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473 Developing Rule-Based Applications for the Web should be developed. These algorithms should be able to handle complex and heavy knowledge bases that combine rules and ontologies with a large number of concepts and relationships. Such knowledge bases are substantial, especially in the context of information integration where multiple domain vocabularies interact with upper-level ontologies. Furthermore, the Web is a large scale environment, where a huge set of resources are added every day. As a result, future knowledge bases will have to capture and describe more and more individuals. These facts should be taken into account by the developers that will target at designing new reasoning algorithms. Finally, a more practical issue that should be investigated is the development of a unified rea- soning framework capable of managing both on- tologies and rules. Today, there is no efficient and easy-to-use integrated reasoning module that can reason over both formalisms. As a consequence, the developer should use at least two different reasoning modules to handle such an integrated knowledge base. This can result to unexpected situations. For example, the restrictions defined by the ontology can be violated by the applica- tion of rules, since the rule engines do not take into account these restrictions (e.g., disjointness of concepts). Similarly, the application of rules could produce knowledge that would be useful for further description logic inferences. 6. CONCLUSION In this chapter we have discussed the application of rules to Web applications in order to achieve intel- ligent application behavior and efficient manage- ment of knowledge. We have described the main methodologies and technologies for integrating rules with ontologies, since the latter constitutes a mature knowledge technology on the Web. The chapter has also examined aspects of the differ- ent approaches. We also showed through several experiments that current reasoning modules are not efficient enough to manage knowledge stem- ming from large-scale environments like the Web, especially in the context of real-time applications which impose severe constraints in response times. Finally, more improvements should be made in the standardization of rules formalism on the Web and in the development of reasoning modules that can handle and reason over both ontologies and rules as integral knowledge. 7. REFERENCES W3C Semantic Web Activity (2008). Retrieved April 22, 2008, from http://www.w3.org/2001/ sw/. Alferes, J., Damasio, C., & Pereira, L. (2003). Semantic Web logic programming tools. ( . LNCS, 2901, 16–32. Antoniou, G., Billington, D., Governatori, G., & Maher, M., J. (2001). Representation results for defeasible logic. ACM Transac- tions on Computational Logic, 2(2), 255–287. doi:10.1145/371316.371517 Antoniou, G., & Damasio, C. 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Knowledge Representation: It is the process of exploiting formal methodologies and languages (e.g., rules formalisms, ontologies) in order to capture and describe knowledge. Ontology: A formal representation of a do- main of discourse that describes concepts and relationships among them. This way, it provides a common vocabulary and allows for the inference of new knowledge. Reasoning: The systematic process of infer- ring new knowledge by applying formal implica- tion rules to a given knowledge base. Rule-Based Application: An application that takes advantage of rules formalisms (e.g., Horn-clauses) in order to represent and infer new knowledge. Semantic Web: It is an extension of the current Web where resources are described through formal syntax and semantics in order to be human- and machine-readable. ENDNOTES 1 Also called as Datalog view in the litera- ture 2 http://con.fusion.at/dlvhex/ 3 It offers free trials while educational and research licenses are available 4 Universal Resource Identifiers This work was previously published in Handbook of Research on Emerging Rule-Based Languages and Technologies: Open Solutions and Approaches, edited by A. Giurca, D. Gasevic, and K. Taveter, pp. 371-392, copyright 2009 by Information Sci- ence References (an imprint of IGI Global). 478 Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Chapter 2.13 Modeling of Web Services using Reaction Rules Marko Ribarić Mihailo Pupin Institute, Serbia Shahin Sheidaei Simon Fraser University, Canada Milan Milanović University of Belgrade, Serbia Dragan Gašević Athabasca University, Canada Adrian Giurca Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, Deutschland Sergey Lukichev Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany Gerd Wagner Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany ABSTRACT The development process of Web services needs to focus on the modeling of business processes rather than on low-level implementation details of Web services, and yet it also needs to incorporate the support for frequent business changes. This chapter presents the UML-based Rule Language (URML) and REWERSE Rule Markup Language (R2ML), which use reaction rules (also known as Event-Condition-Action rules) for modeling Web services in terms of message exchange patterns. Web services that are being modeled in this way can easily be integrated in the wider context of modeling orchestration and choreography. In order to achieve proposed solution, we have developed a plug-in for the Fujaba UML tool (so called Strelka) and a number of model transformations for round- trip engineering between Web services and reaction rules. Also, the paper presents mappings of models of Web services with reaction rules into the Drools rule language, thus enabling the run time execution semantics for our rule-based models. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-402-6.ch018 479 Modeling of Web Services using Reaction Rules 1. INTRODUCTION Web services provide a communication inter- face and a workflow management protocol for business systems. Their goal is set to change the Web from a static collection of information, to a dynamic place where different software compo- nents (business logics) can be easily integrated (Arroyo et al., 2004). Some of the factors that constrain web services from achieving that goal can be named as follow: when developers try to enrich the existing Web services with some new functionality, they have to implement necessary changes manually, which may lead to potential execution errors; furthermore, business rules, due to their declarative nature, are used for reflecting dynamic changes representing desired alteration in the business process. When business rules are used in a networked business, they are often large and complex, which makes them difficult to manage and change. There is a lack of automatic mechanism for updating Web services based on the business rules changes (Ribaric et al., 2008). The need for a more straightforward way to ex- press, and manage business rules as a separate part of Web services’ composition has been recognized by researchers for the numerous benefits that it provides (Charfi & Mezini, 2004). However, in- tegrating rule-based systems in a service-oriented environment is a complex task, due to the fact that both worlds have their own paradigms (Rosenberg & Dustdar, 2005). Many different factors involve in this integration. However, the most important one of these factors is the architecture of service oriented systems. In this architecture, layers play a great role. The layering architecture is needed to be represented and deployed in the world of rules which become challenging and could not be simple done. This integration approach should be loosely coupled, meaning that it is reasonable to expose business rules as services. The way of modeling Web services presented in this paper facilitates this integration process, and those services can be more easily integrated in the wider context of modeling orchestration and choreography. A promising way to solve these problems is to use a high-level modeling approach combined with the use of rules. A modeling approach will allow developers to focus on a problem domain rather than on an implementation technology. This is why we propose using an approach based on Model Driving Engineering (MDE). Although, there have been several attempts to leverage MDE principles to model Web services, they are still very low level oriented, as they again focus on technical details covered either by WSDL (Bezivin et al., 2004) (Vara et al., 2005) or OWL-S (Timm & Gannod, 2005) (Gronmo et al., 2005). The use of rules implying that they are defined in a declara- tive way, they can dynamically reflect business logic changes at run-time without the need to redesign the whole system. Since Web services are used for integration of business processes of various stakeholders, it is important for them to reflect changes in business logic, or policies, as good as possible. The solution that we propose is to use rules to represent and model business processes from the perspective of message exchange. That is, our modeling approach enables one to model Web services from the perspective of the underlying business logic regulating how Web services are used regardless of the context where they are used. To do so, our proposal is to leverage message- exchange patterns (MEPs) as an underlying perspective integrated into a Web service model- ing language. This perspective has already been recognized by Web service standards (Chinnici et al., 2007), and our contribution is to raise this to the level of models. As the leading Rule Modeling language we benefit from UML-based Rule Modeling Lan- guage (URML) (Lukichev & Wagner, 2006a) for our approach. URML having strong ties with R2ML (REWERSE Rule Markup Language) empowers us to model rules in various languages. 