94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 MUSCLES OF LOWER LIMB. Musculi membri inferioris. 2 M. iliopsoas. Comprised of two muscles, the psoas major and iliacus. o: Lesser trochanter. A: Most important flexor and pre-elevator muscle of the legs; me dial and lateral rotation of thigh at the hip joint. B C D 3 M. iliacus. o: Iliac fossa. i: Lesser trochanter. A: Flexion, medial and lateral rotation of thigh at the hip joint. I: Femoral nerve and lumbar plexus. C 4 M. psoas major. o: Bodies and transverse processes of L1−4. i: Lesser trochanter. A: Flex- ion, medial and lateral rotation of thigh at the hip joint. I: Lumbar plexus. C 5 [M. psoas minor]. o: Bodies of T12 and L1. i: Iliac fascia. I: Lumbar plexus. C 6 M. gluteus maximus. o: Posterior, external sur- face of ilium, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament. i: Iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity, lateral intermuscular septum, linea aspera. A: Extension, lateral rotation, abduction and ad- duction of thigh at the hip joint. I: Inferior gluteal nerve. A D E 7 M. gluteus medius. o: External surface of ilium. i: Greater trochanter. A: Abduction, me- dial and lateral rotation, flexion and extension of thigh at the hip joint. I: Superior gluteal nerve. A D E 8 M. gluteus minimus. o: External surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines. i: Greater trochanter. A: Abduction, me- dial and lateral rotation, flexion and extension of the thigh at the hip joint. I: Superior gluteal nerve. A D E 8a Gluteal aponeurosis. Aponeurosis glutealis. Deep, sheet-like tendon of origin of the gluteus maximus lying on the gluteus medius. 9 M. tensor fasciae latae. o: Near the anterior su- perior iliac spine. i: Above the iliotibial tract lateral to the tibial tuberosity. A: Flexion, ab- duction and medial rotation of thigh at the hip joint. Flexion, extension and final rotation at the knee joint. I: Superior gluteal nerve. C E 10 M. piriformis. o: Anterior surface of sacrum. i: Greater trochanter, inner side of apex. A: Ab- duction, extension and lateral rotation of thigh at the hip joint. I. Sacral plexus. A D 11 M. obturator internus. o: Inner surface of ob- turator membrane and environment. i: Tro- chanteric fossa. A: Lateral rotation, abduction and adduction of thigh. I: Sacral plexus. A D 12 M. gemellus superior. o: Ischial spine. i: Ten- don of obturator internus and trochanteric fossa. A: Lateral rotation, adduction and abduc- tion of thigh. I: Sacral plexus. A D E 13 M. gemellus inferior. o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Tendon of obturator internus, trochanteric fossa. A: Lateral rotation, adduction and abduc- tion of thigh. I: Sacral plexus. A D E 14 M. quadratus femoris. o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Intertrochanteric crest. A: Lateral rotation and adduction of thigh. I: Sacral plexus. A D E 15 M. sartorius. o: Anterior superior iliac spine. i: Medial to tibial tuberosity. A: Flexion, abduc- tion, lateral rotation of thigh at the hip joint, flexion and medial rotation of leg at the knee joint. I: Femoral nerve. C E 16 M. quadriceps femoris. The muscle group comprising the three vasti muscles and the rec- tus femoris. I: Femoral nerve. 17 M. rectus femoris. o: Anterior inferior iliac spine = straight head and upper margin of acetabulum. = reflected head. i: Tibial tuberos- ity. A: Flexion of thigh at the hip joint, exten- sion of leg at the knee joint. B C E 18 M. vastus lateralis. o: Greater trochanter, lateral lip of linea aspera. i: Quadriceps tendon. A: Extension of leg at the knee joint. B C D 19 M. vastus intermedius. o: Anterior surface of femur. i: Quadriceps tendon. A: Extension of leg at the knee joint. B D 20 M. vastus medialis. o: Distal to intertrochan- teric line, medial lip of linea aspera. i: Quadri- ceps tendon. A: