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Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface Processes - Chapter 1 pptx

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Luvall viii PART I Thermal infrared data for assessment and quantification of surface energy fluxes and soil moisture 9 1 Estimating environmental variables using thermal KEVIN P.. GILLIES

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Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface Processes

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Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface Processes


Dale A Quattrochi and Jeffrey C Luvall

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This is a work of the United States Government under the provisions of Title 17, Section 105 of the U.S Code and, therefore, U.S copyright protection is not available Under U.S law, no U.S copyright may

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International Standard Book Number 0-415-30224-2

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Catalog record is available from the Library of Congress TF1628_dis.fm Page 1 Friday, March 12, 2004 8:48 AM

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Biographical sketch of Dale A Quattrochi vii

Biographical sketch of Jeffrey C Luvall viii


Thermal infrared data for assessment and

quantification of surface energy fluxes

and soil moisture 9

1 Estimating environmental variables using thermal





2 Land surface temperature retrieval techniques

and applications: case of the AVHRR 33



3 High spatial resolution mapping of surface energy balance

components with remotely sensed data 110



4 Estimating spatially distributed surface fluxes in a semi-arid

Great Basin desert using Landsat TM thermal data 133

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5 Coupling thermal infrared and visible satellite measurements

to infer biophysical variables at the land surface 160


6 Rapid soil drying and its implications for remote sensing

of soil moisture and the surface energy fluxes 185



7 Mapping surface energy fluxes with radiometric temperature 205




Thermal infrared data for assessment

of ecosystem health 255

8 Thermal infrared measurement as an indicator

of plant ecosystem health 257


9 Exergy analysis of ecosystems: establishing a role

for thermal remote sensing 283



Thermal infrared instruments and calibration 361

10 Calibration of thermal infrared sensors 363


11 MUST – a medium scale surface temperature mission

dedicated to environment and agriculture 405



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Biographical sketch of

Dale A Quattrochi

Dale A Quattrochi is a Senior Research Scientist with the NASA MarshallSpace Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and has over 23 years of expe-rience in the field of Earth science remote sensing research and applications

He received his PhD degree from the University of Utah, his MS degree fromthe University of Tennessee, and his BS degree from Ohio University, all

in Geography Dr Quattrochi’s research interests focus on the application

of thermal remote sensing data for analysis of heating and cooling patternsacross the diverse urban landscape, which form the dome of elevated airtemperatures over cities known as the urban heat island effect He is alsoconducting research on the applications of geospatial statistical techniques,such as fractal analysis, to multiscale remote sensing data

Dr Quattrochi is the recipient of numerous awards including the NASAExceptional Scientific Achievement Medal, NASA’s highest science award,which he received in 2001 for his research on urban heat islands and remotesensing He is also a 2002 recipient of the Ohio University College of Artsand Science, Distinguished Alumni Award Dr Quattrochi is the co-editor

of Scale in Remote Sensing andGIS (with Michael Goodchild), published in

1997 by CRC/Lewis Publishers

Dr Quattrochi is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of raphy and Anthropology at the Louisiana State University He is also anadjunct professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Science and theCenter for Hydrology, Soil Climatology and Remote Sensing at AlabamaA&M University, and is an adjunct associate professor in the Department

Geog-of Atmospheric Science at the University Geog-of Alabama in Huntsville

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Biographical sketch of

Jeffrey C Luvall

Jeffrey C Luvall is currently employed by NASA as a senior research scientist

at Marshall Space Flight Center He holds a BS (1974, Forestry) and an MS(1976, Forest Ecology) from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL,and a PhD (1984, Tropical Forest Ecology) from the University of Georgia,Athens, GA

