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Who Needs Emotions The Brain Meets the Robot - Fellous & Arbib Part 17 doc

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304 robots Biasing Attention Kismet’s level of interest improves the robot’s attention, biasing it toward desired stimuli (e.g., those relevant to the current goal) and away from ir- relevant stimuli. For instance, Kismet’s exploratory responses include visual searching for a desired stimulus and/or maintaining visual engagement of a relevant stimulus. Kismet’s visual attention system directs the robot’s gaze to the most salient object in its field of view, where the overall salience measure is a combination of the object’s raw perceptual salience (e.g. size, motion, color) and its relevance to the current goal. It is important to note that Kismet’s level of interest biases it to focus its attention on a goal-relevant stimulus that is beneficial, even when that object may have less perceptual salience over another “flashy” yet less goal-relevant stimulus. Without the influence of interest on Kismet’s attention, the robot would end up looking at the flashy stimulus even if it has less behavioral benefit to the robot. In addition, Kismet’s disgust response allows it to reject and look away from an undesired stimulus. This directs the robot’s gaze to another point in the visual field, where it might find a more desirable object to attend. It also provides an expressive cue that tells the human that the robot wants to look at something else. The person often responds by trying to engage Kis- met with a different toy, for example. This increases the robot’s chances that it might be presented with a stimulus that is more appropriate to its goal. We have found that people are quick to determine which stimulus the robot is after and readily present it to Kismet (Breazeal, 2002b, 2003a; Breazeal & Scassellati, 2000). This allows the robot to cooperate with the human to obtain a desired stimulus faster than it would if it had to discover one on its own. Goal Prioritization, Persistence, and Opportunism Emotion-inspired processes play an important role in helping Kismet to pri- oritize goals and to decide when to switch among them. They contribute to this process through a variety of mechanisms to make Kismet’s goal-pursuing behavior flexible, opportunistic, and appropriately persistent. Emotive Influences For instance, Kismet’s fear response allows it to quickly switch from engage- ment behaviors to avoidance behaviors once an interaction becomes too intense or turns potentially harmful. This is an example of a rapid repriori- robot emotion 305 tization of goals. The fear response accomplishes this by effectively “hijack- ing” the behavior and motor systems to rapidly respond to the situation. For instance, the fear response may evoke Kismet’s escape behavior, causing the robot to close its eyes and turn its head away from the offending stimulus. Affective Drive Influences In addition, affective signals arising from the drives bias which behaviors become active to satiate a particular motive. These affective influences con- tribute to activating behaviors that are the most relevant to the robot’s “health”-related needs. When the drives are reasonably well satiated, the perceptual contributions play the dominant role in determining which goals to pursue. Hence, the presence of a person will tend to elicit social behav- iors and the presence of a toy will tend to elicit toy-directed behaviors. As a result, Kismet’s behavior appears strongly opportunistic, taking advantage of whatever stimulus presents itself. However, if a particular drive is not satiated for a while, its influence on behavior selection will grow in intensity. When this occurs, the robot be- comes less opportunistic and grows more persistent about pursing those goals that are relevant to that particular drive. For instance, the robot’s behavior becomes more “finicky” as it grows more prone to give a disgust response to stimuli that do not satiate that specific drive. The robot will also start to exhibit a stronger-looking preference to stimuli that satiate that drive over those that do not. These aspects of persistent behavior continue until the drive is reasonably satiated again. Affective Behavior Influences Another class of affective responses influences arbitration between compet- ing behavioral strategies to achieve the same goal. Delayed progress of a particular behavior results in a state of growing frustration, reflected by a stern expression on the robot’s face. As Kismet grows more frustrated, it lowers the activation level of the active behavior within the behavior group. This makes it more likely to switch to another behavior within the same group, which could have a greater chance of achieving the current goal. For instance, if Kismet’s goal is to socialize with a person, it will try to get a person to interact with it in a suitable manner (e.g., arousing but not too aggressive). If the perceptual system detects the presence of a person but the person is ignoring Kismet, the robot will engage in behaviors to at- tract the person’s attention. For instance, the robot’s initial strategy might 306 robots be to vocalize to the person to get his or her attention. If this strategy fails over a few attempts, the level of frustration associated with this behavior increases as its activation level decreases. This gives other competing behav- iors within the same behavior group a chance to win the competition and become active instead. For instance, the next active behavior strategy might be one where Kismet leans forward and wiggles its ears in an attention- grabbing display. If this also fails, the prolonged absence