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Aug 1977, p 1587-1597 231. W.M. Stobbs, Electron Microscopical Techniques for the Observation of Cavities, J. Microsc., Vol 116 , Pt. 1, May 1979, p 3-13 232. R.J. Fields and M.F. Ashby, Observation on Wedge Cavities in the SEM, Scr. Metall., Vol 14 (No. 7), July 1980, p 791-796 233. A.J. Perry. Cavitation in Creep, J. Mater. Sci., Vol 9, June 1974, p 1016-1039 234. B.F. Dyson and D. McLean, A New Method of Predicting Creep Life, Met. Sci. J., Vol 6, 1972, p 220-223 235. B. Walser and A. Rosselet, Determining the Remaining Life of Superheater- Steam Tubes Which Have Been in Service by Creep Tests and Structural Examinations, Sulzer Res., 1978, p 67-72 236. N.G. Needham and T. Gladman, Nucleation and Growth of Creep Cavities in a Type 347 Steel, Met. Sci., Vol 14, Feb 1980, p 64-72 237. Y. Lindblom, Refurbishing Superalloy Components for Gas Turbines, Mater. Sci. Technol., Vol 1, Aug 1985, p 636-641 238. J. Wortmann, Improving Reliability and Lifetime of Rejuvenated Turbine Blades, Mater, Sci. Technol., Vol 1, Aug 1985, p 644-650 239. C.J. Bolton et al., Metallographic Methods of Determining Residual Creep Life, Mater. Sci. Eng., Vol 46, Dec 1980, p 231-239 240. R. Sandstrom and S. Modin, " The Residual Lifetime of Creep Deformed Components. Microstructural Observations for Mo- and CrMo-Steels," Report IM-1348, Swedish Institute for Metals Research, 1979 241. C. Bengtsson, "Metallographic Methods for Observation of Creep Cavities in Service Exposed Low- Alloyed Steel," Report IM-1636, Swedish Institute for Metals Research, March 1982 242. J.F. Henry and F.V. Ellis, "Plastic Replication Techniques for Damage Assessment," Report RP2253- 01, Electric Power Research Institute, Sept 1983 243. J.F. Henry, Field Metallography. The Applied Techniques of In-Place Analysis, in Corrosion, Microstructure, & Metallography, Vol 12, Microstructural Science, American Society for Metals and the International Metallographic Society, 1985, p 537-549 244. M.C. Murphy and G.D. Branch, Metallurgical Changes in 2.25 CrMo Steels During Creep-Rupture Test, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 209, July 1971, p 546-561 245. J.M. Leitnaker and J. Bentley, Precipitate Phases in Type 321 Stainless Steel After Aging 17 Years at 600 °C, Metall. Trans., Vol 8A, Oct 1977, p 1605-1613 246. M. McLean, Microstructural Instabilities in Metallurgical Systems A Review, Met. Sci., Vol 12, March 1978, p 113-122 247. S. Kihara et al., Morphological Changes of Carbides During Creep and Their Effects on the Creep Properties of Inconel 617 at 1000 °C, Metall, Trans., Vol 11A, June 1980, p 1019-1031 248. S.F. Claeys and J.W. Jones, Role of Microstructural Instability in Long Time Creep Life Prediction, Met. Sci., Vol 18, Sept 1984, p 432-438 249. Y. Minami et al., Microstructural Changes in Austenitic Stainless Steels During Long-Term Aging, Mater. Sci. Technol., Vol 2, Aug 1986, p 795-806 250. J.R. Low, Jr., Impurities, Interfaces and Brittle Fracture, Trans. AIME, Vol 245, Dec 1969, p 2481-2494 251. W.P. Rees and B.E. Hopkins, Intergranular Brittleness in Iron-Oxygen Alloys, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 172, Dec 1952, p 403-409 252. J.R. Low, Jr. and R.G. Feustel, Inter-Crystalline