His current research involves the modeling of forest canopy thermalresponse using airborne thermal scanners on a landscape scale He is alsoinvestigating the relationships of forest canopy temperatures and the evap-otranspiration process He has used remotely sensed surface temperatures

to develop evapotranspiration estimates for eastern deciduous and cal rain forests These investigations have resulted in the development of

tropi-a Thermtropi-al Response Number (TRN) which qutropi-antifies ltropi-and surftropi-ace’s energy

in regional surface budget modeling by their energy use A logical outgrowth

of characterizing surface energy budgets of forests is the application of mal remote sensing to quantify the urban heat island effect One importantbreakthrough is the ability to quantify the importance of trees in keepingthe city cool His current research involves alternate mitigation strategies toreduce ozone production through the use of high albedo surfaces for roofsand pavements and increasing tree cover in urban areas to cool cities Hisrecent work on urban heat islands has been the focus of several CNN, CBN,CBS Evening News, NBC, and ABC Discovery News programs during 1998

ther-It was also featured in a November 23, 1998, Newsweek article “Blue Skies

Ahead: Hot Ways to Cool Down Our Cities.” He is also working closely withthe Salt Lake City’s 2002 Olympic Organizing Committee in revitalizing thecity by planting greenways and high albedo surface materials Invited by

the USSR Academy of Sciences and the United Nations Environment

Pro-gram to speak at the International Symposium on the State of the Art ofRemote Sensing Technology for Biosphere Studies in Moscow (September

1989) Invited participant and co-authored a paper at the Space Conference

of the Americas in San Jose, Costa Rica, March 12–16, 1990, and an invited

delegate in August 1991 Steering Committee for organizing a symposium

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“Thermal Remote Sensing of the Energy and Water Balance over Vegetation

in Conjunction with Other Sensors,” La Londe Les Maures, France,

Septem-ber 1993 Organizedsymposium at the Intecol 1994 meeting at Manchester,

England, “A Thermodynamic Perspective of Ecosystem Development” (with

J Kay and E Schneider) Appointed to serve a three-year term (1994–1997)

on the La Selva Advisory Committee by the Organization for Tropical

Stud-ies (OTS) La Selva is a biological research field station in Costa Rica, funded

by the National Science Foundation OTS is a consortium of 50 US andinternational universities that manage several field stations and courses inCosta Rica

Selected awards

1999–2000: Walter Bean/Canada Trust Visiting Professor of the ronment, University of Waterloo, Faculty of Engineering Sigma Xi, TheScientific Research Society of America Gulf Coast Chapter’s KaminskiAward 1990 Given for the best scientific research paper published in apeer review journal during 1989 NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center’sDirector’s Award for outstanding CDDFproject, 1996

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Envi-Contributors’ biographies

Martha C Anderson is an Assistant Scientist in the Department of Soils at

the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin She received her PhD inAstrophysics from the University of Minnesota in 1993, and then shiftedher research focus towards the use of remote sensing data in deducing theland-surface energy balance She has collaborated in developing a suite ofrelated soil–plant–atmosphere models designed for practical application

in agricultural and hydrologic monitoring applications, which utilize acombination of readily available satellite and surface synoptic data Otherinterests include studying land use impacts on groundwater quality andlocal climate

Julia A Barsi is a Calibration Analyst in the Landsat Project Science Office at

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland She receivedher BS and MS in Imaging Science from the Rochester Institute of Technol-ogy After completing her Master’s thesis on vicarious thermal calibration

of Landsat ETM+, she joined the Landsat Project Science Office

Scott D Brown is on the Research Staff at the Digital Imaging and Remote

Sensing (DIRS) Laboratory in the Center for Imaging Science at theRochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York

Toby Carlson is a Professor of Meteorology in the Department of

Meteorol-ogy at The Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Pennsylvania

He has taught courses in remote sensing, synoptic meteorology, ogy, oceanography, and boundary layer and land surface processes

hydrol-He has done extensive research on the measurement and mathematicalmodeling of land surface properties

Vicente Caselles is a Professor of Applied Physics and Head of the Thermal

Remote Sensing Group at the Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

He has 20 years of expertise in the physical processes involved in thetemperature measurement using remote sensing techniques that has beendocumented through 20 books, 15 doctoral theses, 80 papers in inter-national journals, 60 conference papers, and 30 reports He collaborated

