CONTENTS Preface Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Extracting Copper from Copper-Iron-Sulfide Ores Melting and Casting Cathode Coppe
Trang 1- 4
Trang 212
24.305 Magnesium
40.08 Calcium
137.33 BariWll
226.0254 Radium
3(IIIA) 4(IVA) 5 ( V A ) 6(VIA) 7(VIIA) 8 9(VIIIA)
138.9055 178.4, 180.947, 183.85 Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Wolfram
Trang 318 (WIE
4.00260 Helium
35.453 Chlorine
79.904 Bromine
39.94, Argon
83.80 Krypton
131.30 Xenon
13 (IIIB) 14 ( N B )
10.81 12.011
A1 26.98154 28.085, Boron Silicon
164.9304 Holmium
Tb 158.9254 Terbium
174.96, Lutetium
Trang 5Extractive Metallurgy
of Copper
Trang 6Elsevier Titles of Related Interest
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Trang 7Phelps Dodge Mining Company
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First edition 1916
Second edition 1980
Third edition 1994
Fourth edition 2002
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Davenport, W G (William George)
Extractive metallurgy o f copper ~ 4th ed
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
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ISBN: 0-08-044029-0
8 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSL’NISO 239.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper)
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Extracting Copper from Copper-Iron-Sulfide Ores
Melting and Casting Cathode Copper
Recycle of Copper and Copper-Alloy Scrap
Suggested Reading
2 Production and Use
2.1 Locations of Copper Deposits
2.2 Location of Extraction Plants
3.2 Crushing and Grinding (Comminution)
3.3 Flotation Feed Particle S i i -
3.4 Froth Flotation
3.6 Flotation Cells
3.7 Sensors Operation and Control
Specific Flotation Procedures far Cu Ores
xv xvii xix
Trang 10vi Contents
3.8 The Flotation Product
3.9 Other Flotation Separations
4.2 Matte and Slag
4.3 Reactions During Matte Smelting
4.6 Summary
The Smelting Process: General Considerations
Smelting Products: Matte, Slag and Offgas
Suggested Reading
5 Flash Smelting - Outokumpu Process
5.1 Outokumpu Flash Furnace
Cu-in-Slag and Molten Converter Slag Recycle
Inco vs Outokumpu Flash Smelting
Trang 11Operation and Control
Production Rate Enhancement
9.2 Industrial Peirce-Smith Converting Operations 137
9.5 Recent Developments in Converting- Shrouded Blast Injection 148
Trang 12viii Contents
10 Continuous Converting
10 I Common Features of Continuous Converting
10.2 Downward Lance Mitsubishi Continuous Converting
10.3 Solid Matte Outokumpu Flash Converting
10.4 Submerged-Tuyere Noranda Continuous Converting
Decreasing Copper in Slag I: Minimizing Slag Generation
Decreasing Copper in Slag 11: Minimizing Cu Concentration in
The Ideal Direct-to-Copper Process
Industrial Single Furnace Direct-to-Copper Smelting
13.1 The Mitsubishi Process
13.2 Smelting Furnace Details
20 1
20 1
Trang 13Electric Slag Cleaning Furnace Details
Converting Furnace Details
Recent Mitsubishi Process Developments
Reaction Mechanisms in Mitsubishi Smelting
Optimum Matte Grade
Impurity Behavior in Mitsubishi SmeltingiConverting
Process Control in Mitsubishi Smelting/Converting
Offgases from Smelting and Converting Processes
Sulfuric Acid Manufacture
Smelter Offgas Treatment
Gas Drying
Acid Plant Chemical Reactions
Industrial Sulfuric Acid Manufacture
Recent and Future Developments in Sulfuric Acid Manufacture
Alternative Sulfur Products
Future Improvements in Sulfur Capture
Industrial Methods of Fire Refining
Chemistry of Fire Refining
Choice of Hydrocarbon for Deoxidation
Casting Anodes
Continuous Anode Casting
New Anodes from Rejects and Anode Scrap
Removal of Impurities During Fire Refining
Trang 14Cells and Electrical Connections
Typical Refining Cycle
Refining Objectives
Maximizing Cathode Copper Purity
Optimum Physical Arrangements
Optimum Chemical Arrangements
Optimum Electrical Arrangements
Minimizing Energy Consumption
Recent Developments in Electrorefining
Suggested Reading
17 Hydrometallurgical Copper Extraction:
Introduction and Leaching
17.1 Heap Leaching
17.2 Industrial Heap Leaching
17.3 Steady-State Leaching
17.4 Leaching of Chalcopyrite Concentrates
17.5 Other Leaching Processcs
17.6 Future Developments
17.7 Summary
Suggested Reading
18 Solvent Extraction Transfer of Cu
from Leach Solution to Electrolyte
Industrial Solvent Extraction Plants
Quantitative Design of Series Circuit
Trang 15Contents xi
19 Electrowinning
19 I Electrowinning Reactions
19.2 Electrowinning Tankhouse Practice
19.3 Maximizing Copper Purity
19.4 Maximizing Current Efficiency
19.5 Future Developments
19.6 Summary
Suggested Reading
20 Collection and Processing of Recycled Copper
20.1 The Materials Cycle
The Secondary Copper Smelter
Scrap Processing in Primary Copper Smelters
Overall Investment Costs: Mine through Refinery
Overall Direct Operating Costs: Mine through Refinery