of social interac- tion will eventually elicit sorrow, which encourages sympathy responses from people, a third strategy to get attention from people to satiate the social drive. CONCLUSION In this chapter, we have explored the benefits that emotive and cognitive aspects bring to the design of autonomous robots that operate in complex and uncertain environments and perform in cooperation with people. Our examples highlight how Kismet’s emotive system works intimately with its cognitive system to improve its overall performance. Although the cogni- tive system is designed with a variety of mechanisms to support attention, behavior arbitration, and motor expression (see “Overview of the Cognitive System”), these cognitive mechanisms are enhanced by emotion-inspired mechanisms that further improve Kismet’s communicative effectiveness, its ability to focus its attention on relevant stimuli despite distractions, and its ability to prioritize goals to promote flexible behavior that is suitably op- portunistic when it can afford to be persistent when it needs to be. What about the external expression of emotion? Even if one were to accept the internal regulatory and biasing benefits of emotion-inspired mecha- nisms, do these need to be accompanied by social–emotive expression? Granted, it is certainly possible to use other information-based displays to reveal the internal state of robots: flashing lights, laser pointers, graphics, etc. However, people would have to learn how to decipher such displays to understand what they mean. Furthermore, information-based displays fail to leverage from the socio-affective impact and intuitive meaning that bio- logical signals have for people. Kismet’s emotive system implements the style and personality of the robot, encoding and conveying its attitudes and behavioral inclinations to- ward the events it encounters. People constantly observe Kismet’s behavior and its manner of expression to infer its internal state as they interact with it. They use these expressive cues as feedback to infer whether the robot understood them, its attitude about the interaction, whether they are en- gaging the robot appropriately, whether the robot is responding appropri- ately to them, etc. This helps the person form a useful mental model for the robot emotion 307 robot, making the robot’s behavior more understandable and predictable. As a result, the person can respond appropriately to suit the robot’s needs and shape the interaction as he or she desires. It also makes the interaction more intuitive, natural, and enjoyable for the person and sustains his or her interest in the encounter. In sum, although one could always argue that a robot does not need emotion-based mechanisms to address these issues, our point is that such mechanisms can be used to address these issues notably better than with cognitive mechanisms alone. Furthermore, robots today are far from behav- ing and learning as intelligently, flexibly, and robustly as people and other animals do with emotions. In our own work, we have shown that insights from emotion theory can be used to improve the performance of an autono- mous robot that must pursue and achieve multiple goals in uncertain envi- ronments with people. With both cognitive and emotive systems working in concert, Kismet functions more adeptly—both from a decision-making and task-achieving perspective as well as from a social interaction and com- munication perspective. As robot builders, we shall continue to design integrated systems for robots with internal mechanisms that complement and modulate its cogni- tive capabilities to improve the robot’s overall performance. Several of these mechanisms may be close analogs to those regulatory, signaling, biasing, and other useful attention, value-assessment, and prioritization mechanisms as- sociated with emotions in living creatures. As a consequence, we will effec- tively be giving robots a system that serves the same useful functions that emotions serve in us—no matter what we call it. Kismet is an early explora- tion of these ideas and a promising first step. Much more work has yet to be done to more deeply explore, demonstrate, and understand the benefit of emotion-inspired mechanisms on intelligent decision-making, reasoning, memory, and learning strategies of autonomous robots. Improvement of these abilities will be critical for autonomous robots that will one day play a rich and rewarding part in our daily lives. Note The principal author gratefully acknowledges the MIT Media Lab corporate sponsors of the Things That Think and Digital Life consortia for supporting her work and that of her students. Kismet was developed at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab while working in the Humanoids Robotics Group of the second author. The development of Kismet was funded by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone and De- fense Advanced Research Projects Agency contract DABT 63-99-1-0012. 1. In collaboration with sociologist Dr. Sherry Turkle, human subjects of dif- ferent ages were brought in to participate in HRI studies with Kismet. 308 robots References Ackerman, B., Abe, J., & Izard, C. (1998). Differential emotions theory and emo- tional development: Mindful of modularity. In M. Mascolo & S. Griffen (Eds.), What develops in emotional development? (pp. 85–106). New York: Plenum. Baron-Cohen, S. (1995). Mindblindness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Blumberg, B., Todd, P., & Maes, M. (1996). 