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with the European Space Agency (ESA) as member of the Advisory Groupfor the Land-Surface Processes and Interactions Mission At present, he

is the Chairman of the Spanish Remote Sensing Society and Chairman ofthe Spanish Atmosphere and Climate Programme

Kevin P Czajkowski is an Associate Professor in the Department of

Geogra-phy and Planning at the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio His researchinterests include remote sensing and land/atmosphere interactions In addi-tion, he works with local decision makers to develop remote sensingapplications

Ralph O Dubayah is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography

at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland He has developedapplications for Lidar remote sensing and has additional research interests

in the hydrological modeling and applications using remotely sensed data

Philippe Duthil was initially a Space Systems Engineer (Ecole Nationale

Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace Toulouse France, 1979) He iscurrently responsible for the development of new applications and EarthObservation products in the area of Environment and Water Managementfor Astrium in Toulouse, France He rapidly specialized in the conception

of Earth Observation systems and progressively evolved from space systemengineering to remote sensing applications developments His experienceincludes the analysis of overall space system requirements and perfor-mance assessment (SPOT series, HELIOS series, various projects) Healso developed a simulator of space borne imagers, which can be used

to simulate earth observation data and products and hence serve as atool for products definition He has been conducting several researchand development projects under the 4th and 5th European CommissionFramework program, in the areas of environment and agriculture, such

as the MUST study of an infrared mission for water resources and riskmanagement

Roydon A Fraser is currently a Professor on the Mechanical Engineering

faculty at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Heobtained his undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics at Queen’s Uni-versity, Kingston, Ontario, in 1983 and his Master’s and PhD in theDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Studies at Princeton Univer-sity, Princeton, New Jersey, in 1985 and 1989, respectively His researchefforts include studies of ecosystem thermodynamics, the exergy analyses

of complex systems, turbulent combustion, and non-intrusive tion diagnostics as applied to internal combustion engines, alternativefuel vehicle development with particular emphasis on natural gas andethanol, methanol fuel cells, glazing system heat transfer studies, andenergy utilization and conversion in general

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combus-Robert R Gillies is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Aquatic,

Watershed and Earth Resources, and Plants, Soils and Biometeorology atUtah State University in Logan, Utah He obtained his PhD at the Uni-versity of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, in 1995 He publishes in theareas of remote sensing and meteorology and recently has been focusing oninterdisciplinary research in the application of remote sensing in ecologicalassessments of urbanization and epidemiological issues, such as vector-borne disease detection His recent publications include “Determination

of scaling characteristics of AVHRR data with wavelets: application to

SGP97” with Nathaniel Brunsell, published in the International Journal

of Remote Sensing, “The simulation of canopy transpiration under

in two 1-D soil–vegetation–atmosphere-transfer (SVAT) models” with

Jonathon Gottschalk and Toby Carlson in Agricultural andForest

Mete-orology, and “An application of remotely derived climatological fields

for risk assessment of vector-borne diseases: A spatial study of filariasisprevalence in the Nile delta, Egypt” with Kate Crombie, Ray Arvidson,

Paul Brookmeyer, and Gary Weil, in Photogrammetric Engineering and

Remote Sensing.

Scott J Goetz is an Assistant Research Scientist in the Department of

Geogra-phy at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland His researchinterests include ecological remote sensing and application projects incollaboration with decision makers

Samuel N Goward is a Professor of Geography at the University of

Maryland, College Park, Maryland He is the Landsat-7 Science TeamLeader He additionally has research interests in thermal infrared remotesensing including the derivation of environmental variables from satel-lite data

Ray Hardy was an MA student in the Department of Geography at the

Uni-versity of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma, at the time of authorship

