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Wren 324 8 Cognitive User Modeling Computed by a Proposed Dialogue Strategy Based on an Inductive Game Theory Hirotaka Asai 1 , Takamasa Koshizen 2 , Masataka Watanabe 1 , Hiroshi Tsujin 2 , Kazuyuki Aihara 3 1. Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, {asai,watanabe}@sk.q.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2. Honda Research Institute Japan Co. Ltd., {koshiz,tsujino}@jp.honda-ri.com 3. Department of Information a Science, Institute of Industrial Sci- ence, University of Tokyo Abstract This paper advocates the concept of user modeling (UM), which involves dialogue strategies. We focus on human-machine collaboration, which is endowed with human-like capabilities and in this regard, UM could be re- lated to cognitive modeling, which deals with issues of perception, behav- ioral decision and selective attention by humans. In our UM, approximat- ing a pay-off matrix or function will be the method employed in order to estimate user's pay-offs, which is basically calculated by user's action. Our proposed computation method allows dialogue strategies to be determined by maximizing mutual expectations of the pay-off matrix. We validated the proposed computation using a social game called ``Iterative Prisoner's Dilemma (IPD)'' that is usually used for modeling social relationships based on reciprocal altruism. Furthermore, we also allowed the pay-off matrix to be used with a probability distribution function. That is, we as- sumed that a person's pay-off could fluctuate over time, but that the fluc- tuation could be utilized in order to avoid dead reckoning in a true pay-off matrix. Accordingly, the computational structure is reminiscent of the regularization implicated by the machine learning theory. In a way, we are convinced that the crucial role of dialogue strategies is to enable user mod- els to be smoother by approximating probabilistic pay-off functions. That is, their user models can be more accurate or more precise since the H. Asai et al.: Cognitive User Modeling Computed by a Proposed Dialogue Strategy Based on www.springerlink.com c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005 an Inductive Game Theory, Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) 7, 325–351 (2005) 326 H. Asai et al. dialogue strategies induce the on-line maintenance of models. Conse- quently, our improved computation allowing the pay-off matrix to be treated as a probabilistic density function has led to better performance, Because the probabilistic pay-off function can be shifted in order to mini- mize error between approximated and true pay-offs in others. Moreover, our results suggest that in principle the proposed dialogue strategy should be implemented to achieve maximum mutual expectation and uncertainty reduction regarding pay-offs for others. Our work also involves analogous correspondences on the study of pattern regression and user modeling in accordance with machine learning theory. Key words: User modeling, Dialogue strategy, Inductive Game theory, Pay-off function, Mutual cooperation 8.1 Introduction In recent years effective studies of User Modeling (UM) have attracted a renewed interest from researchers in the field of machine learning, cogni- tive science, and robotics. One of the fundamental objective of human - machine (including robot) interaction research is to design systems to be more usable, more useful, and to provide users with experiences fitting their specific background knowledge and objective. UM tackles the new essential challenges that have arisen to improve the cognitive way in which people interact with computational machines to do work, think, communi- cate, learn, observe, decide and so on. In a way, we are convinced that UM can cope with these challenges. The major characteristic of UM is its focus on the human emulation approach, which is based on the metaphor that to improve human-computer collaboration is to endow computers with hu- man-like capabilities. Therefore, recently, UM seemed to be more related to cognitive modeling (CM) research which deals with issues of perce- ption, how input is processed and understood, how output is produced, de- veloped theories of the cognitive process related to human brain compo- nents that have been dedicated to brain science (Newell, 1983). However, it is still too complicated to model human cognition using knowledge from brain science, e.g., Human Information Processor (HIP). Using psycho- logical studies would be appropriate since they basically refer to human behaviors, and they have been used to analyze and model, in order to rep- resent pay-offs of humans. In these studies, pay-offs can be treated as a sort of hidden or tangible or latent variable. In practice, UM aims at build- ing a manifestation of humans based on their behavioral analyses, which is 8 Cognitive User Modeling Computed by a Proposed Dialogue Strategy 327 usually supported by psychological evidence. In fact, the UM study has al- ready been engaged in deductive approaches in which psychology labeled each pay-offs of humans. Strictly speaking, it is obvious that UM and CM have different perspec- tives and different purposes though these perspectives and purposes some- how overlap. Therefore, in our context, we take into account UM by inte- grating CM effectively with respect to user's pay-offs and characteristics, though the basic idea seems to be originated from the HIP (Newell, 1983). Some of user modeling were derived from the need and desire to provide better support for human-computer collaboration (Fischer, 2001). User modeling, a 'collaborative' learning approach was used whenever one could assume that a user behaves in a similar way to other users (Basu, 1998 and Gervasio, 1998). In this approach, a model is built using data from a group of users, and it is then used to make predictions about an in- dividual user. Practically, it reduces the data collection burden for individ- ual users, though this prevents modeling the behavior of different types of users. In contrast, human emulation or content-based