We can summarize these topics as three ways of managing data: ❑ Dynamic memory management: what to do and what Linux won’t let you do ❑ File locking: cooperative locking, locking regions
Trang 1Figure 6-6
How It WorksAfter arranging for the sub_window_ptrto point to the result of the subwincall, we make the subwin-dow scrollable Even after the subwindow has been deleted and the base window (strdcr) is refreshed,the text on the screen remains the same This is because the subwindow was actually updating the char-acter data for stdscr
The KeypadYou’ve already seen some of the facilities that cursesprovides for handling the keyboard Many key-boards have, at the very least, cursor keys and function keys Many also have a keypad and other keys,such as Insert and Home
Decoding these keys is a difficult problem on most terminals because they normally send a string ofcharacters, starting with the escape character Not only does the application have the problem of distin-guishing between a single press of the Escape key and a string of characters caused by pressing a func-tion key, but it must also cope with different terminals using different sequences for the same logical key.Fortunately, cursesprovides an elegant facility for managing function keys For each terminal, thesequence sent by each of its function keys is stored, normally in a terminfostructure, and the includefile curses.hhas a set of defines prefixed by KEY_that define the logical keys
The translation between the sequences and logical keys is disabled when cursesstarts and has to beturned on by the keypadfunction If the call succeeds, it returns OK, otherwise ERR
225 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 2#include <curses.h>
int keypad(WINDOW *window_ptr, bool keypad_on);
Once keypad mode has been enabled by calling keypadwith keypad_onset to true, cursestakes overthe processing of key sequences so that reading the keyboard may now not only return the key that waspressed, but also one of the KEY_ defines for logical keys
There are three slight restrictions when using keypad mode:
❑ The recognition of escape sequences is timing-dependent and many network protocols willgroup characters into packets (leading to improper recognition of escape sequences), or separatethem (leading to function key sequences being recognized as Escape and individual characters).This behavior is worst over WANs and other busy links The only workaround is to try to pro-gram terminals to send single, unique characters for each function key that you want to use,although this limits the number of control characters
❑ In order for cursesto separate a press of the Escape key from a keyboard sequence startingwith Escape, it must wait for a brief period of time Sometimes, a very slight delay on process-ing of the Escape key can be noticed once keypad mode has been enabled
❑ cursescan’t process nonunique escape sequences If your terminal has two different keys thatcan send the same sequence, curseswill simply not process that sequence, since it can’t tellwhich logical key it should return
Try It Out—Using the Keypad
Here’s a short program, keypad.c, showing how the keypad mode can be used When you run this gram, try pressing Escape and notice the slight delay while the program waits to see if the Escape is sim-ply the start of an escape sequence or a single key press
pro-1. Having initialized the program and the curseslibrary, we set the keypad mode TRUE
In our opinion, having escape sequences for some keys and also putting an Escape
key on the keyboard (heavily used for cancels) was a most unfortunate design
deci-sion, but one that we must accept and manage as best we can.
Chapter 6
Trang 32. Next, we must turn echo off to prevent the cursor from being moved when some cursor keys arepressed The screen is cleared and some text displayed The program waits for each key strokeand, unless it’s Q, or produces an error, the key is printed If the key strokes match one of theterminal’s keypad sequences, that is printed instead.
if ((key >= ‘A’ && key <= ‘Z’) ||
(key >= ‘a’ && key <= ‘z’)) {printw(“Key was %c”, (char)key);
}else {switch(key) {case LOCAL_ESCAPE_KEY: printw(“%s”, “Escape key”); break;
case KEY_END: printw(“%s”, “END key”); break;
case KEY_BEG: printw(“%s”, “BEGINNING key”); break;
case KEY_RIGHT: printw(“%s”, “RIGHT key”); break;
case KEY_LEFT: printw(“%s”, “LEFT key”); break;
case KEY_UP: printw(“%s”, “UP key”); break;
case KEY_DOWN: printw(“%s”, “DOWN key”); break;
default: printw(“Unmatched - %d”, key); break;
Each character cell on the screen can be written in one of a number of different colors, against one of anumber of different colored backgrounds For example, we can write text in green on a red background
227 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 4Color support in cursesis slightly unusual in that the color for a character isn’t defined independently
of its background We must define the foreground and background colors of a character as a pair, called,
not surprisingly, a color pair.