Fracture and Twinning of Iron at Low Temperatures, Acta Metall., Vol 1, March 1953, p 185-192 253. B.E. Hopkins and H.R. Tipler, Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Brittleness of High-Purity Iron- Nitrogen Alloys, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 177, May 1954, p 110-117 254. B.E. Hopkins and H.R. Tipler, The Effect of Phosphorus on the Tensile and Notch- Impact Properties of High-Purity Iron and Iron-Carbon Alloys. J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 188, March 1958, p 218-237 255. A.R. Troiano, The Role of Hydrogen and Other Interstitials in the Mechanical Behavior of Metals, Trans. ASM, Vol 52, 1960, p 54-80 256. C. Pichard et al., The Influence of Oxygen and Sulfur on the Intergranular Brittleness of Iron, Metall. Trans., Vol 7A, Dec 1976, p 1811-1815 257. M.C. Inman and H.R. Tipler, Grain-Boundary Segregation of Phosphorus in an Iron- Phosphorus Alloy and the Effect Upon Mechanical Properties. Acta Metall., Vol 6, Feb 1958, p 73-84 258. G.T. Hahn et al., "The Effects of Solutes on the Ductile-to-Brittle Transition in Refra ctory Metals," DMIC Memorandum 155, Battelle Memorial Institute, 28 June 1962 259. R.E. Maringer and A.D. Schwope, On the Effects of Oxygen on Molybdenum, Trans. AIME, Vol 200, March 1954, p 365-366 260. T.G. Nieh and W.D. Nix, Embrittlement of Copper Du e to Segregation of Oxygen to Grain Boundaries, Metall. Trans., Vol 12A, May 1981, p 893-901 261. R.H. Bricknell and D.A. Woodford, The Embrittlement of Nickel Following High Temperature Air Exposure, Metall. Trans., Vol 12A, March 1981, p 425-433 262. K.M. Olsen et al., Embrittlement of High Purity Nickel, Trans. ASM, Vol 53, 1961, p 349-358 263. S. Floreen and J.H. Westbrook, Grain Boundary Segregation and the Grain Size Dependence of Strength of Nickel-Sulfur Alloys, Acta Metall., Vol 17, Sept 1969, p 1175-1181 264. W.C. Johnson et al., Confirmation of Sulfur Embrittlement in Nickel Alloys, Scr. Metall., Vol 8, Aug 1974, p 971-974 265. C. Loier and J.Y. Boos, The Influence of Grain Boundary Sulfur Concentration on the Intergranular Brittleness of Nickel of Different Purities, Metall. Trans., Vol 12A, July 1981, p 1223-1233 266. J.H. Westbrook and D.L. Wood, A Source of Grain Boundary Embrittlement in Intermetallics, J. Inst. Met., Vol 91, 1962-1963, p 174-182 267. E. Voce and A.P.C. Hallowes, The Mechanism of the Embrittlement of Deoxidized Copper by Bismuth, J. Inst. Met., Vol 73, 1947, p 323-376 268. T.H. Schofield and F.W. Cuckow, The Microstructure of Wrought Non-Arsenical Phosphorus- Deoxidized Copper Containing Small Quantities of Bismuth, J. Inst. Met., Vol 73, 1947, p 377-384 269. L.E. Samuels, The Metallography of Copper Containing Small Amounts of Bismuth, J. Inst. Met., Vol 76, 1949-1950, p 91-102 270. C.W. Spencer et al., Bismuth in Copper Grain Boundaries, Trans. AIME, Vol 209, June 1957, p 793-794 271. D. McLean and L. Northcott, Antimonial 70:30 Brass, J. Inst. Met., Vol 72, 1946 p 583-616 272. D. McLean, The Embrittlement of Copper: Antimony Alloys at Low Temperatures, J. Inst. Met., Vol 81, 1952-1953 p 121-123 273. R. Carlsson, Hot Embrittlement of Copper and Brass Alloys, Scand. J. Metall., Vol 9 (No. 1), 1980, p 25-29 274. H.K. Ihrig, The Effect of Various Elements