Extension of leg at the knee joint. C D 21 M. articularis genus. o: Anterior surface of femur. i: Knee joint capsule. A: Tenses capsule. I: Femoral nerve. D 22 M. pectineus. o: Pecten pubis. i: Pectineal line below the lesser trochanter. A: Flexion, adduc- tion and lateral rotation of thigh at the hip joint. I: Femoral and obturator nerves. B C D E 23 M. adductor longus. o: Near the symphysis. i: Medial lip of linea aspera. A: Adduction and flexion of thigh at the hip joint. I: Obturator nerve. B C D E 24 M. adductor brevis. o: Inferior ramus of pubis. i: Medial lip of linea aspera. A: Adduction, flex- ion, extension and lateral rotation of thigh at the hip joint. I: Obturator nerve. B D E 25 M. adductor magnus. o: Ischial tuberosity, ischial ramus. i: Medial lip of linea aspera and with a long tendon to the medial epicondyle. A: Adduction and extension of thigh at the hip joint. I: Obturator and sciatic nerves. B C D E 25 a M. adductor minimus. Uppermost part of the adductor magnus muscle. It arises from a more anterior part of the pelvis. 26 M. gracilis. o: Inferior ramus of pubis medial to the adductor magnus muscle. i: Medial to tibial tuberosity. A: Adduction, flexion and extension of thigh at the hip joint. Flexion and medial ro- tation of the knee joint. I: Obturator nerve. A C E Muscles Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a a a 6 7 8 9 15 17 22 23 24 26 14 13 12 25 11; 12 ; 13 10 7 14 6 18 23 20 25 24 22 2 25 21 19 20 2 18 8 10 11; 12 ; 13 4 5 4 3 9 2 22 23 15 25 26 20 18 17 98.14 2 22 96.1 22 18 19 98.18 17 25 23 24 7 8 7 10 12 11 13 14 26 98.14 96.6 6 96.5 96.3 25 Deep muscles of hip, posterior view A Thigh, anterior view B Thigh, anterior view C Femur, posterior and anterior viewsD Hip bone, lateral viewE Muscles Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 M. obturator externus. o: External surface of obturator membrane and environment. i: Tro- chanteric fossa. A: Lateral rotation and adduc- tion of thighatthehipjoint. I: Obturatornerve.A 2 M. biceps femoris. o: Arises from the pelvis and femur via two heads. i: Head of fibula. I: Sciatic nerve, tibial part. A B E F 3 Long head of biceps femoris. Caput longum. o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Head of fibula. A: Exten- sion, adduction and lateral rotation of thigh at the hip joint; flexion and lateral rotation of the knee joint. I: Tibial nerve. A B 4 Short head of biceps femoris. Caput breve. o: Lateral lip of linea aspera. i: Head of fibula. A: Flexion and lateral rotation of the knee joint. I: Common peroneal nerve. A B 5 M. semitendinosus. o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Me- dial to tibial tuberosity [pes anserinus]. A: Ex- tension, medial rotation and adduction at the hip joint; flexion and medial rotation at the knee joint. I: Tibial nerve. A D E 6 M. semimembranosus. o: Ischial tuberosity. i: Medial condyle of tibia and oblique popliteal ligament. It is partially covered by the semiten- dinosus muscle. A: Extension, adduction and medial rotation of thigh at the hip joint; flexion and medial rotation of the knee joint. Tenses knee joint capsule. I: Tibial nerve. A B F 7 M. tibialis anterior. o: Lateral surface of tibia, interosseous membrane, fascia of leg (crural fascia). i: Medial aspect of medial cuneiform bone and 1 st metatarsal. A: Dorsiflexion and supination of foot. I: Deep fibular nerve. D E 8 M. extensor digitorum longus. o: Lateral tibial condyle, interosseous membrane, fibula. i: Dor- sal aponeurosis of toes 2−5. A: Dorsiflexion and pronation of foot, extension of toes. I. Deep fibular nerve. D E 9 M. peroneus tertius (m. fibularis tertius). Muscle split off from the extensor digitorum longus and inserting into the base of the 5 th metacarpal. A: Dorsiflexion and pronation of foot. I: Deep fibular nerve. D 10 M. extensor hallicus longus. o: