Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 2 ppt

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 2 ppt

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 2 ppt

... be discharged ®rst and why? 42 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 12 A ship& apos;s light displacement is 3 450 tonnes and she has on board 800 tonnes of bunkers. She loads 7 25 0 tonnes of cargo, 25 0 tonnes ... 0 .2 m 2 75 tonnes Difference to change the draft 1 cm 2 75 20 tonnes ; TPC  13X 75 tonnes (f) Load draft 5. 5 m Displacement 6060 tonnes Present dr...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 1,3K 3
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 7 ppt

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 7 ppt

... 0X 054 7 m 0X1 25 3 m Ship is stable. 20 0 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Fig. 20 .4(b) Fig. 20 .4(c) New KB  1 2 New draft  d 2 2  2X89 m New BM  B 2 a12d 2  24 Â 24 12 Â 5X77  8X 32 m  New ... tonnes 22 2 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Fig. 22 .4 20 2 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Exercise 20 1 A ship...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 530 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 1 potx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 1 potx

... Dynamical stability 21 8 23 Effect of beam and freeboard on stability 22 4 24 Angle of loll 22 7 25 True mean draft 23 3 26 The inclining experiment 23 8 27 Effect of trim on tank soundings 24 3 8000 ... tilting moment of W À wÂGG 1 kg m about G. 10 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Fig. 2. 2 Fig. 2. 3(a) Fig. 2. 3(b) Ship Stability for Masters a...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

28 364 1
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 3 potx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 3 potx

... multipliers 1 2 21 1 2 42 41 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 ordX SM Area function 0 .2 1 2 0.1 2. 2 2 4.4 4.4 1 1 2 6.6 5. 5 4 22 .0 5. 8 2 11.6 5. 9 4 23 .6 5. 9 2 11.8 5. 8 4 23 .2 4.8 1 1 2 7 .2 3 .5 2 7.0 0 .2 1 2 0.1 117X6  S 1 92 ... ha3 1 2 g 2h  1 2 j 82 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 1 2 ordX SM Area function 010 3.6 4 14.4 6.0...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 489 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 4 pps

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 4 pps

... What state of equilibrium is the ship in? Draft (m) 3 4 5 6 7 8 KM (m) 6. 75 5.94 5. 64 5. 62 5. 75 5.96 1 12 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Fig. 12. 6(b). Metacentric diagram for triangular-shaped vessel. Since ... occurs, and (b) The BM at 3 .5 m. Draft KB  1 2 draft BM  B 2 /12d KM  KB BM 1 m 0 .5 m 8.33 m 8.83 m 1 .5 m 0. 75 m 5. 56 m 6.31 m...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 950 1
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 5 ppt

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 5 ppt

... to 6 .2 metres. (c) To ®nd the new draft forward Bodily sinkage  w TPC  124 .5 15 1 52 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates At 25  heel GZ GM  1 2 BM tan 2 ysin y 1  1 2 Â 3 Â tan 2 25  sin ... Masters and Mates  e  Fig. 15. 9 Weight Distance from C.F. Moments 50 0 À40 20 000 50 0 À 25  12 50 0 50 0 20 À10 000 50 0 50 À 25 000  150 À 1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 674 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 6 ppsx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 6 ppsx

... 4 .27 14 25 3 161.8 1 62. 9 7 .54 1 .20 aft 7 m 20 .06 3.74 12 25 8 181 .5 158 .1 7.44 0 .50 aft 0. 45 forward 6 m 19.70 3 .21 10 29 3 20 7.4 1 52 .5 7.46 0. 05 forward 0.80 forward 5 m 19 .27 2. 68 8361 24 3 .2 1 45. 9 ... 0. 42 forward 1. 05 forward 4 m 18.76 2. 15 6486 29 6.0 138.3 8 .28 0.70 forward 1. 25 forward 3 m 18. 12 1.61 4674 3 82. 3 129 .1 9 .56 0.83 forward 1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 399 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 8 pps

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 8 pps

... A " X 2 260 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 1 2 ord. 1 2 ord. 3 S.M. Products for I CL 00 1 0 1 .2 1. 728 4 6.9 12 1 .5 3.3 75 2 6. 750 1.8 5. 8 32 4 23 . 328 1.8 5. 8 32 2 11.664 1 .5 3.3 75 4 13 .50 0 1 .2 ... func. 010 0 0 0 0 1 .2 4 4.8 1 4.8 1 4.8 1 .5 2 3.0 2 6.0 2 12. 0 1.8 4 7 .2 3 21 .6 3 64.8 1.8 2 3.6 4 14.4 4 57 .6 1 .5 4...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 475 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 9 ppsx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 9 ppsx

... K 2  I 2 M 2 ; K 2 2  487 051 9 950 Let K 2  New K   487 051 9 950 r K 2  7m Let T 2  New T  2pK 2  gEGM 2 p T 2  2p7  9X81 Â0X57 p Ans. T 2  ... A (CG) 2 I WL  I CG  Az 2  I OZ À A (CG) 2  Az 2  I OZ À A (CG 2 Àz 2 )  351 À 45X33 2X 324 2 À 4X 324 2  I WL  953 X 75 m 4 y  I...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 412 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 10 pot

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 10 pot

... m BM L 2  L 2 12d 2  36 2 12 Â3X0 75  36 1X0 25 m  35X 12 m MCTC 9 W ÂBM L 100 Â L  442X8 Â 35X 12 100 Â 36  4X 32 tonnes metres Change of Trim  Trimming Moment MCTC  21 X56 4X 32  5cm Effect ... l). 3 32 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates W Â l Fig. 40.7 Fig. 40.8 Change of Trim  5 cm by the stern  0X 05 m by the stern Drafts before Trimming A 4.0...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 298 0