CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND DIAGNOSIS OF NAFLD 161 Furthermore, questions about family history of diabetes or NAFLD are important. One small study showed that out of eight families, 18 family members with NAFLD were discovered [21]. Another study found that 16 out of 90 patients with NASH had a first-degree relative with the disease [22]. While no familial inheritance pattern emerged, this suggests that environmental as well as genetic factors are likely to have a role in this disease. These findings have prompted the search for genetic abnormalities that may predis- pose susceptible individuals to NAFLD. Some of the genes currently being evaluated include those that influ- ence development of hepatic steatosis such as leptin [23], apolipoprotein E [24] and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) [25], genes encoding proteins involved in the adaptive response to oxidative stress such as manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) [26] and genes influencing tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) expression, such as CD14 [27]. The relationship of dietary habits to insulin resist- ance and hepatic triglyceride metabolism is currently being investigated. A recent study evaluated the dietary habits of 25 NASH patients compared with 25 age-, gender- and BMI-matched controls. Each patient was required to keep a 7-day alimentary record followed by oral glucose and oral fat load testing. The results Table 13.2 Medications associated with hepatic steatosis. Macrovesicular steatosis Isoniazid Methotrexate Allopurinol Halothane α-Methyldopa Corticosteroids Microvesicular steatosis Tamoxifen Valproic acid Tetracycline Salicyclic acid Ibuprofen Fialuridine Didanosine Mixed macrovesicular/microvesicular Amiodarone Perhexiline Fig. 13.1 An abdominal computerized tomography (CT) image of a patient with right upper quadrant abdominal fullness and pain. The image shown reveals that the liver has a lower density than the spleen, indicating hepatic steatosis. The liver also appears enlarged anteriorly, a finding that probably explains her pain. A liver biopsy showed moderate mixed macro- and microsteatosis involving 33–66% of hepatocytes. There was mild inflammatory activity (grade 1) and no significant fibrosis (stage 1). suggesting polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is associated with insulin resistance [20] and may be associated with NAFLD, although this has yet to be formally reported. CHAPTER 13 162 demonstrated that the patients with NASH ate diets higher in saturated fats with less polyunsaturated fatty acids, fibre and the antioxidant vitamins C and E. Inter- estingly, this study also showed that the NASH cohort had higher postprandial total triglyceride and very- low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglyceride levels when compared with controls. Also, the postprandial apolipo- protein B48 and B100 levels did not rise with elevated triglyceride levels in NASH patients, as they did in the control group, suggesting a possible defect in the gen- eration of apolipoproteins in NASH patients [28]. Physical examination Clinical stigmata of chronic liver disease such as the characteristic peripheral muscle wasting, gynaecom- astia, spider telangiectasias or caput medusa are rarely seen on initial presentation. Interestingly, while spider telangiectasias are well described in alcoholic liver dis- ease, they do not seem to be as prevalent in NAFLD. Most patients will have a rather unremarkable exam- ination. Cross-sectional studies suggest that up to 50% of patients may have hepatomegaly on initial presenta- tion [3,12]. The majority of patients will be overweight (BMI > 25 kg/m 2 ), and are likely to have an elevated waist : hip ratio, indicating abdominal adiposity. The ratio is calculated by dividing the waist circumference by the hip circumference. A recent study demonstrated that NAFLD patients, even in the presence of normal body weight, have increased visceral adiposity [29]. Hypertension is found in 15–68% of cases reported to date [3,6,12]. Occasionally, female patients may exhibit increased acne and hirsutism, suggesting the underlying endocrine abnormality of PCOS. Finally, one should pay attention to the physical findings suggestive of under- lying lipodystrophies. Lipodystrophies are typically characterized by an abnormal fat distribution. Acanthosis nigricans (hyperpigmented, velvety plaques found in body folds) is recognized as a clinical marker of insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus, and is frequently identified in patients with excessive weight gain [30]. Given that patients with NAFLD