on the Hot-Workability of Steel, Trans. AIME, Vol 167, 1946, p 749-790 275. J.M. Middletown and H.J. Protheroe, The Hot-Tearing of Steel, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 168, Aug 1951, p 384-400 276. C.T. Anderson et al., Effect of Various Elements on Hot- Working Characteristics and Physical Properties of Fe-C Alloys, J. Met., Vol 5, April 1953, p 525-529 277. C.T. Anderson et al., Forgeability of Steels with Varying Amounts of Manganese and Sulfur. Trans. AIME, Vol 200, July 1954, p 835-837 278. D. Smith et al., Effects of Composition on the Hot Workability of Resulphurized Free-Cutting Steels, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 210, June 1972, p 412-421 279. W.J. McG. Tegart and A. Gittins, The Role of Sulfides in the Hot Workability of Steels, in Sulfide Inclusions in Steel, American Society for Metals, 1975, p 198-211 280. A. Josefsson et al., The Influence of Sulphur and Oxygen in Causing Red-Shortness in Steel, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 191, March 1959, p 240-250 281. P. Bjornson and H. Nathorst, A Special Type of Ingot Cracks Caused by Certain Impurities, Jernkontorets Ann., Vol 139, 1955, p 412-438 282. W.J.M. Salter, Effec t of Mutual Additions of Tin and Nickel on the Solubility and Surface Energy of Copper in Mild Steel, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 207, Dec 1969, p 1619-1623 283. W.J. Jackson and D.M. Southall, Effect of Copper and Tin Residual Amounts on the Mechanical Prop erties of 1.5Mn-Mo Cast Steel, Met. Technol., Vol 5, Pt. 11, Nov 1978, p 381-390 284. K. Born, Surface Defects in the Hot Working of Steel, Resulting from Residual Copper and Tin, Stahl Eisen, Vol 73 (No. 20), BISI 3255, 1953, p 1268-1277 285. I.S. Brammar et al., The Relation Between Intergranular Fracture and Sulphide Precipitation in Cast Alloy Steels, in ISI 64, Iron and Steel Institute, 1959, p 187-208 286. D. Bhattacharya and D.T. Quinto, Mechanism of Hot-Shortness in Leaded and Tellurized Free-Mac hining Steels, Metall. Trans., Vol 11A, June 1980, p 919-934 287. R.A. Perkins and W.O. Binder, Improving Hot-Ductility of 310 Stainless, J. Met., Vol 9, Feb 1957, p 239-245 288. L.G. Ljungström, The Influence of Trace Elements on the Hot Ductility of Austenitic 17Cr13NiMo- Steel, Scand. J. Metall., Vol 6, 1977, p 176-184 289. W.B. Kent, Trace-Element Effects in Vacuum-Melted Superalloys, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., Vol 11, Nov/Dec 1974, p 1038-1046 290. R.T. Holt and W. Wallace, Impurities and Trace Elements in Nickel-Base Superalloys, Int. Met. Rev., Vol 21, March 1976, p 1-24 291. A.R. Knott and C.H. Symonds, Compositional and Structural Aspects of Processing Nickel- Base Alloys, Met. Technol., Vol 3, Aug 1976, p 370-379 292. C.H. Lorig and A.R. Elsea, Occurrence of Intergranular Fracture in Cast Steels, Trans. AFS, Vol 55, 1947, p 160-174 293. B.C. Woodfine, "First Report on Intergranular Fracture in Steel Castings," BSCRA Report 38/54/FRP.5, British Steel Casting Research Association, March 1954 294. B.C. Woodfine, Effect of Al and N on the Occurrence of Intergranular Fracture in Steel Castings, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 195, Aug 1960, p 409-414 295. R.F. Harris and G.D. Chandley, High