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Fatty Liver Disease : Nash and Related Disorders - part 7 ppsx

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MANAGEMENT OF NASH 195 from clinical trials evaluating promising medications are discussed, as well as possibilities for the future. Introduction Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a medical condition that may progress to end-stage liver disease with the consequent development of cirrhosis and liver failure. The spectrum of NAFLD is wide, ranging from simple fat accumulation in hepatocytes (steatosis) with- out biochemical or histological evidence of inflammation or fibrosis, through fat accumulation plus necroinflam- matory activity with or without fibrosis (steatohepatitis or NASH), to the development of advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis (cirrhotic stage). All these stages are his- tologically indistinguishable from those produced by excessive alcohol consumption, but occur in patients who deny alcohol abuse. NASH is a histological diag- nosis and represents only a stage within the spectrum of NAFLD. NAFLD should be differentiated from steatosis with or without hepatitis resulting from well- known secondary causes of fatty liver as they have distinctly different pathogeneses and outcomes; these disorders are listed in Chapter 1 (Table 1.2) and dis- cussed in Chapter 21. The terms ‘NAFLD’ and ‘NASH’ are currently reserved for those patients in whom none of the known single causes of fatty liver disease are responsible for the liver condition. Other liver diseases that may present with a component of steatosis such as viral or autoimmune hepatitis and metabolic/hereditary liver diseases should be appropriately excluded. These other liver diseases may themselves be associated with steatosis, and individuals suffering from these other liver diseases may also have risk factors for NAFLD (see Chapter 23) [1]. Obesity, type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridaemia, common features of the insulin resistance (metabolic) syndrome (IRS) (see Chapter 5), are the most common risk factors or co- existent conditions associated with NAFLD/NASH. Given the common occurrence and increasing preva- lence of these comorbidities in the general population (see Chapter 3), NAFLD seems to be the most preva- lent liver disease in the USA and many other countries. Although the pathogenesis of NAFLD remains un- known, insulin resistance represents the most repro- ducible predisposing factor for this liver condition (see Chapters 4 and 5) [2]. The natural history of NAFLD at its different stages remains incompletely studied (see Chapters 3 and 14), but it is clear that some patients, particularly those with simple steatosis, follow a relatively benign course. Simple steatosis usually remains stable for many years, and will probably never progress in most patients [3]. Thus patients who develop problems from NAFLD usually have NASH with advanced fibrosis, at least as we currently understand this condition (see Chapters 1, 2 and 14). Hence, the decision to intervene with medi- cal therapy should be aimed at arresting disease pro- gression and, ideally, be restricted to those patients at risk of developing advanced liver disease (NASH patients and those with more advanced fibrosis). In this chapter, we review existing medical therapy for patients with NASH, the emerging data from clin- ical trials evaluating potentially useful medications, and the potential therapeutic implications of recent studies on the pathogenesis of this liver disease. Treatment of associated conditions A large body of clinical and epidemiological data gathered during the last three decades indicates that obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia are major associated conditions or predisposing factors leading to the development of NAFLD. Hence, it is reasonable to believe that the prevention or appropriate management of these conditions would lead to improve- ment or arrest of the liver disease. NAFLD associated with obesity Effects of weight loss Weight loss improves insulin sensitivity (see Chapter 4), and NAFLD may resolve with weight reduction (see Chapter 15), but there are no randomized clinical trials of weight control as treatment for this liver condition. An early report describes two patients whose biopsy showed steatosis, necroinflammation and fibrosis which significantly improved following 11 and 20 kg weight loss, respectively over 1 year [4]. In another report, five obese patients stopped eating for some time and lost 14–30 kg within 1 month. Serum levels of liver enzymes appeared to be unaffected by starvation. The hepatic fat content decreased in three of them, but fibrosis became more prominent in four of the five patients [5]. In another series [6], 10 obese patients CHAPTER 16 196 who were treated with prolonged fasting for a mean of 71 days lost a mean of 41 kg and had a marked reduc- tion in fatty infiltration. However, areas of focal necro- sis were more numerous and some patients developed bile stasis. Similar effects were noted in seven obese sub- jects who experienced a mean weight reduction of 60 kg during a mean period of 5 months after treatment with a diet of 500 kcal/day. In this same series, 14 patients maintained a mean weight loss of approxi- mately 65 kg for 1.5 years, and in nine of them the liver biopsy findings normalized; there were only rare areas of focal necrosis in the remaining five patients [6]. Another case series of 39 obese