Before you can use color capability in curses, you must check that the current terminal supportscolor and then initialize the cursescolor routines For this, use a pair of routines: has_colorsandstart_color
Before you can use colors as attributes, you must initialize the color pairs that you wish to use You dothis with the init_pairfunction Color attributes are accessed with the COLOR_PAIRfunction
#include <curses.h>
int init_pair(short pair_number, short foreground, short background);
int COLOR_PAIR(int pair_number);
int pair_content(short pair_number, short *foreground, short *background);
curses.husually defines some basic colors, starting with COLOR_ An additional function, pair_content, allows previously defined color-pair information to be retrieved
To define color pair number 1 to be red on green, we would use
init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN);
We can then access this color pair as an attribute, using COLOR_PAIRlike this:
wattron(window_ptr, COLOR_PAIR(1));
This would set future additions to the screen to be red on a green background
Since a COLOR_PAIRis an attribute, we can combine it with other attributes On a PC, we can oftenaccess screen high-intensity colors by combining the COLOR_PAIRattribute with the additional attributeA_BOLD, by using a bitwiseORof the attributes:
wattron(window_ptr, COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD);
Let’s check these functions in an example, color.c
Chapter 6
Trang 5int i;
if (!has_colors()) {endwin();
fprintf(stderr, “Error - no color support on this terminal\n”);
if (start_color() != OK) {endwin();
fprintf(stderr, “Error - could not initialize colors\n”);
init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN);
init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_RED);
init_pair(7, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_WHITE);
for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {attroff(A_BOLD);
Trang 6int init_color(short color_number, short red, short green, short blue);
This allows an existing color (in the range 0 to COLORS) to be redefined with new intensity values in therange 0 to 1,000 This is a little like defining color values for GIF format image files
When you’re writing more advanced cursesprograms, it’s sometimes easier to build a logical screenand then output all or part of it to the physical screen later Occasionally, it’s also better to have a logicalscreen that is actually bigger than the physical screen and to display only part of the logical screen at anyone time
Chapter 6
Trang 7It’s not easy for us to do this with the cursesfunctions that we’ve met so far, since all windows must be
no larger than the physical screen cursesdoes provide a special data structure, a pad, for manipulating
logical screen information that doesn’t fit within a normal window
A pad structure is very similar to a WINDOWstructure, and all the cursesroutines that write to windowscan also be used on pads However, pads do have their own routines for creation and refreshing
We create pads in much the same way that we create normal windows:
#include <curses.h>
WINDOW *newpad(int number_of_lines, int number_of_columns);
Note that the return value is a pointer to a WINDOWstructure, the same as newwin Pads are deleted withdelwin, just like windows
Pads do have different routines for refreshing Since a pad isn’t confined to a particular screen location,
we must specify the region of the pad we wish to put on the screen and also the location it shouldoccupy on the screen We do this with the prefreshfunction:
#include <curses.h>
int prefresh(WINDOW *pad_ptr, int pad_row, int pad_column,
int screen_row_min, int screen_col_min, int screen_row_max, int screen_col_max);
This causes an area of the pad, starting at (pad_row, pad_column) to be written to the screen in theregion defined by (screen_row_min, screen_col_min) to (screen_row_max, screen_col_max)
An additional routine, pnoutrefresh, is also provided It acts in the same way as wnoutrefresh, formore efficient screen updates
Let’s check these out with a quick program, pad.c
Try It Out—Using a Pad
1. At the start of this program, we initialize the pad structure and then create a pad, which returns
a pointer to that pad We add characters to fill the pad structure (which is 50 characters widerand longer than the terminal display)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <curses.h>
int main() {
WINDOW *pad_ptr;
int x, y;
int pad_lines;
231 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 8if (disp_char == ‘z’) disp_char = ‘a’;
else disp_char++;
2. We can now draw different areas of the pad on the screen at different locations before quitting.prefresh(pad_ptr, 5, 7, 2, 2, 9, 9);
Trang 9The CD Collection ApplicationNow that you’ve learned about the facilities that curseshas to offer, we can develop our sample appli-cation Here’s a version written in C using the curseslibrary It offers some advantages in that the infor-mation is more clearly displayed on the screen and a scrolling window is used for track listings.
