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Several research testbeds that may be of particular interest to the Grid community are described in this appendix. In addition, this appendix describes a number of early prototype facilities that have implemented next-generation Grid network infrastructure and services. These facilities have been used for experiments and demonstrations showcasing the capa- bilities of advanced Grid network services at national and international forums. They are also being used to support persistent advanced communication services for the Grid community. The last part of this appendix describes several advanced national networks that are creating large distributed fabrics that implement leading-edge networking concepts Grid Networks: Enabling Grids with Advanced Communication Technology Franco Travostino, Joe Mambretti, Gigi Karmous-Edwards © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 312 Appendix and technologies as production facilities. This section also describes a consor- tium that is designing and implementing an international facility that is capable of supporting next-generation Grid communication services. A.2 TESTBEDS In the last few years, these testbeds have produced innovative methods and tech- nologies across a wide range of areas that will be fundamental to next-generation networks. These testbeds are developing new techniques that allow for high levels of abstraction in network service design and implementation, for example through new methods of virtualization that enable functional capabilities to be designed and deployed independently of specific physical infrastructure. These approaches provide services that enable the high degree of resource sharing required by Grid environments, and they also contribute to the programmability and customization of those environments. Using these techniques, network resources become basic building blocks that can be dynamically assembled and reassembled as required to ensure the provisioning of high-performance, deterministic services. Many of these testbeds have developed innovative architecture and methods that have demonstrated the importance of distributed management and control of core network resources. Some of these inno- vations are currently migrating to standard bodies, to prototype deployment, and, in a few cases, commercial development. A.2.1 OMNINET The Optical Metro Network Initiative (OMNI) was created as a cooperative research partnership to investigate and develop new architecture, methods, and technologies required for high-performance, dynamic metro optical networks. As part of this initiative, the OMNInet metro-area testbed was established in Chicago in 2001 to support experimental research. The testbed has also been extended nationally and internationally to conduct research experiments utilizing international lightpaths and to support demonstrations of lightpath-based services. OMNInet has been used for multiple investigative projects related to lightpath services. One area of focus has been supporting reliable Gigabit Ethernet (GE) and 10-GE services on lightpaths without relying on SONET for transport. Therefore, to date no SONET has been used for the testbed. However, a new project currently being formulated will experiment with integrating these new techniques with next- generation SONET technologies and new digital framing technology. No routers have been used on this testbed; all transport is exclusively supported by layer 1 and layer 2 services. Through interconnections with other testbeds, experiments have been conducted related to new techniques for layer 3, layer 2, and layer 1 integration. OMNInet has also been used for research focused on studying the behavior of advanced scientific Grid applications that are closely integrated with high- performance optical networks, based on dynamic lightpath provisioning and Appendix 313 supported by reconfigurable photonics components. The testbed initially was provided with 24 10-Gbps lightpaths within a mesh configuration, interconnected by dedicated wavelength-qualified fiber. Each of four photonic nodes sites distributed throughout the city supported 12 10-Gbps lightpaths. The testbed was designed to provide Grids with unique capabilities for dynamic lightpath provisioning, which could be directly signaled and controlled by individual applications. Using these techniques, applications can directly configure network topologies. To investigate real data behavior on this network, as opposed to artificially generated traffic, the testbed was extended directly into individual laboratories at research sites, using dedicated fiber. The testbed was closely integrated with Grid clusters supporting science applications. Each core site included a Photonic Switch Node (PSN), comprising an experimental Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) photonic switch, based on two low-loss photonic switches (supported by 2D 8×8 MEMS), an Optical