patients reported marked biochemical improvement, particularly in those patients who lost more than 10% of body weight [7]. Liver biopsies were not performed in any of these patients. In another series [8], 41 morbidly obese patients with different stages of NAFLD had a median weight loss of 34 kg during treatment with a very low energy diet (388 kcal/day). The degree of fat infiltra- tion improved significantly. However, one-fifth of patients, particularly those patients with more pro- nounced reduction of fatty changes and faster weight loss, developed slight portal inflammation or fibrosis. None of the patients losing less than 230 g/day or approximately 1.6 kg/week developed fibrosis. A sig- nificant improvement in liver test results was noted regardless of the histological changes. In a more recent study [9], liver biochemistries and the degree of fatty infiltration improved significantly in 15 obese patients with different stages of NAFLD who were treated with a restricted diet (25 cal/kg/day) plus exercise for 3 months. Improvement in the degree of inflammation and fibrosis also occurred in some patients. Weight reduction in obese children Information regarding the effect of weight loss in obese children with NAFLD is sparse (see Chapter 19). In one case series [10], seven of nine obese children with NAFLD who adhered to treatment with energy restricting diet and increased exercise lost approxim- ately 500 g/week. This led to improvement in serum aminotransferase (AT) levels and degree of hepatic steatosis evaluated by ultrasonography. Post-treatment liver histology normalized in the only child who under- went liver biopsy. In a more recent series [11], 33 obese children with abnormal liver tests resulting from NAFLD underwent 6 months of treatment with a moderately energy restrictive diet (mean 35 cal/kg/day; carbohydrates 65%, protein 12%, fat 23%) plus aerobic exercise (≥ 6 h/week) to achieve a weight loss of approximately 500 g/week. Liver tests became normal in all children who lost weight, whereas the degree of steatosis evalu- ated by ultrasonography improved significantly or normalized in all children who lost ≤ 10% of body weight. In another report [12], six obese children with NAFLD had improvement in serum AT with weight loss after a mean follow-up of 18 months. Optimal rate and extent of weight loss Based on the analysis of these studies [4–12], it is clear that weight loss, particularly if gradual, may lead to improvement in liver histology. However, the rate and degree of weight loss required for normalization of liver histology have not been established. It seems that the means by which or how fast weight loss is achieved is important, and may have a critical role in deter- mining whether improvement or more severe liver damage results. In patients with very extensive fatty infiltration, pronounced reduction of fatty change and fast weight loss may promote portal inflammation and fibrosis. Similarly, starvation or total fasting may lead to development of pericellular and portal fibrosis, bile stasis and focal necrosis [5,8]. This paradoxical effect seen in some patients may be caused by increased circulating free fatty acid levels derived from fat mobilization and thus a greater rate of exposure of the liver to an unusually high concentration of free fatty acids. Increased intrahepatic levels of fatty acids favour oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and cytokine induction, leading to a worsening of liver damage (see Chapters 7–10). Furthermore, serum AT levels almost always improve or normalize with weight loss, but they are poor predictors of worsening of liver histology despite of or resulting from weight loss. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) expert panel clinical guidelines for weight loss recommend that the initial target for weight loss should be 10% of baseline weight within a period of 6 months [13]. This can be achieved by losing approximately 0.45–0.90 kg/week (1–2 lb/week). Following initial success, further weight loss can be attempted, if indicated, through further assessment. The panel recommends weight loss using multiple interventions and strategies, including diet modifications, physical activity, behavioural therapy, MANAGEMENT OF NASH 197 pharmacotherapy and surgery, or a combination of these treatment modalities. The recommendation for a particular treatment modality or combination should be individualized, taking into consideration the body mass index and presence of concomitant risk factors and other diseases. The panel does not make specific recommendations for the subgroup of patients with NAFLD. However, given the lack of clinical trials in this area, the overall panel recommendations may be a useful and safe first step for obese patients with NAFLD. Similarly, no specific recommendations were made for monitoring of liver tests during weight loss. However, measuring serum AT once a month during weight loss seems appropriate. Composition of dietary prescriptions Different dietary energy restrictions have been used. However, further studies are necessary to determine the most appropriate content of the formula to be recommended for obese and/or diabetic patients with NAFLD/NASH. In the absence of well-controlled clin- ical trials in patients with NAFLD, it may be tempting to recommend a heart-healthy diet as recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA) for those without diabetes [14], and a diabetic diet as recom- mended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for