He now resides in Oklahoma City

Karen Humes is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography

at the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho Humes obtained her PhD

in Hydrology from the University of Arizona in 1992 She has worked atthe NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the USDA Agricultural ResearchHydrology Laboratory She joined the faculty of the Department of Geog-raphy at the University of Oklahoma in 1995 and moved to the University

of Idaho in 1999 Her research interests include the estimation of tially distributed surface energy fluxes with a combination of ground andremotely sensed data, quantifying the spatial variability in land surfacecharacteristics that control land/atmosphere interactions, improvements

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spa-of measurements from in situ soil moisture sensors, and, most recently,

the use of remotely sensed data to monitor forest health

James J Kay is an Associate Professor of Environment and Resource Studies

at the University of Waterloo (with cross-appointments in Systems DesignEngineering, Geography, Management Sciences, the School of Planning,and the School of Rural Planning and Development, University of Guelph),Waterloo, Ontario, Canada He did his undergraduate work in Physics

at McGill University and received his PhD in 1984 in Systems DesignEngineering at the University of Waterloo His PhD thesis was entitledSelf-Organization in Living Systems His research over the last 25 yearshas focused on complexity and systems theory and their application to thedevelopment of an ecosystem approach as a way of understanding andmanaging our role in the biosphere His research activities span the fullspectrum from the theoretical and epistemological basis for an ecosystemapproach, to the formulation of ecosystem based environmental policy,the development of ecosystem monitoring programs, to on the groundecosystem planning both in the context of urban, industrial, and naturalecosystems and the greening of institutions

Yann H Kerr is a Research Scientist at the Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de

la BIOsphère (CESBIO) in Toulouse, France He received an engineeringdegree from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace(Radar and telecommunications), an MSc in optoelectronics from Glas-gow University in E&EE, and PhD from Université Paul Sabatier in Physicsand remote sensing From 1980 to 1985 he was employed by CNES In

1985 he joined LERTS He spent 19 months at JPL, Pasadena, in 1987–88

He has been working at CESBIO since 1995 Kerr’s fields of interest are

in the theory and techniques for microwave and thermal infrared remotesensing of the Earth, with emphasis on hydrology and vegetation mon-itoring from space He was involved in the organization of the HAPEXSahel Experiment in 1992, and in the SALSA experiment in Mexico Hewas also an EOS principal investigator (interdisciplinary investigations),and he was the science lead on the MIRAS project for ESA, and is theLead-Investigator of the SMOS mission

William P Kustas is a Research Hydrologist with the United States

Depart-ment of Agriculture (USDA)-Agricultural Research Service (ARS), ogy and Remote Sensing Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland He has been

Hydrol-a ReseHydrol-arch Hydrologist with the USDA-ARS since receiving his PhD fromCornell University in 1986 His research encompasses all phases of hydrol-ogy, with a main emphasis on understanding the processes involved in thetransfer of energy from the earth’s land surface to the lower atmosphere

at both micro- and macro-scales This has led to his research focusing onthe application of remote sensing data for modeling spatially distributed

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water and energy fluxes from local to regional scales, requiring the gration of a broad range of disciplines The interdisciplinary nature of thiswork and the need for large-scale spatial data led to the participation andcoordination of large-scale multidisciplinary field studies covering a widerange of ecosystems and climates These data have provided informationcritical in the development and testing of energy balance models and scal-

inte-ing methodologies recently published in the Journal of Hydrometeorology and Water Resources Research.