Interosseous membrane and fibula. i: Distal phalanx of big toe. A: Dorsiflexion of foot, extension of big toe. I: Deep fibular nerve. D E 11 M. peroneus longus [[m. fibularis longus]]. o: Fibula and crural fascia. i: Medial cuneiform bone and 1 st metatarsal after an oblique course below the dorsum of the foot. A: Plantar flexion anf pronation of foot. I: Superficial fibular nerve. C D E F 12 M. peroneus brevis [[m. fibularis brevis]]. o: Distal 2/3 of fibula. i: Tuberosity of 5 th metatar- sal. A: Plantar flexion and pronation. I: Superfi- cial fibular nerve. C D E F 13 M. triceps surae. Muscle group consisting of the gastrocnemius and soleus; it forms the Achilles tendon (tendo calcaneus). I: Tibial nerve. 14 M. gastrocnemius. The superficial calf muscle with two heads (lateral, medial). A: Flexes the knee joint, plantar flexes and supinates the ankle joint. A B C D 15 Lateral head of gastrocnemius. Caput laterale. o: Proximal to the lateral femoral condyle. i: Achilles tendon. A B C 16 Medial head of gastrocnemius. Caput laterale. o: Proximal to the medial femoral condyle. i: Achilles tendon. A B C D 17 M. soleus. o: Proximal ends of fibula and tibia. i: Achilles tendon. A: Plantar flexes and supi- nates the foot. B F 18 Tendinous arch of soleus muscle. Arcus tendineus musculi solei. Tendinous arch above the inter- osseous membrane. Passageway for the tibial nerve and posterior tibial artery and vein. B 19 Tendo calcaneus [[Achilles tendon]]. The ten- don of the triceps surae at the tuber of the cal- caneus. B C 20 M. plantaris. o: Above the lateral femoral con- dyle. i: Achilles tendon or tuberosity of the cal- caneus. I: Tibial nerve. B C 21 M. popliteus. o: Lateral femoral condyle. i: Posterior surface of tibia. A: Flexion of knee joint and medial rotation of leg. B C F 22 M. tibialis posterior. o: Tibia, fibula, interos- seous membrane. i: Navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid and metatarsals 2−4. One bundle of fibers extends backward to the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus. A: Plantar flexor and supi- nator. I: Tibial nerve. C F 23 M. flexor digitorum longus. o: Tibia. i: Distal phalanges of toes 2−5. A: Plantar flexion and supination of foot, flexion of toes. I: Tibial nerve. C F 24 M. flexor hallucis longus. o: Fibula. i: Distal phalanx of big toe. A: Plantar flexion and supi- nation of foot, flexion of big toe. I: Tibial nerve. CF 25 M. extensor hallucis brevis. o: Dorsal surface of calcaneus. i: Proximal phalanx of big toe. A: Extends the big toe. I: see p. 26. D 26 M. extensor digitorum brevis. o: Dorsal sur- face of calcaneus. i: Dorsal aponeuroses of toes 2−4. A: Extends toes. I: Deep fibular nerve. D Muscles Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 97 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a a a 211 24 12 17 21 6 22 23 57 82 11 8 10 12 5 16 7 11 12 8 10 8 26 8 25 9 20 15 21 22 11 23 24 12 19 12 11 24 23 22 16 16 19 15 17 18 20 15 4 3 2 16 6 21 94.10 94.12 94.11 94.13 94.25 94.18 2 14 16 15 6 2 5 3 4 1 94.14 Thigh, posterior view A Lower leg, posterior view B Deep muscles of lower leg, posterior view C Lower leg, anterior view D Tibia and fibula, anterior view E Tibia and fibula, posterior view F Muscles Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 M. abductor hallucis. Abductor muscle of great toe. o: Medial process of tuber calcanei. i: Me- dial sesamoid and proximal phalanx of big toe. A: Me dial abduction, supports the longitudinal arch. I. See 2. A B 2 M. flexor hallucis brevis. Short flexor muscle of the great toe. Origin: Cuneiform I, long plantar ligament, tendon of the posterior tibial m. and plantar aponeurosis. Forms a groove for trans- mission of the flexor hallucis longus m., stabi- lizes the longitudinal arch. A B 2a Medial head. Caput mediale. o: Tendon of the abductor m. of the great toe, sesamoid bone and proximal phalanx. 