Total Production Costs, Selling Prices, Profitability
Trang 16Stoichiometric Data for Copper Extraction
Copper Recovery from Anode Slimes
Sketch of Series-Parallel Solvent Extraction Circuit
Extended List of Chinese Copper Refineries and their
Trang 20xx Preface
directed to Metallurgical Thermochemistry by 0 Kubaschewski, E L Evans and
C B Alcock, an earlier volume in this series
The text of the book is followed by four appendixes which contain units and conversion factors: stoichiometric data; enthalpy and free energy data; and a summary of the properties of electrolytic tough pitch copper
Copper is one of man's most beautiful and useful materials It has given us great satisfaction to describe and discuss the methods by which it is obtained Both of
our universities have had a long association with the copper industries of our countries, and it is hoped that, through this book, this association will continue
A K Biswas
University of Queensland
W G Davenport
McGill Universify
Trang 212 Extractive Metallurgy of Copper
Sulfide Ores (0 5 - 2.0% Cu)
-250 ppm oxygen
Continuous casting Fabrication and use
Fig 1.1 Principal processes for extracting copper from sulfide ores Parallel lines
indicate alternative processes *Principally Isasmelt/Ausmelt, reverberatory, shaft, electric, and Vanyukov smelting - Two furnaces, worldwide
Trang 22Fabrication and use
Fig 1.2 Hydrometallurgical heap leach copper extraction flowsheet for 'oxide' and chalcocite ores
Trang 234 Extractive Metallurgy of Copper
(a) isolating an ore's Cu-Fe-S (and Cu-S) mineral particles into a concentrate
by froth flotation
(b) smelting this concentrate to molten high-Cu matte
(c) converting the molten matte to impure molten copper
(d) fire- and electrorefining this impure copper to ultra-pure copper
1.2 I Concentration by froth flotation (Chapter 3)
The copper ores being mined in 2002 are too lean in copper (0.5 - 2% Cu) to be smelted directly Heating and melting their huge quantity of waste rock (e.g granite) would require prohibitive amounts of hydrocarbon fuel Fortunately, the Cu-Fe-S and Cu-S minerals in an ore can be isolated by physical means into high-Cu 'concentrate' which can be smelted economically
The most effective method of isolating the Cu minerals is froth flotation This process causes the Cu minerals to become selectively attached to air bubbles rising through a water-finely ground ore mixture, Fig 1.3
Selectivity of flotation is created by using reagents which make Cu minerals water repellent while leaving waste minerals 'wetted' These reagents cause Cu
Air bubble dispersion system
Fig 1.3 Schematic view of flotation cell Reagents cause Cu-Fe sulfide and Cu sulfide minerals in the ore to attach to rising air bubbles, which are then collected in a short-lived
through several cells before being discarded as a final tailing Many types and sizes (up
to 100 m3) of ccll are used, Chapter 3
This froth is de-watered to become concentrate
Trang 24Overview 5
minerals to 'float' on rising bubbles while the other minerals remain unfloated The 'floated' Cu-mineral particles overflow the flotation cell in a froth to become concentrate -30% Cu
Flotation is preceded by crushing and grinding copper ore into fines Its use has led to adoption of smelting processes which are effective at treating finely ground material
1.2.2 Matte smelting (Chapter 4)
Matte smelting oxidizes and melts flotation concentrate in a large, hot (1250°C) furnace, Fig 1.1 The objective of the smelting is to oxidize S and Fe from the Cu-Fe-S concentrate to produce a Cu-enriched molten sulfide phase (matte) The oxidant is almost always oxygen-enriched air
Example reactions are:
2CuFeS2 + T O 2 -+ Cu2S.-FeS + -FeO + -SO2
in oxygen molten matte
AH;,,, = - 20 M J k g mole FeO
The products of smelting are (i) molten sulfide matte (45-75% Cu) containing most of the Cu-in-concentrate and (ii) molten oxide slag as free of Cu as possible The molten matte is subsequently converted (oxidized) in a converting furnace to form impure molten copper The slag is treated for Cu recovery then sold or discarded, Chapter 1 1
S02-bearing offgas (10 to 60% SOz) is also generated SO2 is harmful to the environment so it must be removed before the offgas is released to the atmosphere This is almost always done by capturing the SO2 as sulfuric acid, Chapter 14
An important objective of matte smelting is to produce a slag which contains as little Cu as possible This is done by:
Trang 256 Extractive Metallurgy of Copper
Fig 1.4 Outokumpu oxygen-enriched air flash furnace Flash furnaces are typically 20
m long and 7m wide They smelt 1000 to 3000 tonnes of concentrate per day
Fig 1.5 Noranda submerged tuyere smelting furnace Noranda furnaces are typically 20
to 25 m long and 5 m diameter They smelt 1500 to 3000 tonnes of concentrate per day Teniente smelting furnaces are similar