480 Modeling of Web Services using Reaction Rules URML supports modeling of domain vocabular- ies in addition to integrity, derivation, production and reaction rules. .Business rules, being similar to natural language rules, are proposed to be modeled by using reaction rules (also known as Event-Condition-Action, ECA, rules) in this pa- per. Reaction rules will perform a task (Action) under some circumstances (Conditions) if some events (Event) take place and can best describe a business rule. We also have developed a plugin (called Strelka) for the well known UML tool Fujaba, which has a support for URML notation. Strelka also has the support transformation of URML models into Web Service Description Language (WSDL) and different types of rule languages such as Drools, Jess, and SWRL. In this paper, we discuss those transformations that are imple- mented by using a model transformation language entitled the ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL) (ATL, ver. 0.7). The paper is structured as follows: in the next section we give a bit of the background, including, Web services, R2ML and URML languages with the emphasis on reaction rules. In section 3 we introduce our approach for modeling business rules and services following by section 4 in which we introduce Strelka (Lukichev & Wagner, 2006b), a tool we developed that is capable of presenting URML diagrams, and performing transformations. Section 5 describes mapping process between URML and WSDL that is a part of Strelka, and also covers a deployment of URML diagrams to the Drools rule engine. Section 6 summarized the related work done so far and in Section 7 we conclude this work by summarizing the major points. 2. BACKGROUND In this section, we give a brief overview of the technologies and techniques relevant to the prob- lem under study. This includes a short description of Web services, Drools rule engine, and rule language definitions based on MDE principles used in our modeling approach. A complete introduction into the ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL) can be found in the chapter en- titled “Sharing ontologies and rules using model transformations”. Web Services A Web service is a loosely coupled component that exposes functionality to a client over the Internet (or an intranet) by using web standards such as HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI (Timm & Gannod, 2005). SOAP is an XML-based protocol for exchang- ing information in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP builds on XML and common Web protocols (HTTP, FTP, and SMTP) (Coyle, 2002). A SOAP message is the basic unit of com- munication between SOAP nodes. The “envelope” element represents the root of a SOAP message structure. It contains a mandatory body construct and optional header construct (Gudgin et al., 2007). The header construct is where meta-information can be hosted. In a large number of service-oriented architectures, the header is an important part of the overall architecture, and although it is optional it is rarely omitted. Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is a language for describing both the abstract functionality of a service and the concrete details of a Web service (Chinnici et al., 2007). At an abstract level, WSDL describes a Web service in terms of interfaces and the operations supported by the interfaces. An operation is an interaction with the service consisting of a set of (input, output, infault and outfault) messages exchanged between the service and other parties involved in the interaction (Chinnici et al., 2007). The mes- sages are described independently of a specific wire format by using a type system, typically XML Schema. WSDL also describes the point of contact for a service provider, known as the 481 Modeling of Web Services using Reaction Rules endpoint – it provides a formal definition of the endpoint interface and also establishes the physical location (address) of the service. Potential requestors need a way to discover Web services descriptors. It is necessary that these descriptors are collected and stored in a central registry. The key part of the Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) specification (Clement et al., 2004) presents standardizing information inside such a registry as well as specifying the way the information can be searched and updated. Regardless of how complex tasks performed by a Web service are, almost all of them require the exchange of multiple messages (Erl, 2005). It is important to coordinate these messages in a particular sequence, so that the individual actions performed by the message are executed properly. Message exchange patterns (MEPs) are a set of templates that provide a group of already mapped out sequences for the exchange of messages (Erl, 2005). This basically means that MEPs define how services should be used, as they can coordinate input and output messages related to a certain operation. The WSDL 2.0 specification defines three MEPs: in-onlypattern–supportsastandardre-• and-forget pattern (i.e., only one message is exchanged); robust in-only pattern – presents a varia-• tion of the in-only pattern that provides an option of sending a fault massage, as a result of possible errors generated while transmitting, or processing data; in-out pattern – presents a request-response • pattern where two messages (input and output) must be exchanged. However, WSDL 2.0 specification offers the possible use of five more patterns (Lewis, 2007): out-in pattern – also consists of exactly two • messages (like in-out pattern), but now a service provider is the one that initiates the exchange of messages; out-only – consists of exactly one message • (like