2b Lateral head. Caput laterale. o: Tendon of the adductor m. of the great toe, lateral sesamoid bone and proximal phalanx of the great toe. 3 M. adductor hallucis. Important muscle for the transverse arch of the foot consisting of the fol- lowing two heads. 4 Oblique head. Caput obliquum. o: Metatarsals 2−4, lateral cuneiform and cuboid bones. i: Lateral sesamoid bone and proximal phalanx of big toe together with the transverse head. A: Important for stabilization of transverse and longitudinal arches. B 5 Transverse head. Caput transversum. o: Cap- sules of metatarsophalangeal joints 3−5. i: Lateral sesamoid bone. A: Primary function is to support the transverse arch of the foot. A B 6 M. abductor digiti minimi. o: Calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis. i: Laterally on proximal phalanx of 5 th toe. A: Plantar flexion and abduc- tion of the 5 th toe. I: Lateral plantar nerve. A B 7 M. flexor digiti minimi brevis. o: Base of 5 th metatarsal, long plantar ligament. i: Proximal phalanx of little toe. A: Flexion and abduction of little toe. I: Lateral plantar nerve. A B 7a [M. opponens digiti minimi]. Muscle occasion- ally split off from the flexor digiti minimi brevis. o: Distal half of 5 th metatarsal. 8 M. flexor digitorum brevis. o: Tuber calcanei and plantar aponeurosis. i: Middle phalanges of toes 2−5 via divided tendons. A: Flexes toes and supports the longitudinal arch of the foot. I: Medial plantar nerve. A B 9 M. quadratus plantae (m. flexor accessorius). o: Calcaneus. i: Lateral border of tendon of flexor digitorum longus. A: Flexes toes and supports longitudinal arch of foot. I: Lateral plantar nerve. B 10 Mm. lumbricales pedis. Lumbrical muscles of the foot. o: Tendonsofflexordigitorum longus. i: Bases of proximal phalanges 2−5. A: Flexion at the metatarsophalangeal joint. Brings toes closer to the big toe. I: Medial and lateral plantar nerves. A B 11 Mm. interossei dorsales pedis. o: Arises by two heads from adjacent metatarsal bones. i: Base of the proximal phalanx, plantar ligament. A: Ab- duction and flexion of toes at the metatar- sophalangeal joints and extension at the inter- phalangeal joints. I: Lateral plantar nerve. C 12 Mm. interossei plantares. o: Single-headed from metatarsal bones 3−5. i: Base of proximal phalanges. A: Adduction and flexion of toes at the metatarsophalangeal joints. I: cf. p. 11. C 13 Fascia lata. Fascia of thigh which envelops the entire thigh musculature. D 14 Iliotibial tract. Tractus iliotibialis. Vertical thick band of fascia lata that extends from the anterior segment of the iliac crest to the lateral tibial condyle and into which radiate the tensor fasciae latae and gluteus maximus. D 15 Lateral intermuscular septum of thigh. Sep- tum intermusculare femoris laterale. Firm con- nective tissue layer extending from the fascia lata to the lateral lip of the linea aspera between the biceps femoris and vastus lateralis muscles. 16 Medial intermuscular septum of thigh. Sep- tum intermusculare femoris mediale. Stout con- nective tissue layer extending from the fascia lata to the medial lip of the linea aspera between the vastus medialis, sartorius and adductor muscles. 17 Adductor canal. Canalis adductorius. Channel between adductors, vastus medialis and [vasto- adductor membrane]. It ends with the hiatus tendineus within the adductor magnus. D 18 Hiatus tendineus (adductorius). Opening near the attachment of the adductor magnus at the level of the inferior margin of the adductor lon- gus. 19 Iliac fascia. Fascia iliaca. Fascia over the iliac and inferior portion of the psoas muscles. It attaches totheiliaccrest and arcuatelineaswell as the in- guinal ligament. D 20 Muscular lacuna. Lacuna musculorum. Com- partment forpassageoftheiliopsoas muscle and the femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves between the ilium,inguinalligamentand iliopectineal arch. E 21 Iliopectineal arch. Arcus iliopectineus. Portion of the iliac fascia between the inguinal ligament and the iliopubic [iliopectineal] eminence. It separates the vascular and muscular lacunae. E 22 Vascular lacuna. Lacuna vasorum. Compart- ment between the pubis, inguinal ligament and iliopectineal arch for passage of the femoral artery and the femoral branch of the geni- tofemoral nerve. E 23 Femoral triangle. Trigonum femorale. Triangle between the sartorius and adductor longus muscles and the inguinal ligament. D 24 Femoral canal. Canalis femoralis. Passage within the medial segment of the vascular lacuna that extends from the inguinal ligament to the saphenous opening. E Muscles Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a a a 20 21 22 86.11 24 14 13 13 19 23 17 12 11 5 10 7 6 9 8 96.23 1 4 2 8 5 6 8 100.17 96.24 2 10 7 1 Superficial plantar musclesA Deep plantar muscles B Interosseous muscles C Thigh, lateral and anterior medial view D Vascular lacuna E Muscles Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Femoral ring. Anulus femoralis. Entrance into the femoral canal bordered by the femoral vein, inguinal ligament, falx inguinalis and pectineal ligament. A 2 Femoral septum. Septum femorale. Fibrous membrane that closes the entrance of the femoral canal. A 3 Saphenous opening. Hiatus saphenus. Large opening in the fascia lata directly below the in- guinal ligament for passage of the great saphenous vein. B 4 Falciform margin. Margo falciformis. Curved, principal lateral margin of the saphenous open- ing. B 5 Superior horn. Cornu superius. Upper, curved portion of the falciform margin. B 6 Inferior horn. Cornu inferius. Lower, curved por- tion of the falciform magin. B 7 Cribriform fascia. Fascia cribrosa. Loose, per- forated connective tissue lamina covering the saphenous opening. B 8 Fascia of the leg (crural fascia). Fascia cruris. Superficial investing fascia of the leg which serves partially for muscle attachment and is fused to the free bony margins of the tibia. C D F 9 Anterior intermuscular septum of leg. Septum intermusculare cruris anterius. Connective tissue septum between the peroneal and exten- sor compartments. F 10 Posterior intermuscular septum of leg. Sep- tum intermusculare cruris posterius. Connec- tive tissue septum between the peroneal and flexor compartments. F 11 Superior extensor retinaculum. Retinaculum mm. extensorum superius. Transverse thickened (about two finger’s breadth) of the crural fascia that hold the extensor tendons in place. C D 12 Flexor retinaculum. Retinaculum mm. flex- orum. Fibrous band on the long flexor tendons that extends from the medial malleolus to the calcaneus. It forms an osteofibrous compart- ment for the posterior tibial m., then divides into two parts. The lower portion forms com- partments for the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus muscles. The tibial nerve and posterior tibial artery and vein lie between the two membranous parts. D 13 Inferior extensor retinaculum. Retinaculum mm. extensorum inferius. Usually cruciate band that supports the extensor tendons, ex- tending from both malleoli to the foot margins of the opposite side, primarily to the calcaneus. CD 14 Superior peroneal (fibular) retinaculum. Reti- naculum mm. peroneorum (fibularium) su- perius. Upper band that holds peroneal tendons in place; it extends from the lateral malleolus to the calcaneus. C 15 Inferior (fibular) peroneal retinaculum. Reti- naculum mm. peroneorum (fibularium) in- ferius. Lower band that holds the peroneal ten- dons in place. It passes from the extensor reti- naculum to the outer surface of the calcaneus. A fibrous tract goes to the peroneal trochlea and separates the upper lying peroneus brevis from the peroneus longus