Strength Steel Castings. Aluminum Nitride Embrittlement, Mod Cast., March 1962, p 97-103 296. J.A. Wright and A.G. Quarrell, Effect of Chemical Composition on the Occurrence of Intergranular Fracture in Plain Carbon Steel Castings Containing Aluminum and Nitrogen, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 200, April 1962, p 299-307 297. N.H. Croft et al., Intergranular Fracture of Steel Castings. in Advances in the Physical Metallurgy and Applications of Steels, Publication 284, The Metals Society, 1982, p 286-295 298. E. Colombo and B. Cesari, The Study of the Influence of Al and N on th e Susceptibility to Crack Formation of Medium Carbon Steel Ingots, Metall. Ital., Vol 59 (No. 2), 1967, p 71-75 299. S.C. Desai, Longitudinal Panel Cracking in Ingots, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 191, March 1959, p 250-256 300. R. Sussman et al., Occurrence and Control of Panel Cracking in Aluminum Containing Steel Heats, in Mechanical Working & Steel Processing, Meeting XVII, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1979, p 49-78 301. L. Ericson, Cracking in Low Alloy Aluminum Grain Refined Steels, Scand. J. Metall., Vol 6, 1977, p 116-124 302. F. Vodopivec, Influence of Precipitation and Precipitates of Aluminum Nitride on Torsional Deformability of Low-carbon Steel, Met. Technol., Vol 5, April 1978, p 118-121 303. G.D. Funnell and R.J. Davies, Effect of Aluminum Nitride Particles on Hot Ductility of Steel, Met. Technol., Vol 5, May 1978, p 150-153 304. T. Lepistö and P. Kettunen, Embrittlement Caused by ε-Martensite in Stainless Steels, Scand. J. Metall., Vol 7, 1978, p 71-76 305. F.W. Schaller and V.F. Zackay, Low Temperature Embrittlement of Austenitic Cr-Mn-N-Fe Alloys, Trans. ASM, Vol 51, 1959, p 609-628 306. D. Hennessy et al., Phase Transformation of Stainless Steel During Fatigue, Metall. Trans., Vol 7A, March 1976, p 415-424 307. H.H. Bleakney, The Creep-Rupture Embrittlement of Metals as Exemplified by Aluminum, Can. Metall. Q., Vol 2 (No. 3), 1963, p 391-315 308. D.E. Ferrell and A.W. Pense, Creep Embrittlement of 2- 1 4 % Cr-1% Mo Steel, in Re port to Materials Division, Pressure Vessel Research Council, May 1973 309. H.R. Tipler, "The Role of Trace Elements in Creep Embrittlement and Cavitation of Cr-Mo- V Steels," National Physical Laboratory, 1972 310. R. Bruscato, Temper Embrittlement and Creep Embrittlement of 2- 1 4 Cr- 1Mo Shielded Metal Arc Weld Deposits, Weld, J., Vol 49, April 1970, p 148s-156s 311. R.A. Swift and H.C. Rogers, Study of Creep Embrittlement of 2- 1 4 Cr-1Mo Steel Weld Metal, Weld. J., Vol 55, July 1976, p 188s-198s 312. R.A. Swift, The Mechanism of Creep Embrittlement in 2- 1 4 Cr-1Mo Steel, in 2- 1 4 Chrome- 1 Molybdenum Steel in Pressure Vessels and Piping, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1971 313. L.K.L. Tu and B.B. Seth, Effect of Composition, Strength, and Residual Elements on Toughness and Creep Properties of Cr-Mo-V Turbine Rotors, Met. Technol., Vol 5, March 1978, p 79-91 314. S.H. Chen et al., The Effect of Trace Impurities on the Ductility of a Cr-Mo- V Steel at Elevated Temperatures, Metall. Trans., Vol 14A, April 1983, p 571-580 315. M.P. Seah, Impurities, Segregation and Creep Embrittlement, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. (London) A, Vol 