The whole application is eight pages long, so we’ve split it up into sections and functions within eachsection You can get the full source code from the Wrox Web site As with all the programs in this book,it’s under the GNU Public License
Looking at the code, there are several distinct sections that form the “Try It Out” headings The codeconventions used here are slightly different from most of the rest of the book; here, code foreground isused only to show where other application functions are called
Try It Out—A New CD Collection Application
1. First, we include all those header files and then some global constants
#define MAX_STRING 80 /* Longest allowed response */
#define MAX_ENTRY 1024 /* Longest allowed database entry */
#define MESSAGE_LINE 6 /* Misc messages on this line */
#define ERROR_LINE 22 /* Line to use for errors */
#define Q_LINE 20 /* Line for questions */
#define PROMPT_LINE 18 /* Line for prompting on */
2. Next, we need some global variables The variable current_cdis used to store the current CDtitle with which we are working It’s initialized so that the first character is nullto indicate “no
CD selected.” The \0is strictly unnecessary, but it ensures the variable is initialized, which isgenerally a good thing The variable current_catwill be used to record the catalog number
of the current CD
static char current_cd[MAX_STRING] = “\0”;
static char current_cat[MAX_STRING];
We’ve written this version of the CD database application using the information presented in earlier chapters It’s derived from the original shell script presented in Chapter 2 It hasn’t been redesigned for the C implementation, so you can still see many features of the shell original in this version.
There are some significant limitations with this implementation that we will resolve
in later revisions
233 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 103. Some filenames are now declared These files are fixed in this version to keep things simple, as
is the temporary filename This could cause a problem if the program is run by two users in thesame directory
const char *title_file = “title.cdb”;
const char *tracks_file = “tracks.cdb”;
const char *temp_file = “cdb.tmp”;
4. Now, finally, we get on to the function prototypes.
void clear_all_screen(void);
void get_return(void);
int get_confirm(void);
int getchoice(char *greet, char *choices[]);
void draw_menu(char *options[], int highlight,
int start_row, int start_col);
void insert_title(char *cdtitle);
void get_string(char *string);
char *extended_menu[] =
“add new CD”,
“find CD”,
“count CDs and tracks in the catalog”,
“list tracks on current CD”,
A better way to obtain database file names would be either by program arguments
or from environment variables We also need an improved method of generating a
unique temporary filename, for which we could use the POSIX tmpnamfunction.
We’ll address many of these issues in later versions.
Chapter 6
Trang 11“remove current CD”,
“update track information”,
That finishes the initialization Now we move on to the program functions, but first we need to rize the interrelations of these functions, all 16 of them They split into functions that
summa-❑ Draw the menu
❑ Add CDs to the database
❑ Retrieve and display CD dataSee Figure 6-9 for a visual representation
Figure 6-9
Try It Out—Looking at mainmainallows us to make selections from the menu until we select quit.int main()
{int choice;
do {choice = getchoice(“Options:”,
current_cd[0] ? extended_menu : main_menu);
switch (choice) {case ‘q’:
Trang 12exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
Let’s now look at the detail of the functions associated with the three program subsections First, we look
at the three functions that relate to the program’s user interface
Try It Out—The Menu
1. The getchoicefunction called by mainis the principal function in this section getchoice
is passed greet, an introduction, and choices, which points either to the main or theextended menu (depending on whether a CD has been selected) You can see this in the preced-ing mainfunction
int getchoice(char *greet, char *choices[])
}/* protect against menu getting shorter when CD deleted */
if (selected_row >= max_row)selected_row = 0;
mvprintw(start_screenrow - 2, start_screencol, greet);
Chapter 6
Trang 13}
if (key == KEY_DOWN) {
if (selected_row == (max_row - 1))selected_row = 0;
}selected = *choices[selected_row];
draw_menu(choices, selected_row, start_screenrow,
key = getch();
}keypad(stdscr, FALSE);
if (key == ‘q’)selected = ‘q’;
return (selected);
2. Note how there are two more local functions called from within getchoice:
clear_all_screenand draw_menu We’ll look at draw_menufirst:
void draw_menu(char *options[], int current_highlight,
int start_row, int start_col){
mvprintw(start_row + current_row, start_col, “%s”, txt_ptr);
if (current_row == current_highlight) attroff(A_STANDOUT);
}mvprintw(start_row + current_row + 3, start_col,
“Move highlight then press Return “);
237 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 143. clear_all_screen, which, surprisingly enough, clears the screen and rewrites the title If a
CD is selected, its information is displayed
current_cat, current_cd);
Now we look at the functions that add to or update the CD database The functions called from mainareadd_record, update_cd, and remove_cd This function makes several calls to functions that will bedefined in the next few sections
