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Dendrimers II Episode 5 pdf

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This review summarizes our original organometallic route to stars, dendrimers, metallostars and metallodendrimers and the redox functions of these macromolecules in catalysis and anionic recognition. The synthesis of metal-sandwich stars and dendritic cores was achieved using the CpM + induced polyallylation and polybenzylation of polymethylbenzenes (M = Fe or Ru) and pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ligands (M = Co or Rh). Subsequent functionalization of the polyallyl dendritic cores yielded polyols which are precursors of polyiodo, polymesylates, polynitriles, polyamines and polybenzaldehaldehyde cores. The synthesis of dendrimers up to 144-nitrile and 243-allyl was subsequently achieved starting from mesitylene. Functionaliza- tion of the polybenzyl dendritic cores was achieved by regiospecific Friedel-Crafts reactions (acetylation, chlorocarbonylation) in the para position. Various metallodendrimers were syn- thesized with amidoferrocene,amidocobaltocenium and FeCp*( h 6 -N-alkylaniline) + termini in which the redox centers show a reversible behavior and are all independent as observed by cyclic voltammetry.The 9-, 18- and 24-amidometallocene dendrimers were used for the recog- nition of the oxo anions H 2 PO 4 – and HSO 4 – by cyclic voltammetry,whereas a 24-iron-alkylaniline dendrimer was efficient to recognize Cl – and Br – anions by 1 H NMR with sharp dendritic effects. Differences between the responses to the different anions were large and the largest effects were found for the 18-Fc dendrimer (dendritic effect). A water-soluble star-shaped hexa-iron redox catalyst was as efficient as the mononuclear species for the cathodic reduction of NO 3 – and NO 2 – in water. In conclusion, metallostars are suitable for catalysis, and metallodendrimers present optimal topologies for molecular recognition. These specific functions related to the topologies cannot be interchanged between the metallostars and the metallodendrimers with optimized efficiency in the present examples. Keywords: Dendrimers, Supramolecular chemistry, Molecular recognition, Catalysis, Macro- molecular, Organometallic 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 2 CpFe + Mediated Synthesis of Stars and Dendritic Cores . . . . . . . 232 2.1 Syntheses of Hexa-Arm Stars Starting from Hexamethylbenzene . . 232 2.2 Syntheses of Octafunctional Dendritic Cores Starting from Durene 234 2.3 Syntheses of Nonafunctional Dendritic Cores Starting from Mesitylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 2.4 Syntheses of New Polyamine Dendrimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 2.5 A Fast Organoiron Route to Large Dendrimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design and Redox Functions Didier Astruc 1 · Jean-Claude Blais 2 · Eric Cloutet 1 · Laurent Djakovitch 1 · Stéphane Rigaut 1 · Jaime Ruiz 1 · Valérie Sartor 1 · Christine Valério 1 1 Groupe de Chimie Supramoléculaire des Métaux de Transition,LCOO, UMR CNRS No.5802, Université Bordeaux I, 33405 Talence Cédex, France E-mail: d.astruc@lcoo.u-bordeaux.fr 2 Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale Organique et Biologique, EP CNRS No 103, Université Paris VI, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France Topics in Current Chemistry,Vol. 210 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000 3 Syntheses of Polymetallocene Stars and Dendrimers . . . . . . . . . 247 4 Redox Recognition of Inorganic Anions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 5 Redox Catalysis by Metallostars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 1 Introduction Redox processes are essential in Nature and technology [1], and are intimately connected to supramolecular chemistry [2, 3]. Thus, the redox properties of dendrimers, a now well-established field of supramolecular chemistry [4, 5], are likely to play an increasing role in the future. Recent reviews on dendrimers are numerous [6–28], and we shall concentrate here on metallodendrimers in which reversible redox centers have been attached in any way, allowing applica- tions to processes which involve the use of the redox functions. Specifically, we will compare the redox properties of metallostars and metallodendrimers with respect to two functions: catalysis and molecular recognition. In 1978,Vögtle published the first iteration of a reaction leading to the forma- tion of a tetraamine from a monoamine after two sequences consisting of a Michael