295, 1980, p 265-278 316. H.J. Kerr and F. Eberle, Graphitization of Low-Carbon and Low-Carbon-Molybdenum Steels, Trans. ASME, Vol 67, 1945, p 1-46 317. S.L. Hoyt et al., Summary Report on the Joint E.E.I- A.E.I.C. Investigation of Graphitization of Piping, Trans. ASME, Aug 1946, p 571-580 318. R.W. Emerson and M. Morrow, Further Observations of Graphitization in Aluminum- Killed Carbon-Molybdenum Steel Steel Steam Piping, Trans. AIME, Aug 1946, p 597-607 319. J.G. Wilson, Graphitization of Steel in Petroleum Refining Equipment, Weld. Res. Counc. Bull., No. 32, Jan 1957, p 1-10 320. A.B. Wilder et al., Stability of AISI Alloy Steels, Trans. AIME, Vol 209, Oct 1957, p 1176-1181 321. I.M. Bernstein and A.W. Thompson, Ed., Hydrogen in Metals, American Society for Metals, 1974 322. C.D. Beachem, Ed., Hydrogen Damage, American Society for Metals, 1977 323. R.W. Staehle et al., Ed., Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement in Iron Base Alloys, NACE Reference Book 5, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1977 324. A.E. Schuetz and W.D. Robertson, Hydrogen Absorption, Embrittlement and Fracture of Steel, Corrosion, Vol 13, July 1957, p 437t-458t 325. I.M. Bernstein, The Role of Hydrogen in the Embrittlement of Iron and Steel, Mater. Sci. Eng., Vol 6, July 1970, p 1-19 326. M.R. Louthan, Jr. et al., Hydrogen Embrittlement of Metals, Mater, Sci. Eng., Vol 10, 1972, p 357-368 327. I.M. Bernstein and A.W. Thompson, Effect of Metallurgical Variables on Environmental Fracture of Steels, Int. Met. Rev., Vol 21, Dec 1976, p 269-287 328. J.P. Hirth, Effects of Hydrogen on the Properties of Iron and Steel, Metall. Trans., Vol 11A, June 1980, p 861-890 329. I.M. Bernstein et al., Effect of Dissolved Hydrogen on Mechanical Behavior of Metals, in Effect of Hydrogen on Behavior of Materials, Ameri can Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1976, p 37-58 330. L.H. Keys, The Effects of Hydrogen on the Mechanical Behavior of Metals, Met. Forum, Vol 2 (No. 3), 1979, p 164-173 331. S.P. Lynch, Mechanisms of Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking, Met. Forum, Vol 2 (No. 3), 1979, p 189-200 332. H.G. Nelson, Hydrogen Embrittlement, in Embrittlement of Engineering Alloys, Academic Press, 1983, p 275-359 333. C.A. Zapffe, Hydrogen Flakes and Shatter Cracks, Metals and Alloys, Vol 11, May 1940, p 145- 151; June 1940, p 177-184; Vol 12, July 1940, p 44-51; Aug 1940, p 145-148 334. C.A. Zapffe, Defects in Cast and Wrought Steel Caused by Hydrogen, Met. Prog., Vol 42, Dec 1942, p 1051-1056 335. E.R. Johnson et al., Flaking in Alloy Steels, in Open Hearth Conference, 1944, p 358-377 336. A.W. Dana et al., Relation of Flake Formation in Steel to Hydrogen, Microstructure, and Stress, Trans. AIME, Vol 203, Aug 1955, p 895-905 337. J.D. Hobson, The Removal of Hydrogen by Diffusion from Large Masses of Steel, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 191, April 1959, p 342-352 338. J.M. Hodge et al., Effect of Hydrogen Content on Susceptibility to Flaking, Trans. AIME, Vol 230. 