muscle. C 16 Fascia dorsalis pedis. Thin fascia on the dor- sum of the foot connected above with the infe- rior extensor retinaculum. C D 17 Plantar aponeurosis. Aponeurosis plantaris. Tough, tendinous sheet on the sole of the foot extending from the tub er calcanei to as far as the middle phalanges. It braces the longitudinal arch of the foot. E 18 Transverse fasciculi. Fasciculi transversi. Transverse fibrous sheets in the distal plantar aponeurosis. E 19 Superficial transverse metatarsal ligament. Lig. metatarsale transversum superficiale. Transverse fibrous tract in the vicinity of the distal transverse fibers of the plantar aponeurosis. E G 19 a Synovial bursae (sacs) and sheaths. Bursae et vaginae synoviales. 20 Synovial sheaths of the digits of the foot. Vaginae synoviales tendinum digitorum pedis. Synovial portion of the tendon sheaths for the flexors of the toes. G 21 Vincula tendinum. Connective tissue tract passing obliquely through the tendon sheaths bearing blood vessels. G 22 Fibrous sheaths of the digits of the foot. Vaginae fibrosae tendinum digitorum pedis. Tough fibrous sheath that reinforces the tendon sheaths on the flexor side of the toes. G 23 Annular par t of f ibrous sheath. Pars anularis vaginae fibrosae. Circular tracts in the f ibrous sheaths between the joints. G 24 Cruciate part of fibrous sheath. Pars cruci- formis vaginae fibrosae. Crucitate connective tissue tracts in the fibrous sheaths over the joints. G Muscles, synovial bursae and sheaths Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a a a 21 20 19 19 24 22 20 23 24 8 8 9 10 8 19 17 18 11 13 16 8 12 8 11 13 14 15 16 7 4 6 3 5 86.20 86.18 1 2 86.21 Foot, medial viewD Toes, plantar view GCross-section of lower legFPlantar surface of footE Foot, lateral viewC Fascia lata in inguinal regionB Vascular lacuna from behind A Muscles, synovial bursae and sheaths Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Tendon sheath of superior oblique muscle. Vagina tendinis m. obliqui superioris. Synovial sheath of the superior oblique m. of the eyeball, situated at the site where its tendon passes through the trochlea. See p. 364. 12 2 Synovial bursa of tensor veli palatini. Bursa m. tensoris veli palatini. Synovial bursa between the pterygoid hamulus and the tendon of the tensor veli palatini muscle. See pp. 116.20, 117. C 3 Subcutaneous bursa of the laryngeal promi- nence. B. subcutanea prominentiae laryngealis. Synovial bursa between the skin and the laryn- geal prominence of the thyroid cartilage. A 4 Retrohyoid bursa. B. retrohyoidea. Synovial bursa between the body of the hyoid bone and the median thyrohyoid ligament. A 5 Infrahyoid bursa. B. infrahyoidea. Synovial bursa between the upper end of the sternohy- oid muscle and the thyrohyoid membrane. A B 5a Synovial bursae of upper limb. Bursae membri superioirs. 6 Subtendinous bursa of trapezius. B. subten- dinea m. trapezii. Synovial bursa between the trapezius muscle (ascending part) and the spine of the scapula. C 7 [B. subcutanea acromialis]. Synovial bursa be- tween acromion and the skin. D 8 Subacromial bursa. B. subacromialis. Synovial bursa between the acromion, coracoacromial ligament and supraspinous tendon. It and its tendons lie on the joint capsule. D E 9 Subdeltoid bursa. B. subdeltoidea. Synovial bursa between the deltoid muscle and the greater tubercle of the humerus. It often com- municates with the subacromial bursa. D 10 Coracobrachial bursa. [b. m. coracobrachialis]. Synovial bursa between the tendons of the sub- scapularis and coracobrachialis muscles below the apex of the coracoid process. D 11 Subtendinous bursa of infraspinatus muscle. B. subtendinea m. infraspinati. Synovial bursa between the tendon of the infraspinatus and the capsule of the shoulder joint. E 12 Subtendinous bursa of subscapularis muscle. B. subtendinea