those with diabetes [15]. Dietary supplementa- tion with n-3 polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids may improve insulin sensitivity and prevent liver damage [16]. Saturated fatty acids worsen insulin resistance whereas dietary fibre can improve it. Never- theless, the effect of such dietary modifications on the underlying liver disease in patients with NAFLD remains to be established. Diet to produce weight loss should always be prescribed on an individual basis and taking into consideration the patient’s overall health. Patients who have other obesity-related diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension or cardiovascular disease will require close medical super- vision during weight loss to adjust the medication dosage as needed. Medications to reduce weight Medications used to reduce body weight currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration include orlistat, phentermine and sibutramine. Their use results in weight reduction in many patients, but their effects on the liver disease remain undefined. Two small case series [17,18] suggest that weight loss achieved dur- ing treatment with the gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor orlistat may improve liver disease in obese patients. However, orlistat has been associated with cases of hepatotoxicity [19], and it therefore remains to be proven whether the risk : benefit ratio of orlistat or other weight-reducing medications justifies their use for the treatment of NAFLD. Surgical approaches to weight reduction Malabsorptive procedures (jejuno-ileal bypass, bilio- pancreatic diversions), popular weight-reducing surgical procedures in the 1960s and 1970s, have been virtually abandoned, mainly because of the high frequency of severe postoperative complications including worsening of liver disease (see Chapter 20) [20]. The development and worsening of NAFLD in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery may be caused by a combination of additive factors including protein or calorie malnutri- tion, increased fluxes and liver exposure to free fatty acids, and bacterial overgrowth in the defunctionalized intestinal segment. In this regard, enteral and parenteral supplementation of amino acids and proteins may be of benefit [21]. In a series of 33 obese patients undergoing intestinal bypass [22], metronidazole given at random intervals after surgery led to a significant improvement or normalization in the degree of steatosis. Restrictive procedures to achieve weight loss (gastric bypass, gastroplasty) are safer than malabsorptive pro- cedures. In 1999, the US Food and Drug Administration approved adjustable gastric banding as a weight- reducing procedure. The adjustable gastric band seems to be safer for liver disease because of the more gradual weight loss achieved (approximately 2.7–4.5 kg/month [6–10 lb/month]) [23]. Parenteral nutrition Patients receiving long-term total parenteral nutri- tion may develop fatty liver (see Chapter 21), partially because of choline deficiency. Choline supplementation has been reported to improve or revert hepatic steatosis [24,25]. Similarly, bacterial overgrowth in the resting intestine along with the lack of enteral stimulation has been implicated in the genesis of liver damage, includ- ing NAFLD, in patients on long-term total parenteral nutrition. Polymyxin B, a non-absorbable antibiotic that specifically binds to the lipid A-core region of lipopolysacharide [26] and metronidazole [27] has been shown to significantly improve the degree of fatty infiltration and reduce the production of tumour CHAPTER 16 198 necrosis factor (TNF), a key molecule in the devel- opment of insulin resistance in rats receiving total parenteral nutrition. NAFLD/NASH associated with diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia Obese patients with diabetes mellitus and/or hyper- lipidaemia should be enrolled in a weight control pro- gramme. The NHLBI/National Institutes of Health (NIH) [13], AHA [14] and ADA [15] expert panel recommendations may be useful for these patients (see above). However, the effect of such recommendations on liver disease in diabetic or hyperlipidaemic patients have not been studied systematically. Furthermore, the appropriate control of glucose and lipid levels in patients with diabetes and hyperlipidaemia is not always effective in reversing NAFLD. In obese ob/ob mice, an animal model of steatosis that develops insulin resistance, diabetes and hyper- lipidaemia [28], metformin, an oral antidiabetic med- ication, led to improvement in liver tests and degree of steatosis. Based on these findings, metformin and other insulin-sensitizing medications are being evalu- ated in humans with NAFLD (see later section and Chapter 24). Patients with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus and hepatomegaly show improve- ment in symptoms of hepatomegaly when appropriate control of hyperglycaemia is achieved. Hypertriglyc- eridaemia, rather than hypercholesterolaemia, is a risk factor for NAFLD (see Chapters 1 and 3). In this regard, gemfibrozil, atorvastatin and probucol but not clofibrate may improve the liver condition (see p. 201 and Chapter 24). NAFLD ‘without’ risk factors A subgroup of patients with liver biopsy-proven NAFLD/ NASH have normal body mass index and normal waist : hip ratio as well as normal glucose tolerance and normal lipid profile. These NAFLD patients who lack the most common associated risk factors are candidates for other treatment modalities such