Since 1000 kilograms of fresh water occupyone cubic metre, the volume of the stem between X and Y is equal to Myÿ Mx 1000 L sq mNow let the hydrometer ¯oat in water of density d kg/m3 w
Trang 1The variable immersion hydrometer
The variable immersion hydrometer is an instrument, based on the Law ofArchimedes, which is used to determine the density of liquids The type ofhydrometer used to ®nd the density of the water in which a ship ¯oats isusually made of a non-corrosive material and consists of a weighted bulbwith a narrow rectangular stem which carries a scale for measuring densitiesbetween 1000 and 1025 kilograms per cubic metre, i.e 1.000 and 1.025 t/
The position of the marks on the stem are found as follows First let thehydrometer, shown in Figure 4.4, ¯oat upright in fresh water at the mark X.Take the hydrometer out of the water and weigh it Let the mass be Mx
kilograms Now replace the hydrometer in fresh water and add lead shot inthe bulb until it ¯oats with the mark Y, at the upper end of the stem, in the
Fig 4.4
Trang 2waterline Weigh the hydrometer again and let its mass now be Mykilograms.
The mass of water displaced by the stem between X and Y is thereforeequal to Myÿ Mx kilograms Since 1000 kilograms of fresh water occupyone cubic metre, the volume of the stem between X and Y is equal to
Myÿ Mx
1000 L sq mNow let the hydrometer ¯oat in water of density d kg/m3 with thewaterline `x' metres below Y
Volume of water displaced My
Volume of water displaced Mass of water displaced
Density of water displaced
In this equation, My, Mx and L are known constants whilst d and x arevariables Therefore, to mark the scale it is now only necessary to selectvarious values of d and to calculate the corresponding values of x
Laws of ¯otation 25
Trang 3Tonnes per Centimetre Immersion (TPC)
The TPC for any draft is the mass which must be loaded or discharged tochange a ship's mean draft in salt water by one centimetre, where
TPC water-plane area
100 density of water
100 rWPA is in m2
r is in t/m3
Consider a ship ¯oating in salt water at the waterline WL as shown inFigure 4.5 Let `A' be the area of the water-plane in square metres.Now let a mass of `w' tonnes be loaded so that the mean draft isincreased by one centimetre The ship then ¯oats at the waterline W1 L1.Since the draft has been increased by one centimetre, the mass loaded isequal to the TPC for this draft Also, since an extra mass of water equal tothe mass loaded must be displaced, then the mass of water in the layerbetween WL and W1 L1 is also equal to the TPC
Mass Volume Density
WPA100TPC in dock water
Note When a ship is ¯oating in dock water of a relative density other than1.025 the weight to be loaded or discharged to change the mean draft by 1centimetre (TPCdw) may be found from the TPC in salt water (TPCsw) bysimple proportion as follows:
TPCsw relative density of dock water RDdw
relative density of salt water RDswor
TPCdw RDdw
1:025 TPCsw
Fig 4.5
Trang 4Reserve buoyancy
It has already been shown that a ¯oating vessel must displace its ownweight of water Therefore, it is the submerged portion of a ¯oating vesselwhich provides the buoyancy The volume of the enclosed spaces abovethe waterline are not providing buoyancy but are being held in reserve Ifextra weights are loaded to increase the displacement, these spaces abovethe waterline are there to provide the extra buoyancy required Thus, reservebuoyancy may be de®ned as the volume of the enclosed spaces above thewaterline It may be expressed as a volume or as a percentage of the totalvolume of the vessel
Example 1
A box-shaped vessel 105 m long, 30 m beam, and 20 m deep, is ¯oating upright
in fresh water If the displacement is 19 500 tonnes, ®nd the volume of reserve buoyancy.
Volume of water displaced DensityMass 19 500 cu: m
Volume of vessel 105 30 20 cu: m
63 000 cu: m Reserve buoyancy Volume of vessel N volume of water displaced Ans Reserve buoyancy 43 500 cu m
Example 2
A box-shaped barge 16 m 6 m 5 m is ¯oating alongside a ship in fresh water at a mean draft of 3.5 m The barge is to be lifted out of the water and loaded on to the ship with a heavy-lift derrick Find the load in tonnes borne by the purchase when the draft of the barge has been reduced to 2 metres.
