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Movement Adds Value 4 The AGE compensation unit enables passive compensation of position errors along the x- and y-axes up to ±4mm depending on the size of the component. Faulty angle positioning can be com- pensated up to 16°. The compensation unit can be pneumatically locked to keep it stable during robot movement errors. It is possible to lock the center position or any other position. Faulty positions caused by robot teaching, for example, can be compensated and “saved”. This reduces the force which acts on the robot and gripper during pick operations. Magnetic sensors can be fitted to tongues to make sure that the compensation unit has been locked. If the compensation unit is directly fitted to a robot flange it is easier to integrate the component. ISO 9409 specifies drilling for flanging components which makes the flange adapter plate redun - dant. This reduces weight and cost. AGE compensation unit Figure 4.8 Principle of function: Compensation unit removing a bolt from its faulty position 182 *- iÃÊ>«iÀÌÕÀiÊÀ} ``ià -"Ê{äÊ`ÀiVÌÊÕÌ}Ê wÝÌÕÀiÊvÀÊÃiÃÀÊ -ÊÓÓ iÝViÌiÀÊV ViÌiÀi`ÊV }Õ`>ViÃÊÃÌÀiʳÉÊÎ /Ê«ÃÌ}ÊÃiÃÀ VÌÛiÊV«iÃ>ÌÊvÊv>ÕÌÞÊ«ÃÌ}Ê`ÕÀ}Ê>ÃÃiLÞÊÀÊÀi>V ÌÊÊvÀViÃÊvÊ«ÀViÃÃÊÃÊÀi>âi`ÊLÞÊ/ÊÀViÊ/ÀµÕi®ÊÃiÃÀÃ°Ê /iÃiÊÃiÃÀÃÊ«ÌV>ÞÊi>ÃÕÀiÊvÀViÃÊ>`ÊÌÀµÕiÃÊ>`ÊVÛiÀÌÊ ÌiÊÌÊÃ}>ÃÊvÀÊÀLÌÊ`ÀÛiÃÊ -ÝÊ``iÃÊ>ÀiÊÕÌi`ÊÌÊÌiÊVÀiÊvÊÌiÊÃiÃÀÊ>`ÊÃi`ÊÌiÀÊ}ÌÊ ÌÀÕ}Ê>ÊVÛiÀÊ«>ÌiÊÀ}ÊÌÊÌiÊ*-Ê«ÃÌÊÃiÃÌÛiÊ`iÌiVÌÀ®Ê ÜVÊÀiVÀ`ÊÌiÊV>}iÊÊ«ÃÌ°Ê/iÃiÊ`>Ì>Ê>ÀiÊVÛiÀÌi`Ê ÌÊiÌVÊ`>Ì>]ÊÜVÊ>ÀiÊÌiÊL>ÃÃÊvÀÊV>VÕ>Ì}ÊÌiÊvÀViÃÊ>`Ê ÌÀµÕiÃÊvÊÌiÊVÕÌiÀvÀViÃÊvÊÌiÊÌi}À>Ìi`ÊëÀ}Ê«>VÃÊ>ÀiÊ Ü°Ê/iÊ>ÌÌiÀÊ>ÀiÊÛÃLiÊÊÌiÊÃiVÌ>ÊÛiÜÊvÊÌiÊÃiÃÀ°ÊÊ >``Ì>Ê«ÌÊÌÊVÊÌiÊÃiÃÀÊÕÃÌÊLiÊ«ÀÛ`i`]ÊÊV>ÃiÊÌiÊ ÀLÌÊÕÃÌÊ«iÀvÀÊ>Êv>ÃÌÊ«VÕ«ÊÛiiÌ°Ê/ÃÊV>ÊLiÊ>ViÛi`Ê «iÕ>ÌV>ÞÊvÀÊÌiÊÃiÃÀÊ`i«VÌi`°Ê £nÎ Movement Adds Value 4 This sensor can measure forces up to 300N and torques up to 15Nm taking into consideration the directions of force and torque. Workpiece displacements which