Jean Pierre Lagouarde is a Scientist in the Department “Environnement et

Agronomie” at INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) inBordeaux, France He graduated as an engineer from the Ecole Centrale deLyon in 1975, and obtained a thesis in 1979 He joined INRA, the FrenchInstitute of Agronomic Research, in 1981 His field of research dealswith the monitoring of surface fluxes using remote sensing, with a spe-cial emphasis on forest areas He is also involved in the problem of spatialintegration, and the development of new methodologies (scintillometry)for validating area-averaged fluxes

Charles A Laymon is currently a Research Scientist with the Universities

Space Research Association (USRA) at the Global Hydrology and ClimateCenter within the National Space Science and Technology Center inHuntsville, Alabama His research interests include hydrologic modelingand scaling of hydrologic processes, remote sensing of land surface prop-erties and processes, such as soil moisture, vegetation parameters, surfacetemperature, and energy fluxes, and in the assimilation of these data inhydrologic and climate models for a wide variety of applications Hereceived the BS degree in Geology with honors in 1982 from St LawrenceUniversity, Canton, New York, and the PhD degree in Geological Sciences

in 1988 from the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

M Susan Moran is a Research Hydrologist and Research Leader at the

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Agricultural ResearchService (ARS), Southwest Watershed Research Center in Tucson, Arizona.She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Soil, Water andEnvironmental Science at the University of Arizona Her area of research

is the development of theory, principles, and methods for estimation ofsoil moisture and evapotranspiration, detection of physical and biologicalstress in plants, and evaluation of energy balance and water balance atlocal and regional scales utilizing a combination of models and remotesensing techniques She has made significant contributions to the threemain types of remote sensing: visible-infrared, thermal and radar, and isalso doing practical research to bring this technology to the average farmer

or rancher

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Theresa Mulhern was a Research Scientist at the University of Toledo in

Toledo, Ohio, at the time of her co-authorship She currently resides inDenver, Colorado

John Murtagh is a Business Development Manager at Infoterra Ltd At

the time of this research, John was a Remote Sensing Consultant atthe National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSCL), Farnborough, UnitedKingdom

Françoise Nerry is a Research Scientist at the Laboratoire des Sciences de

l’Image, de l’Informatique et de la Télédétection in Strasbourg, France.She received the Diploma from the Ecole Nationale de Physique deStrasbourg in 1984 and her PhD from Strasbourg University in 1988.She visited CARTEL (University of Sherbrooke Canada) in 1985 andNASA JPL (California, USA) in 1989–1990 Her field of interest focuses

on thermal infrared data in laboratory and field experiments includingspectro-radiometry She is also working in the field of remote sensing foranalysis of thermal infrared satellite data and emissivity and land surfacetemperature retrievals

John M Norman is the Rothemel Bascom Professor of Soil Science and also

Professor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science at the University of sin, Madison, Wisconsin Following his PhD in 1971 from the University

Wiscon-of Wisconsin-Madison, he was an Associate PrWiscon-ofessor Wiscon-of Meteorology atthe Pennsylvania State University until 1978, and Professor of Agronomy

at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln until 1988 He conducts cal research involving studies of the interaction between plants and theirenvironment including measurements of soil, plant, and atmosphericcharacteristics and integrative modeling of the soil–plant–atmosphere sys-tem Applications to ecology, agriculture, forestry, and meteorologyhave included plant productivity and water use efficiency, integrated pestmanagement, irrigation water use, precision agriculture, agro-chemicalleaching losses, remote sensing, and measurement and modeling of soilsurface carbon dioxide fluxes His recent research focuses on the sustain-ability of agricultural production and the importance of soil in the spatialand temporal distribution of crop production and environmental conse-

biophysi-quences He is co-author of a text entitled Introduction to Environmental

Biophysics published by Springer-Verlag in 1998.

Catherine Ottlé has been a Research Scientist at the Centre National d’étude

des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires (CETP) in Vélizy, France,since 1985 She received the PhD degree in Physics from the University

of Paris, Paris, France, in 1983 Her research interests include the cations of remote sensing to the study of the land surface processes for

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appli-hydrology and vegetation monitoring at local and regional scales In ticular, she is working on the development of soil–vegetation–atmosphere-transfer (SVAT) modeling for remote sensing data assimilation and onlarge-scale hydrology on the occasion of her participation to Hapex-Mobilhy and Alpilles-ReSeDA programs and to ERS-ESA pilot projects.These activities are done in close collaboration with other Public ResearchInstitutes or Organizations, aerospace companies and industry of theadded value in remote sensing She is also involved in thermal infraredremote sensing research activities, such as the modeling of radiativetransfer in the atmosphere and development of atmospheric and emissiv-ity correction methods, land and sea surface temperature determinationtechniques.