Fiber Amplifier (OFA), and a high-performance layer 2 switch. The photonic switches used were not commercial devices but unique assemblages of technologies and components, including such variable gain optical amplifiers. OMNInet was implemented with several User–Network Interfaces (UNIs) that collectively constitute API interfaces to allow for communications between higher level processes and low-level optical networking resources, through service interme- diaries. These service layers constitute the OMNInet control plane architecture, which was implemented within the framework of emerging standards for optical networking control planes, including the ITU-T Automatically Switched Optical Networks (ASON) standard. Because ASON is a reference architecture only, without defined signaling and routing protocols, various experimental software modules were created to perform these functions. For example, as a service interface, Optical Dynamic Intelligent Network (ODIN) was created to allow top-level process, including applications, to dynamically provi- sion lightpaths (i.e., connections based on switched optical channels) over the optical core network. Messages functions used the Simple Path Control (SPC) protocol. ODIN functions include discovery, for example determining the acces- sibility and availability of network resources that could be used to configure a particular topology. This service layer was integrated with an interface based on the OIF optical UNI (O-UNI) standard between edge devices and optical switches. ODIN also uses, as a provisioning tool, IETF GMPLS protocols for the control plane, Optical Network–Network Interface (O-NNI), supported by an out-of-band signaling network, provisioned on separate fiber than that of the data plane. A special- ized process manages various optical network control plane and resource provi- sioning processes, including dynamic provisioning, deletion, and attribute setting of lightpaths. OMNInet was implemented with various mechanisms for protection, reliability and restoration, including highly granulated network monitoring at all levels, including per-wavelength optical protection through specialized software, protocol implementation, and physical-layer impairment automatic detection and response. OMNInet is developed and managed by Northwestern University, Nortel Research Labs, SBC, the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Argonne National Laboratory, and CANARIE (www.icair.org/omninet). 314 Appendix A.2.2 DISTRIBUTED OPTICAL TESTBED (DOT) The Distributed Optical Testbed (DOT) is an experimental state-wide Grid testbed in Illinois that was designed, developed, and implemented in 2002 to support high-performance, resource-intensive Grid applications with distributed infrastruc- ture based on dynamic lightpath provisioning. The testbed has been developing innovative architecture and techniques for distributed heterogeneous environments supported by optical networks that are directly integrated with Grid environments. This approach recognizes that many high-performance applications require the direct ad hoc assembly and reconfiguration of information technology resources, including network configurations. The DOT testbed was designed to fully integrate all network components directly into a single contiguous environment capable of providing deterministic services. No routers were used on the testbed – all services were provided by individually addressable layer 2 paths at the network edge and layer 1 paths at the network core. The DOT testbed was implemented with capa- bilities for application-driven dynamic lightpath provisioning. DOT provided for an integrated combination of (a) advanced optical technologies based on leading edge photonic components, (b) extremely high-performance capabilities, i.e., multiple 10-Gbps optical channels, and (c) capabilities for direct application signaling to core optical components to allow for dynamic provisioning. The DOT environment is unique in having these types of capabilities. DOT testbed experiments have included examining process requirements and behaviors from the application level through mid-level processes, through computa- tional infrastructure, through control and management planes, to reconfigurable core photonic components. Specific research topics have included inter-process commu- nications, new techniques for high-performance data transport services, adaptive lightpath provisioning, optical channel-based services for high-intensity, long-term data flows, the integration of high-performance layer 4 protocols and dynamic layer 1 provisioning, and physical impairment detection, compensation and adjustment, control and management planes, among others. The DOT testbed was established as a cooperative research project by North- western University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the Illinois Institute of Tech- nology, and the University of Chicago (www.dotresearch.org). It was funded by the