Try It Out—Database File Manipulation
1. First, how do we add a new CD record to the database?
Trang 15mvprintw(PROMPT_LINE-2, 5, “About to add this new entry:”);
strcpy(current_cd, cd_title);
strcpy(current_cat, catalog_number);
2. get_stringprompts for and reads in a string at the current screen position It also deletesany trailing newline
void get_string(char *string){
{int confirmed = 0;
if (!confirmed) {mvprintw(Q_LINE, 1, “ Cancelled”);
}return confirmed;
239 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 164. Lastly, we look at insert_title This adds a title to the CD database by appending the titlestring to the end of the titles file.
void insert_title(char *cdtitle)
FILE *fp = fopen(title_file, “a”);
if (!fp) {mvprintw(ERROR_LINE, 0, “cannot open CD titles database”);
} else {fprintf(fp, “%s\n”, cdtitle);
5. On to the other file manipulation functions called by main We start with update_cd Thisfunction uses a scrolling, boxed subwindow and needs some constants, which we define glob-ally, because they will be needed later for the list_tracksfunction These are
move(PROMPT_LINE, 0);
mvprintw(MESSAGE_LINE, 0, “Enter a blank line to finish”);
tracks_fp = fopen(tracks_file, “a”);
We’ll continue the listing in just a moment; here, we want to take a brief intermission to highlight how
we enter the information in a scrolling, boxed window The trick is to set up a subwindow, draw a boxaround the edge, and then add a new scrolling subwindow just inside the boxed subwindow
Chapter 6
Trang 17box_window_ptr = subwin(stdscr, BOXED_LINES + 2, BOXED_ROWS + 2,
if (!box_window_ptr)return;
box(box_window_ptr, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE);
sub_window_ptr = subwin(stdscr, BOXED_LINES, BOXED_ROWS,
if (!sub_window_ptr)return;
scrollok(sub_window_ptr, TRUE);
do {mvwprintw(sub_window_ptr, screen_line++, BOX_ROW_POS + 2,
if (screen_line > BOXED_LINES - 1) {/* time to start scrolling */
}} while (*track_name);
char entry[MAX_ENTRY];
int cat_length;
if (current_cd[0] == ‘\0’)return;
mvprintw(PROMPT_LINE, 0, “About to remove CD %s: %s “,
current_cat, current_cd);
if (!get_confirm())return;
cat_length = strlen(current_cat);
241 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 18/* Copy the titles file to a temporary, ignoring this CD */
7. We now need only to list remove_tracks, the function that deletes the tracks from the current
CD It’s called by both update_cdand remove_cd.void remove_tracks()
Trang 19Try It Out—Querying the CD Database
1. Essential to all acquisitive hobbies is the knowledge of how many you own of whatever you lect The next function performs this function admirably; it scans the database, counting titlesand tracks
col-void count_cds(){
FILE *titles_fp, *tracks_fp;
}tracks_fp = fopen(tracks_file, “r”);
if (tracks_fp) {while (fgets(entry, MAX_ENTRY, tracks_fp))tracks++;
}mvprintw(ERROR_LINE, 0,
“Database contains %d titles, with a total of %d tracks.”,titles, tracks);
2. You’ve lost the sleeve notes from your favorite CD, but don’t worry! Having carefully typed thedetails across, you can now find the track listing using find_cd It prompts for a substring tomatch in the database and sets the global variable current_cdto the CD title found
void find_cd(){
char match[MAX_STRING], entry[MAX_ENTRY];
FILE *titles_fp;
int count = 0;
char *found, *title, *catalog;
mvprintw(Q_LINE, 0, “Enter a string to search for in CD titles: “);
titles_fp = fopen(title_file, “r”);
if (titles_fp) {while (fgets(entry, MAX_ENTRY, titles_fp)) {/* Skip past catalog number */
catalog = entry;
if (found == strstr(catalog, “,”)) {
*found = ‘\0’;
243 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 20/* Now see if the match substring is present */
if (found == strstr(title, match)) {count++;
strcpy(current_cd, title);
strcpy(current_cat, catalog);
if (count != 1) {
if (count == 0) {mvprintw(ERROR_LINE, 0, “Sorry, no matching CD found “);
if (count > 1) {mvprintw(ERROR_LINE, 0,
“Sorry, match is ambiguous: %d CDs found “, count);
}current_cd[0] = ‘\0’;
Though catalogpoints at a larger array than current_catand could conceivably write memory, the check in fgetsprevents this