reaction followed by the reduction of the nitrile to the amine (Scheme 1) [29]. In 1979, we independently reported the CpFe + mediated one-pot hexamethy- lation of the hexamethylbenzene ligand to hexaethylbenzene (Scheme 2) [30]. This reaction comprises six deprotonation-alkylation sequences. In this case, the iteration of the sequence was achieved without compulsory isolation of the inter- mediate products. Although the reaction is not catalytic, the ligand is firmly held on the metal center while the reaction sequences are repeated several times until the steric limit is reached. This kind of reaction system represents a new type of process intermediate between stoichiometric reactions and catalysis. It is made possible by the enhancement of the acidity of the benzylic protons in the cationic complex. The pK a in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was indeed found to be about 14 units lower for the 18-electron complexes [MCp( h 6 -C 6 Me 6 )][PF 6 ] (M = Fe, 1;Ru,2) (pK a = 29) than for the free arene (pK a = 43) [31–33]. Thus, the organometallic complex is a reservoir of protons in these reactions. The use of this system with various polymethylbenzene ligands in the com- plexes [MCp( h 6 -arene)][PF 6 ] (M = Fe or Ru) and the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ligand in the complexes [M*Cp( h 5 -C 5 Me 5 )][PF 6 ] (M = Co or Rh) led to a variety of non-chiral and chiral dendritic cores starting from functionalizable halides such as benzyl bromide and benzyl bromide. Subsequently, redox-active late- transition-metal sandwich units, ruthenium-polypyridine species and C 60 frag- ments have been attached to the tethers of these stars and dendrimers. We will first describe these syntheses, then address the redox properties and their uses 230 D. Astruc et al. in molecular recognition and catalysis. Other metallocene dendrimers, in particular the polyferrocene dendrimers synthesized by the groups of Cuadrado, Jutzi and Togni, have appeared in the literature [34–39]. Ru-polypyridine den- drimers were introduced in the seminal work of Balzani’s group [40–43], then by the groups of Newkome and Constable [44–47]. Other redox-active dendrimers are those decorated with tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) units reported by the groups of Bryce and Becher [48–51] and dendrimers centered on metalloporphyrins [52, 53], metal-polypyridine units [54–57], metal clusters [58–60], ferrocene derivatives [61, 62], C 60 [63, 64] and naphthalene diimine [65, 66]. The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design and Redox Functions 231 Scheme 1. The first iterative cascade synthesis of tetraamines reported by Vögtle [29] Fe CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 H 3 C CH 3 + PF 6 - II K t -BuO (excess) CH 3 I (excess) THF Fe II + PF 6 - Scheme 2. One-pot hexamethylation of [MCp(C 6 Me 6 )][PF 6 ] (M = Fe or Ru) using excess t-BuOK and methyl iodide in THF. With Fe, the reaction occurs with a spontaneous smooth reflux for 1 min (5 mmol-scale) upon addition by cannula of a THF solution of MeI to the other solid reactants with stirring. With Ru, heating the reaction mixture for 1 d at 40°C is needed 2 CpFe + Mediated Synthesis of Stars and Dendritic Cores 2.1 Syntheses of Hexa-Arm Stars Starting from Hexamethylbenzene The reaction of the PF 6 – salt of 1 or 2 [67–69] with excess KOH (or t-BuOK) in dimethyl ether (DME) and excess methyl iodide or benzyl bromide leads to a one-pot hexa-substitution (Scheme 3, Fig. 1) [30, 70]. With allyl bromide (or iodide) in DME, either the hexa-allylation [71] or the dodeca-allylation [72] product is obtained, depending on the reaction time. The prototypal hexafunc- tionalization is represented in Scheme 3. Both the hexa- and dodeca-reactions are well controlled. On the other hand, the reaction with excess benzyl bromide or p-alkoxybenzyl bromide only gives the hexabenzylated [70, 73] or hexa- alkoxybenzylated [74, 75] complex as the ultimate reaction product. Similarly, 232 D. Astruc et al. Fe R R R II R R R + PF 6 - Fe K t -BuO or KOH (excess) RBr or RI (excess) II R = alkyl, ferrocenylalkyl, allyl, benzyl, p -alkoxybenzyl THF or DME + PF 6 - Scheme 3. One-pot hexafunctionalization of [FeCp(C 6 Me 6 )][PF 6 ] using various electrophiles. Reaction temperatures vary between RT and 40 °C and reaction times are overnight or 1 d Fig. 1. X-ray crystal structures. Ortep views of [FeCp{ h 6 -C 6 (CH 2 CH 2 -CH=CH 2 ) 6 }][PF 6 ] (left side view) obtained by hexa-allylation of 1 and of [FeCp{ h 6 -C 6 (CH 2 -pC 6 H 4 OEt) 6 }][PF 6 ] (right top