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However, despite the significant progress in AI work on multiagent architectures, as well as progress in computational models of emotions, there have been very few investigations of the role of emotions in multiagent teamwork. This chap- ter begins to address this shortcoming. We provide a short survey of the state of the art in multiagent teamwork and in computational models of emotions. We then consider three cases of teamwork—teams of simulated humans, agent-human teams, and pure agent teams—and examine the effects of introducing emotions in each. Finally, we provide experimental results illustrating the impact of emotions on multiagent teamwork. The advantages of teamwork among humans have been widely endorsed by experts in sports (Jennings, 1990) and business organizations (Katzenbach & Smith, 1994). Andrew Carnegie, one of America’s most success- ful businessmen, highlighted the crucial role of teamwork in any organization: Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organiza- tional objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. 312 robots When team members align their personal goals with the goals of the team, they can achieve more than any of them individually. Moving away from human organizations to organizations of artificial intelligence entities called “agents,” we find similar advantages for teamwork. An agent is defined as “a computer system that is situated in some environ- ment, and is capable of autonomous action in this environment in order to meet its design objectives” (Wooldridge, 2000). This computer system could be either a software agent that exists in a virtual environment or a hardware entity like a robot that operates in a real environment. The design objec- tives of the system can be thought of as the goals of the agent. The study of multiple agents working collaboratively or competitively in an environment is a subfield of distributed artificial intelligence called multiagent systems. In this chapter, we will focus on collaborative multiagent systems, where agents can benefit by working as a team. In today’s multiagent applications, such as simulated or robotic soccer (Kitano et al., 1997), urban search-and-rescue simulations (Kitano, Tadokoro, & Noda, 1999), battlefield simulations (Tambe, 1997), and artificial personal assistants (Scerri, Pynadath, & Tambe, 2002), agents have to work together in order to complete some task. For instance, ambulance and fire-engine agents need to work together to save as many civilians as possible in an urban search-and-rescue simulation (Kitano, Tadokoro, & Noda, 1999), and per- sonal-assistant agents representing different humans need to work together to schedule a meeting between these humans (Scerri, Pynadath, & Tambe, 2002). This involves choosing individual goals that are aligned with the overall team goal. To that end, several teamwork theories and models (Cohen & Levesque, 1991; Grosz & Kraus, 1996; Tambe, 1997; Jennings, 1995) have been proposed that help in the coordination of teams, deciding, for instance, when and what they should communicate (Pynadath & Tambe, 2002) and how they should form and reform these teams (Hunsberger and Grosz, 2000; Nair, Tambe, & Marsella, 2003). Through the use of these models of team- work, large-scale multiagent teams have been deployed successfully in a variety of complex domains (Kitano et al., 1997, 1999; Tambe, 1997; Scerri, Pynadath, & Tambe, 2002). Despite the practical success of multiagent teamwork, the role of emo- tions in such teamwork remains to be investigated. In human teams, much emphasis is placed on the emotional state of the members and on methods of making sure that the members understand each others’ emotions and help keep each other motivated about the team’s goal (Katzenbach & Smith, 1994; Jennings, 1990). Behavioral work in humans and other animals (Lazarus, 1991; Darwin, 1872/1998; Oatley, 1992; Goleman, 1995) suggests several roles for emotions and emotional expression in teamwork. First, emotions act like a value system, allowing each individual to perceive its situation and the role of emotions in multiagent teamwork 313 then arrive at a decision rapidly. This can be very beneficial in situations where the individual needs to think and act quickly. Second, the emotional expres- sions of an individual can act as a cue to others, communicating to them something about the situation that it is in and about its likely behavior. For instance, if we detect fear in someone’s behavior, we are alerted that some- thing dangerous might be present. Also, a person displaying an emotion like fear may behave in an irrational way. Being receptive to the emotional cues of this fearful team member allows us to collaborate with that person or compensate for that person’s behavior. In spite of these advantages to human teams, the role of emotions has not been studied adequately for multiagent teams. In this chapter, we will speculate on how multiagent teams stand to gain through the introduction of emotions. The following section describes briefly the state of the art in multiagent teamwork and in agent emotions. We then describe how multi- agent teamwork and emotions can be intermixed and the benefits of such a synthesis. In particular, we will consider three types of team: simulated human teams, mixed agent–human teams, and pure agent teams (see also Chapter 10, Breazeal & Brooks). Finally, we will demonstrate empirically the effect of introducing emotions in a team of helicopters involved in a mission rehearsal. STATE OF THE ART IN MULTIAGENT TEAMWORK AND AGENT EMOTIONS: A QUICK SURVEY There is an emerging consensus among researchers in multiagent systems that teamwork can enable flexible coordination among multiple heterogeneous entities and allow them to achieve their shared goals (Cohen & Levesque, 1991; Tambe, 1997; Grosz & Kraus, 1996; Jennings, 1995). Furthermore, such work has also