have insulin resistance as a general rule and tend to be overweight, it would stand to reason that acanthosis nigricans would be found with increasing prevalence in patients with NAFLD. While this has been noted in children with NAFLD, there are no data explicitly stating the pre- valence of this skin finding in adults with NAFLD. Right upper quadrant tenderness is sometimes found. This is likely related to capsular extension by the hepatic parenchyma (Fig. 13.1). Some evidence suggests that this occurs in up to 30% of patients [12], although the pain is vague and often not specifically sought or noted in the patient’s history. Laboratory data Typically, the ALT and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) will be raised, but usually less than four times the upper limit of normal. Some patients may have normal liver enzymes [31,32]. Patients with NAFLD have an ALT predominance over AST, in contrast to alcoholic liver disease. However, if advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis is present, the AST : ALT ratio may approach or even exceed 1. It is important to note that several studies indicate that aminotransferase values do not correlate with underlying histological activity, and in fact enzymes may be within the normal range despite advanced liver disease [31]. While the aminotransferases are typically the only liver enzyme abnormality, occasionally the alkaline phosphatase may be mildly elevated. Unless the patient is presenting with advanced disease, the serum bilirubin, albumin and coagulation studies are normal. Hyperlipidaemia is found in 21–83% of patients and is usually a result of elevated triglycerides. Given that up to 75% of patients will have diabetes, the fasting glucose levels and haemoglobin A 1C may also be elevated. The relevance of hyperglycaemia to the pathogenesis of NAFLD is uncertain. Serum iron studies, to include ferritin, are often abnormal in patients with NAFLD. In fact, ferritin levels have been reported to be elevated in 40–62% of patients [7,12,13,33]. Some studies evaluating iron overload and abnormal iron indices in NAFLD patients demonstrate collectively that while serum iron indices and ferritin may be abnormal, hepatic iron concentra- tion is usually normal [13,34]. By comparison, the majority of iron-overloaded patients have some degree of insulin resistance, similar to the mechanism of fat accumulation within the liver [35,36]. Mendler recently evaluated 161 patients with iron overload and found that 28% had NASH, with a mean ferritin of 698 [37]. More recently, with the advent of genetic testing for hereditary haemochromatosis, studies have demon- strated that mutations in the HFE gene can be seen in up to 60% of patients with NAFLD [33,34,38]. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND DIAGNOSIS OF NAFLD 163 Subsequently, several investigators have attempted to correlate the prevalence of HFE mutations with iron overload and advanced stages of NAFLD. Two studies, both performed at iron-overload referral centres, sug- gested an association between HFE mutations, iron overload and severity of underlying histopathology [33,34]. However, neither study controlled for age, obesity or diabetes; all factors which have been shown to be independent predictors of advanced stages of NAFLD. Furthermore, there have been two subsequent studies that did not demonstrate an association between iron overload and advanced fibrosis in NAFLD [7,39]. As interest in this field grows, it is becoming clear that NAFLD can be found in the presence of other liver disease such as hepatitis B and C, autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, α 1 -antitrypsin defi- ciency and haemochromatosis [40]. Consequently, it is important that other concomitant causes of chronic liver disease are considered when patients are evaluated for suspected NAFLD. Serological testing obtained at the time of initial presentation should include a chronic viral hepatitis panel for B and C, fasting iron levels, antinuclear and antismooth muscle antibodies, anti- mitochondrial antibody, serum protein electrophoresis and, if under the age of 40 years, ceruloplasmin assess- ment should also be made. Imaging studies Various imaging modalities have been utilized to detect fatty liver, with differing levels of success. Ultrasound is likely to be the most available option, but computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also are useful. On ultrasound, the fatty liver is diffusely echogenic, the so-called ‘bright’ liver. CT scans can detect low-density liver parenchyma that is contrasted to that of the spleen, indicating steatosis. While typically a diffuse