Note By Archimedes' Principle the barge suffers a loss in mass equal to the mass of water displaced The mass borne by the purchase will be the difference between the actual mass of the barge and the mass of water displaced at any draft, or the difference between the mass of water originally displaced by the barge and the new mass of water displaced.
Mass of the barge Original mass of water displaced
Volume density
16 6 3:5 1 tonnes Mass of water displace at 2 m draft 16 6 2 1 tonnes
; Load borne by the purchase 16 6 1 3:5 ÿ 2 tonnes Ans 144 tonnes
Example 3
A cylindrical drum 1.5 m long and 60 cm in diameter has mass 20 kg when empty Find its draft in water of density 1024 kg per cu m if it contains 200
Laws of ¯otation 27
Trang 5litres of paraf®n of relative density 0.6, and is ¯oating with its axis dicular to the waterline (Figure 4.6).
perpen-Note The drum must displace a mass of water equal to the mass of the drum plus the mass of the paraf®n.
Density of the paraffin SG 1000 kg per cu m
600 kg per cu m Mass of the paraffin Volume density 0:2 600 kg
120 kg Mass of the drum 20 kg
Total mass 140 kg Therefore the drum must displace 140 kg of water.
Volume of water displaced DensityMass 1024140 cu m
Volume of water displaced 0:137 cu m
Let d draft, and r radius of the drum, where r 602 30 cm 0:3 m.
Fig 4.6
Trang 6Volume of water displaced (V) pr 2 d or
Homogeneous logs of rectangular section
The draft at which a rectangular homogeneous log will ¯oat may be found
as follows:
Mass of log Volumedensity
L B D SG of log1000 kgMass of water displaced Volumedensity
L B d SG of water1000 kgBut Mass of water displaced Mass of log
; L B d SG of water 1000 L B D SG of log 1000or
d SG of water D SG of log
If BM is equal to12 db2 determine if this log will ¯oat with two of its sides parallel to the waterline.
Note The centre of gravity of a homogeneous log is at its geometrical centre See Figure 4.7
Draft Depth
Relative density of log Relative density of water Draft 0:6 0:81
Laws of ¯otation 29
Trang 8Laws of ¯otation 31
Exercise 4
1 A drum of mass 14 kg when empty, is 75 cm long, and 60 cm in diameter Find its draft in salt water if it contains 200 litres of paraf®n of relative density 0.63.
2 A cube of wood of relative density 0.81 has sides 30 cm long If a mass of
2 kg is placed on the top of the cube with its centre of gravity vertically over that of the cube, ®nd the draft in salt water.
3 A rectangular tank (3 m 1.2 m 0.6 m) has no lid and is ¯oating in fresh water at a draft of 15 cm Calculate the minimum amount of fresh water which must be poured into the tank to sink it.
4 A cylindrical salvage buoy is 5 metres long, 2.4 metres in diameter, and
¯oats on an even keel in salt water with its axis in the water-plane Find the upthrust which this buoy will produce when fully immersed.
5 A homogeneous log of rectangular cross-section is 30 cm wide and 25 cm deep The log ¯oats at a draft of 17 cm Find the reserve buoyancy and the distance between the centre of buoyancy and the centre of gravity.
6 A homogeneous log of rectangular cross-section is 5 m long, 60 cm wide,
40 cm deep, and ¯oats in fresh water at a draft of 30 cm Find the mass of the log and its relative density.
7 A homogeneous log is 3 m long, 60 cm wide, 60 cm deep, and has relative density 0.9 Find the distance between the centres of buoyancy and gravity when the log is ¯oating in fresh water.
8 A log of square section is 5 m 1 m 1 m The relative density of the log
is 0.51 and it ¯oats half submerged in dock water Find the relative density
of the dock water.
9 A box-shaped vessel 20 m 6 m 2.5 m ¯oats at a draft of 1.5 m in water
of density 1013 kg per cu m Find the displacement in tonnes, and the height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel.