over-3. Lastly, we need to be able to list the selected CD’s tracks on the screen We make use of the
#definesfor the subwindows used in update_cdin the last section
Trang 21while (fgets(entry, MAX_ENTRY, tracks_fp)) {
if (strncmp(current_cat, entry, cat_length) == 0)tracks++;
/* Make a new pad, ensure that even if there is only a singletrack the PAD is large enough so the later prefresh() is alwaysvalid */
track_pad_ptr = newpad(tracks + 1 + BOXED_LINES, BOXED_ROWS + 1);
if (!track_pad_ptr)return;
tracks_fp = fopen(tracks_file, “r”);
if (!tracks_fp)return;
mvprintw(4, 0, “CD Track Listing\n”);
/* write the track information into the pad */
while (fgets(entry, MAX_ENTRY, tracks_fp)) {/* Compare catalog number and output rest of entry */
if (strncmp(current_cat, entry, cat_length) == 0) {mvwprintw(track_pad_ptr, lines_op++, 0, “%s”,
entry + cat_length + 1);
if (lines_op > BOXED_LINES) {mvprintw(MESSAGE_LINE, 0,
“Cursor keys to scroll, RETURN or q to exit”);
} else {mvprintw(MESSAGE_LINE, 0, “RETURN or q to exit”);
if (key == KEY_DOWN) {
245 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 22if (first_line + BOXED_LINES + 1 < tracks)first_line++;
}/* now draw the appropriate part of the pad on the screen */
prefresh(track_pad_ptr, first_line, 0,
key = getch();
Trang 23Summar y
In this chapter, we have explored the curseslibrary cursesprovides a good way for text-based grams to control the screen and read the keyboard Although cursesdoesn’t offer as much control asthe general terminal interface (GTI) and direct terminfoaccess, it’s considerably easier to use If you’rewriting a full-screen, text-based application, you should consider using the curseslibrary to managethe screen and keyboard for you
pro-247 Managing Text-Based Screens with curses
Trang 25Data Management
In earlier chapters, we touched on the subject of resource limits In this chapter, we’re going tolook first at ways of managing your resource allocation, then at ways of dealing with files that areaccessed by many users more or less simultaneously, and lastly at one tool provided in Linux sys-tems for overcoming the limitations of flat files as a data storage medium
We can summarize these topics as three ways of managing data:
❑ Dynamic memory management: what to do and what Linux won’t let you do
❑ File locking: cooperative locking, locking regions of shared files, and avoiding deadlocks
❑ The dbmdatabase: a basic, non-SQL-based database library featured in most Linux systems
Managing Memor y
On all computer systems memory is a scarce resource No matter how much memory is available,
it never seems to be enough It doesn’t seem so long ago that being able to address even a singlemegabyte of memory was considered more than anyone would ever need, but now numbers like512MB of RAM are commonplace as minimum requirements
From the earliest versions of the operating system, UNIX-style operating systems have had a veryclean approach to managing memory that Linux, because it implements the X/Open specification,has inherited Linux applications, except for a few specialized embedded applications, are neverpermitted to access physical memory directly It might appear so to the application, but what theapplication is seeing is a carefully controlled illusion
Linux provides applications with a clean view of a huge directly addressable memory space.Additionally, it provides protection so that different applications are protected from each other,and it allows applications to apparently access more memory than is physically present in themachine, provided the machine is at least well configured and has sufficient swap space
Trang 26Simple Memory Allocation
We allocate memory using the malloccall in the standard C library
#include <stdlib.h>
void *malloc(size_t size);
Notice that Linux (following the X/Open specification) differs from some UNIX implementations by
not requiring a special malloc.hinclude file Note also that the size parameter that specifies the
number of bytes to allocate isn’t a simple int, although it’s usually an unsigned integer type.
