kinh doanh cua Cong ty mfi! trong qui 4 nam 2013 tang so v&i qui 4 nam 2012 nhll sau :
Doanh thu ho~t d(>ng tai chfnh 13.170.727.443 6.215.386 172
Ngay 31 thfmg 12 na.m 2013 -As at December 31st, 2013
Odn vt tinh: VND - Unit: VND
I Ti~n va cac khoiin tu'dng du'dng bing ti~n
Cash and cash equivalents
Short - term Investments
2 Dt! phong ghim gla chung khoan dau tlf ngan h~n
Provision for devaluation of short term investment
III Cac k.hoiin ph iii thu ng li n h~n
Short-term - Inter- company receivable
4 Phal thu theo tlen do ke ho~ch HD xay dl,l'ng 134
Progress receipts due from construction contract
5 Cac khoan phal thu khac
Other receivabl es
6 Dt! ph6ng cac khoan phal thu kh6 doi(")
Provisions for doubiful debts (0
2 Dt! phong g1am gla h ng ton kho (")
Provision for devaluation of inventories (•)
V Tal san nglin h~n k.hac
Othe r current assets
1 Chi phi tra trlfCic ngan h~n
Short - term prepaid expenses
2 Thue GTGT dlfQc khau trii
VAT to be deducted
3 Thuc va cac khoan khac phal thu Nha NlfCic
Taxes and other accounts receivable from the State
4 Tal san ng:in h~n khac
s6 cuol nilm s6 diu nilm Closing balance Beginning balance 193.520.753 292 153.012.436.015
Trang 3B TAl sAN DAI ~ 2 00 471.814 1 7 7 25 450.38 1.800 092
Long-term accounts receivable
1 Phal thu dal h~n cua khach hang 2 11
Long·tenn accounts receivable · trade
Long · tenn inter-company receivable
O t her long·tenn accounts receivable
4 Dt! pho g pha l thu d t h"!-n kh6 dot (*) 219
Provision for long·tenn doubtful de b ts ( • ]
Accumulated dep r eciation (•]
Construction in progre ess
lii Bi"t dqng san diu ttt 240 V l l 80.803.752.952 44.285.400.000
Long - termfinancial investments
l rwestrnents subsidiary compa n y
2 E>au tlf vao C6ng ty lie n ket lie n doanh 252 1 I 6.845.42 8.300 116.970.972.410
investment injoint ven tu res
Other long · tenn inv e stments
- c & p le u
· Co n g trat gtao d1,1c
Education bond
4 Dl! phong gtam gta dau tu ta t chinh dal h~n (*) 259 (2 086.280.4 12) (1 4.476.540.037)
Provision for Long · e nnjinancia l l nv e stm e nts
Oth e r non - curr e nt ass e ts
Trang 41 Chi phi trii tniclc dii.i h<~on 261 V.14 360.7 11 4 4 612.217.257
Long·tenn prepaid expenses
Deferred income tax assets
Other non-current assets
1 Vay vii n<J ng<in h<~on 311 V 1 5 68.999.197.331 39.886.447 11 3
Short·tenn borrowings and debts
Accounts payable·trade
Advances from customers
-4 Thue vii cac khoiin phal n(lp Nha NuBc 314 V.16 I 772.995.190 1.538.454.811 ::;
Tax and accounts payabl e to State budget
-Progre ss payments due to construct ion contract
9 Cac khm1n phiit tra phat n(>p ng<in h<~on khac 3 19 V 1 8 5.669.560.380 4.499.670.338
Other payables
Bonus and welfare funds
-11 Quy thui'1ng ban quan ly dteu hii.nh cong ty 327 113.823.890 584.699.467
Management bonus fund
Long · tenn liabilities
-Long· tenn trade accounts payables
Other long ·tenn liabilities
Long·tenn borrowing s and debts
-Deferred income tax paybble
-Provisions for long· term accounts payable
Trang 51 Von dau tti cua c h u si'1 huu
Owners' Investment capital
2 Th~ng dli von c6 p h an
Share capital surplus
3 c6 phie ' u ngan quy
Treasury shares
4 Chenh l {:ch dan h g t a 1<).1 tal san
DUJerences upon asset revaluation