the sensor tolerates are maximum ±1.4mm for the directions x, y, z, and maximum ±1.4° for the rotary directions α, b, γ. The data measured by the sensor can be exported by CAN, DeviceNET as well as by RS232 or RS485. The data are updated per millisecond in each case. The sensor comes with a PC compatible test software for check- ing all functions and putting it into operation. All sensor functions can be triggered by a simple parameter input. No extra drivers are required and the test software is compatible with any software. Another type of FT (Force Torque) sensor is based on a tactile mea- suring procedure. As illustrated, the forces and torques are mea- sured with so-called DMS. The tool is fitted to the inner ring of the sensor. The tool (or gripper) force is transmitted by three crossbars onto the fixture ring of the robot. Figure 4.9 FTC principle of function FT sensor in operation FTC sensor, sectional view spring packs 184 ÌÊwÝÌÕÀi -Ê£ÓÝ® ÀLÌÊwÝÌÕÀi i>ÃÕÀ}ÊVÀÃÃL>ÀÃÊÎÝ® i>ÃÕÀ}ÊVÀÃÃL>À]Ê ÃiVÌ>ÊÛiÜÊÜÌÊ-Ê ÃÌÀ>Ê}>Õ}iÊÃiÃÀÃÊ >v`Ê>««V>ÌÃÊ>ÛiÊLiiÊÀi>âi`ÊÜÌÊÌÃÊ«ÀV«iÊvÊ i>ÃÕÀ}]ÊÀ>}}ÊvÀÊÕÌ}ÊëÀÌÊVÕ«jÊÀvÃÊÌÊ>ÃÃiL}Ê ÌViÊÃðÊÌÀ}Ê>`ÊVÌÀ}ÊvÀViÃÊvÊ«ÀViÃÃÊ>iÃÊ ÌiÃiÊ>««V>ÌÃÊÃ>viÊÀÊ>«ÌÊvÀÊ>ÕÌ>ÌÊÊÌiÊwÀÃÌÊ«>Vi°Ê ÝVi«Ì>ÊÀViÃÊ"vÊ*ÀViÃà ÊVÃÊÜÌÊ>ÊLÃÌ>ViÊÊÌiÊÜÀë>ViÊÃÊVÃ`iÀi`Ê>Ê Ã«iV>ÊV>ÃiÊvÊvÀViÃÊ>VÌ}ÊÊÌiÊÜÀ«iViÉ}À««iÀÊVL>Ì°Ê -ÕVÊVÃÃÊÌi`ÊÌÊVVÕÀÊ`ÕÀ}Ê«iiÌ>ÌÊÀÊvÀÊ«>ÀÌVÕ>ÀÊ ÀLÌÊÛiiÌÊ«>ÌÌiÀÃÊÜVÊ>ÀiÊ`vwVÕÌÊÌÊÌiÃÌ°ÊÀÊiÝ>«i]Ê ÃiÃÀÊÃ}>ÃÊ>ÞÊV>}iÊÌiÊiÌVÊ«>ÌÊvÊ>ÊÀLÌÊvÊÌiÊÃ>viÌÞÊ «ÀÛÃÃÊÌÊÃÕvwViÌ°Ê ÃÃÊ>ÀiÊvÀiµÕiÌÞÊ«ÀÛi`ÊLÞÊÕ>Ê«iÀ>ÌÀÊv>ÕÀiÊÊ V>ÃiÊLÃÌ>ViÃ]ÊÃÕVÊ>ÃÊ«>iÌÃÊÀÊÌiÊÜÀ}ÊÜÀ«iViÊÌÞ«iÃ]Ê>ÀiÊ «>Vi`ÊÌÊÌiÊÀLÌÊÜÀë>Vi°ÊÊÃÌÊV>ÃiÃ]ÊÃV>i`Ê>ÌÊ VÃÊÕÌÃÊi`>ÌiÞÊ«>ÞÊvv]ÊVÃ`iÀ}ÊÌiÊVÃÌÃÊvÀÊÃÃÊvÊ «À`ÕVÌÊÜÌÕÌÊiÛiÊVÕÌ}Ê>ViÊ`>>}i° ÃiÃÀÊÕÃi`ÊvÀÊÜÀ}ÊÊ>Ê VÞ`iÀÊLV £nx & & & A A â >® L® V® ÛiiÌÊ``ÃÊ6>Õi { -ÕVÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌÃÊÕÃÌÊÌÀ}}iÀÊ>ÊiiÀ}iVÞÊÃÌ«ÊvÊvÀViÃÊ iÝVii`ÊÌiÊÌÃÊvÊÀ>Ê«iÀ>Ì°Ê}ÕÀiÊ{°£äÊVÕ`iÃÊ`vviÀiÌÊ iÝ>«iÃÊvÊ«ÃÃLiÊVÃÃÊ>`ÊÀi>Ìi`ÊvÀViÃÊÀÊÌÀµÕiÃÊ>VÌ}Ê ÊÌiÊ}À««iÀÊ>`ÊÌiÊ«ÀÌiVÌÊÕÌ°Ê ÊiÝ>«iÊ>®ÊÌÀµÕiÊ>VÌÃÊÊÌiÊ}À««iÀÊ>`ÊÌÕÃÊÊÌiÊ>ÌÊ VÃÊÕÌÊ>ÃÊvÊÌiÊ}À««iÀÊÃÊÌÊLiÊÀÌ>Ìi`°ÊÝ>«iÊL®ÊÃÜÃÊ «ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊ>VÌ}ÊÊÌiÊ}À««iÀÊvÀÊLiÜÊÜVÊÃÊÌÞ«V>ÊvÀÊ >ÃÃiLÞ°ÊÝ>«iÊV®ÊiÝ«>ÃÊ>ÊÛiÀÞÊVÊÃÌÕ>ÌÊÜiÀiÊ ÌÀµÕiÊ>ÞÊV>ÕÃiÊÌiÊ}À««iÀÊÌÊÌÌ° /iÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌÊÃÊi«ÌÊÀ}`ÊLÞÊ>ÀÊ«ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊ`ÕÀ}ÊÀ>Ê «iÀ>Ì°ÊÞÊV>}}ÊÌiÊ«ÕÌÊ>ÀÊ«ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊLÞÊ>ÊÌÀÌÌi]ÊÛ>ÀÕÃÊ `i}ÀiiÃÊvÊÀ}`ÌÞÊV>ÊLiÊ>`ÕÃÌi`ÊÊÀi>ÌÊÌÊÌiÊÜÀ>`°Ê ÃÊÃÊ>ÃÊÛiÀ>`ÊÀÊVÃÊÃÊ`iÌiVÌi`]ÊÃiÃÀÃÊÌi}À>Ìi`ÊÌÊ ÌiÊÛiÀ>`Ê«ÀÌiVÌÊ}ÛiÊ>ÊÃ}>]ÊÜVÊÌiÊÌÀ}}iÀÃÊÌiÊ iiÀ}iVÞÊÃÌ«Ê>ÌÊÌiÊÀiëiVÌÛiÊ«ÀViÃÃÊVÌÀ°ÊÀÊÀi}Õ>ÀÊ «ÀÌiVÌ]ÊÌiÊ«ÃÌÊÃÊÃÜÌVi`ÊÜÌÕÌÊ«ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊÀÊÌiÊ>ÀÊÊÌiÊ «ÃÌÊë>ViÊÃÊÀii>Ãi`ÊLÞÊ>ÊÌÀÌÌiÊViVÊÛ>ÛiÊÜÌÊÀiÃiÌÊëÀ}°Ê /iÊ`À>ÜL>VÊvÊÌiÊ>ÌÌiÀÊÃÊÌ>ÌÊ>Ê>LÀÕ«ÌÊÀii>ÃiÊvÊ>ÀÊÃÊÌÊ >VVi«Ì>LiÊvÀÊViÀÌ>Ê>««V>ÌÃ]ÊÃÕVÊ>ÃÊVi>À° }ÕÀiÊ{°£äÊÝ>«iÃÊvÊVÃÃÊÜÌÊÌiÊÀiëiVÌÛiÊ `ÀiVÌÃÊvÊvÀViÊ>`ÊÌÀµÕiÊ £nÈ }À««iÀÊ`iÛ>Ì ÃÌ>ÌivÌi>ÀÌÊÊ >ÌVÃÊÕÌ Ài}Õ>ÀÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌ Ê vÀVi ä }ÕÀiÊ{°££Ê ÀVi`iÛ>ÌÊ`>}À>ÊvÀÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌà `iÀÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌÃÊ}iiÀ>ÌiÊÌiÊ>Ìi>ViÊvÀViÊÌÀÕ}Ê Ã«À}Ê«>VÃÊÜÌÊÌiÊÀiÃÕÌÊÌ>ÌÊÌiÊvÀViÊV>ÊLiÊi«ÌÊi>ÀÊÜÌÊ }À««iÀÊ`iÛ>ÌÊÛiÀÊ>Ê}Ê`ÃÌ>Vi°Ê/ÜÊ`vviÀiÌÊÌÞ«iÃÊvÊ >ÌVÃÊÕÌÃÊÜÌÊÌiÀÊÀiëiVÌÛiÊvÀVi`ÃÌ>ViÊVÕÀÛiÃÊ>ÀiÊ ÕÃÌÀ>Ìi`ÊÊw}ÕÀiÊ{°££° /iÊVÕÀÛiÃÊÀi«ÀiÃiÌÊvÀViÊÛiÀÊ}À««iÀÊ`iÛ>ÌÊÜÌÊÌiÊÀi`Ê VÕÀÛiÊÃÜ}ÊÌiÊi>ÀÊ>ÃViÌÊvÊvÀViÊÛiÀÊ`iÛ>Ì°Ê/iÊ>ÌÌiÀÊÃÊ «ÃÃLi]ÊvÊÌiÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌÊÃÊÃiÞÊi«ÌÊÊ«ÃÌÊLÞÊëÀ}Ê vÀVi°Ê/iÊVÕÀÛiÊvÊÌiÊÀi}Õ>ÀÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌÊ`À«ÃÊÌÊâiÀÊ>vÌiÀÊ >Û}ÊÀi>Vi`ÊÌÃÊvÀViÊ>ÝÕ]Ê>ÃÊÌÊÃÊÌÞ«V>ÊvÀÊ>ÌVÃÊ ÕÌÃÊÃÕ««ÀÌi`ÊLÞÊ>Ê«iÕ>ÌVÊVÞ`iÀ°Ê `iÀÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌÃÊ`Ê>ÛiÊÃiÛiÀ>Ê>`ÕÃÌiÌÊ«ÌÃ°Ê