We can allocate a great deal of memory on most Linux systems Let’s start with a very simple program,but one that would defeat old MS-DOS-based programs, because they cannot access memory outside thebase 640k memory map of PCs
Try It Out—Simple Memory Allocation
Type the following program, memory1.c:
int megabyte = A_MEGABYTE;
int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
some_memory = (char *)malloc(megabyte);
if (some_memory != NULL) {sprintf(some_memory, “Hello World\n”);
printf(“%s”, some_memory);
exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
megabyte of usable memory We don’t check that all of the megabyte is present; we have to put sometrust in the malloccode!
Chapter 7
Trang 27Notice that because mallocreturns a void *pointer, we cast the result to the char *that we need.Themallocfunction is guaranteed to return memory that is aligned so that it can be cast to a pointer
of any type
The simple reason is that most current Linux systems use 32-bit integers and use 32-bit pointers for ing to memory, which allows you to specify up to 4 gigabytes This ability to address directly with a 32-bit
point-pointer, without needing segment registers or other tricks, is termed a flat 32-bit memory model This model
is also used in Windows XP and Windows 9x/Me for 32-bit applications You shouldn’t rely on integers
being 32-bit, however, as there are also an increasing number of 64-bit versions of Linux in use
Allocating Lots of Memory
Now that we’ve seen Linux exceed the limitations of the MS-DOS memory model, let’s give it a moredifficult problem The next program will ask to allocate somewhat more memory than is physically pre-sent in the machine, so we might expect mallocto start failing somewhere a little short of the actualamount of memory present, because the kernel and all the other running processes will be using somememory
Try It Out—Asking for All Physical MemoryWith memory2.c, we’re going to ask for more than the machine’s memory You may need to adjust thedefine PHY_MEM_MEGSdepending on your physical machine:
sprintf(some_memory, “Hello World”);
printf(“%s - now allocated %d Megabytes\n”, some_memory,megs_obtained);
}else {exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
251 Data Management
Trang 28The output, somewhat abbreviated, is
$ /memory2
Hello World - now allocated 1 Megabytes
Hello World - now allocated 2 Megabytes
Hello World - now allocated 511 Megabytes
Hello World - now allocated 512 Megabytes
Let’s investigate further and see just how much memory we can allocate on this machine with memory3.c.Since it’s now clear that Linux can do some very clever things with requests for memory, we’ll allocatememory just 1k at a time and write to each block that we obtain
Try It Out—Available Memory
This is memory3.c By its very nature, it’s extremely system-unfriendly and could affect a multiusermachine quite seriously If you’re at all concerned about the risk, it’s better not to run it at all; it won’tharm your understanding if you don’t
if (some_memory == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
sprintf(some_memory, “Hello World”);
printf(“Now allocated %d Megabytes\n”, megs_obtained);
Chapter 7
Trang 29This time, the output, again abbreviated, is
and then the program ends It also takes quite a few seconds to run, visibly slows down around the samenumber as the physical memory in the machine, and exercises the hard disk quite noticeably However,the program has allocated more memory than this author physically has in his machine at the time ofwriting Finally the system protects itself from this rather aggressive program and kills it On some sys-tems it may simply exit quietly when mallocfails
How It WorksThe application’s allocated memory is managed by the Linux kernel Each time the program asks formemory or tries to read or write to memory that it has allocated, the Linux kernel takes charge anddecides how to handle the request
Initially, the kernel was simply able to use free physical memory to satisfy the application’s request for
memory, but once physical memory was full, it started using what’s called swap space On Linux, this is a
separate disk area allocated when the system was installed If you’re familiar with Windows, the Linuxswap space acts a little like the hidden Windows swap file However, unlike Windows, there are no localheap, global heap, or discardable memory segments to worry about in code—the Linux kernel does allthe management for you
The kernel moves data and program code between physical memory and the swap space so that eachtime you read or write memory, the data always appears to have been in physical memory, wherever itwas actually located before you attempted to access it
In more technical terms, Linux implements a demand paged virtual memory system All memory seen
by user programs is virtual; that is, it doesn’t actually exist at the physical address the program uses.
Linux divides all memory into pages, commonly 4096 bytes per page When a program tries to accessmemory, a virtual to physical translation is made, although how this is implemented and the time ittakes depend on the particular hardware you’re using When the access is to memory that isn’t physi-
cally resident, there is a page fault and control is passed to the kernel.