in-only pattern), and is most often usedformessagenotication; robust out-only - presents a variation of the • out-only pattern that provides an option of sending a fault massage; in-optional-out – is similar to pattern in-out • with one exception: sending an message that represents a response is optional, and because of this a requester that has started a communication should not expect this message; out-optional-in – is opposite to the previ-• ous pattern, where the input message is optional. Drools Drools is a business rule management system (BRMS) with a forward chaining inference based rule engine, more correctly known as a production rule system, using an enhanced implementation of the Rete algorithm. BRMS is a production rule system with a focus on knowledge representation to express propositional and first order logic in a concise, non ambiguous and declarative man- ner. The core of a production rules system is an inference engine that is able to scale to a large number of rules and facts. The inference engine matches facts and data, against production rules, also called productions, to infer conclusions which result in actions. A production rule is a two-part structure using first order logic for knowledge representation (Proctor et al). Figure 1 presents a schema of a production rule. It executes the actions while the conditions are being satisfied. Drools representation contains the same structure, LHS (Left Hand Side) is referring to conditions while RHS (Right Hand Side) is referring to actions. Name of the rule which is presented by “name” 482 Modeling of Web Services using Reaction Rules is just for better understanding of rules and have no functional value. Attributes, marked with at- tributes in the rule are used for the rule internal functionality itself. The process of matching new or existing facts against production rules is called pattern match- ing, which is performed by the inference engine (part of Drools). Drools implements and extends the Rete algorithm The Drools Rete implementa- tion is called ReteOO, signifying that Drools has an enhanced and optimized implementation of the Rete algorithm for object oriented systems (Schneier). For better understanding of rules and their structure please refer to the chapter “Object Oriented Rule Languages”. R2ML Existing Web rule languages (RuleML (Hirtle et al., 2006) and SWRL (Horrocks et al., 2004)) and rule modeling approaches (SBVR (SBVR, 2006) and PRR (Charfi & Mezini, 2004)) very nicely serve the purpose of rule interchange and rule representation independent of any specific platform, respectively. However, none of these languages offers a suitable modeling foundation that can be used for modeling Web services from a more abstract perspective of business processes and business rules in which they are used. That is, the language should be able to model reaction rules. Yet, such a modeling language should be closely related to the already existing software modeling languages such as UML and preferably defined by following MDE principles. Finally, the language should be closely related to the Web standards for defining ontologies (OWL) and rules (RIF). We have decided to use REWERSE I1 Rule Markup Language (R2ML), as it fully satisfies the above requirements. The language is defined by a MOF-based metamodel which is refined by OCL constraints that precisely define relations between the language’s constructs in addition to those defined by the metamodel; it has an XML schema defined concrete syntax; it has a UML-based graphical concrete syntax, so called UML-based Rule Modeling Language (URML), which we will introduce it in the section below; and it has a number of transformations with other rule languages (e.g., JBoss’ Drools and OCL) al- lowing us to translate Web service models to the rule-based languages that can then regulate the use of Web services. R2ML is a rule language that addresses all the requests defined by the W3C working group for the standard rule interchange format (Ginsberg et al., 2006). The R2ML language can represent different types of rule constructs, that is, it can represent different types of rules (Wagner et al., 2006) including: integrity rules, derivation rules, production rule, and reaction rules. Integrity rules in R2ML, also known as (integrity) constraints, consist of a constraint assertion, which is a sentence in a logical language such as first-order predicate logic or OCL. Derivation rules in R2ML are used to derive new knowledge (conclusion) if a condition holds. Production rules in R2ML produce actions if the conditions hold, while post-conditions must also hold after the execution of actions. A reaction rule is a statement of programming logic (Giurca et al., 2006) that specifies the execution of one or more actions in the case of a triggering event occurrence and if rule conditions are satisfied. Optionally, after the execution of the action(s), post-conditions may be made true. R2ML also allows one to define vocabularies by using the Figure 1. First order logic representation (left) - Drools representation (right) [...]... 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Ngày đăng: 14/08/2014, 14:20