National Science Foundation, award # 0130869. A.2.3 I-WIRE I-WIRE is a dark fiber-based communications infrastructure in Illinois, which inter- connects research facilities at multiple sites throughout the state. Established early in 2002, I-WIRE was the first such state-wide facility in the USA. I-WIRE was designed specifically for a community of researchers who are investigating and experimenting with architecture and techniques that are not possible on traditional routed networks. This infrastructure enables the interconnectivity and interoperability of computa- tional resources in unique ways that are much more powerful than those found on traditional research networks based on routing. Appendix 315 I-WIRE layer 1 services can be directly connected to individual Grid clusters without having to transit through intermediary devices such as routers. I-WIRE provides point- to-point layer 1 data transport services based on DWDM, enabling each organization to have at least one 2.5-Gbps optical channel. However, the majority of channels are 10 Gbps, including multiple 10 Gbps among the Illinois TeraGrid sites. The Teragrid project, for example, uses I-WIRE to provide 30 Gbps (3×10Gbps optical channels), among StarLight, Argonne, and NCSA. I-WIRE also supports the DOT. These facilities have been developed by, and are directly managed by, the research community. I-WIRE is governed by a multiorganizational cooperative partnership, including Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), the University of Illinois (Chicago and Urbana campuses, including the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), Northwestern University, the Illinois Institute of Technology, the University of Chicago, and others (www.i-wire.org). The I-WIRE project is supported by the state of Illinois. A.2.4 OPTIPUTER Established in 2003, the OptIPuter is a large-scale (national and international) research project that is designing a fundamentally new type of distributed cyberinfras- tructure that tightly couples computational resources over parallel optical networks using IP. The name is derived from its use of optical networking, I nternet protocol, computer storage, processing, and visualization technologies. The OptIPuter design is being developed to exploit a new approach to distributed computing, one in which the central architectural element is optical networking, not computers. This transition is based on the use of parallelism, as it was for a similar shift in supercom- puting a decade ago. However, this time the parallelism is in multiple wavelengths of light, or lambdas, on single optical fibers, allowing the creation of creating “super- networks.” This paradigm shift is motivating the researchers involved to understand and develop innovative solutions for a “LambdaGrid” world. The goal of this new architecture is to enable scientists who are generating terabytes and petabytes of data to interactively visualize, analyze, and correlate their data in real time from multiple storage sites connected to optical networks. The OptIPuter project is reoptimizing the complete Grid stack of software abstrac- tions, demonstrating how to “waste” bandwidth and storage in order to conserve relatively scarce computing in this new world of inverted values. Essentially, the OptIPuter is a virtual parallel computer in which the individual processors consist of widely distributed clusters; its memory consists of large distributed data reposito- ries; its peripherals are very large scientific instruments, visualization displays, and/or sensor arrays; and its backplane consists of standard IP delivered over multiple, dynamically reconfigurable dedicated lambdas. The OptIPuter project is enabling collaborating scientists to interactively explore massive amounts of previously uncorrelated data with a radical new architecture, which can be integrated with many e-science shared information technology facil- ities. OptIPuter researchers are conducting large-scale, application-driven system experiments with two data-intensive e-science efforts to ensure a useful and usable 316 Appendix OptIPuter design: EarthScope, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN), funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The OptIPuter is a five-year information technology research project funded by the National Science Foundation. University of Cali- fornia, San Diego (UCSD), and University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) lead the research team, with academic partners at Northwestern University; San Diego State University; University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute; Univer- sity of California, Irvine; University of Texas A&M; University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign/National Center for Supercomputing Applications; and affiliate part- ners at the US Geological Survey EROS, NASA, University of Amsterdam and SARA Computing and Network Services in The Netherlands, CANARIE in