iÀ}iVÞÊÃÌ«ÊÃ}>ÃÊV>ÊLiÊ`Û`Õ>ÞÊÃiÌÊÃÊÌ>Ì]ÊvÀÊiÝ>«i]Ê ÌiÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌÊÌiÀ>ÌiÃÊ>Ê`iÛ>ÌÊÕ«ÊÌÊÎÊLivÀiÊÌÊ }ÛiÃÊÌiÊÃ}>°Ê/ÃÊ«iÀÌÃÊÌiÊ«iÀ>ÌÀÊÌÊ>`ÕÃÌÊÌiÊiiÀ}iVÞÊ ÃÌ«ÊvÕVÌÊ>VVÀ`}ÊÌÊÌiÊ`iÃÀi`ÊÌ}ÊÀÊ`i}ÀiiÊvÊ`iÛ>Ì°Ê /ÃÊÃÊvÊ>`Û>Ì>}iÊvÀÊ>««V>ÌÃÊÜVÊ«iÀÌÊÃ}ÌÊ}À««iÀÊ `iÛ>ÌÃÊLÕÌÊÀÃÊ`>>}iÊÊV>ÃiÊvÊ}Ài>ÌÊ`iÛ>Ìð £nÇ ÛiiÌÊ``ÃÊ6>Õi { ÌVÃÊÕÌÃÊV>Ê>ÃÊLiÊ>ÕÌ>ÌV>ÞÊÀi>VÌÛ>Ìi`Ê>vÌiÀÊ VðÊ/iÊVÞ`iÀÊV>ÊViÌiÀÊÌiÊ}À««iÀÊ>}>Ê>vÌiÀÊÀiiÜ>Ê vÊ«ÀiÃÃÕÀi]ÊÜVÊÃÊÌiÀiÃÌ}ÊvÀÊ>««V>ÌÃÊÜiÀiÊ>ÊVÃÊ `iÃÊÌÊiViÃÃ>ÀÞÊÀiµÕÀiÊ>ÊiiÀ}iVÞÊÃÌ«°ÊÃÊ>ÊÀiÃÕÌ]Ê>Ê«VÊ ÀÊ«>ViÊÃÌ>ÌÊV>ÊLiÊÃÌ>ÀÌi`Ê>}>ÊÜÌÕÌÊÌiÊi«ÊvÊ>Ê«iÀ>ÌÀÊ >`ÊÌiÀiÊÃÊÊii`ÊÌÊiÌiÀÊÌiÊÜÀë>ViÊvÊÌiÊiÌVÊÕÌ° /ÃÊÌÞ«iÊvÊ>ÌVÃÊÕÌÊV>ÊLiÊÕÃi`Ê>ÃÊ>ÊV«iÃ>ÌÊÕÌÊ >ÃÊÜi°ÊÌÊÃÊiµÕ««i`ÊÜÌÊ>ÊÃ`ÊÃÕ««ÀÌ]ÊÜVÊ>À`ÞÊÜi>ÀÃÊ iÛiÊ>ÌÊvÀiµÕiÌÊÕÃi°Ê -V>i`ÊÛiÀ>`Ê«ÀÌiVÌÊÕÌÃ]ÊÜVÊ>ÀiÊ>}>ÊL>Ãi`ÊÊëÀ}Ê vÀVi]Ê>ÀiÊÕÃi`ÊvÀÊÃiÊ>««V>ÌðÊ/iÃiÊÕÌÃÊÃÜÊ`vviÀiÌÊ vÀVi`iÛ>ÌÊ`>}À>ÃÊÊÀi>ÌÊÌÊÌiÊ`ÀiVÌÊvÊÃÌÀiÃÃ]Ê>ÃÊ ÕÃÌÀ>Ìi`ÊvÀÊ>ÊëiV>ÞÊV«>VÌÊÕÌ° ÀLÌ }À««iÀ >`ÕÃÌiÌÊÃVÀiÜÊvÀÊ ÃÜÌV «ÃÌÊvÀʺÀiÃiÌ» iV>V>ÊÃÜÌVÊ ÃÕ««ÀÌ >ÌVÃÊÕÌ]ÊÃiVÌ>ÊÛiÜ >ÝÕÊ`iÛ>Ì ÛiÀ>`Ê«ÀÌiVÌÊÕÌÊL>Ãi`ÊÊëÀ}ÊvÀVi £nn Figure 4.12 Kinetic device options (VDI 2860) 4.2 Realization of Kinetic Processes Workpiece movement is expressed by Newton`s kinetic equation. A movement in space is basically defined by its velocity, accel- eration, and direction. In automation technology, movements are realized in different ways. All basic options are listed in a structured overview in the VDI Guideline 2860: Generally speaking, a kinetic device with a set main function is a low-cost option for changing workpiece position or orientation, such as pneumatic cylinders and mini slides for workpiece positioning. Kinetic devices with variable main function include both manually controlled and program-controlled kinetic automats. Kinetic path with acceleration and deceleration in different colors Kinetic device Kinetic device with set main function Kinetic device with variable main function