5 Chenh l¢ch ty gta h ot doat
Foreign currency translation dUJerences
6 Q u y d au tli ph:i t tri~n
Development and investmentfunds
7 Quy dl! phong tal chin h
Financial reserved funds
8 Quy kh<ic thu(>c vo n chu si'1 huu
Other funds
9 [41 nhu~n chua phan p h ol
Undistributed earnings
II Ngu6n k.inh phi vi quy kh!c
Budget sources and other funds
1 Nguon klnh p hi
2 Nguon klnh phi da hinh thimh TSCD
Funds used to acquire frxed assets
Chi tieu
- Tal san co djnh g111 h(> cua NN cha thanh ly
State's.frxed assets received on consignmentfor sale
- Tlen ngoC).I t{: cac l oC).i
Trang 6c6NG TY c6 P i l i TRANSIMEX·SAIGON
M!u s6 8 0 a-DN Ban hanh thea QD s6 15/2006/QD-BTC ngay 20/03/2006 cua B¢ TniCing BTC
f)drl vi tinh: VND · Unit: VND
Quy IV Luy ke' tu' diu nim de'n cu6i quy nay
Mi Accum.from beginning of year to the
end of period
Fiscal year 2013 Fiscal year 2012 Fiscal year 2013 Fiscal year 2012
1 Doanh thu Mn hang vi cung cap djch VV 01 86.294.844.397 82.965.027.241 338.366.891.290 323.138.552.276
Reuenuefrom sales of goods and rendering
4 Gla von himg ban II 74.509.518.711 69.890.243.433 275.264.770.902 266.407.492.212
Cost of goods sold
5 141 nh~n gQp ban hAng vA cung cap djch 20 11.785.325.686 13.074.783.808 56.731.060.064
Gross profit from sales of goods and
rendering of services
6 Doanh tl1t1 ho11-t dc?ng tal chinh 21 13 I 70.727.443 6.215.386 172 50.355.049.185 32.039.887.521
Income from financial a ctivities
7 Chi phi tal chinh 22 3.402.767.589 21.776.489.855
Expenses from financial activities
Trong do: Chi phi lei! vay 23 2 780.022.088 2.435 487.831 I 0 794.095.376 12.865.597.225
In which: interest expenses
-8 Chi phi djch V\1 24 211.037.082 258.653.291 787.841.309
Service expenses
9 Chi phi quan ly doanh nghl~p 25 3.509.588.445 4.222.688.953 13.093.856.329 15.498.663.721
General & administration expenses
10 141 nh~n thuin tu ho•t d9ng ldnh doanh 30 15.983.371.686 11.406.060.147 77.798.982.080 58.990.879.587
Net Operating profit
-14 TOng lt;ll nhu~n ke" toan tntQc thu€ 50 15.872.154.561 77.045.544.643 54.689.222.921
Total accounting profit before tax
Trang 7Chi tieu
"Trong do: CO brc nh(in du(Jc b't h0<;1t d(!ng lien
In which :Dividends ar e received from the
operations of Joint venture
Chi phi Ume TNDN hii,!n hahh
Current income tax expense
Chi phi thue TNDN hoan l ~
Deferred income tax expense
IA;fi nb~n sau tbue' TNDN
Net Profit after tax
Lii co ban tren c6 phie'u
Earning per share
Qui IV- NAM 2013
Od n '1 tinh· VND · Unit: VND
1 Tit~n thu ban hang c ung cap djch V\1 va doanh thu kha c
Cash r eceived from sales of goods services an d other revenue
2 Tien c hi tnl cho nguOI c un g cap h n g h oa va djch V\1
Cash paid to suppliers for goods and services
3 Tien chi tn1 cho ngu'OI l ao d(lng
Cash paid to employees
4 Ti e n chi tni I ii vay
Interest paid
5 Tien chi n(lp thuc TNDN
Income t ax paid
6 Tien thu kha c tU ho~;~.t d(lng kinh doanh
Other receipts from operating activities
7 Tien chi kh ac c ho ho~;~.t d(lng klnh doanh
Other payments on operating activities
Ltiu chuy~n ti~n thudn tit hoQt d9ng kinh doanh
Net cashjlowsfrom operating activities
1 Tte n c ht M mua slim xay d\fng TSCD va cac tat sa n dat h l!-n khac