par-Stephen D Prince is a Professor of Geography at the University of Maryland,

College Park, Maryland His main area of interest is ecological modelingusing remotely sensed data

John Prueger is a Research Scientist with United States Department of

Agri-culture (USDA)-Agricultural Research Service (ARS), National Soil TilthLaboratory located in Ames, Iowa He received his BS degree in 1981 and

an MS degree in 1986 from California State University-Fresno, and hisPhD in 1991 from Utah State University His current research projectsinclude atmospheric impacts of agricultural management practices, fieldscale evaluation of nitrogen soil water crop growth interactions, andcarbon dioxide exchanges in Midwest cropping systems and nitrogen incorn production systems He also works with satellite images and ModelSimulations to study seasonal water balances of Ozark hill slopes

David A.J Ripley worked as a Research Associate with Professor Toby

Carl-son at The Pennsylvania State University and is now a computer systemsengineer at Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana

John R Schott is the Frederick and Anna B Wiedman Professor of

Imag-ing Science and Head of the Digital ImagImag-ing and Remote SensImag-ing (DIRS)Laboratory in the Center for Imaging Science at the Rochester Institute

of Technology, Rochester, New York Schott received his PhD fromthe State University of New York College of Environmental Science andForestry and his BS in Physics from Canisius College Following 8 years atthe Cornell Aeronautical Labs/CALSPAN, he joined the Rochester Insti-tute of Technology in 1980 His career has focused on development ofimproved instrumentation and algorithms for extraction of information

from remotely sensed data He is the author of Remote Sensing: The Image

Chain Approach published by Oxford University Press in 1997 He has

served as principal investigator on numerous remote sensing programs forNASA and the Defense/Intelligence community

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Thomas J Schmugge is a Research Physical Scientist with the United

States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Agricultural Research Service,Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, work-ing on the application of remote sensing techniques to the study of landsurface hydrologic processes He is a recognized expert in microwave mea-surements of soil moisture and other soil properties He has a PhD inPhysics from the University of California at Berkeley (1965) Prior posi-tions include Assistant Professor of Physics at Trinity College, Hartford,Connecticut, and 15 years in the Hydrological Sciences Branch at NASA’sGoddard Space Flight Center His research interests include the use ofmicrowave and thermal infrared remote sensing techniques to observesuch parameters as soil moisture, surface temperature, and evapotranspi-ration He is a member of the Joint US/Japan ASTER science team He is

a Fellow of the AGU and the IEEE

David Shirey was a student at the University of Maryland at the time of

authorship He currently works for a computer consulting firm in theWashington DC area

Stephen Stadler is a Professor of Geography at Oklahoma State University,

Stillwater, Oklahoma He received his PhD from Indiana State University

in 1979, his MA in Geography from Miami University in 1976, and his BS

in Educational Social Studies (cum laude) from Miami University in 1973.His research interests include both physical and social aspects of appliedclimatology He has recently developed climatologies for wind generation

in Oklahoma

Patrick Starks is a Research Scientist with United States Department of

Agriculture (USDA)-Agricultural Research Service (ARS), GrazinglandsResearch Laboratory located in El Reno, Oklahoma His current researchprojects include the integration of climate forecasts into management andresources conservation tools, monitoring and evaluating runoff in severalOklahoma reservoirs and streams; and analysis of the integrated effects

of management, land use, and climate on regional water resources

Bekele Temesgen is an Associate Land and Water Use Analyst at the

Califor-nia Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, CaliforCalifor-nia He obtainedhis PhD in Biometeorology from the Utah State University in 2001 Hisinterest in remote sensing started while performing research on evapo-transpiration as a graduate research assistant at the Utah State University