Manually controlled kinetic automats Program-controlled kinetic automats Programmed kinetic automats Freely programmable kinetic automats (axes/industrial robots) Industrial robots without active program control Industrial robots with active program adaption Industrial robots with active program selection 189 ÛiiÌÊ``ÃÊ6>Õi { 6>À>LiÊ>ÊvÕVÌÊi>ÃÊÌ>ÌÊÛiiÌÃ]ÊÜVÊ>ÀiÊ«iÀ vÀi`ÊLÞÊÌiÊiÌVÊ`iÛVi]Ê>ÀiÊÌÊ«Ài`iwi`ÊLÕÌÊV>Êi>ÃÞÊLiÊ V>}i`°Ê>Õ>ÞÊVÌÀi`Ê>ÕÌ>ÌÃÊ>ÀiÊÌÊiÝ«>i`ÊÊ`iÌ>Ê ÊÌÃÊL°ÊÊÃÀÌ]ÊÌiÞÊ>ÀiÊÕÃÕ>ÞÊ>«Õ>ÌÀÃÊÕÃi`ÊvÀÊÛi iÌÃÊÜVÊÜÕ`ÊLiÊÌÊi>Ì`>>}}ÊvÀÊÕ>ÃÊÌÊ«iÀvÀ]Ê ÃÕVÊ>ÃÊ>`}Êi>ÛÞÊÜi}ÌÃÊÊ«>iÌâ}ÊÀÊ>`}ÊÀ>`>VÌÛiÊ iiiÌÃÊÊÕVi>ÀÊ«ÜiÀÊ«>Ìð *À}À>VÌÀi`ÊiÌVÊ>ÕÌ>ÌÃÊ>`ÊÌiÀÊÃÕLÃÞÃÌiÃÊ>ÀiÊ `iÌ>i`ÊÊÌÃÊV>«ÌiÀ°Ê*À}À>i`ÊiÌVÊ>ÕÌ>ÌÃ]ÊÃÕVÊ>ÃÊ VÕÀÛi`ÃÊVÌÀi`ÊiÌVÊ>ÕÌ>ÌÃ]Ê>ÛiÊLiiÊÌ>iÊÌÊ >VVÕÌÊ>ÃÊÜiÊ>ÃÊvÀiiÞÊ«À}À>>LiÊiÌVÊ>ÕÌ>ÌÃ]ÊÜVÊ >ÀiÊÀi«ÀiÃiÌi`ÊLÞÊ*Ê>`Ê VÌÀi`Ê>ÝÃÊÛiiÌÃ°Ê /iÊvÀiiÞÊ«À}À>>LiÊiÌVÊ>ÕÌ>ÌÃÊ>ÀiÊÃÕL`Û`i`Ê>VVÀ`}Ê ÌÊÌiÀÊ`i}ÀiiÊvʺÌi}iVi»°ÊVÀi>Ã}ÞÊ`i«i`iÌÊiÌVÊ `iÛViÃÊV>}iÊÌiÀÊ«À}À>ÃÊÊÌiÀÃÊvÊLi>ÛÀÊ>`Ê>`>«ÌÊÌÊ V>}}ÊiÛÀiÌÃ°Ê /iÞÊiÌiÀÊV>}iÊÌiÊLÞÊÃiiVÌ}Ê>Ê«À}À>ÊvÀÊ>ÊÕLiÀÊvÊ `iwi`ÊÃÕL«À}À>ÃÊÀÊLÞÊ>`>«Ì]Ê°Êi°ÊV>}}ÊÌiÀÊ«À}À>Ê ÀÊÌiÀÊÛiiÌÊ«>ÌÌiÀÃ°Ê *À}À>Ê>`>«ÌÊÃÊÜ`iÞÊÕÃi`ÊvÀÊÀLÌÃÊÜVÊii`ÊÌÊÀ}>âiÊ ÌiÀÊÛiiÌÃÊÊÕÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀi`ÊiÛÀiÌÃÊÜÌÕÌÊëiV>Ê vÀiÜi`}i° £ä Simple Rotation First we take a look at kinetic devices with a set main function, i. e. components performing the most simple translatory or rotary movement in order to reach an end position. The so-called rotary or swivel units with their rotary movements are used 1. as components for multiple grippers to reduce cycle time and 2. as a kinetic device for workpiece orientation Cycle time reduction is achieved by attaching several grippers to the swivel unit. These swivel head grippers or revolver grippers take a finished workpiece out of a processing maching and swivel another gripper with an unprocessed workpiece into the pick position. Auxiliary process time for feeding the