m. subscapularis. Synovial bursa between the tendon of the subscapularis and the capsule of the shoulder joint. It com- municates with the joint cavity. D 13 Subtendinous bursa of teres major muscle. B. subtendinea m. tertis majoris. Synovial bursa between the tendon of the teres major and the humerus. D 14 Subtendinous bursa of latissimus dorsi muscle. B. subtendinea m. latissimi dorsi. Syn- ovial bursa between the tendons of the teres major and latissimus dorsi. D 15 Subcutaneous bursa of olecranon. B. subcu- tanea olecrani. Synovial bursa between the olecranon and the skin. F 16 Intratendinous bursa of olecranon. [B. in- tratendinea olecrani]. Synovial bursa within the triceps tendon near the olecranon. F 17 Subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii. B. sub- tendinea m. tricipitis brachii. Synovial bursa between the triceps tendon and the olecranon. F 18 Bicipitoradial bursa. B. bicipitoradialis. Syn- ovial bursa between the biceps tendon and the anterior part of the radial tuberosity. F 19 [B. cubitalis interossea]. Synovial bursa be- tween the biceps tendon and the ulna or ob- lique cord. F 20 Tendon sheath of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis muscles. Vag. ten- dinum mm. abductoris longi et extensoris brevis pollicis. Common tendon sheath forming the first tendon compartment on the dorsum of the hand. G 21 Tendon sheath of extensor carpi radialis lon- gus and brevis muscles. Vag. tendinum mm. extensorum carpi radialium. Common tendon sheath forming the second tendon compart- ment on the dorsum of the hand. G 22 Tendon sheath of extensor pollicis longus muscle. Vag. tendinis m. extensoris pollicis longi. Forms the third tendon compartment. G 23 Tendon sheath of extensor digitorum and ex- tensor indicis muscles. Vag. tendinum mm. ex- tensoris digitorum et extensoris indicis. Tendon sheath forming the fourth tendon compart- ment on the dorsum of the hand. G 24 Tendon sheath of extensor digiti minimi muscle. Vag. tendinis m. extensoris digiti min- imi. Forms the fifth tendon compartment on the dorsum of the hand. G 25 Tendon sheath of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle. Vag. tendinis m. extensoris carpi ul- naris. Forms the sixth tendon compartment on the dorsum of the hand. G 26 Sheath of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle. Vag. m. extensoris carpi radialis brevis. Synovial bursa at the attachment between the tendon and base of the 3 rd metacarpal. Synovial bursae and sheaths Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 103 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a a a 22 20 21 23 24 25 17 16 15 18 19 8 11 7 8 10 12 14 13 9 6 5 4 5 3 Sagittal section of larynx A Larynx, lateral view B Right shoulder, posterior view C Shoulder joint, anterior view D Shoulder joint, posterior view E Section of elbow joint sawed open F Wrist and hand, dorsal viewG Synovial bursae and sheaths Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. [...]... terms and conditions of license Digestive system 1 13 1 2 10 12 2 3 108.25 9 4 14 13 5 6 1 15 7 8 17 8 16 9 B Tooth development 3 10 11 4 9 A Longitudinal section of tooth 12 10 13 20 14 C Enamel-dentin border 21 37 35 15 16 31 34 36 114.2 17 24 37 23 18 30 29 19 34 22 21 20 21 20 21 22 D Mouth with tongue elevated E Tongue, sagittal section 23 24 25 Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme... Digestive system 119 1 2 7 3 2 9 11 3 4 1 5 28 10 5 14 13 6 4 7 36 19 8 16 A Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube B Base of tongue and laryngeal opening 9 10 15 11 15 15 23 22 12 24 13 21 27 14 25 29 15 31 30 26 16 32 20 32 17 33 18 19 34 20 21 C Pharyngeal muscles from behind D Pharyngeal muscles from right 22 23 24 E Attachment of the pharyngobasilar fascia Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme... 5 6 6 A Face, anterior view 