process, occasionally hepatic steatosis can be localized. Alternatively, the opposite may hold true, when the entire liver is fatty with focal areas of spared normal hepatic parenchyma. This may give the appearance of a high-density lesion that could be mistaken for a potential neoplastic process [41]. MRI scanning is sometimes utilized, but the cost and avail- ability of this imaging technique limits its usefulness. A recent trial by Saadeh et al. [42] prospectively evaluated ultrasound, CT and MRI for the diagnosis of NAFLD. This study demonstrated that all three of these modalities had good sensitivity for detecting NAFLD, as long as there was more than 30% fat deposition in the liver. However, none of these imaging studies were able to different simple steatosis from NASH. This study demonstrated that using a cut-off of 33% fat deposition in the liver, ultrasound had a sensitivity of 100% and CT scan had a sensitivity of 93%. How- ever, the positive predictive values were only 62% and 76%, respectively [42]. An additional study evaluating ultrasound detection of fatty liver demonstrated a sensitivity of 67%, a specificity of 77% and a positive predictive value of 67% [43]. The imaging modality with the most promise in differentiating simple fatty liver from more advanced stages of disease is nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Interestingly, there is close to 100% correlation between hepatic triglyceride content obtained via NMR and liver biopsy [44]. More- over, newer techniques using 31 P have been able to differentiate varying degrees of fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C virus, suggesting a possible similar benefit in patients with more advanced NAFLD [45]. Liver biopsy The decision of when to perform a liver biopsy in patients with NAFLD can sometimes be quite difficult and is certainly not without debate. Recent studies have looked at the utility of performing a liver biopsy in asymptomatic patients with chronically elevated amino- transferases. One study, in more than 350 patients without serological evidence of other forms of liver disease, found NAFLD or NASH in 66% of cases [46]. Additionally, management decisions were altered 18% of the time. This work was corroborated by a similar study in 81 ‘marker negative’ patients that showed NAFLD or NASH in 83% of the biopsy specimens [47]. Recent data suggest that at the time of initial biopsy, up to 30–40% of NASH patients will have advanced fibrosis [2,12] and cirrhosis may be found in up to 20% of cases. In fact, there is some suggestion that many obese patients with NASH will have normal amino- transferases at the time of presentation, but will have advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis found on the biopsy [31]. Currently, non-invasive imaging modalities are unable to distinguish between NAFLD and NASH, making a liver biopsy the only way to differentiate between these two entities. Some authors suggest that because there is little specific or definitive treatment for NAFLD at CHAPTER 13 164 the present time, liver biopsies should be reserved for those patients willing to enter clinical trials. Interest- ingly, performing a biopsy and establishing a diagnosis may favourably impact a person’s outcome independ- ent of specific treatment [48]. While long-term natural history studies in NAFLD are lacking, data at present suggest that patients with simple fatty liver alone have a much lower likelihood of progression to cirrhosis than if there is histolo- gical evidence of ballooning degeneration or necrosis, or perisinusoidal fibrosis. When these abnormalities are present, up to 20% of patients may progress to cirrhosis. Given this debate over whether or not to perform liver biopsies in patients presenting with a high clinical suspicion of NAFLD, several authors have evaluated clinical data obtained on routine clinic visits to deter- mine independent predictors of advanced fibrosis to guide the clinician to proceed more aggressively and perform a liver biopsy, or take a more conservative approach and defer the liver biopsy and treat with current standard therapy for the associated comorbid associated metabolic disorders [5,6,13,19,31,49,50]. The studies outlined in Table 13.3 demonstrate the independent predictors of fibrosis found in NAFLD patients. Age at the time of diagnosis, obesity and diabetes are found in the majority of the studies to be predictors of advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis. Work is currently in progress in large cohorts of NAFLD patients to develop a simple scoring system for detect- ing advanced fibrosis, non-invasively, based on clinical variables readily