10 An empty cylindrical drum 1 metre long and 0.6 m in diameter has mass
20 kg Find the mass which must be placed in it so that it will ¯oat with half of its volume immersed in (a) salt water, and (b) fresh water.
11 A lifeboat, when fully laden, displaces 7.2 tonnes Its dimensions are 7.5 m 2.5 m 1 m, and its block coef®cient 0.6 Find the percentage of its volume under water when ¯oating in fresh water.
12 A homogeneous log of relative density 0.81 is 3 metres long, 0.5 metres square cross-section, and is ¯oating in fresh water Find the displacement
of the log, and the distance between the centres of gravity and buoyancy.
13 A box-shaped barge 55 m 10 m 6 m is ¯oating in fresh water on
an even keel at 1.5 m draft If 1800 tonnes of cargo is now loaded,
®nd the difference in the height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel.
14 A box-shaped barge 75 m 6 m 4 m displaces 180 tonnes when light If
Trang 9360 tonnes of iron are loaded while the barge is ¯oating in fresh water,
®nd her ®nal draft and reserve buoyancy.
15 A drum 60 cm in diameter and 1 metre long has mass 30 kg when empty.
If this drum is ®lled with oil of relative density 0.8, and is ¯oating in fresh water, ®nd the percentage reserve buoyancy.
Trang 10Mass Volume Density
If the density of the water increases, then the volume of water displacedmust decrease to keep the mass of water displaced constant, and vice versa
The effect on box-shaped vessels
New mass of water displaced Old mass of water displaced
; New volume new density Old volume Old density
New volumeOld volume
Old densityNew densityBut volume L B draft
;L B New draft
L B Old draft
Old densityNew density
Old draft
Old densityNew density
Example 1
A box-shaped vessel ¯oats at a mean draft of 2.1 metres, in dock water of density 1020 kg per cu m Find the mean draft for the same mass displacement
Trang 11in salt water of density 1025 kg per cubic metre.
New draft Old draft
Old density New density New draft New densityOld density Old draft
10201025 2:1 m
2:09 m Ans New draft 2:09 m
Example 2
A box-shaped vessel ¯oats upright on an even keel as shown in fresh water of density 1000 kg per cu m, and the centre of buoyancy is 0.50 m above the keel Find the height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel when the vessel is
¯oating in salt water of density 1025 kg per cubic metre.
Note The centre of buoyancy is the geometric centre of the underwater volume and for a box-shaped vessel must be at half draft, i.e KB 1
Old density New density New draft Old draft New densityOld density
1 10001025 New draft 0:976 m New KB 1
2 new draft Ans New KB 0:488 m, say 0.49 m.
Fig 5.1
Trang 12The effect on ship-shaped vessels
It has already been shown that when the density of the water in which avessel ¯oats is changed the draft will change, but the mass of water in kg ortonnes displaced will be unchanged i.e
New displacement Old displacementor
New volume new density Old volume old density
; New volumeOld volume
Old densityNew densityWith ship-shapes this formula should not be simpli®ed further as it was inthe case of a box-shape because the underwater volume is not rectangular
To ®nd the change in draft of a ship-shape due to change of density aquantity known as the `Fresh Water Allowance' must be known
The Fresh Water Allowance is the number of millimetres by which themean draft changes when a ship passes from salt water to fresh water,
or vice versa, whilst ¯oating at the loaded draft It is found by theformula:
FWA (in mm) Displacement (in tonnes)
4 TPCThe proof of this formula is as follows:
To show that FWA (in mm) Displacement (in tonnes)4 TPC
Consider the ship shown in Figure 5.2 to be ¯oating at the load Summerdraft in salt water at the waterline WL Let V be the volume of salt waterdisplaced at this draft
Now let W1L1 be the waterline for the ship when displacing the samemass of fresh water Also, let `v' be the extra volume of water displaced infresh water
Effect of density on draft and displacement 35
Fig 5.2
Trang 13The total volume of fresh water displaced is then V v.
