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Who Needs Emotions The Brain Meets the Robot - Fellous & Arbib Part 5 doc

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64 brains benefits that also presented vulnerabilities. For example, genes related to the DA system that may have enhanced novelty seeking may have provided advantages in seeking and finding new habitats and resources. In ancestral environments, such genetic quirks would be beneficial or at the very least not deleterious; however, in modern environments, with availability of pure drugs such as cocaine, disproportionate susceptibility among individuals may occur. Gerald and Higley (2002) have proposed a fascinating model for ge- netic susceptibility to alcohol dependence in relation to variations in seroto- nin function. Their research shows that monkeys with lower levels of brain 5-HT tend to be less affiliative and social, to be more aggressive and impul- sive, and to have a higher mortality in the wild. These monkeys drink exces- sive amounts of alcohol compared to monkeys with high 5-HT levels. Thus, heritable traits that may have been advantageous in certain contexts could contribute to susceptibility to alcoholism and excessive alcohol intake. Ultimately, it is critical to address the remarkable similarities between plant alkaloids and nervous system chemicals and receptors in animals. Fig- ure 3.8 shows examples of cannabinoid and opiate receptors in the mam- malian brain. Sullivan and Hagen (2002) ponder this question and propose that psychotropic substance seeking is an adaptation reflective of a coevolu- tionary relationship between psychotropic plant substances and humans that is millions of years old. Plants containing allelochemicals (toxic metabolites used by plants to discourage herbivores and pathogens) were widespread in the ancestral environment, and these alkaloids were often chemical analogues of vertebrate and invertebrate neurotransmitters. this “deep time” relationship is self-evident both in the extant chemical–ecological adaptations that have evolved in mammals to metabolize psychotropic plant substances and in the structure of plant defensive chemicals that have evolved to mimic the struc- ture, and interfere with the function, of mammalian neurotrans- mitters. (Sullivan & Hagen, 2002) Taking an anthropological point of view, these authors suggest that ex- tensive evidence of substance use in antiquity may have been a mundane, ubiquitous activity similar to how we use caffeine in the present. These au- thors propose that there may have been selective and relatively specific bene- fits of plant use, particularly before the advent of agriculture. The use of the coca plant can be traced at least as far back as 7000 years ago, and Sullivan and Hagen (2002) cite archeological evidence that the betel nut (containing arecoline, a muscarinic agonist) was chewed 13,000 years ago in Timor and 10,700 years ago in Thailand. These authors suggest that in a foraging envi- ronment humans may have exploited these neurotransmitter analogue chemi- cals to enhance energy and fitness, particularly for nutritionally constrained organization of motivational–emotional systems 65 Figure 3.8. Receptors that selectively bind opiates and cannabinoids are present in the mammalian brain, perhaps indicating a coevolutionary rela- tionship between humans and plant alkyloids, as discused in the text. (A) Strong expression of cannabinoid receptors in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala in rat brain, an area involved in emotion regulation. On the left is a low-power view and on the right is a high-power view of sections stained for cannabinoid receptor immunoreactivity. BLA, Basolateral amygdala; Ce, central nucleus; ic, internal capsule. (From Katona et al., 2001, with permis- sion.) (B) Localization of opiate receptor binding in the striatum of rat brain, utilizing 3H-naloxone autoradiography. Light staining against dark field indicates dense, patchy distribution of mu opiate receptor distribution in the dorsal and ventral striatum, areas important for learning and reinforcement processes. Small arrow in cortex indicates mu binding in layer k of cortex; larger arrow indicates intense binding in the subcallosal streak and patchy areas called “striosomes.” (From Delfs et al., 1994, with permission.) neurotransmitters (the monoamines and acetylcholine). This could bring a clear benefit in times of privation and resource scarcity. Behavioral, nutritional, and energetic advantages have been ascribed to ethanol consumption, present in low levels in ripe and fermenting fruit, which have been consumed by frugivore primates for 40 million years (Dudley, 2002). Whatever the ultimate explanation for drug-seeking behavior, it is clear that there is a close evolutionary relationship between certain plant alkaloids 66 brains and brain neurotransmitters. Many of these compounds bind specifically to brain receptors and are able to induce feelings of positive emotion or plea- sure, and relieve negative emotional states such as anxiety and depression. In the present ecological environment, the overabundance and availability of high quantities of pure drugs have resulted in maladaptive consequences of uncontrolled use and addiction. CONCLUSIONS The present chapter has provided a framework for thinking about the evo- lution of brain neurotransmitter systems that mediate motivational processes and emotional expression. Emotions (or their equivalent state) are required to activate adaptive behavior, from single-cell organisms to humans. Their elaboration and expression, when elicited by appropriate stimuli, are instan- tiated in complex but highly organized neural circuitry. A major feature of this circuitry, at least in mammalian brains, is reciprocal and feed-forward links between core motivational systems within the hypothalamus and higher-order corticostriatal and limbic structures. This cross-talk between cortical and subcortical networks enables intimate communication between phylogenetically newer brain regions, subserving subjective awareness and cognition, with