view) obtained by hexaethoxybenzylation of 1 with ferrocenylalkyl iodide,the hexaferrocenylalkylation product [74] is obtain- ed from 1, free of any more highly branched product. This type of reaction can only work with halides which are compatible with the presence of the base in excess. For instance, alkyl halides only react if the base is KOH, not t-BuOK, since the latter leads to dehydrohalogenation [75]. For this reason also, alkynyl halides cannot be used, but alkynyl substituents can be introduced from the hexaalkene derivative by bromination followed by dehydrohalogenation of the dodecabromo compound (Scheme 4) [76]. The hexaalkene is also an excellent The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design and Redox Functions 233 Scheme 4. Synthesis (by reaction of the hexaalkene with Br 2 in CH 2 Cl 2 at RT followed by NaNH 2 in NH 3 at –33 °C) and reactions of the hexaalkyne. a Me 2 NSnMe 3 ; b [Co 2 (CO) 8 ], pen- tane, RT; c nBuLi, THF, RT; d MeI, THF, RT; e Me 3 SiCl, THF, RT; f CO 2 , THF then aq. HCl, RT starting point for further syntheses, especially using hydroelementation reactions. Hydrosilylation reactions catalyzed by Speir’s reagent lead to long- chain hexasilanes [71] and hydrometallations can also be achieved using [ZrCp 2 (H)(Cl)] [77]. The hexazirconium compound obtained is an intermediate for the synthesis of the hexaiodo derivative [77]. The most useful hydroelementation reaction, however, is hydroboration leading to the hexaborane which is oxidized to the hexol using H 2 O 2 under basic conditions [71]. This chemistry can be carried out on the iron complex or,alter- natively, on the free hexaalkene, which may be liberated from the metal by photolysis in CH 2 Cl 2 or MeCN using visible light [71, 78]. Williamson coupling reactions between the hexol and 4-bromomethylpyridine or -polypyridine leads to hexapyridine and hexapolypyridine and their ruthenium complexes (Scheme 5) [79]. The hexol is indeed the best source of the hexaiodo derivative either using HI in acetic acid or even better by trimethylsilylation using SiMe 3 Cl followed by iodation using NaI [80]. This hexaiodo star was condensed with p-hydroxybenzaldehyde to give a hexabenzaldehyde star which could further react with substrates bearing a primary amino group. Indeed, this reaction yielded a water-soluble hexametallic redox catalyst which was active in the electroreduction of nitrate and nitrate to ammonia on an mercury (Hg) cathode in basic aqueous solution (vide infra) (Scheme 6). Hexa-arm polystyrene polymers with M n up to 90,000 g/mol with poly- dispersities of 1.1 can be synthesized by regiospecific acetylation of the hexa- benzylated arene, followed by reduction to the hexa-secondary alcohol, chlori- nation with SOCl 2 and living polymerization of styrene at –50 °C using SnCl 4 as the Lewis acid, n-Bu 4 NCl as the Cl source which quenches the living carboca- tion, and 2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine as the base. The hexa-arm polystyrene polymer of M n = 18,000 g/mol (30 repeat styrene units per branch) bearing secondary chloro atoms at the termini of the branches can be transformed, using a 100-fold excess of Me 3 SiN 3 , to its hexaazido analogue which cleanly reacts in refluxing PhCl with C 60 in one day to give a tetrahydofuran (THF)- and CH 2 Cl 2 -soluble, hexa-C 60 star, characterized inter alia by 13 C NMR, thermo- gravimetry, monomodal distribution in size-exclusion chromatography and cyclic voltammetry (Scheme 7) [81]. Before closing this section, it is important to note that various other symmetrically hexasubstituted benzene families are known [82]. 2.2 Syntheses of Octafunctional Dendritic Cores Starting from Durene In compound 1, the CpFe + induced perfunctionalization reaction is limited by the bulk of the six alkyl substituents around the benzene ring. Thus, the usual trend is that only one hydrogen per methyl substituent can be replaced by the branch introduced using the halide (the only exception being the prolonged reaction with allyl bromide which can be pushed to double substitution, Scheme 8). However, depending on the bulk around the methyl groups, the sub- stitution pattern varies. Fortunately, reactions can always be made specific for the formation of a single product. In [FeCp( h 6 -durene)][PF 6 ] (3) each methyl 234 D. Astruc et al. The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design and Redox Functions 235 Scheme 5. Hydroelementation reactions of the hexaalkene derivative 236 D. Astruc et al. HO OH OH OH HO HO I I I I I I O O O O O O CHO CHO OHC OHC OHC CHO O O O O O O