as pharmacological therapy. Also, although further work is necessary, this subset of patients with NAFLD may still be insulin resistant, and so improving insulin sensitivity through changing diet composition as opposed to caloric restriction, as well as increasing physical activity, may improve insulin sensitivity and lead to improvement of the liver disease. Drugs and hepatotoxins Several drugs and environmental exposure to some hepatotoxins have been recognized as potential causes of fatty liver, steatosis, steatohepatitis and even cirrhosis (see Chapter 21) [29]. The liver conditions resulting from these secondary causes differ to some extent from NAFLD in pathogenesis, pathology and outcomes. How- ever, a drug cause should always be sought in patients with NAFLD because withdrawal of a causative agent, when possible, can often lead to resolution of the liver disease. Pharmacological therapy Because rapid weight loss may worsen NAFLD/NASH, and weight control is a difficult task to accomplish for most obese patients, use of medications that can directly reduce the severity of liver damage independent of weight loss is a logical alternative. Pharmacological therapy may also benefit those patients who lack the most common risk factors or associated conditions, although it is becoming highly questionable whether such individuals, in the absence of central obesity or insulin resistance, have significant NASH (see Chapters 3, 5 and 15). The decision to intervene with pharmacological therapy aimed at the underlying liver disease is based on the anticipated risk of progression to severe liver disease. However, pharmacological therapy directed specifically at the liver disease has only recently been evaluated in patients with NAFLD. Most of these studies have been uncontrolled, open-label and lasting 1 year or less, and only a few of them have evaluated the effect of treatment on liver histology. Several studies are currently in progress, but some preliminary results have been reported (updated information is presented in Chapter 24). Insulin-sensitizing medications (Table 16.1) Type 2 diabetes mellitus and truncal (central) obesity are well-known conditions associated with resistance to normal peripheral actions of insulin. Indeed, insulin resistance represents the most reproducible predisposing factor for NAFLD, being present in more than 95% of cases, with more than 85% having other manifesta- tions of the insulin-resistance (metabolic) syndrome (see Chapter 5). Hence, it is reasonable to speculate that the use of medications that improve insulin sensitivity MANAGEMENT OF NASH 199 may benefit the liver disease of patients with associated insulin-resistance conditions. Thiazolidinediones, more commonly termed glitazones (troglitazone, rosiglitazone, pioglitazone), are a new class of antidiabetic drugs that act as PPARγ agonists, thereby selectively enhancing or partially mimicking certain actions of insulin. The resultant beneficial effects include an antihypergly- caemic effect, frequently accompanied by a reduction in circulating concentrations of insulin, triglycerides and non-sterified (free) fatty acids. Troglitazone Troglitazone (400 mg/day) was given to 10 patients with liver biopsy-proven NASH for 3–6 months [30]. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels normalized in seven patients and, although features of NASH remained in the post-treatment liver biopsy, the grade of necro- inflammation improved in four parients. Troglitazone proved to be hepatotoxic and was withdrawn from the market after the report of several dozen deaths or cases of severe hepatic failure requiring liver transplantation [31]. There is little evidence to indicate underlying liver disease in those who experienced troglitazone- induced liver failure [31]. Rosiglitazone Rosiglitazone (4 mg twice daily) was given to 25 patients with liver biopsy-proven NASH for 1 year [32,33]. Liver enzymes including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) improved significantly as well as the degree of insulin sensitivity as determined by quantitative insulin- sensitive check index (QUICKI). Post-treatment liver biopsies were performed and showed a significant improvement in the degree of centrilobular fibrosis [33] (and see Chapter 24). In this study, one patient experienced an abrupt rise in AT levels possibly related to rosiglitazone, and some cases of possible drug- induced liver injury related to rosiglitazone have been reported [31]. Hence, not only the efficacy, but also the safety of rosiglitazone in patients with NAFLD needs to be evaluated in larger placebo-controlled trials with extended follow-up. Pioglitazone Pioglitazone has been evaluated in three pilot studies, and the preliminary results reported in abstracts [34– 36] (and see Chapter 24). In one study [34], pioglita- zone was given to eight patients with NASH for a mean of 28 weeks (range 8–48 weeks); normaliza- tion of AT occurred in five patients, with decrease to approximately 50% of the baseline value in two others. Steatosis improved in the only patient who had post- treatment liver biopsy performed. Table 16.1 Insulin-sensitizing medications evaluated in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Duration of No. of Compared treatment Study [Reference] Drug patients Type of study with (months) Aminotransferases Histology Caldwell et al. (2001) [30] Troglitazone 10 Open-label Baseline 3–6 Improved Improved Acosta et al. (2001) [34] Pioglitazone 8 Open-label Baseline 2–12 Improved ND Marchesini