Additions to fiXed assets Wld other long-term assets
2 Ttc!n thu tit thanh l y nhtic;fng ban TSCD va cac t at san dat hl!-n khiic
Proceeds from disposals of.fixcd assets and o th er long-term assets
3 Tien chi c o vay mua cac co ng c~,~ n<;1 cua ddn ~ kha c
Payments for purchase of debt instruments of other entities
4 Tien thu hoi c ho vay ban l~;~ cac cong c~,~ n<;1 cua ddn \1 kh ac
Proceeds from sales of debt instruments of other entities
5 Tien c hi dau tli gop von vao ddn \1 kha c
Payment for investment in other entities
6 Tien thu hoi dau tli gop von vao ddn \1 kha c
Collections on investment in other entities
7 Tie n thu I ii! c ho vay co We va lc;li nhu:[ln dti<;lc chia
Receipts of interest dividends
Ltiu chuy~n ti~n thudn til hoQt d9ng ddu ttl
Net cashjlowfrom investment activities
1 Tien thu W phat ha nh CO phl e u nh~n von gop cua chu Sd huu
Proceeds from equity issue and owner's equity
2 Tt c! n c hi tr a v6n g6p c h o cac c hu sCI hftu mua 1<_~1 CP cua DN da
Luy ke' tu dlu nim de'n cu6i qu:f nay Accum from beginning of year to the end
of period
NAm 2013 NAm 2012 Fiscal year 2013 Fiscal year 2012
Trang 9Luy ke tit diu nim den cu6i qut nay Th
Accum from beginning of year to the end
Payments to sett le debts (principal)
LU'u chuy~n tl~n thuin tit ho~t dQng U.i chinh (60.987.550 . 104) (42.261.274 . 196)
Net cashjlowsfromji.nancing activities
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period
' I Anh huang cua thay d61 cy gta hoi doal quy d6t ngo~l t¢
Effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
Ban himh theo QD so 15/2006/QD-BTC ngiiy 20/03/2006 etta B~ Truong BTC
I D•c di!m ho.,t d(ing ctia Cong ty
Business highlights
1 Hinh thuc sa hftu v6n: Cling ty c6 PhAn
Inuestmentfonn: A joint stock company
Business sectors: Trade · Seruices
3 Nginh ngh.! kinh doanh
Fonn of Operation
-Cong ty CO Ph:in Translmex-Satgon dtl<;1c thiinh l;j.p vol cac chtlc n ng ho<)l d(mg nlu/ sau
Trans!mexSaigon Co has been establishe d with {ts operatl ngfun cllons asfoUows:
-D<Ji ly giao nh;j.n vii v;j.n chuyen hang hoa xwrt nh p kh>iu vii c6ng c(lng bling dtlong bien dtlong hang khong vii dtlong b(l
A cting as agent to prouide seroices of forwarding and transporting goods for import and export as weU as for public interests by sea by
a ir and by road
-D!ch Y\1 kho ngo<Ji quan kho CFS kho lCD
Pro uidlng seroices of bonded warehouses CFS and I CD
Pro uiding seroices on wa r ehousing load!ng and storing imports and exports In transit
-D!ch Y\1 giao, nh;j.n hang hoa lam thi't l\IC hal quan
Prouiding goods coUecHng and deliuerin g seroicPs and customs clearance seroices
-D<Ji ly tau bten vii mot gic'lt hang hat cho tau bien t.rong vii ngoiii nuoc
Acting as a shipping agent and marit im e broker for ships both in and out of the country
-D!ch Y\1 kinh doanh hang qua canh vii chuyen tal hang hoa qua Campuchia, Liio, Tnmg Quoc
Trading goods in transit and transporting goods to C ambodia , Laos and China
-Djch Y\1 d ng got vii ke ky mii ht~u hang hoa cho nha san xuat trong mloc va nuoc ngoiii uy thac
Proulding seroices of goods packing and mark ing for local and ouerseas manufactu r ers