He studied the effects of terrain and biome on geophysical variables bycoupling a boundary layer model with airborne data as part of his PhDdissertation He is currently exploring the potential for coupling remotelysensed satellite data with a network of agricultural weather stations tomap evapotranspiration for the State of California

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Alain Vidal is Head of the European and International Affairs Office of the

Cemagref located in Montpellier, France He graduated as an tural and environmental engineer from Engref, Paris, France, in 1985,and received his PhD in water sciences and remote sensing from theUniversity of Montpellier, France, in 1989 He started his professionalactivity in Morocco where he worked as junior engineer for an irrigationagency (1986–88) He was project leader (1988–92) and then researchleader at the Cemagref-Engref remote sensing laboratory (1992–96) From

agricul-1996 to 1998, he was senior scientist at the Cemagref Irrigation researchunit, in charge of international networks and of remote sensing and GISapplications His expertise covers bioclimatology, land surface fluxes,remote sensing applied to irrigation management and to forest fire riskassessment, and water conservation in agriculture During his career,Vidal has been involved in research and development projects in Morocco,Pakistan, Mexico, and Ecuador, and via scientific cooperation with vari-ous universities and research institutes in Europe and in the United States

He has authored and co-authored more than 30 refereed papers or invitedconferences, and has been editor of four scientific books or workshopproceedings He is very active in ICID, the International Commission onIrrigation and Drainage, where he is Vice-Chairman of the PermanentCommittee of Technical Activities

Anita Walz was a student at the University of Maryland at the time of

authorship She currently resides in Rochester, New York

Antonio Yagüe is the Founder and Chief Scientist of INFOCARTO, Spain.

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The genesis of this book began on the sunny shores of southern France

in September 1993 For five days in the delightful Mediterranean coastaltown of La Londe Les Maures, a gathering occurred of a group of scientistsinterested in furthering both the understanding and use of thermal infrared(TIR) remote sensing data for analysis of land surface processes Here theworkshop on Thermal Remote Sensing of the Energy and Water BalanceOver Vegetation in Conjunction with Other Sensors took place with theintent of assessing what the state-of-the-art of TIR remote sensing data was,and discussing how TIR data could be more widely used in research related

to the analysis and modeling of land surface energy fluxes and land surfaceprocesses by the larger scientific community Those in attendance at thisworkshop (including the editors of this book) were all of the same opinionthat TIR data offered a tremendous amount of information on surface energyflux characteristics and dynamics, yet these data were vastly underutilized

in land surface processes research As noted in the Executive Summary andOverview of the La Londe workshop:

The problem in demonstrating the value of thermal remote sensing lies

in (a) the difficulty of calibration and correction of the measured ance to consistent physical qualities, (b) the limited ability to estimateaccurately the surface energy fluxes over complex terrain, which mightconsist of a mixture of vegetation (including forests), sloping surfaces,water bodies, bare soil and urban landscapes, and (c) the detection andremoval of the effect of clouds Nevertheless, despite reservations onthe utility of thermal infrared measurements, many scientists think that

radi-a multispectrradi-al radi-approradi-ach to remote sensing, including thermradi-al infrradi-aredtemperature measurements, will prove to be essential

(La Londe Workshop 1993)Since the convening of the La Londe Workshop, there has been asubstantial increase in both the amount and availability of TIR remotesensing data, particularly from satellites This is particularly true with the

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advent of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA)Terra Earth Observing System that has a number of TIR sensors asso-ciated with it, such as the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emissionand Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus(ETM+), and Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)specifically designed for Earth observation and analysis (see the NASA

the increased availability of TIR, however, we see where the wide cation of these data to land surface processes has been limited for fivefundamental reasons:

surface processes are fragmented across the literature (e.g forestry, ogy, geography, meteorology, climatology) and, thus, there is an absence

geol-of a strong or concerted focus for using TIR data specifically in landsurface processes research

under-stood from a theoretical and applications perspective across the Earthscience research community

difficult to understand, which severely limits the application of thesedata to only those who have the desire, background, and need to workthrough the basics of thermal theory

obtain consistent physical measurements of land surface properties

the perception that TIR data are inaccessible or difficult to obtain

It is our purpose here to assist in overcoming these misconceptions onthe uses and applications of TIR data for land surface processes research