et al. (2001) [37] Metformin 14 Open-label Baseline 4 Improved ND Nair et al. (2002) [38] Metformin 25 Open-label Baseline 6 Improved ND Neuschwander-Tetri et al. Rosiglitazone 25 Open-label Baseline 12 Improved Improved (2002) [32,33]† Loguercio et al. (2002) [59] Probiotics 10 Open-label Baseline 2 Improved ND Sanyal et al. (2002) [35] Pioglitazone 21 Randomized Baseline; 6 Improved* Improved* + vitamin E (open-label) vitamin E alone Promrat et al. (2003) [36] Pioglitazone 9 Open-label Baseline 12 Improved Improved ND, not done * Aminotransferases and liver histology (steatosis, hepatocyte ballooning, Mallory hyaline) improved in both groups, but greater histological improvement occurred with combination therapy. † An updated account of this important study is given in Chapter 24. CHAPTER 16 200 In another pilot study [35], 10 patients with NASH were treated with pioglitazone (30 mg/day) plus vitamin E (400 IU/day) and compared to 11 patients treated with the same regimen of vitamin E alone. After 6 months of therapy, ALT decreased in both groups as well as the degree of steatosis, ballooning of hepa- tocytes and Mallory hyaline. However, the histological improvement was more marked in the combination group. In this study [35], one patient in the combina- tion group had a worsening of liver enzymes, possibly related to pioglitazone, and had to be withdrawn. Some cases of possible drug-induced liver injury have been reported with pioglitazone [31]. Pioglitazone (30 mg/day) was given to nine patients with NASH for 1 year in an open-label pilot study [36]. Improvement or normalization of AT as well as improvement in the degree of insulin resistance occurred at the end of treatment. Also, a significant improvement in severity of steatosis, necroinflammation and Mallory hyaline was noted on liver biopsies performed at the end of treatment. Pioglitazone was well tolerated, but there was a significant gain in body weight and total body fat. The promising results of these three pilot studies along with the long-term safety of pioglitazone in patients with NASH need to be evaluated in well- controlled clinical trials. Metformin Metformin is an antidiabetic medication that improves insulin sensitivity. In ob/ob mice, an animal model of fatty liver, metformin reversed hepatomegaly as well as steatosis and AT abnormalities [28]. These beneficial effects of metformin seemed to be through inhibiting hepatic expression of TNF and TNF-inducible factors that promote hepatic lipid accumulation, such as steroid regulatory element binding protein-1 (SREBP-1), and factors promoting hepatic adenosine triphosphate (ATP) depletion, such as uncoupling protein-2 (UCP-2) [28]. Based on these results, a regimen of metformin 500 mg three times daily was given for 4 months to 14 patients with NASH [37]. Metformin therapy was associated with a significant improvement in liver tests and glucose disposal, an index of insulin sensitivity, as well as a significant decrease in hepatic volume and body mass index. In another pilot study [38], 25 patients were treated with metformin (20 mg/kg/day). At 6 months of therapy, patients had a significant decrease in body weight and AT levels. Unfortunately, the effect on liver histology has not been evaluated in any study. Metformin was well tolerated in these studies, but it should be noted that although no patient developed lactic acidosis, serum lactic acid levels did rise [37]. Thus, larger controlled trials are needed to determine the safety and efficacy of metformin in the treatment of NAFLD. Antioxidants In patients with NAFLD, antioxidant therapy may be potentially useful in preventing progression from steatosis to steatohepatitis and fibrosis (see Chap- ters 7–10). Antioxidants that have been evaluated in patients with NAFLD include vitamin E (α-tocopherol), vitamin C, betaine, N-acetylcysteine and iron deple- tion (Table 16.2). Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that is particularly effective against membrane lipid peroxi- dation, suppresses expression of TNF, interleukin 1 (IL-1), IL-6 and IL-8 by monocytes and/or Kupffer cells, and inhibits liver collagen-α1(I) gene expression. Vitamin E ( α -tocopherol) A recent study reported the results of treatment with α-tocopherol in 11 children with a clinical diagnosis of NAFLD [39]. Vitamin E (400–1200 IU/day orally) was given for 4–10 months and led to a significant improve- ment in liver tests. In another study [40], α-tocopherol in a regimen of 300 mg/day was given for 1 year to 12 patients with liver biopsy-proven NASH, and 10 patients with a clinical diagnosis of NAFLD. Liver tests improved significantly compared to baseline, whereas the degree of steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis improved or remained unchanged in the nine patients with NASH who had post-treatment liver biopsy per- formed. Plasma levels of transforming growth factor- β1 (TGF-β1) in patients with NASH were reduced significantly with α-tocopherol treatment [40]. In another study [41], 45 patients with NASH were randomized to treatment with the combination of vitamin E (1000 IU/day) plus vitamin C (1000 IU/ day), or an identical placebo for 6 months. At the end of therapy, 48% of patients in the vitamin group and 41% in the placebo group showed improvement in at least one stage of fibrosis. Although the score for stage of fibrosis was statistically lower post-treatment com- pared to baseline in the vitamin group, changes post- treatment were not statistically different between the