The Linux kernel checks the address being accessed and, if it’s a legal address for that program, determineswhich page of physical memory to make available It then either allocates it, if it has never been writtenbefore, or, if it has been stored on the disk in the swap space, reads the memory page containing the datainto physical memory (possibly moving an existing page out to disk) Then, after mapping the virtualmemory address to match the physical address, it allows the user program to continue Linux applicationsdon’t need to worry about this activity because the implementation is all hidden in the kernel
Eventually, when the application exhausts both the physical memory and the swap space, or when themaximum stack size is exceeded, the kernel finally refuses the request for further memory and may pre-emptively terminate the program
253 Data Management
Trang 30So what does this mean to the application programmer? Basically, it’s all good news Linux is very good
at managing memory and will allow applications to use very large amounts of memory and even verylarge single blocks of memory However, you must remember that allocating two blocks of memorywon’t result in a single continuously addressable block of memory What you get is what you ask for:two separate blocks of memory
So does this apparently limitless supply of memory, followed by pre-emptive killing of the process,mean that there’s no point in checking the return from malloc? Definitely not One of the most commonproblems in C programs using dynamically allocated memory is to write beyond the end of an allocatedblock When this happens, the program may not terminate immediately, but you have probably over-written some data used internally by the malloclibrary routines
Usually, the result is that future calls to mallocmay fail, not because there’s no memory to allocate,but because the memory structures have been corrupted These problems can be quite difficult to trackdown and, in programs, the sooner the error is detected, the better the chances of tracking down thecause In Chapter 10, on debugging and optimizing, we’ll discuss some tools that can help you trackdown memory problems
some_memory = (char *)malloc(ONE_K);
if (some_memory == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
This “killing the process” behavior is different from early versions of Linux and
many other flavors of UNIX, where mallocsimply fails It’s termed the “out of
memory (OOM) killer,” and although it may seem rather drastic, it is in fact a good
compromise between letting processes allocate memory rapidly and efficiently and
the Linux kernel protect itself from a total lack of resources, which is a serious issue.
Chapter 7
Trang 31The output is simply
$ /memory4
Segmentation fault (core dumped)How It Works
The Linux memory management system has protected the rest of the system from this abuse of memory
To ensure that one badly behaved program (this one) can’t damage any other programs, Linux has minated it
ter-Each running program on a Linux system sees its own memory map, which is different from every otherprogram’s Only the operating system knows how physical memory is arranged and not only manages itfor user programs, but also protects user programs from each other
The Null Pointer
Unlike MS-DOS, but more like newer flavors of Windows, modern Linux systems are very protectiveabout writing or reading from the address referred to by a null pointer, although the actual behavior isimplementation-specific
Try It Out—Accessing a Null PointerLet’s find out what happens when we access a null pointer in memory5a.c:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char *some_memory = (char *)0;
printf(“A read from null %s\n”, some_memory);
sprintf(some_memory, “A write to null\n”);
}The output is
$ /memory5a
A read from null (null)Segmentation fault(core dumped)How It Works
The first printfattempts to print out a string obtained from a null pointer; then the sprintfattempts towrite to a null pointer In this case, Linux (in the guise of the GNU “C” library) has been forgiving aboutthe read and has simply given us a “magic” string containing the characters ( n u l l ) \0 It hasn’t been
so forgiving about the write and has terminated the program This can sometimes be helpful in trackingdown program bugs
255 Data Management
Trang 32If we try this again, but this time don’t use the GNU “C” library, we discover that reading from locationzero is not permitted Here is memory5b.c:
char z = *(const char *)0;
printf(“I read from location zero\n”);
Freeing Memory
Up to now, we’ve been simply allocating memory and then hoping that, when the program ends, thememory we’ve used hasn’t been lost Fortunately, the Linux memory management system is quite capa-ble of reliably ensuring that memory is returned to the system when a program ends However, mostprograms don’t simply want to allocate some memory, use it for a short period, and then exit A muchmore common use is dynamically using memory as required
Programs that use memory on a dynamic basis should always release unused memory back to the mallocmemory manager using the freecall This allows separate blocks to be remerged and allows the malloclibrary to look after memory, rather than having the application manage it If a running program (process)uses and then frees memory, that free memory remains allocated to the process However, if it’s not beingused, the Linux memory manager will be able to page it out from physical memory to swap space, where ithas little impact on the use of resources