processing machine is reduced to a minimum as the swivel movement can be performed without any or with minimum effort by the handling device. By using the swivel unit for pick operations, the handling device is able to avoid movements that would pick up an unprocessed workpiece. Swivel unit 191 [...]... Transmitting information from the gripper to the robot becomes more and more important with the increasing number of sensors Rotary distributors make this transmission possible without twisting any cables An alternative for transmitting information from the gripper to the control of the kinetic device is wireless transmission technology The latter can be expected to greatly reduce the amount of cabling in automation... bushings with gripper change system and torque reactor strut Special rotary distributor at 1,500A Pneumatic transmission is problematic for applications which do not permit valve technology to be integrated into the gripper As a result, all switch operations must be performed within the reach of the robot arm, or even further away and separately through the rotary distributor to the gripper Transmitting... transmitting information from the gripper to the control of the kinetic device is wireless transmission technology The latter can be expected to greatly reduce the amount of cabling in automation over the next few years 201 . fitted to the inner ring of the sensor. The tool (or gripper) force is transmitted by three crossbars onto the fixture ring of the robot. Figure 4.9 FTC principle of function FT sensor in operation. transmitting information from the gripper to the control of the kinetic device is wireless transmission technology. The latter can be expected to greatly reduce the amount of cabling in automation. into the pick position. Auxiliary process time for feeding the processing machine is reduced to a minimum as the swivel movement can be performed without any or with minimum effort by the handling