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VGA display based on FPGA

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VGA display based on FPGA VGA (video graphics array), as a standard interface, has already been applications widely. There are a lot of FPGAbased VGA controller designs on which, however, there are still larger defects such as lowresolution display and the Chinese characters display modules occupying large resource. Therefore, we propose the use of VHDL as a logical means to describe the completion of highresolution VGA control module and a resourceconserving string display module design, and provide two main modules of designing ideas and logic diagrams. And experiments show that: while the Chinese characters ensure a highresolution display, the storage resources needed by the display decreased significantly.

VGA Display Based VHDL on FPGA         Abstract !" # $%&'("$$ #$(# )     % $  *   " #(#(   $ %+ $,$)(#  " -% $,. ..&'.*   !"  #$  %  !#&  "##'()*  +   +#  #$  +  #  , &&-+.!"/,.# #+&-## .  +  $  +  +  ##  +&     #&+  +&    0   &&-+.+# "  #  #  #  +  $    #&+ +&. !"!" #  &-,    +#  !"  #&+ +&1&!"#&+ +&2#.+#   !"  #&+  +&    "   3#+-#$#+#. +#!"#&++& .  445644789:  ;&  $##  + !#  ;#++#  .    #  !" #$    +&    ##    # +++    +  .  .  #  +   /.++##+ +.++.+,#3 -,+&.#& #3-,..&1 3#+- #,++ + ++ ++<1,##+# & .#++. ,# $#.#  +    ,+      =  #$#+  + .+#,>;!" 9?>!">"  !"  +      ++  +#  $   &#+&.+,#$#.#, @A  (B7    +  &#+ #+&#        1##  +& C&+  #      ++  !" #$#&+.+&#++ #&#., =#+  #+$#    ##  ++  %  ! @*#:/#-+#:- ++#D"+.+&#   .  =  ,  +      +& C&+."+& C&++ +&++ #+#/&#++# #/+&#.&# A. VGA Interface Signals # # . +!"#$++ +&++#+ #+#E++.,( ,(F+$!"#$G+ & "2#,  G  !# @ # G 9#: G#:- #-G#:- "  #  #  H#  $#C+  $   #:  +#:-  +    /#- +#:-  +  $#    , &#+-9#+,& #  $  $#C+  ##+&    + #+-+    #  E+  +.  ,8 Table2 List of Frequencies Corresponding to Common Resolutions [3] Resolution Horizontal Sync(KHz) Vertical Sync (Hz) Pixel Clock (MHz) 640×480 800×600 800×600 1024×768 1024×768 31.496 48.077 46.875 48.363 56.476 59.940 72.188 75.000 60.004 70.069 25.175 50.000 49.500 65.000 75.000 !"#,+>;!". +#  +  =/  ++  #: +#:-+/#-+#:- +#+# +  ,+"+=/++,+ !"#$$#>;!". #$!" B. 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Ngày đăng: 11/08/2014, 19:47

