Tungsten C 14 P 99.51 1200–1600 53.5 8.91 x 10 –3 Copper Ni 63 P 620–1080 53.8 1.1 Molybdenum Cr 51 P 1000–1500 54.0 2.5 x 10–4 Copper Co 60 S 99.998 701–1077 54.1 1.93 Copper Pd 102 S 99.999 807–1056 54.37 1.71 Silver Ni 63 S 99.99 749–950 54.8 21.9 α-Iron P 32 P 860–900 55.0 2.9 δ-Iron P 32 P 99.99 1370–1460 55.0 2.9 Nickel Au 198 S,P 99.999 700–1075 55.0 0.02 α-Iron W 185 P 755–875 55.1 0.29 α-Iron V 48 P 755–875 55.4 1.43 β–Zirconium W 185 P 99.7 900–1250 55.8 0.41 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 24 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1412 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Germanium Te 125 S 770–900 56.0 2.0 α-Iron Ni 63 P 99.97 680–800 56.0 1.3 Silver Pd 102 S 99.999 736–939 56.75 9.56 α-Iron Cu 64 P 99.9 800 1050 57.0 0.57 a -Iron Cr 51 P 99.95 775–875 57.5 2.53 δ-Iron Fe 59 P 99.95 1428–1492 57.5 2.01 γ-Iron Be 7 P 99.9 1100–1350 57.6 0.1 β–Zirconium V 48 P 99.99 1200–1400 57.7 0.32 Beryllium Ni 63 P 800–1250 58.0 0.2 Chromium Mo 99 P 1100–1420 58.0 2.7 x 10 –3 Nickel Sn 113 P 99.8 700–1350 58.0 0.83 Nickel Fe 59 P 1020–1263 58.6 0.074 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 25 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1413 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Platinum Cu 64 P 1098–1375 59.5 0.074 Copper Nb 95 P 99.999 807–906 60.06 2.04 Cobalt Ni 63 P 1192–1297 60.2 0.10 α-Iron Fe 55 P 99.92 809–889 60.3 5.4 Yttrium Y 90 S||c 900–1300 60.3 0.82 Gold Pt 195 P, S 99.98 800–1060 60.9 7.6 δ-Iron Co 60 P 99.995 1428–1521 61.4 6.38 Nickel Cu 64 P 99.95 1050–1360 61.7 0.57 a-Iron Co 60 P 99.995 638–768 62.2 7.19 α-Iron Au 198 P 99.999 800–900 62.4 31 γ-Iron Mn 54 P 99.97 920–1280 62.5 0.16 Cobalt Fe 59 P 99.9 1104–1303 62.7 0.21 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 26 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1414 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Palladium Pd 103 S 99.999 1060–1500 63.6 0.205 Carbon Ag 110 ⊥c 750–1050 64.3 9280 Vanadium Cr 51 P 99.8 960–1200 64.6 9.54 x10 –3 Nickel Cr 51 P 99.95 1100–1270 65.1 1.1 Silver Ru 103 S 99.99 793–945 65.8 180 Nickel Co 60 P 99.97 1149–1390 65.9 1.39 Tungsten Fe 59 P 940–1240 66.0 1.4 x 10 –2 Nickel V 48 P 99.99 800–1300 66.5 0.87 a-Iron Sb 124 P 800–900 66.6 1100 γ-Iron Ni 63 P 99.97 930–2050 67.0 0.77 Yttrium Y 90 S⊥c 900–1300 67.1 5.2 Silicon C 14 P 1070–1400 67.2 0.33 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 27 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1415 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Cobalt Co 60 P 99.9 1100–1405 67.7 0.83 γ-Iron Fe 59 P 99.98 1171–1361 67.86 0.49 Nickel Ni 63 P 99.95 1042–1404 68.0 1.9 Platinum Pt 195 P 99.99 1325–1600 68.2 0.33 Germanium Ge 71 S 766–928 68.5 7.8 α-Iron Ag 110 P 748–888 69.0 1950 γ-Iron V 48 P 9999 1120–1380 69.3 0.28 γ-Iron Cr 51 P 99.99 950–1400 69.7 10.8 Tantalum S 35 P 99.0 1970–2110 70.0 100 α-Zirconium Ta 182 P 99.6 700–800 70.0 100 Niobium Co 60 P 99.85 1500–2100 70.5 0.74 Vanadium Fe 59 P 960–1350 71.0 0.373 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 28 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1416 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Tantalum Fe 59 P 930–1240 71.4 0.505 Nickel W 185 P 99.95 1100–1300 71.5 2.0 γ-Iron Co 60 P 99.98 1138–1340 72.9 1.25 α-Iron Mo 99 P 750–875 73.0 7800 Niobium S 35 S 99.9 1100–1500 73.1 2600 Vanadium V 48 S,P 99.99 880–1360 73.65 0.36 Chromium Cr 51 P 99.98 1030–1545 73.7 0.2 Platinum Co 60 P 99.99 900–1050 74.2 19.6 a-Thorium Pa 231 P 99.85 770–910 74.7 126 Molybdenum U 235 P 99.98 1500–2000 76.4 7.6 x 10 –3 Niobium U 235 P 99.55 1500–2000 76.8 8.9 x10 –3 Niobium Fe 51 P 99.85 1400–2100 77.7 1.5 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 29 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1417 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Germanium Tl 204 S 800–930 78.4 1700 Niobium Sn 113 P 99.85 1850–2400 78.9 0.14 Chromium Fe 59 P 99.8 980–1420 79.3 0.47 α-Thorium U 233 P 99.85 700–880 79.3 2210 Molybdenum P 32 P 99.97 2000–2200 80.5 0.19 Tantalum Mo 99 P 1750–2220 81.0 1.8 x 10 –3 Molybdenum Ta 182 P 1700–2150 83.0 3.5 x 10 –4 Niobium Cr 51 S 943–1435 83.5 0.30 Niobium V 48 S 99.99 1000–1400 85.0 2.21 Niobium Ti 44 S 994–1492 86.9 0.099 γ-Iron W 185 P 99.5 1050–1250 90.0 1000 Copper Mn 54 S 99.99 754–950 91.4 10 7 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 30 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1418 