-Mua ban do go gta d\mg g6m sll hang my ngh~ san ph~m cao su san ph~m may tre Ia cong ngh~ ph~m d«;;t da may, nong
lam Unty hat san, Ul\IC phiim che bien nguyen ll~u boa chat, v;j.t tu may moe thtet bl ph\tc Y\1 san xuat cong nang nghi~p bach hoa, di~n may, val s<;1i, U)\lc ph~m cong ngh~ v;j.t U u xay d\lng hang trang tri n(li U1at, phudng ti~n v;j.n tal, xe may n6ng ngtl cd,
n ng du<;1c cac lo<JI, may moe viln phong
Trading household wooden products; porcelains jlne art s; rubber products; rattan bamboo and leafy produ cts ; industrial products textile and leather products; agricultural forestry and aquatic products; processed foodstuff; c h e micals , mat erials, supplies macl tin enJ and equ ipm ent serolng the in dustrial and agricu ltura l productions; groceries; elect ri cal and mechanic appliances: fabric, industrial foodsru.JJ; constntctto n materials and tnrerior decorations; transportations, moto rb!k es; agricultu r al and fis hery tools, agricultural
medicine of aU kinds and office machines
· Kinh doanh v;j.n tai da phudng lhtlc
Prouldlng muiH-model transportation serolces
- Cho thue viln ph6ng
Office leasing
- Chuyen phat, d<Ji ly du ljch
Express Trauel Agent
II Ni!n d(i k6 tolin, ddn vi ti.!n t~ su d11-ng trong ke' tolin:
Accounting period, currency unit used In account:
1 Ndm tcii chinh
Fiscal year
Nlim tal chinh cua Cong ty d~u W ngay 01 thang 01 va ket tht1c vao ngay 31 iliang 12 hang n m
The fisca l year of the co mpany is from 0 I JanuanJ to 3 I December of each ca l enda r year
2 Ddn vi U!n t~ su d1,mg trong ke tolin: Dong Vi~t Nam (VND)
III Chuin m¥c vi che d<} ke' tolin ap d11-ng
Accounting system and st andards
1 Che dq ke' tolin lip d11-ng: Cling ty 1\p d11-ng Ch6 dQ K6 tolin Doanh nghJ~p Vi~t Nam
Trang 112 Tuyen b6 vf: vi~c tuin thu Chwin m\(c k~ toin val che d q k e toin Vi~t Nam:
Statement on the compliance wit h the accou nting system and standards
Ban T6ng glam Doc dam bao dii tuan thu day du yc'!:u cau cua cac Chuii'n ml,(c ke toan vii Che dq Ke toan Doanh Nghlt;p Vlt;t Nam
hl~n hiinh
The Directors ensure to follow all the requirements of the prevailing Vietnamese accounting system and standards in the preparation of
these financial statements
3 Hinh th(tc ke toan ap d1111g : Cong ty st't d1mg hinh thuc ke toan ch(tng tit ghi s6
Account!ngfonn Voucher recording
IV Cac chinh sach ke toan ap d"'-ng:
Accounting policies
1 Cd sit l~p bao cal.o taU chinh : Bao cal.o tl1i chinh ductc trinh bal.y theo nguyen tic gia g6c
Accounting conven tio n All the financ ial statements are prepared in accordance with the historical cost conv ntion
2 Tif:n val tudng d dng ti~n
Cash and c ash e quivalents
Tien vii cac khm\n tttdng dudng tlen bao gom tlen m~t tlen gtfi ngan himg tlen dang chuy€n va cac khoan dau ttl ngiln han co U1iil
han tim hoi ho~c dao han khong q a 3 iliang k€ tiJ ngay mua de dang chuy€n d61 thanh m¢l htc;lng lien xac djnh cling nhu khiing
co nhleu rul ro trong vl~c chuy€n d61
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand cash in bank cash in transit and short-tenn investments of which the due
dates can not exceed 3 months from the dates of the investments and the convertibility into cash is easy and which do not
have a lot of risks in the conversion into cash