obtainable. In summary, the decision to perform a liver biopsy should be individualized, taking into account how the information gained might influence patient and physician decisions. If excluding less likely diagnoses and establishing a diagnosis of NASH is important, then obtaining these important diagnostic data can outweigh the risks involved. Conclusions The prevalence of NAFLD is increasing in our society. While most patients with NAFLD are thought to have a benign natural history, some patientsaparticularly those Table 13.3 Non-invasive predictors of significant fibrosis in NASH patients. Histological Mean Mean Female Stage 0–2 Stage 3–5 Non-invasive Author N staging system BMI age (%) (%) (%) predictors of fibrosis Angulo et al. [13] 144 Brunt [51] 31.2 50.5 67 73 27 Age, obesity, DM Marceau et al. [48] 93 METAVIR [52] 47 36 80 88 12 Age, steatosis, FBS, with histological evaluation WHR, BMI, DM García-Monzón [31] 32 Brunt 50.5 41 65 84 16 Age, steatosis, Inflammation grade Ratziu et al. [5] 93 METAVIR 29.1 49 34 84 16 Age, BMI, ALT, triglycerides, inflammation grade Dixon et al. [19] 26 Brunt 47.2 44 58 59 41 HTN, ALT, C-peptide, Homa%B Chitturi et al. [7] 93 Brunt 32 49 40 67 33 Female, DM, inflammation grade Harrison & Hayashi [6] 102 Brunt 33.9 51.3 43 81 19 BMI, AST : ALT ratio, HgbA 1 C ALT, alanine aminotransferase; BMI, body mass index; DM, diabetes mellitus; FBS, fasting blood sugar; Homa%B, homoeostasis model assessment, a validated method of estimating insulin resistance and B islet cell function; WHR, waist : hip ratio. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND DIAGNOSIS OF NAFLD 165 with NASHamay progress to cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease. This chapter provides the clinician with clues as to the underlying histopathological diagnosis based on historical facts, physical examination, labora- tory data and imaging studies. Additionally, a review of independent clinical predictors of advanced NAFLD is provided to assist the clinician in making a decision to pursue further evaluation with a liver biopsy. An algorith- mic approach to diagnosis is provided (Fig. 13.2), in the hope of assisting the clinician in making these decisions. Patient referred for abnormal liver enzymes History and physical examination Repeat liver enzymes Elevated ALT or AST Consider Consider Normal ALT or AST Non-invasive assessment of advanced fibrosis Imaging Non-invasive assessment of advanced fibrosis Clinical indication of advanced fibrosis No evidence of advanced fibrosis Repeat liver enzymes in 6 months Liver biopsy No follow up necessary Liver biopsy Fatty liver No fatty liver No evidence of advanced fibrosis Clinical indication of advanced fibrosis Fig. 13.2 An algorithm summarizing common diagnostic decisions encountered during the management of suspected non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Patients are often identified initially by elevations of the alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST), although the enzymes may be normal despite advanced liver disease resulting from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). If the enzymes are elevated without known reversible causes such as medication-induced elevations, then a liver biopsy is often considered. If the enzymes are normal and imaging studies show the presence of fat (NAFLD), then the approach is less certain and continued observation during lifestyle modification may be warranted. CHAPTER 13 166 References 1 Harrison SA, Diehl AM. Fat and the liver: a molecular overview. Semin Gastrointest Dis 2002; 13: 3–16. 2 Lee RG. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: a study of 49 patients. Hum Pathol 1989; 20: 594–8. 3 Ludwig J, Viggiano TR, McGill DB, Ott BJ. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Mayo Clinic Proc 1980; 55: 434–8. 4 Sheth SG, Gordon FD, Chopra S. Non-alcoholic steato- hepatitis. Ann Intern Med 1997; 126: 137–45. 5 Ratziu V, Giral P, Charlotte F et al. Liver fibrosis in over- weight patients. Gastroenterology 2000; 118: 1117–23. 6 Harrison SA, Hayashi P. 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Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: a proposal for grading and staging the histologic lesions. Am J Gastroenterol 1999; 94: 2467–74. 52 French METAVIR Cooperative Study Group. Intra- observer and interobserver variations in liver biopsies in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology 1994; 20: 15–20. 