ancestral motivational systems that exist to promote survival behaviors. Neurochemical coding, imparting an extraordinary amount of specificity and flexibility within these networks, appears to be conserved in evolution; several examples with monoamines and peptides have been pro- vided above. Across the course of thousands of years, humans, through in- teractions with plant alkyloids, have discovered how to facilitate or blunt emotions with psychoactive drugs. Thus, while emotional systems gener- ally serve a highly functional and adaptive role in behavior, they can be al- tered in maladaptive ways in the case of addiction. Future research will undoubtedly generate more insight into the chemical, genetic, and organi- zational nature of motivational–emotional systems. References Adler, J. (1966). Chemotaxis in bacteria. Science, 153, 708–716. Adler, J. (1969). Chemoreceptors in bacteria. Science, 166, 1588–1597. Adler, J. (1990). The sense of “smell” in bacteria: Chemotaxis in E. coli. In K. Colbow (Ed.), R. H. Wright lectures on olfaction. Burnaby, Canada: Simon Fraser University. Adler, J., Hazelbauer, G. L., & Dahl, M. M. (1973). Chemotaxis toward sugars in Escherichia coli. 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[...]... aversion Brain, 124, 1720–1733 Smeets, W J., Lopez, J M., & Gonzalez, A (2001) Immunohistochemical localization of DARPP-32 in the brain of the lizard, Gekko gecko: Co-occurrence with tyrosine hydroxylase Journal of Comparative Neurology, 4 35, 194–210 Smeets, W J., Lopez, J M., & Gonzalez, A (2003) Immunohistochemical localization of DARPP-32 in the brain of the turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans: Further... behavior (MacLean, 1949, 1 952 ; Isaacson, 1982) However, this would be a mistake In spite of the fact that the limbic system concept remains the predominant view about how the brain makes emotions, it is a flawed and inadequate theory of the emotional brain The limbic system concept was built upon the view, promoted by comparative anatomists in the first half of the 20th century, that the neocortex ... in understanding the brain mechanisms of perception, attention, memory, and other cognitive processes One might be tempted to say that the way to foster the synthesis of cognition and emotion into a new science of mind would be to put all this new information about the cognitive brain together with the view of the emotional brain provided by the limbic system concept put forth in the context of an... Williams, G V., & Goldman-Rakic, P S (19 95) Modulation of memory fields by dopamine D1 receptors in prefrontal cortex Nature, 376, 57 2 57 5 Wilson, C., Nomikos, G G., Collu, M., & Fibiger, H C (19 95) Dopaminergic correlates of motivated behavior: Importance of drive Journal of Neuroscience, 15, 51 69 51 78 Wise, R A., & Rompré, P P (1989) Brain dopamine and reward Annual Review of Psychology, 40, 191–2 25 Yeh,... WANE? As soon as pioneering brain researchers in the late 19th century identified regions of the brain involved in sensory perception and movement control (the neocortex), William James (1890) asked whether emotions might be explained in terms of these functions or whether emotion was the business of a separate, yet undiscovered brain system Being a pragmatist, he proposed a theory of emotion based solely... Y., Thompson, R H., & Swanson, L W (1997) The structural organization of connections between hypothalamus and cerebral cortex Brain Research Brain Research Reviews, 24, 197– 254 Robinson, T E., & Berridge, K C (1993) The neural basis of drug craving: An incentive-sensitization theory of addiction Brain Research Reviews, 18, 247–291 Russell, B (1921) The analysis of mind London: Allen & Unwin Salamone,... apply to the human brain and has directed attention to another important component of the emotional brain: the prefrontal cortex Together, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex can account for higher forms of fear that involve consciousness 80 brains We conclude by discussing some recent results on positive emotions such as attachment, and by listing a set of rules that have emerged from the neuroscience... remained focused on subjective emotional experience In spite of the fact that most research on emotions and the brain was, and still is, conducted in experimental animals, creatures in which subjective states are difficult, if not impossible, 82 brains to prove, theoretical discussions of emotions and the brain typically reverted back to the age-old question of feelings However, even if we can account for... for the much-needed integration of cognition, emotion, and motivation the mental trilogy (LeDoux, 2002) Whether emotion, motivation, and cognition are three distinct but tightly interacting systems or whether emotion is an integral architectural feature of the cognitive and motivational systems (or vice-versa) remains to be established SHOULD WE INTEGRATE THE COGNITIVE BRAIN WITH THE LIMBIC SYSTEM? The. .. (Berlin), 144, 95 110 Swanson, L W (2000) Cerebral hemisphere regulation of motivated behavior Brain Research, 886, 113–164 Tempel, B L., Livingstone, M S., & Quinn, W G (1984) Mutations in the dopa decarboxylase gene affect learning in Drosophila Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 81, 357 7– 358 1 Tidey, J W., & Bergman, J (1998) Drug discrimination in methamphetamine- 76 brains trained . experimental animals also apply to the human brain and has directed attention to another important component of the emotional brain: the prefrontal cor- tex. Together, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. In spite of the fact that the limbic system concept remains the predominant view about how the brain makes emotions, it is a flawed and inadequate theory of the emotional brain. The limbic system. Emotional Processing What the Fearful Brain Tells the Robot jean-marc fellous and joseph e. ledoux The field of neuroscience has, after a long period of looking the other way, embraced “emotion”

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2014, 02:21

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