vitamin and placebo groups. Also, liver enzymes and the degree of steatosis and necroinflammatory activity MANAGEMENT OF NASH 201 were not significantly affected by treatment. Thus, 6 months of therapy with the combination of vitamin E plus vitamin C was not better than placebo at improving the liver disease in patients with NASH. However, given the high proportion of patients in the placebo group who appeared to improve fibrosis stage at 6 months, the study [41] did not have enough power to detect a benefit from treatment with these vitamins. It is concluded that larger controlled trials are still warranted to better define the potential efficacy of vitamin E for patients with NAFLD. Betaine Betaine, a normal component of the metabolic cycle of methionine, increases S-adenosylmethionine levels, which in turn protects the liver from ethanol-induced triglyceride deposition in rats. In a recent study [42], betaine 20 mg/day was given to eight patients with NASH. After 1 year of treatment, a significant improve- ment or normalization of serum AT levels was noted, whereas the degree of steatosis, necroinflammatory activity and fibrosis improved or remained unchanged in all patients. Based on these results, a larger placebo- controlled trial is now in progress. In another study [43], 191 patients with a clinical diagnosis of NAFLD were randomized to treatment with betaine glucuronate (300 mg/day) in combination with diethanolamine glucuronate and nicotinamide ascorbate (96 patients), or placebo (95 patients); they were treated for 8 weeks. A significant improvement in right upper quadrant abdominal discomfort, liver enzymes, hepatomegaly and the degree of steatosis evaluated by ultrasonography was noted at the end of treatment with combination therapy; such changes did not occur in the placebo group. Unfortunately, because liver biopsies were not performed and the treatment period was too short, it is difficult to derive meaningful conclusions from this study. N-acetylcysteine N-acetylcysteine is a glutathione prodrug that increases glutathione levels in hepatocytes. In turn, this counters hepatocyte production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and hence prevents the development of oxidative stress in liver cells. In a pilot study [44], 11 patients with NASH were treated with N-acetylcysteine (1 g/day) for 3 months. A significant improvement in AT levels occurred at the end of treatment, but unfortunately liver histology was not evaluated. Phlebotomy Although the role of iron in the pathogenesis and development of more severe liver injury in patients with NAFLD remains controversial (see Chapters 1, 2, Table 16.2 Antioxidant medications evaluated in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Duration of No. of Compared treatment Study [Reference] Drug patients Type of study with (months) Aminotransferases Histology Miglio et al. (2000) [43] Betaine 191 Randomized Placebo 2 Improved* ND + diethanolamine + nicotinamide Abdelmalek et al. (2001) [42] Betaine 8 Open-label Baseline 12 Improved Improved Gulbahar et al. (2000) [44] N-acetylcysteine 11 Open-label Baseline 3 Improved ND Lavine (2000) [39]† Vitamin E 11 Open-label Baseline 4–10 Improved ND Hasegawa et al. (2001) [40] Vitamin E 22 Open-label Baseline; 12 Improved Improved‡ diet Harrison et al. (2003) [41] Vitamins E + C 45‡ Randomized Placebo 6 Not mentioned Improved§ (double blind) ND, not done * Improvement in abdominal discomfort, hepatomegaly and degree of fat infiltration determined by ultrasonography was noted in the betaine–diethanolamine–nicotinamide combination group compared to placebo. † Study performed in children. ‡ Liver biopsy performed in nine patients post-treatment. § Improvement in degree of fibrosis. CHAPTER 16 202 5 and 7), iron has been hypothesized to induce oxida- tive stress by catalysing production of ROS. Two pilot studies involving a total of 30 patients with NASH have been reported [45,46]. Quantitative phlebotomy was performed to induce iron depletion to a level of near- iron deficiency. The two studies reported a significant improvement in AT levels. In another recent study [47], 17 carbohydrate- intolerant patients with the clinical diagnosis of NAFLD were treated with quantitative phlebotomy to induce iron depletion to a level of near-iron deficiency. Serum ALT levels improved to near normal and there was also improvement in insulin sensitivity, unfortun- ately, liver biopsy was not performed in any of these studies, and thus, the effect of iron depletion on liver histology in patients with NAFLD remains uncertain. Lipid-lowering medications Clofibrate Clofibrate is a lipid-lowering drug that decreases the hepatic triglyceride content in rats with ethanol- induced hepatic steatosis [48]. Based on this, a pilot study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of clofibrate (2 g/day) in the treatment of patients with NASH [49]. After 1 year of treatment, no significant changes in liver tests or histological features were noted. Gemfibrozil In a recent report [50], 46 patients with NASH were randomized to treatment with gemfibrozil 600 mg/day for 4 weeks or no treatment. A significant improvement in AT levels was noted with gemfibrozil compared to baseline values, and this did not occur in the untreated patients. Body weight remained unchanged during treatment, and improvement in liver tests seemed to be independent of baseline triglyceride levels. Atorvastatin In another pilot study [51], seven patients with NASH and hyperlipidaemia were treated