Canada, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) in Korea, and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan; and, indus- trial partners (www.optiputer.net). A.2.5 CHEETAH CHEETAH (Circuit-switched High-speed End-to-End Transport ArcHitecture) is a research testbed project established in 2004 that is investigating new methods for allowing high-throughput and delay-controlled data exchanges for large-scale e-science applications between distant end-hosts, over end-to-end circuits that consist of a hybrid of Ethernet and Ethernet-over-SONET segments. The capabilities being developed by CHEETAH would supplement standard routed Internet connectivity by providing additional capacity using circuits. Part of this research is investigating routing decision algorithms that could provide for completely bypassing routers. The decision algorithms within end-hosts would determine whether not whether to set up a CHEETAH circuit or rely on standard routing. Although the architecture is being used for electronic circuit switches, it can also be applied to all-optical circuit-switched networks. End-to-end “circuits” can be imple- mented with the CHEETAH using Ethernet (GE or 10GE) signals from end-hosts to Multiservice Provisioning Platforms (MSPPs) within enterprises, which then could be mapped to wide-area SONET circuits interconnecting distant MSPPs. Ethernet- over-SONET (EoS) encapsulation techniques have already been implemented within MSPPs. A key goal of the CHEETAH project is to provide a capability for dynamically establishing and releasing these end-to-end circuits for data applications as required. The CHEETAH project is managed by the University of Virginia and is funded by the National Science Foundation. (http://cheetah.cs.virginia.edu). A.2.6 DRAGON The DRAGON project (dynamic resource allocation via GMPLS optical networks) is another recently established testbed that is also examining methods for dynamic, deterministic, and manageable end-to-end network transport services. The project has implemented a GMPLS-capable optical core network in the Washington DC Appendix 317 metropolitan area. DRAGON has a specific focus on meeting the needs of high-end e-science applications. The initial focus of the project is on means to dynamically control and provision lightpaths. However, this project is also attempting to develop common service defi- nitions to allow for inter-domain service provisioning. The services being developed by DRAGON are intended as supplements to standard routing. These capabilities would provide for deterministic end-to-end multiprotocol services that can be provi- sioned across multiple administrative domains as well as a variety of conventional network technologies. DRAGON is developing software necessary for addressing IP control plane end- system requirements related to providing rapid provisioning of inter-domain services through associated policy access, scheduling, and end-system resource implementa- tion functions. The project is being managed by the Mid-Atlantic Crossroads GigaPOP (MAX), the University of Southern California, the Information Science Institute, George Mason University, and the University of Maryland. It is funded by the National Science Foundation (www.dragon.maxgigapop.net). A.2.7 JAPAN GIGABIT NETWORK II (JGN II) Japan Gigabit Network II (JGN II) is a major research and development program which has established the largest advanced communications testbed to date. The JGN2 testbed was established in 2004 to explore advanced research concepts related to next-generation applications, including advanced digital media using high- definition formats, network services at layers 1 through 3, and new communications architecture, protocols, and technologies. Among the research projects supported by the JGN2 testbed are many that are exploring advanced techniques for large-scale science and Grid computing. The foundation of the testbed consists of dedicated optical fibers, which support layer 1 services controlled with GMPLS, including multiple parallel 10-Gbps light- paths, supported by DWDM. Layer 2 is supported primarily with Ethernet. Layer 3 consists of IPv6 implementations, with support for IPv6 multicast. The testbed was implemented nationwide, and it has multiple access points at major centers of research. However, JGN2 also has implemented multiple international circuits, some through the T-LEX 10G optical exchange in Tokyo, to allow for interconnection to research testbeds world-wide, including to many Asia Pacific POPs and to the USA, for example a 10-Gbps channel from Tokyo to Pacific Northwest GigaPoP (PNWGP) and to the StarLight facility in Chicago. The 10G path to StarLight is being used for basic research and experiments in layer 1 and layer 2 technologies, including those related to advanced Grid technologies. The testbed is also used to demonstrate advanced applications, services, and technologies at major national and international forums. The JGN2 project has multiple government, research laboratory, university, and industrial partners. JGN2 is sponsored by, and is operated by, the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (http://www.jgn.nict.go.jp). [...]