32 28 8 34 36 7 33 37 9 10 10 27 11 26 23 24 9 3 21 12 22 13 B Mouth with tongue elevated 14 15 16 24 16 6 14 16 17 30 29 23 18 18 16 19 17 3 9 20 22 17 21 35 17 22 23 C Sagittal section of oral cavity 24 D Palate, inferior view 25 Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme a All rights reserved Usage subject to terms and conditions of license a a 110 Digestive... lamina propria C D 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 32 33 Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved Usage subject to terms and conditions of license Digestive system 1 23 1 14 2 15 16 5 9 3 4 11 7 17 8 5 13 6 10 9 2 6 9 7 7 7 5 4 6 1 8 3 9 B Stomach wall, overview A Stomach musculature 16 16 15 19 10 19 11 12 15 13 D Mucosa of pylorus 17 14 15 18 16... 216.28 246.21 1 2 21a 19a 3 248.1 7 2 4 3 21 10 5 9 128.1 13 4 11 6 6 7 12 15 8 5 8 9 22 10 B Cecum in the living body A Portal vein, inferior vena cava, aorta and duodenum 11 12 29 28 13 27 32 28 14 15 15 26 16 30 16 19 32 19 33 32 18 21 19 23 34 18 17 20 20 21 18 22 22 31 C Small and large intestines, anterior view 22 23 D Cecum in the cadaver 24 25 Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme... 3 12 2 B Wall of colon, histological section 13 18 14 15 19 174.9 23 19 16 28 14 17 25 26 16 18 21 31 17 27 29 19 24 20 15 31 22 30 21 22 32 32 20 C Rectum 23 D Anus, frontal section 24 25 Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme a All rights reserved Usage subject to terms and conditions of license a a 128 Digestive system 1 PANCREAS Organ 13 15 cm in length that lies 19 partly in the duodenal... Hypoglossal nerve C Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved Usage subject to terms and conditions of license Digestive system 115 6 8 1 5 2 4 15 6 3 15 7 15 4 5 6 A Surface of tongue, enlarged 1 23 10 17 7 25 8 9 10 6 112 .32 10 26 16 24 11 196.5 9 12 7 112 .33 11 12 14 13 19 14 C Cross-section of tongue 15 9 116.22 16 14 17 2 22 B Dorsum of tongue, overview 18 118.27... Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved Usage subject to terms and conditions of license Digestive system 129 5 1 2 9 16 12 6 3 13 4 4 2 3 11 8 5 10 6 248.20 220.1 7 8 A Duodenum and pancreas, anterior view 7 9 17 12 19 9 10 13 124. 13 11 124.12 12 4 5 17 B Pancreas dissected, duodenum fenestrated, from behind 3 13 14 15 23 178.22 26 16 17 25 29 18 24 19 20 28 27 29 21 30 ... Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved Usage subject to terms and conditions of license Digestive system 121 1 2 3 3 12 4 13 2 4 5 14 11 6 5 7 7 15 8 6 A Esophagus and stomach 9 C Microscopic cross-section of esoghagus 10 11 8 12 23 24 13 16 21 14 15 22 16 122.12 9 19 17 26 10 18 25 27 20 19 20 28 21 18 29 22 16 23 24 B Esophagus from behind D Stromach from front right Feneis, Pocket. .. ridge on the lingual surface of the incisor and canine teeth which goes over into the cingulum at the neck region A 32 Incisal margin Margo incisalis Occlusal edge of incisor and canine teeth A Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved Usage subject to terms and conditions of license Digestive system 111 1 19 32 24 26 26 2 17 3 31 4 23 18 16 5 30 6 B First and second molars, . conditions of license. 1 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a a a Digestive system 29 31 30 34 37 22 20 21 24 21 20 21 23 36 35 37 34 114.2 910 8 1 10 108.25 14 13 17 16 2 15 4 12 3 9 Longitudinal. system 24 30 23 18 16 29 16 22 1717 35 16 14 17 6 3 9 20 22 6 33 34 37 36 28 10 26 9 3 21 22 24 23 27 32 7 10 13 6 8 411 12 9 Face, anterior viewA Mouth with tongue elevated B Sagittal section of oral. base of the 3 rd metacarpal. Synovial bursae and sheaths Feneis, Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 1 03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a a a 22 20 21 23 24 25 17 16 15 18 19 8 11 7 8 10 12 14 13 9 6 5 4 5 3 Sagittal