Fe H N HN CO 2 - ,K + Fe NH NH CO 2 - ,K + Fe H N NH CO 2 - ,K + Fe H N NH K + , - O 2 C + (PF 6 - ) 6 Fe N H HN + K + , - O 2 C Fe N H H N K + , - O 2 C + + Fe N H NH 2 + K + , - O 2 C + + HO 1) CHO 2) H 2 , Pd/C SiMe 3 Cl, NaI K 2 CO 3 Scheme 6. Synthesis of a star-shaped hexanuclear water-soluble complex from the hexaalkene The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design and Redox Functions 237 Scheme 7. Synthesis of a star-shaped hexa-C 60 polymer derivative by CpFe + induced hexa- benzylation of C 6 Me 6 followed by regiospecific acetylation, reduction to the hexol with NaBH 4 , chlorination in the benzylic positions using SOCl 2 , living polymerization by reaction with SnCl 4 and styrene, formation of the hexaazido by reaction with NaN 3 , and reaction of the hexaazido with C 60 group has only one methyl neighbor, so that double branching proceeds easily and selectively by reaction with excess methyl iodide, allyl bromide or benzyl bromide (Scheme 9) [72]. Regiospecific hydroboration of the octaallyl product followed by oxidation by H 2 O 2 /OH – gives the octol [72] whereas regiospecific chlorocarbonylation of the octabenzyl product selectively provides the octa- chlorocarbonyl derivatives in which chlorocarbonylation only occurs in the para position [83]. This compound is an excellent starting point for the synthe- sis of octaamide derivatives by reaction with amines. This allows the branching of ferrocene and tripodal units such as Newkome’s amino tripod (Scheme 10) which leads to a 24-nitrile dendrimer of generation 0 whose matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrum is shown in Fig. 2 [83]. 238 D. Astruc et al. Scheme 8. Synthesis of the bulky dodecaallyl derivative and self-assembly of the two enantiomers with opposite directionality Fe Fe R R R R R R R R K t -BuO or KOH (excess) RBr or RI (excess) + + THF or DME R = alkyl, allyl, benzyl, etc. PF 6 - PF 6 - II II Scheme 9. Syntheses of dendritic cores: Iron-cyclopentadienyl-mediated octa-alkylation of durene [...]... (19 95) Bull Soc Chim 132:8 75 28 Astruc D (1996) CR Acad Sci Paris Sộr IIb 322: 757 29 Buhleier E, Wehner W, Vửgtle F (1978) Synthesis 155 30 Astruc D, Hamon JR, Althoff G, Roman E, Batail P, Michaud P, Mariot JP,Varret F, Cozak D (1979) J Am Chem Soc 101 :54 45 The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design and Redox Functions 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ... the amidoferrocene dendrimers by various nBu4N+ salts monitored by the variation DE (20 mV, in mV for one equivalent of anion per branch) of the standard redox potential E of the redox couple in cyclic voltammetry For HSO4 , the variation DE is represented in Fig 5 for the various dendrimers 1-Fc H2PO4 HSO4 3-Fc 9-Fc 18-Fc 45 e 110 30 220 65 3 15 130 253 The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design... summary, these two series of metallodendrimers are useful and complementary in anionic recognition, the amidoferrometallocene dendrimers being best suitable for sensing the oxo anions, but not the halides, and the polycationic Fe-N-alkylaniline dendrimers being most useful to recognize halides The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design and Redox Functions 255 5 Redox Catalysis by Metallostars The... and by 1H NMR In each case, titra tion of the ferrocene dendrimers were effected by n-Bu4N+ salts of H2PO4 , HSO4 , Cl and NO3 By far the most informative results were obtained by cyclic voltammetry by scanning the Fe (II/ III) wave (Fig 5) Before any titration, the cyclic voltammograms of the 9-Fc and 18-Fc dendrimers show a unique wave at 0 .59 V vs SCE in CH2Cl2 corresponding to the oxidation of... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 257 Trujillo H, Casado CM, Astruc D (19 95) J Chem Soc Chem Commun 7 Casado MC, Wagner T, Astruc D (19 95) J Organomet Chem 50 2:143 Trujillo H, Casado CM, Ruiz J, Astruc D (1999) J Am Chem Soc 121 :56 74 Jutzi P, Batz C, Neumann B, Stammler HG (1996) Angew Chem 108:2272; Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (1996) 35: 2118; Shu CF, Shen HM (1997) J Mater Chem 7:47... 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The First Organometallic Dendrimers: Design and Redox. sensor since both Fe (II) and Fe(III) forms are stable enough for electro- chemical scanning without loss of reversibility. The principle is that the redox potential of the Fe (II/ III) redox system. . . . . . . 248 5 Redox Catalysis by Metallostars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 7 References .

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