1964, p 1182-1193 339. J.E. Ryall et al., The Effect of Hydrogen in Rolled Steel Products, Met. Forum, Vol 2 (No. 3), 1979, p 174-182 340. R.E. Cramer and E.C. Bast, The Prevention of Flakes by Holding Railroad Rails at Various Constant Temperatures, Trans. ASM, Vol 27, 1939, p 923-934 341. F. Terasaki and S. Okamoto, Fractography of Hydrogen-Embrittled Steels, Tetsu-to- Hagané (J. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn.), Vol 60, 1974, p S576 (HB 9225) 342. A.P. Coldren and G. Tither, Metallographic Study of Hydrogen-Induced Cracking in Line Pipe Steel, J. Met., Vol 28, May 1976, p 5-10 343. M.R. Louthan, Jr. an d R.P. McNitt, The Role of Test Technique in Evaluating Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanisms, in Effects of Hydrogen on Behavior of Materials, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1976, p 496-506 344. C.L. Briant et al., Embr ittlement of a 5 Pct. Nickel High Strength Steel by Impurities and Their Effects on Hydrogen-Induced Cracking, Metall. Trans., Vol 9A, May 1978, p 625-633 345. D. Hardie and T.I. Murray, Effect of Hydrogen on Ductility of a High Strength Steel in Hardened and Tempered Conditions, Met. Technol., Vol 5, May 1978, p 145-149 346. T.A. Adler et al., Metallographic Studies of Hydrogen-Induced Crack Growth in A- 106 Steel, in Microstructural Science, Vol 8, Elsevier, 1980, p 217-230 347. J.E. Costa and A.W. Thom pson, Effect of Hydrogen on Fracture Behavior of a Quenched and Tempered Medium-Carbon Steel, Metall. Trans., Vol 12A, May 1981, p 761-771 348. B.D. Craig, A Fracture Topographical Feature Characteristic of Hydrogen Embrittlement, Corrosion, Vol 37, Sept 1981, p 530-532 349. R. Garber et al., Hydrogen Assisted Ductile Fracture of Spheriodized Carbon Steels, Metall. Trans., Vol 12A, Feb 1981, p 225-234 350. H. Cialone and R.J. Asaro, Hydrogen Assisted Ductile Fracture of Spheroidized Plain Carbon Steels, Metall. Trans., Vol 12A, Aug 1981, p 1373-1387 351. T. Boniszewski and J. Moreton, Effect of Micro- Voids and Manganese Sulphide Inclusion in Steel on Hydrogen Evolution and Embrittlement, Br. Weld. J., Vol 14, June 1967, p 321-336 352. P.H. Pumphrey, Effect of Sulphide Inclusions on Hydrogen Diffusion in Steels, Met. Sci., Vol 16, Jan 1982, p 41-47 353. K. Farrell and A.G. Quarrell, Hydrogen Embrittlement of an Ultra-High-Tensile Steel, J. Iron Steel Inst., Vol 202, Dec 1964, p 1002-1011 354. A. Ciszewski et al., Effect of Nonmetallic Inclusions on the Formation of Microcracks in Hydrogen Charged 1% Cr Steel, in Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Iron Base Alloys, NACE Reference Book 5, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1977, p 671-679 355. G.M. Presouyre and C. Zmudzinski, Influence of Inclusions on Hydrogen Embrittlement, in Mechanical Working & Steel Processing, Meeting XVIII, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1980, p 534-553 356. R.L. Cowan II and C.S. Tedmon, Jr., Intergranular Corrosion of Iron-Nickel-Chromium Alloys, in Advances in Corrosion Science and Technology, Vol 3, Plenum Press, 1973, p 293-400 357. E.M. Mahla and N.A. Nielson, Carbide Precipitation in Type 304 Stainless Steel An Electron Microscope Study, Trans. ASM, Vol 43, 1951, p 290-322 358. R. Stickler and A. Vinckier, Morphology of Grain- Boundary Carbides and its Influence on Intergranular Corrosion of 304 Stainless Steel, Trans. ASM, Vol 54, 1961, p 362-380 359. R. Stickler and