illustrated that effective teamwork can be achieved through team-coordination algorithms (sometimes called “teamwork mod- els”) that are independent of the domain in which the agents are situated. Given that each agent is empowered with teamwork capabilities via team- work models, it is feasible to write a high-level team-oriented program (TOP) (Tambe, 1997; Tidhar, 1993), and the teamwork models then automatically generate the required coordination. In particular, TOPs omit details of co- ordination, thus enabling developers to provide high-level specifications to the team to perform team actions rather than invest effort in writing code for low-level detailed coordination. The teamwork models that govern co- ordination are based on a belief–desire–intention (BDI) architecture, where beliefs are information about the world that an agent believes to be true, desires are world states that the agent would like to see happen, and intentions are [...]... simulated humans, emotions need to be modeled for an accurate simulation The implications of introducing emotions will vary depending on the constituents of the team In the case of mixed human–agent teams, the introduction of emotions may actually improve performance In this section, we discuss the role that emotions play in each type of team and the issues involved in adding emotions to the team We conclude... of the helicopter agents that did not model emotions, it was found that even after all its teammates were shot down the sole remaining helicopter continued to execute its mission completely unaffectedly, much to the consternation of the military experts In particular, fear for 322 robots their own self-survival might motivate the members of a human team to abandon the team’s goals in the face of the. .. build into agents the ability to perceive other agents’ emotions and use these emotional cues to conclude something about the state and decision making of the other agents Mixed Agent–Human Teams: Virtual Organizations In mixed agent–human teams, it is not important for agents to simulate humans and human emotions However, it would be very beneficial if the agents model the emotions of the human teammates... role for emotions in social situations is also well recognized in psychological theories of emotion (Oatley, 1992; see also Adolphs’ Chapter 2) In the helicopter domain, the pilots could perceive fear in the voices of the other pilots and, hence, conclude that the situation is dangerous even though the danger may not be visible to them In addition, humans can, in essence, appraise events from others’... affect another agent’s appraisal of the seriousness of the threat Thus, depending on the current emotional state, the helicopter agent would choose between saving itself by retreating or continuing with the mission Even after the agent chooses which goal to perform, emotions play a role in action selection Thus, emotions could act as a value system that the agent uses in assessing a situation At the interagent... understanding of their needs and expected behaviors (Lisetti & Schiano, 2000; Picard, 1997) For example, in E-Elves, it would be useful if the agents could perceive the emotional state or mood of humans in order to know how to behave with them For instance, if the “elf ” could sense that the human was upset, it could decide not to disturb him or her with trivial questions If the elf knew something about the emotional... knew something about the emotional state of the human, it could anticipate the human’s actions and be prepared ahead of time with information that the human would find useful Although agents need not have emotions themselves, they could display emotions in order to achieve a better rapport with the humans, achieve the cooperation of the humans, and make the human feel less like he or she was interacting... activities of the relevant team and consist of (1) initiation conditions under which the plan is to be proposed, (2) termination conditions under which the plan is to be ended, and (3) team-level actions to be executed as part of the plan In Figure 11.2b, the highest-level plan, Execute Mission, has three subplans: DoScouting to make one path from X to Y safe for the transports, DoTransport to move the transports... team decision problem (RMTDP) model, a distributed partially observable Markov decision process model Analysis of the team-oriented program using the RMTDP model is fed back to improve the team-oriented program into role-taking and role-execution actions The agents receive a single joint reward, R(s, a1 an) This model is used for evaluating various role-allocation and reallocation strategies for TOPs... survival as one of the agent’s goals Threats to that survival would lead to fear, with fear increasing with the expectation that the threat was more certain At some juncture, this fear for individual survival would override the agent’s desire to achieve the team’s mission goals Further, the contagion-like process (Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, 1994) of one agent’s fear affecting another could be modeled . infer whether the robot understood them, its attitude about the interaction, whether they are en- gaging the robot appropriately, whether the robot is responding appropri- ately to them, etc unaffect- edly, much to the consternation of the military experts. In particular, fear for 322 robots their own self-survival might motivate the members of a human team to aban- don the team’s. active to satiate a particular motive. These affective influences con- tribute to activating behaviors that are the most relevant to the robot s “health”-related needs. When the drives are reasonably

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