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Niobium W 185 P 99.8 1800–2200 91.7 5 x 10 –4 Silicon Sb 124 S 1190–1398 91.7 12.9 Vanadium V 48 S,P 99.99 1360–1830 94.14 214.0 Molybdenum Re 186 P 1700–2100 94.7 0.097 Niobium Nb 95 P, S 99.99 878–2395 96.0 1.1 Molybdenum Mo 99 P 1850–2350 96.9 0.5 Silicon Ni 63 P 450–800 97.5 1000 γ-Iron Hf 181 P 99.99 1110–1360 97.3 3600 Tantalum Nb 95 P, S 99.996 921–2484 98.7 0.23 Tantalum Ta 182 P, S 99.996 1250–2200 98.7 1.24 Niobium Ta 182 P, S 99.997 878–2395 99.3 1.0 Molybdenum S 35 S 99.97 2220–2470 101.0 320 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 31 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1419 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Tungsten Mo 99 P 1700–2100 101.0 0.3 Germanium Cd 115 S 750–950 102.0 1.75 x 10 9 Molybdenum Co 60 P 99.98 1850–2350 106.7 18 Molybdenum Nb 95 P 99.98 1850–2350 108.1 14 Molybdenum W l85 P 99.98 1700–2260 110 1.7 Silicon Si 31 S 99.99999 1225–1400 110.0 1800 Carbon Th 228 ||c 1800–2200 114.7 2.48 Carbon U 232 ⊥c 140~2200 115.0 6760 Carbon U 232 ||c 1400 1820 129.5 385 Tungsten Nb 95 P 99.99 1305–2367 137.6 3.01 Tungsten Ta 182 P 99.99 1305–2375 139.9 3.05 Tungsten W 185 P 99.99 1800–2403 140.3 1.88 Table 353. SELECTING DIFFUSION ACTIVATION ENERGY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS * (SHEET 32 OF 33) Metal Tracer Crystal Form Purity % Temperature Range ˚C Activation Energy, Q kcal • mol –1 Frequency Factor, D o cm 2 • s –1 Source: data from Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13.3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1420 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press LLC [...]... Magnesium Tin 10 13 35 14 7.05 7.3 7.4 7.6 Platinum Magnesium Gold Iron 16 6 30 11 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.62 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1444 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering. .. Zinc Magnesium Silver 3 18 13 35 13. 1 13. 3 13. 6 13. 7 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1446 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1447 Wednesday,... 700 45 5 1.22 1.22 1.23 1.23 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1434 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1435 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00... 100 200 11 4 1.58 1.59 1.6 1.6 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1436 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1437 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00... 300 500 6 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.38 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1438 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1439 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00... 1100 9 40 3.48 3.5 3.5 3.51 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1440 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1441 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00... 70 1400 0.606 0.61 0.61 0.611 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1428 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1429 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00... 1000 3 1 0.748 0.748 0.749 0.75 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1430 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1431 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00... 0.401 Source: data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1426 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1427 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 Selecting Thermal Properties... data from Ho, C Y., Powell, R W., and Liley, P E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part 2, 1968 ©2001 CRC Press LLC 1442 CRC Handbook of Materials Science & Engineering 14.1 sel Thermal Page 1443 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 Selecting Thermal Properties Table . LLC Shackelford, James F. & Alexander, W. “SelectingThermal Properties” Materials Science and Engineering Handbook Ed. James F. Shackelford & W. Alexander Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2001 List. Askill, J.,in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed.,Weast, R.C., Ed., CRC Press, Cleveland,1974, F61. 13. 3 sel Thermodynamics L Page 1 413 Wednesday, December 31, 1969 17:00 ©2001 CRC Press. W., and Liley, P. E., Thermal Conductictivity of Selected Materials, NSRDS–NBS–8 and NSRD-NBS-16, Part 2 , National Standard Reference Data System–National Bureau of Standards, Part 1, 1966; Part