... lightpath exchange (GOLE) Grid 2–3 Grid abstraction 2, 4, 5–6 Grid architectural principles 1 Grid customization 5, 14 Grid decentralization 4, 11–12 Grid determinism 4, 11 Grid dynamic integration 4, 12 Grid first class entities 1–2 Grid infrastructure software 114 Grid network infrastructure software 114–15 Grid network services 219, 235–40 Grid- OBS 246–50 Grid programmability 4, 10 Grid resource allocation... optical networks (ASON) 74, 313 Autonomous system (AS) 186, 189, 254 Bandwidth characteristics 256 achievable bandwidth 256 available bandwidth 256 capacity 256 utilization 256 Behavioral control 224–9 L1 224 Berkeley sockets 179 BGP, see Border gateway protocol BIC 153, 160 BIC TCP 160 Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) 316 Grid Networks: Enabling Grids with Advanced Communication Technology. .. programmability 4, 10 Grid resource allocation and management (Globus’ GRAM) 116 Grid resource sharing 4 Grid resources coordination 233–5 discovery 231 scheduler 233 Grid scalability 4, 12 Grid security 5, 13 Grid services 219 Grid types 7–14 Grid virtualization 4 Index 336 Grid web services 83 GridFTP 25 features 121–2 standardization 68 GUNI (Grid UNI) 239 High Performance Networking Research Group (GHPN-RG)... GMPLS Optical Networks) 316–17 DWDM-RAM 123–6, 134 features 123–4 overview 123–4 Dynamic Ethernet intelligent transit interface (DEITI) 94 Dynamic range 237 EarthScope 316 EGEE, see Enabling Grids for E-Science (EGEE) Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) 20, 23, 34, 324 Enabling Grids for E-Science (EGEE) 330 End-to-end principle 8, 101 –2 Endpoint reference 129 EnLIGHTened 319 Enterprise Grid Alliance... including those related to Grids For example, the Enabling Grids for E-Science (EGEE) initiative is attempting to implement a large-scale Grid infrastructure along with related services that will be available Appendix to scientists 24 hours a day EGEE is a major Grid project that will use GEANT2 and the (NRENs connected to it These organizations will collaborate in defining Grid network services requirements,... developing and showcasing “application-empowered” networks, in which the networks themselves are schedulable Grid resources These applicationempowered deterministic networks, or “LambdaGrids,” complement the conventional networks, which provide a general infrastructure with a common set of services to the broader research and education community A LambdaGrid requires the interconnectivity of optical links,... lightpaths (UCLP) 30, 32, 321 example of grid network infrastructure 123 views on resource scheduling 135 User datagram protocol (UDP) 105 , 146, 171–8 profile 146–7 User–Network Interfaces (UNI) 53, 89 bindings of a grid network infrastructure 127 definition 208 10 fit with SOA 209 relationship with other interfaces 208 10 requirements posed by grid applications 208 10 standard 75 Vertically integrated... 316 Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS), 284 profile 198–201 in shared network infrastructure 200 virtual private networks 200–1 with grid network services 201 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 316 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) 317 National Lambda Rail (NLR) 327–8 National Science Foundation (NSF) 314, 316 NetBLT 173 NetFlow... GLOBAL RING NETWORK FOR ADVANCED APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT (GLORIAD) The Global Ring Network for Advanced Application Development (GLORIAD) is a facility that provides scientists around the world with advanced networking tools that improve communications and data exchange, enabling active, daily collaboration on common problems GLORIAD provides large-scale applications support, communication services,... multidomain interoperability with the testbed’s resource reservation system (iii) A control plane will provide (a) enhancements to the GMPLS control plane (defined here as Grid- GMPLS, or G2 MPLS) to provide optical network resources as first-class Grid resource, (b) interworking of GridGMPLS-controlled network domains with NRPS-based domains, i.e., interoperability between Grid- GMPLS and UCLP, DRAC, . several advanced national networks that are creating large distributed fabrics that implement leading-edge networking concepts Grid Networks: Enabling Grids with Advanced Communication Technology. (2003) “ 1100 × 1100 port MEMS- Based Optical Crossconnect with 4-dB Maximum Loss,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 15(11), 1537–1539. [29] R. Helkey (2005) “Transparent Optical Networks with Large. capa- bilities of advanced Grid network services at national and international forums. They are also being used to support persistent advanced communication services for the Grid community. The