learning approach is built based on the metaphor that improves human-computer collaboration by endowing computers with human-like capabilities, as already described above. That is, human-like capabilities are expected to ensure long-lasting interaction by increasing the population of collaborative behaviors. After all, machines can recognize characteristics of a sole user. Basically, the content-based learning approach is inductive when a user's past behavior is a reliable indicator of his/her future behavior. In this way, user's data from his/her past experience is taken into account when building a predictive model. The predictive model is alternatively defined as a statistical model because statistical analysis is employed to generate predictive user models, simply called probabilistic generative models. However, this approach re- quires a system to collect fairly large amounts of data from each user, in order to enable the formulation of the statistical model. In this paper, we attempt to deal with user modeling, mediated by our dialogic behavioral strategy. The proposed dialogue strategy can also be derived from a game theory (Nash, 1951). However, we utilize a particu- larly inductive game theory (Kaneko, 1999) where the individual player does not have any prior knowledge of the structure of the game. Instead, he/she accumulates experiences induced by occasional random trials in re- peated play. This theory implies, in the end, maximizing each player's pay- off matrix or function by determining his/her behaviors. Our dialogic be- havioral planning scheme is inspired by this inductive game theory. Play- ers must consider each pay-off induced by their behaviors depending on the surrounding situation. The inductive game theory aims at the formulation 328 H. Asai et al. and emergence of individual views about society from experiences. In- deed, it allows game players to let only each payoff's expectations be maximized, and the relationship can eventually be cooperation rather than anti-cooperation. This is because such a game theory, proposed by (Ka- neko, 1999) can be assumed to mediate the implications on relevant socio- logical, economical and even psychological literature. Generally, it is ex- pected that a person should develop mutual strategies of dialogic behavior during the development of his or her life, in order to be able to communi- cate with others. As a consequence, our dialogic behavioral planning will allow players to generate models based on experiences, which are obtained from playing the social game in a recurrent situation. In the first paragraph, we pointed out the importance of user modeling. That is, we assumed that such a repeated social cooperative game could let players continually communicate by approximating other payoffs, according to the probabilis- tic generative models. To sustain such a communication, they must believe that longer will eventually be more profitable (e.g., pay-off to each other) than only maximizing a their individual player's pay-off in the short-term. As a result, we expect that the pay-off expectation of both players will be maximized in the long-term. Thus, this kind of social cooperative game can be regarded as human studies with psychological and neuroscience lit- eratures. For example, there is a well-known repeated game, called itera- tive prisoner's dilemma (IPD). The IPD game has been used by investiga- tors from a wide range of disciplines to model social relationships based on reciprocal altruism (Axelrod and Hamilton, 1981;Axelrod, 1984;Boyd, 1988;Nesse, 1990;Trivers, 1971). Interestingly, a result of the game can be to opt for immediate gratification attaining the maximum pay-off for that round. It may overlook or fail to consider the future consequences of de- fection. That means that players who resist the temptation to defect for short-term gain and instead persist in mutual cooperation may be better guided by the future consequences of their decisions. The proposed computation will be implemented and validated using the IPD game. That is, we allow the IPD to cope with the approximation of a true pay-off matrix by estimating each type of players, pay-off estimation as well as by providing a dialogue strategy. The updated version of the proposed computation will be described by introducing a probability dis- tribution function in the pay-off matrix, to deal with a dead reckoning problem regarding the true pay-off in others. The probabilistic form of our algorithm will improve our original computation with respect to the pay- off approximation. Overall, the dialogue strategy portion of the proposed computation could play the role of smoothing (probabilistic) generative models, which are used for estimating each player's pay-off. Since the dia- logue strategy allows players to pose self-control, the reciprocal expecta- tion of their payoffs will be maximized. 8 Cognitive User Modeling Computed by a Proposed Dialogue Strategy 329 Additionally, the parametric form of probabilistic generative models could be more suitable to come up with the pay-off approximation. In a conclusive manner, our UM suggests to utilize the dialogue strategy that is obtained by approximating a probabilistic pay-off function. The proposed dialogue strategy must also take into account the following points: –Maximum mutual expectation –Uncertainty reduction This paper will describe a new scheme of UM, which is combined with CM. In Section 8.2, we will show how the UM has been explored so far using machine learning theory. In Section 8.3, we will explain the link be- tween social psychology and game theory. The major concept of our proposition - user modeling by a long-lasting dialogue strategy is described in Section 8.4. In Section 8.5, the proposed algorithm, and computation re- sults will be presented with respect to the UM utilizing a long-lasting dia- logue strategy, a concept is derived from the social game theory. Finally, we will conclude the presentation of our proposed computation and com- ment on future work. 8.2 Machine Learning and User Modeling User modeling presents a number of