168 Abstract The natural history of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) ranges from a stable long-term condition to a progressive disease leading to cirrhosis, portal hypertension and hepatocellular cancer. Cirrhosis often becomes evident at approximately 60 years, although it may develop at a much younger age and even in adolescence. It may be associated with histological steatohepatitis (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis [NASH] with cirrhosis) but it may also present as ‘cryptogenic’ cirrhosis with loss of characteristic steatosis. Preliminary data indicate that the risk for progression of NASH to cirrhosis varies with the histological characteristics of the initial biopsy. Simple steatosis (NAFLD type 1) and steatosis with only inflammation (NAFLD type 2) appear to be stable. In contrast, steatosis with inflamma- tion plus fibrosis, balloon cells and/or Mallory bodies (NAFLD types 3–4 or NASH) carries a substantial risk for progression to cirrhosis (up to 20% over 5–7 years). If future studies confirm these estimates, the high pre- valence of NAFLD and NASH in industrialized coun- tries points to a tremendous increase in the incidence of cirrhosis over the foreseeable future. Although patients The clinical outcome of NAFLD including cryptogenic cirrhosis Stephen H. Caldwell & Anita Impagliazzo Hylton 14 Key learning points 1 The long-term prognosis for patients with NASH appears to depend on the initial histology. NAFLD types 1 and 2 (simple steatosis and steatosis with mild inflammation) are relatively stable conditions. How- ever, NAFLD types 3–4 (NASH, characterized by the presence of fibrosis, balloon cells and Mallory bodies) is potentially progressive, with approximately 20% having increased fibrosis and up to 20% progressing to cirrhosis over 5–7 years. 2 Data regarding the natural course of NAFLD are limited. Furthermore, the potential progression to cirrhosis is often obscured by the insidious nature of NASH and the effects of medications for associated conditions (obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidaemia). Some medications such as tamoxifen, methotrexate and amiodarone may accelerate the condition. 3 Although vascular disease remains a predominant clinical concern, the development of cirrhosis produces substantial and often unrecognized morbidity. Common problems, which may be confused with depression, heart disease or intrinsic lung disease, include subtle encephalopathy, fluid retention and hepatopulmonary physiology. 4 Cirrhosis may also present as ‘cryptogenic cirrhosis’ with loss of characteristic fatty infiltration on biopsy. It commonly remains silent and goes unrecognized until the onset of a major complication of portal hyper- tension such as ascites or variceal bleeding. Hepatocellular cancer is increasingly observed in these patients. Fatty Liver Disease: NASH and Related Disorders Edited by Geoffrey C. Farrell, Jacob George, Pauline de la M. Hall, Arthur J. McCullough Copyright © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd CLINICAL OUTCOME OF NAFLD 169 may rarely present with subacute liver failure, NASH is more typically an insidious process; liver disease is often unsuspected until a major complication develops such as ascites, variceal bleeding or hepatocellular cancer. While death in NAFLD is commonly the result of diabetes-associated vascular disease, the development of cirrhosis carries substantial but often unrecognized morbidity, and cirrhosis-related problems may eventu- ally dominate the clinical course. In addition, the hepatic effects of concomitant therapy for obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidaemia present the clinician with additional uncertainty and as yet unresolved issues of long-term risk versus benefit. Introduction Although it is one of the most common of all liver dis- orders [1,2], the natural history of NAFLD remains in large part unclear. It is apparent that for many people with fatty liver, the condition is stable for years without overt symptoms. It may be a minor concern to their physician and lead to additional testing for viral hepatitis and admonitions regarding alcohol use. If associated with abnormal liver enzymes, it may be a hindrance to purchasing life insurance and may produce confusion over medication side-effects but it often remains static indefinitely. However, it is now apparent that a sub- stantial proportion of these patients will ultimately develop more severe liver injury presenting with new- onset ascites or variceal bleeding many years after the diagnosis of ‘fatty liver’. In addition, biopsy performed for abnormal liver enzymes frequently reveals NASH with bridging fibrosis or even silent cirrhosis. It has also become common to see older patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis in the setting of prior known fatty liver, long- standing