Mass Volume density
; Mass of SW displaced 1025 V
and mass of FW displaced 1000 V v
but mass of FW displaced mass of SW displaced
; 1000 V v 1025 V
1000 V 1000 v 1025 V
1000 v 25 V
v V=40Now let w be the mass of salt water in volume v, in tonnes and let W bethe mass of salt water in volume V, in tonnes
; w W=40but w FWA
10 TPC W=40or
4 TPC mmwhere
W Loaded salt water displacement in tonnes
Figure 5.3 shows a ship's load line marks The centre of the disc is at adistance below the deck line equal to the ship's Statutory Freeboard Then
540 mm forward of the disc is a vertical line 25 mm thick, with horizontallines measuring 230 25 mm on each side of it The upper edge of theone marked `S' is in line with the horizontal line through the disc andindicates the draft to which the ship may be loaded when ¯oating in saltwater in a Summer Zone Above this line and pointing aft is another linemarked `F', the upper edge of which indicates the draft to which the shipmay be loaded when ¯oating in fresh water in a Summer Zone If loaded
to this draft in fresh water the ship will automatically rise to `S' when shepasses into salt water The perpendicular distance in millimetres betweenthe upper edges of these two lines is therefore the ship's Fresh WaterAllowance
When the ship is loading in dock water which is of a density betweenthese two limits `S' may be submerged such a distance that she willautomatically rise to `S' when the open sea and salt water is reached The
Trang 14distance by which `S' can be submerged, called the Dock Water Allowance, isfound in practice by simple proportion as follows:
Let x The Dock Water AllowanceLet rDW Density of the dock waterThen
x mm
1025 rDW
1025 1000or
Dock Water Allowance FWA 1025 rDW
Trang 15Let x The change in draft in millimetres Then x
1025 1010 25
x 150 1525
x 90 mm Ans Draft will decrease by 90 mm, i.e 9 cm
Note This ship is obviously listed to port and if brought upright the lower edge of the `S' load line on each side would be 25 mm above the waterline Also, it is the upper edge of the line which indicates the `S' load draft and, since the line is 25 mm thick, the ship's draft must be increased by 50 mm to bring her to the `S' load line in dock water In addition `S' may be submerged by
x mm.
1025 rDW25
x 62:5 20
x 50 mm
; Total increase in draft required 100 mm or 10 cm
and cargo to load Increase in draft TPC
10 15 Ans Cargo to load 150 tonnes
Effect of density on displacement when the draft
is constant
Should the density of the water in which a ship¯oats be changed withoutthe shipaltering her draft, then the mass of water displaced must have
Fig 5.5
Trang 16changed The change in the mass of water displaced may have beenbrought about by bunkers and stores being loaded or consumed during asea passage, or by cargo being loaded or discharged.
In all cases:
New volume of water displaced Old volume of water displacedor
New displacementNew density
Old displacementOld densityor
New displacementOld displacement
New densityOld density
Example 1
A ship displaces 7000 tonnes whilst ¯oating in fresh water Find the ment of the ship when ¯oating at the same draft in water of density 1015 kg per cubic metre, i.e 1.015 t/m 3
displace-New displacement
Old displacement
New density Old density New displacement Old displacement New densityOld density
7000 10151000Ans New displacement 7105 tonnes
Example 2
A ship of 6400 tonnes displacement is ¯oating in salt water The ship has to proceed to a berth where the density of the water is 1008 kg per cu m Find how much cargo must be discharged if she is to remain at the salt water draft.
New displacement Old displacement
New density Old density or
New displacement Old displacement New density
Old density
6400 10081025New displacement 6293:9 tonnes
Old displacement 6400:0 tonnes
Ans Cargo to discharge 106:1 tonnes
Trang 17be loaded to remain at the same draft in salt water.
Old displacement L B draft C b density
120 17 7:2 0:800 1000 tonnes Old displacement 11 750 tonnes
New displacement
Old displacement
New density Old density New displacement Old displacement New densityOld density
11; 750 1025
1000 New displacement 12 044 tonnes
Old displacement 11 750 tonnes
Ans Cargo to load 294 tonnes
Note This problem should not be attempted as one involvingTPC and FWA.