By doing so, we hope to promote wider use of TIR data for analysis ofland surface processes for more robustly examining landscape and land–atmosphere dynamics in Earth system science studies It is our intent throughthe material presented in this volume to:

quanti-tative measurements of the fluxes and redistribution of surface thermalenergy balance characteristics for developing a better understanding ofland surface process and land–atmosphere interactions

further our understanding of the role of thermal energy balance andsurface energy fluxes in driving land processes

http://terra.nasa.govhttp://landsat.gsfc.nasa.govfor more information on these sensors) Despite

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3 To elucidate both the prospects and problems of using TIR data in landprocesses research that will be useful to those wishing to employ thesedata as a major component in Earth system science research.

research of the land surface to facilitate the development of new andimproved satellite and airborne TIR remote sensing systems in the future

Thus, it is our overall intent in preparing this book to fill a significantvoid in the remote sensing literature and also to develop a more well definedniche for furthering the use of TIR data in future research on land surfaceprocesses Above all, it was our purpose to make this a “how to” book asmuch as possible – one that illustrates how TIR data have been used in, orapplied to, land surface processes research and to assess the utility of new TIRsensors for analysis of surface energy flux parameters and characteristics –rather than being a volume that just discusses the prospects and problems ofusing TIR data We trust with the chapters included in this volume that wehave “hit our mark” and that readers will find this book an informative anduseful reference in exploring the utility of TIR data in their own researchapplications and initiatives

We wish to thank the NASA George C Marshall Space Flight Center(NASA/MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama, for the support given to us through-out the development of this book NASA/MSFC has both permitted, andencouraged us, to pursue the editing of this volume as part of our day-to-day work activities – which we sincerely appreciate Additionally, we areindebted to the NASA Earth Science Enterprise as a whole for providing uswith project funding for various TIR research endeavors that have spurred

us on to produce a book of this type as a resource for the entire Earth sciencecommunity Moreover, we are most grateful for the diligence, patience, andcontributions provided by the authors of the chapters that are included inthis book Without their interest and support, this book would never havecome to fruition We must, too, extend our heart-felt thanks to our familiesfor what they have had to endure throughout the organization and compi-lation of this book Our absences away from them for activities related tothe development of this book, such as for meetings or conferences, has beendefinitely noted – but accepted – by our respective families We cannot ade-quately express our appreciation to them for their forbearance and for theircontinued love and support throughout this endeavor For this, we wish todedicate this book to them

We must also give our humblest and deepest thanks to the “unsungheros” of this book – the reviewers – for their thoughtful and insightfulcomments on each of the chapters Their review comments and sugges-tions on content, theory, and overall structure of each chapter are extremelyappreciated by both ourselves and the chapter authors, in helping to make

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this a technically and scientifically sound volume We wish to acknowledgethe reviewers of the chapters for this book as listed below:


And three anonymous reviewers


La Londe Workshop (1993) Workshop on thermal remote sensing of the energy andwater balance over vegetation in conjunction with other sensors Organized byThe Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, EarthSystem Science Center, University Park, Pennsylvania, the Centre d’etude desEnvironnements Terrestre et Planétaires (CETP), Centre Universitaire Technique,Vélizy, France, and the CEMAGREF-ENGREF, Remote Sensing Lab, Montpellier,France La Londe Les Maures, France, September 20–23, CEMAGREF-ENGREF,Montpellier Cedex 5, France, 330 pages

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Part I

Thermal infrared data for

assessment and quantification

of surface energy fluxes

and soil moisture

Ngày đăng: 11/08/2014, 21:21