obesity and type 2 diabetes. Advanced liver disease may become the dominant clinical problem in these patients, overtaking diabetes-related vascular disease. Not uncommonly, these patients eventually develop hepatocellular cancer. We review the current understanding of this remarkably broad spectrum of clinical severity associated with NAFLD (Fig. 14.1). Historical perspective An association between obesity and liver injury has been known since at least the mid-nineteenth century [3,4]. A number of papers in the mid-twentieth century further reported a relationship between steatosis, poten- tially progressive liver injury and obesity [5]. Later, the association between intestinal bypass and progressive steatohepatitis further raised awareness of this dis- ease [6]. However, even after the publication of several landmark papers in the 1980s (including that of Ludwig which provided the disease with its most common appellation ‘NASH’) [7], it became commonly accepted that ‘fatty liver’ was a benign condition warranting little concern for the patient, the primary care physician, the endocrinologist or even the gastroenterologist. While these misconceptions have largely faded, there remains a good deal of lingering doubt about the overall pro- gnosis of fatty liver. Outcome of NAFLD based on initial histological classification A conceptual division of NAFLD into ‘big’ and ‘little’ NASH was proposed at a consensus conference in 1998. McCullough noted at that time that there existed a spectrum of disorders which appropriately fall under the broad term ‘fatty liver disease’. Since then, this same group has published a refined classification of NAFLD [8]. The authors ascertained 132 patients with long- term follow-up and whose baseline biopsy, performed between 1979 and 1987, had NAFLD. The biopsies were grouped into classes (Table 14.1): NAFLD type 1 or simple steatosis; type 2 or steatosis with inflamma- tion; and types 3 and 4 characterized by steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis, balloon cells or Mallory bodies. A recent paper [9] has shown a high degree of correlation between types 3 and 4, such that these are now typically put together as one group representing ‘NASH’. The primary outcomes of cirrhosis, mortality and liver-related mortality were determined with an average follow-up of 8 years. The groups consisted of 49 type 1, 10 type 2, 19 type 3 and 54 type 4 subjects. Testing for hepatitis C virus (HCV) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a subset of the biopsies excluded HCV as a significant factor in most patients. No age or gender differences were noted between these groups. Combining types 1 and 2 and comparing these to the combined type 3 and 4 groups, the authors noted no difference in overall mortality, but a substantial difference in the frequency of cirrhosis was observed. Clinically defined cirrhosis developed CHAPTER 14 170 Ascites Bleeding varices ?Annual attrition rate ?% ?% Cryptogenic cirrhosis with loss of steatosis Cirrhosis with hepatocellular cancer HCC may be a factor in decompensation Cirrhosis ~20% Increased fibrosis ~20% Stable 60% 5–7 YEARS Rare progression to cirrhosis NASH w/cirrhosis ?MORBIDITY Stable course over decades S t a b i l i z a t i o n TYPE 1–2 NAFLD TYPE 3–4 NAFLD (NASH) [...]... esophageal varices, gastric arterio-venous ectosia) Patients with NAFLD are at risk of both liver- related and non -liver- related (particularly vascular) morbidity and mortality In those with earlier fibrotic stages of NAFLD at diagnosis, non -liver disease- related disease end-points are likely to predominate, while in those with advanced hepatic fibrosis, liver disease- related endpoints are likely to have... peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage in non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases J Hepatol 2002; 3 7: 56 62 71 Ip E, Farrell, GC, Hall P et al Administration of the potent PPARα against, Wy-14 ,64 3, reverses nutritional fibrosis and steatohepatitis in mice Hepatology 2004; 3 9: 12 86 96 72 Ong J, Younossi ZM, Reddy V et al Cryptogenic cirrhosis and posttransplantation non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [Abstract] Liver. .. and comparison of the recommendations 192 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 of the American Diabetes Association, Veterans Health Administration, and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Clin Ther 2000; 2 2: 899–910; discussion 898 Assy N, Svalb S, Hussein O Orlistat (xenical) reverses fatty liver disease and improves hepatic fibrosis in obese patients with NASH Hepatology 2001; 3 4:. .. 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