challenges for machine learning that has hindered its application in user modeling, including: the need for large data sets; the need for labeled data; conflict drift; and computational com- plexity (Webb, 2001). Many applications of machine learning in user mod- eling focused on developing models of cognitive processes, usually called cognitive modeling (CM). The true purpose of integrating UM and CM in- cludes discovering users' characteristics, which are on the cognitive proc- ess that underlie users' behavior. However, user modeling presents a num- ber of very significant challenges for machine learning applications. In most problems, it is natural that learning algorithms require many training examples to be accurate (Valiant, 1984). In predictive statistical models for user modeling, this parameter represents an aspect of a user's future behav- ior based on the outcomes of possible behavior analysis. This often pro- vides a major drawback as updating the user models based on the his- torical behavioral outputs is difficult, since the learning scheme is entirely off-line, and it requires significantly large amounts of training data to pa- rameterize the aspect of users. As a consequence, their learning problems fail to its ill-posed problem of training outcome many times. As a result, the burden of collecting data in many cases must be seriously considered to allow the learning problem to catch up in real world competence. [...]... interaction between players Each player then will need to know the pay-off in others Our proposed dialogue strategy aims at using multimodal information for specifying user models by maximizing user pay-offs in long-lasting interactions between machine and user In real-world competence, the dialogue is psychologically expected to gain user's satisfaction by machines allowing users to induce behavioral plans... has only provided a mathematical criterion to evaluate trained models (usually called generative models) with respect to its generalization Thus, the issue is to estimate a user's pay-off, and the dialogue strategy can be undertaken by having machines to generate self-control actions Computationally, a mutual expectation between man and machine will lead to a maximum mutual expectation, which could approximately... propose multimodal information that is dedicated from psychological experiences between infant and adult Legerstee et al. , has studied about the social expectancies between infants and adults (Legerstee, 2001) The social expectancies are defined as infants' expectancy for affective sharing They investigated the role of maternal affect mirroring on the development of prosocial behaviors and social expectancies... dialogue strategy allowing a machine' s action to be done in collaboration with humans In order to attain those objectives, the dialogue strategy ought to take into account a long-lasting interaction between machines and humans In order to evaluate such a smoothing operation the long-lasting dialogue strategy will ensure satisfaction levels of humans to machine' s actions Nevertheless, machine- learning theory... satisfaction of users is really crucial for realizing a long-lasting interaction between a user and a machine User modeling will still be able to estimate the interests, which vary with time 334 H Asai et al 8.5 Our Dialogue Strategy and Computations In this section, we first provide a proposed algorithm with respect to our dialogue strategy In order to show the computation of the proposed algorithm, we use... the proposed algorithm allows each player explicitly to inquire about his/her pay-off As a result, each player is able to compare the true value and the estimated value of his/her pay-off, though the estimated values were previously predicted by the pay-off's approximation That is, the probabilistic model, alternatively called the user model, which was obtained by machine learning, can calculate the... That is, a machine is a sort of learner who needs to train the maternal affect mirroring with respect to the development of prosocial behavior and social expectancies In a sense, the mother corresponds to users, and the machine attempts to share affection by estimating the pay-off of users Our dialogue strategy permits the machinery development for attaining prosocial behaviors and social expectancies... collaborative learning and content-based learning We want our long-lasting dialogue strategy to follow this approach There are previous studies related to user modeling, which take dialogue strategy into account (Litman, 2000) In practice, they use a spoken dialogue system, though multimodal dialogue has been, to date, combined with the spoken dialogue system (Andre, 1998)(Noma, 2000) Essentially, the... calculate the estimated value of the pay-off Importantly, a mutual expected error can be partially calculated from the estimated and true value of the pay-off If the mutual error is greater than the given threshold, the interaction between the two players is reiterated In practice, the IPD game constrains allowing players to be reciprocated by minimizing the error of the mutual expectation Figure 8.2... dialogue scheme with type 2 All plotted data was normalized The initial variance is relatively smaller that of Fig.6, before the dialogue strategy (type2) is undertaken 340 H Asai et al type1 type2 0.5 total square error 0.6 0.5 total square error 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 steps 0 40 0 10 20 30 steps 40 Fig 8.8 The total squared errors (TSEs) for pay-off's approximation are calculated . Technical Report 197 6-2 8, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA, June 1976. Group 32. [4] Ali Azarbayejani and Alex Pentland. Real-time self-calibrating. user. In real-world com- petence, the dialogue is psychologically expected to gain user's satisfaction by machines allowing users to induce behavioral plans related to social co- operative. learning, can calculate the estimated value of the pay-off. Importantly, a mutual expected error can be partially calculated from the estimated and true value of the pay-off. If the mutual error