3 tOn kho
Hang ton kho dttc;lc xac djnh tren cd sCi gia g6c Gla goc hang ton kho bao gom chi phi mua c i phi che bien va cac chi phi lien
quan tn.fc Uep khac phat sinh dti co dtlc;lc hang ton kho i.'J dja diem va trang Utal hl(!n tl)i
Inventories are recorded at their original costs Costs include purchasing expenses processing expenses and other directly
related costs to bring the inventories to the current positions and conditions
G!a goc hang ton kho dttc;lc tnh thco plntdng phap gla dich danh va dtfc;lc hach toan ilieo phttdng phap ke khat ti1tti1ng xuyen
Costs of bwentortes are detennined b1 accordance with the weighted average method and recorded In line with the perpetual method
D\l phong gtam gta hang ton kho dttc;lc ghl nh~n kill gla g6c lc'ln hdn gla trj thm1n co U1ti th\fc hli;n dttc;lc Gla trl U1ttan co the th\tc
hli;n duc;lc Ia gla ban tide tinh cua hang ton ton kho trii chi phi tide tinh dti hoim U1anh san p i\'m va chi phi tide tinh can lhiet cho
vl(!c tleu Uw ch(mg
Provisions for devaluation o_( inventories are recognized when the original costs are higher than t he net realizable values Net
realizable values are estinlated selling prices of inventories less estinlated expenses on product completion and other
necessary expenses on product consumption
4 Cac khoan phai thu thudng m~i v phai thu thu khac
Trade receivable a d othe r receivable
Cac khoan phal tim thudng ml)l va cac khoan pha! thu khac dttc;lc ghl nh{ln ti1eo hoa ddn chung tit
Trade recelvable and other receivable are recognized at the values on supporting documents and invoices
5 Tl1i san c6 djnh hii'u hinh
Tangibleftxed assets
Tal san co djnh dtic;lc th€ hl~n theo nguyen gla trit hao mon luy ke Nguyen gta tal san c6 djnh bao gom loan b¢ cac chi phi rna
Cong ty phal bo ra dti co dtic;lc tal san co djnh tinh d n tl1i11 difm dua tal san do vao trang thai s~n sang St( d\mg Cac chi phi phat
sinh sau khi ghl nh{ln ban dau chi dttc;lc ghl tilng nguyen gta tal san co djnh neu cac chi phi nay chile chiln lam tilng lc;ll ich klnh te
lrong tudng Ia! do stt d\mg tal san d6 Cac chi phi khong tl1oa man dii)u ki¢n lren dtic;lc ghl nh~n Ia chi phi lrong ky
Fixed assets are detennined by their hlstortcal costs less accumulated depreciation Hlstortcal costs of ftxed assets include all the
expenses of the company to have these ftxed assets as of the dates they are ready to be put lnto use Other expenses incurred
subsequent to the initial recognition are included bl hlstortcal costs of fixed assets only if they certainly brtng more economic benefits m
the future thanks to the use oftlwse assets Tiwse which do not meet the above conditions will be recorded into expenses durtng the
Kill tai san c6 dinl1 duc;lc ban hay tltanh ly, nguyen gla va kh<fu hao luy ke dtic;lc xoa s6 va bat k)' khoan Ia! Ia nao phat sinh do vl¢c
Utanh ly deu dtic;lc tinh vao tllll nh~p hay clll phi trong ky
When aftxed asset is sold or dlspased its hlstortcal cost and accumulated depre c iation are wrtt!en off then any galn/ (loss) artsen are
posted mto the income or the expenses durtng the pertod
Tat san co djnh dtfc;lc khau hao lheo phudng phap duong thilng d\fa tren tltill glan hiu tide tinh