with atorvastatin (10–30 mg/day) for up to 12 months. At the end of therapy, there was a significant improvement in serum lipid levels as well as the degree of hepatic inflamma- tion, ballooning and Mallory hyaline on liver biopsy. These positive results need to be reproduced in a placebo-controlled trial. Probucol Probucol is another lipid-lowering medication that has insulin-sensitizing properties. Thirty patients with NASH were randomized to therapy with probucol (500 mg/day) or an identical placebo and treated for 6 months [52]. Improvement or normalization of AT levels was significantly greater or more common in the probucol than the placebo group and this was independent of changes in body weight or serum lipid levels. Post-treatment liver biopsy was not performed. It is therefore uncertain whether probucol improves liver histology. Probucol may cause severe, sometimes fatal cardiac arrhythmias and was withdrawn from the market in the USA in 1995; as a consequence, there is little enthusiasm in evaluating probucol in a larger trial. Ursodeoxycholic acid Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is the non-hepatotoxic epimer of chenodeoxycholic acid. During UDCA treat- ment, UCDA replaces endogenous bile acids, which are dose-dependent hepatotoxins. UDCA has mem- brane stabilizing or cytoprotective effects exerted on mitochondria, as well as immunological effects. Hydrophobic bile acids increase cellular damage and oxidative stress in steatotic hepatocytes. By decreasing hydrophobic bile acids, UDCA could protect against hepatocyte injury and decrease oxidative stress in patients with NAFLD. Also, treatment with UDCA leads to less production of TNF, which, in turn, may improve insulin sensitivity. UDCA has been used in the treat- ment of some hepatobiliary diseases for approximately two decades. Thus, unlike other medications evaluated for patients with NAFLD, there are abundant data on the safety of long-term use of UDCA in patients with liver disease. Four open-label pilot studies have evaluated the therapeutic benefits of UDCA in adults with NASH. In one of these studies [49], 24 patients received UDCA in a regimen of 13–15 mg/kg/day for 12 months. This led to a significant improvement in liver tests and the degree of hepatic steatosis compared to baseline. In another study [53], liver tests normalized or signific- antly improved after 6 months of treatment with UDCA (10 mg/kg/day) in 13 patients with NASH. Similarly, among 31 patients with NASH randomized to UDCA (10 mg/kg/day) plus low-fat diet or low-fat diet alone for 6 months, normalization of liver tests was signific- antly more common among those treated with UDCA plus diet than with diet alone [54]. In the most recent study [55], UDCA (250 mg three times daily) given for 6–12 months improved AT levels in 24 patients with MANAGEMENT OF NASH 203 NASH; UDCA therapy also improved several serum markers of fibrogenesis. Based on these results, we developed a large-scale multicentric placebo-controlled trial of UDCA in patients with NASH. A total of 168 patients were enrolled and randomized to UDCA (13–15 g/kg/day) or identical placebo and treated for 2 years. The study has recently been completed and the results will soon be analysed and reported (see Chapter 24). Future directions In order to develop effective medical therapy for patients with NAFLD, further work is clearly needed to enhance our understanding of the pathogenesis and natural history of this condition (see Chapters 3, 7–12 and 14). Some lines of evidence, albeit still inconclus- ive, indicate that oxidative stress/lipid peroxidation, bacterial toxins, overproduction of TNF, alteration of hepatocyte ATP stores and CYP2E1 and 4A enzyme activity may have a role in the genesis and progression of NAFLD. Regardless of the cause, acute or chronic hepatic steatosis is associated with lipid peroxidation; this seems to increase with the severity of steatosis [56] and with NASH versus steatosis (see Chapter 12); the end-products of lipid peroxidation stimulate collagen production and fibrogenesis. Further studies should focus on increasing antioxidant defences through dietary and/or pharmacological manipulations. Because metronidazole and polymyxin B may pre- vent the development of NAFLD in obese patients undergoing intestinal bypass, as well as in rats receiv- ing total parenteral nutrition [22,26,27], a role of endotoxin- and/or cytokine-mediated injury has been suggested as a contributing factor for the develop- ment of NAFLD (see Chapter 10). Furthermore, it has been shown that genetically obese mice are very sensi- tive to the effect of lipopolysacharide in developing inflammation in the setting of steatosis [57]. More recently, treatment with probiotics or anti-TNF antibodies improved liver steatosis and inflamma- tion and decreased ALT levels in obese leptin-deficient ob/ob mice [58]. The treated animals had decreased hepatic expression of TNF messenger RNA, reduced activity of Jun N-terminal kinase (a TNF-regulated kinase that promotes insulin resistance) and decreased DNA binding activity of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), the target of inhibitor of κB kinase β (IKK-β), another enzyme that causes insulin resistance (Chapters 5 and 10). In a recent case series [59], 10 patients with NASH who were treated for 2 months with a mixture of different bacteria strains showed a significant improvement in liver enzymes, serum levels of TNF and end-products of lipid peroxidation when com- pared to baseline, but