A. Vinckier, Precipitation of Chromium Carbide on Grain Boundaries in a 302 Austenitic Stainless Steel, Trans. AIME, Vol 224, Oct 1962, p 1021-1024 360. K.T. Aust et al., Intergranular Corrosion and Electron Microscopic Studies of Austenit ic Stainless Steels, Trans. ASM, Vol 60, 1967, p 360-372 361. S. Danyluk et al., Intergranular Fracture, Corrosion Susceptibility, and Impurity Segregation in Sensitized Type 304 Stainless Steel, J. Mater. Energy Syst., Vol 7, June 1985, p 6-15 362. A.P. Bond and E.A. Lizlovs, Intergranular Corrosion of Ferritic Stainless Steels, J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol 116, Sept 1969, p 1305-1311 363. A.P. Bond, Mechanisms of Intergranular Corrosion in Ferritic Stainless Steels, Trans. AIME, Vol 245, Oct 1969, p 2127-2134 364. E.L. Hall and C.L. Briant, Chromium Depletion in the Vicinity of Carbides in Sensitized Austenitic Stainless Steels, Metall. Trans., Vol 15A, May 1984, p 793-811 365. J.B. Lee et al., An Analytical Electron Microscope Examination of Sensitized AISI 430 Stainless Steel, Corrosion, Vol 41, Feb 1985, p 76-80 366. E.P. Butler and M.G. Burke, Chromium Depletion and Martensite Formation at Grain Boundaries in Sensitized Austenitic Stainless Steel, Acta Metall., Vol 34 March 1986, p 557-570 367. M.A. Streicher, Screening Stainless Steels from the 240- Hr Nitric Acid Test by Electrolytic Etching in Oxalic Acid, ASTM Bull., No. 188, Feb 1953, p 35-38; July 1953, p 58-59 368. M.A. Streicher, Theory and Application of Evaluation Tests for Detecting Suscep tibility to Intergranular Attack in Stainless Steels and Related Alloys Problems and Opportunities, in Intergranular Corrosion of Stainless Alloys, STP 656, American Society for Testing and Materials, p 3-84 369. A.P. Majidi and M.A. Streicher, "The Effe ct of Methods of Cutting and Grinding on Sensitization in Surface Layers in Type 304 Stainless Steel," Paper 25, presented at Corrosion/83, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1983 370. J.M. Schluter and J.A. Chivinsky, Surface Preparation Requirements for ASTM A262, in Laboratory Corrosion Tests and Standards, STP 866, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1985, p 455-464 371. W. Rostoker et al., Embrittlement by Liquid Metals, Reinhold, 1960 372. N.S. Stoloff, Liquid Metal Embrittlement, in Surfaces and Interfaces, Pt. II, Syracuse University Press, 1968, p 157-182 373. A.R.C. Westwood et al., Adsorption Induced Brittle Fracture in Liquid-Metal Environments, in Fracture, Vol III, Academic Press, 1971, p 589-644 374. M.H. Kamdar, Embrittlement by Liquid Metals, Prog. Mater. Sci., Vol 15, Pt. 4, 1973, p 289-374 375. M.H. Kamdar, Liquid Metal Embrittlement, in Embrittlement of Engineering Alloys, Academic Press, 1983, p 361-459 376. M.H. Kamdar, Ed., Embrittlement by Liquid and Solid Metals, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1984 377. M.B. Reynolds, Radiation Effects in Some Engineering Alloys, J. Mater., Vol 1, March 1966, p 127-152 378. K. Ohmae and T.O. Ziebold, The Influence of Impurity Content on the Radiation Sensitivity of Pressure Vessel Steels Use of Electron Microprobe for Irregular Surfaces, J. Nucl. Mater., Vol 43, 1972, p 245-257 379. J.R. Hawthorne and L.E. 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