post-treatment liver biopsies were not performed. Hence, if this concept is valid, the potential benefit of intestinal decontamination or modi- fication of the intestine microflora with probiotics, the administration of soluble cytokine receptors and neu- tralizing anticytokine antibodies as well as biopharma- ceuticals with anti-TNF activity may warrant further evaluation as therapies for patients with NAFLD. Hepatocyte ATP stores in patients with NASH seem vulnerable to depletion compared to lean controls [60]. Hence, treatment efforts primarily directed toward pro- tecting hepatocyte ATP stores might potentially benefit patients with NAFLD. Similarly, CYP2E1 and 4A activity may contribute to hepatotoxicity in mice and humans with NAFLD [61–63]. Treatment strategies to limit its activity, such as dietary modifications (fat- reduced diet), may be beneficial. Patients with NAFLD may develop advanced liver fibrosis and progress to end-stage liver disease. Fibrosis represents the most worrisome feature on liver biopsy in patients with NAFLD, indicating a more severe and potentially progressive form of liver injury. The development of antifibrotic therapies aimed at the under- lying liver disease is an attractive yet unaccomplished goal. However, substantial advances on our under- standing of the molecular mechanisms of liver fibrosis made in the last decade have led to the development of new agents that inhibit stellate cell and/or myofibro- blast proliferation and collagen synthesis [64,65]. Many of these agents have proved antifibrogenic in in vitro studies, but only a few agents are tolerable or effective in suitable animal models in vivo. Agents with anti- fibrotic effects that may hold promise for patients with NAFLD/NASH are silymarin (a mixture of flavonoids that also have antioxidant properties), pentoxifylline (a phosphodiesterase inhibitor) and pentifylline (a more potent pentoxifylline derivative), LU135252 (an oral inhibitor of the endothelin A-receptor), angiotensin I receptor antagonists or angiotensin-converting enzymes inhibitors, and profibrogenic cytokines antagonists (soluble TGF-β1 receptor antagonists or adenoviral TGF-β1 blocking constructs). CHAPTER 16 204 The encouraging results of pilot studies with insulin- sensitizing drugs, antioxidants, lipid-lowering and hepa- toprotective medications (Tables 16.1–16.4) warrant their further evaluation in clinical trials. However, in order to make solid recommendations of routine administration of any of the previously evaluated (or other) medications in the treatment of patients with NAFLD/NASH, further well-controlled clinical trials are clearly necessary. These studies must have enough power, adequate duration of follow-up, and should also include clinically relevant end-points. In particu- lar, simple improvement or normalization of liver tests and/or the degree of steatosis on imaging studies, as used in most of the pilot studies reported to date, do not necessarily imply that these agents will have a real effect on the natural history (fibrotic progression) of this liver disease. Similarly, although improvement of liver histology may possibly be a more accurate surrogate marker of a better long-term prognosis, a beneficial medication for patients with NAFLD should be not only safe and well tolerated, but also prove beneficial in improving health-related quality of life [66,67]. It should also be cost-effective, bearing in mind the other morbid- ity of at-risk patients (obesity, type 2 diabetes, hyper- lipidaemia, arterial hypertension), and the unknown cost-efficacy of lifestyle interventions. Although an ideal end-point in clinical trials would be a delay in developing liver-related complications and improvement of long-term survival, such end-points may not be practical given the slowly progressive nature of this condition. Because NAFLD progresses slowly over many years, hundreds of patients with this condi- tion would need to be enrolled in prospective clinical trials and followed-up for a number of years, perhaps decades, in order to see a real effect of a medication on long-term survival. It may be unrealistic to believe Table 16.3 Lipid-lowering medications evaluated in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Duration of No. of Compared treatment Study [Reference] Drug patients Type of study with (months) Aminotransferases Histology Laurin et al. (1996) [49] Clofibrate 16 Open-label Baseline 12 No improvement No improvement Basaranoglu et al. (1999) Gemfibrozil 46 Randomized No treatment 1 Improved ND [50] (open-label) Baseline Horlander et al. (2001) [51] Atorvastatin 7 Open-label Baseline Up to 12 No improvement Improved* Merat et al. (2003) [52] Probucol 30 Randomized Placebo 6 Improvement ND (double blind) ND, not done * Improvement in the inflammation, ballooning, Mallory hyaline and total histological score. Table 16.4 Ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Duration of No. of Compared treatment Study [Reference] Drug patients Type of study with (months) Aminotransferases Histology Laurin et al. (1996) [49] UDCA 24 Open-label Baseline 12 Improved Improved Guma et al. (1997) [53] UDCA + diet 24 Randomized Baseline 6 Improved† ND (open-label) Diet alone Ceriani et al. (1998) [54] † UDCA + diet 31 Open-label Baseline 6 Improved† ND Diet alone Holoman et al. (2000) [55] UDCA 24 Open-label Baseline 6 –12 Improved ND ND, not done UDCA, ursodeoxycholic acid. † Greater biochemical improvement with UDCA + diet. 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