#include <stdlib.h>
void free(void *ptr_to memory);
A call to freeshould be made only with a pointer to memory allocated by a call to malloc, calloc, orrealloc We’ll meet callocand reallocvery shortly
Chapter 7
Trang 33Try It Out—Freeing MemoryThis program’s called memory6.c:
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ONE_K (1024)int main()
{char *some_memory;
int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
some_memory = (char *)malloc(ONE_K);
if (some_memory != NULL) {free(some_memory);
exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
}How It WorksThis program simply shows how to call freewith a pointer to some previously allocated memory
Other Memory Allocation Functions
Two other memory allocation functions are not used as often as mallocand free: callocand realloc.The prototypes are
#include <stdlib.h>
void *calloc(size_t number_of_elements, size_t element_size);
void *realloc(void *existing_memory, size_t new_size);
Although callocallocates memory that can be freed with free, it has somewhat different parameters:
It allocates memory for an array of structures and requires the number of elements and the size of eachelement as its parameters The allocated memory is filled with zeros, and if callocis successful, apointer to the first element is returned Like malloc, subsequent calls are not guaranteed to return con-tiguous space, so you can’t enlarge an array created by callocby simply calling callocagain andexpecting the second call to return memory appended to that returned by the first call
Remember that once you’ve called freeon a block of memory, it no longer belongs
to the process It’s not being managed by the malloclibrary Never try to read or write memory after calling freeon it.
257 Data Management
Trang 34The reallocfunction changes the size of a block of memory that has been previously allocated It’spassed a pointer to some memory previously allocated by malloc, calloc, or reallocand resizes it
up or down as requested The reallocfunction may have to move data around to achieve this, so it’simportant to ensure that once memory has been realloced, you always use the new pointer and nevertry to access the memory using pointers set up before reallocwas called
Another problem to watch out for is that reallocreturns a null pointer if it has been unable to resizethe memory This means that, in some applications, you should avoid writing code like this:
my_ptr = malloc(BLOCK_SIZE);
my_ptr = realloc(my_ptr, BLOCK_SIZE * 10);
If reallocfails, it will return a null pointer; my_ptrwill point to null; and the original memory allocatedwith malloccan no longer be accessed via my_ptr It may, therefore, be to your advantage to request thenew memory first with mallocand then copy data from the old block to the new block using memcpybefore freeing the old block On error, this would allow the application to retain access to the data stored
in the original block of memory, perhaps while arranging a clean termination of the program
F ile Locking
File locking is a very important part of multiuser, multitasking operating systems Programs frequentlyneed to share data, usually through files, and it’s very important that those programs have some way ofestablishing control of a file The file can then be updated in a safe fashion, or a second program can stopitself from trying to read a file that is in a transient state while another program is writing to it
Linux has several features that you can use for file locking The simplest method is a technique to createlock files in an atomic way, so that nothing else can happen while the lock is being created This gives aprogram a method of creating files that are guaranteed to be unique and could not have been simultane-ously created by a different program
The second method is more advanced; it allows programs to lock parts of a file for exclusive access.There are two different ways of achieving this second form of locking We’ll look at only one in detail,since the second is very similar—it just has a slightly different programming interface
Creating Lock Files
Many applications just need to be able to create a lock file for a resource Other programs can then checkthe file to see whether they are permitted to access the resource
Usually, these lock files are in a special place with a name that relates to the resource being controlled.For example, when a modem is in use, Linux creates a lock file, often using a directory in the
/usr/spoolor /var/spooldirectory
Remember that lock files act only as indicators; programs need to cooperate to use them They are
termed advisory locks as opposed to mandatory locks, where the system will enforce the lock behavior.
Chapter 7
Trang 35To create a file to use as a lock indicator, we use the opensystem call defined in fcntl.h(which we met
in an earlier chapter) with the O_CREATand O_EXCLflags set This allows us to check that the file doesn’talready exist and then create it in a single, atomic operation
Try It Out—Creating a Lock FileLet’s see this in action with lock1.c:
int file_desc;
int save_errno;
file_desc = open(“/tmp/LCK.test”, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0444);
if (file_desc == -1) {save_errno = errno;
printf(“Open failed with error %d\n”, save_errno);
}else {printf(“Open succeeded\n”);
}The first time we run the program, the output is
$ lock1
Open succeededbut the next time we try, we get
In this case, the definition, actually in /usr/include/asm/errno.h, reads
#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
259 Data Management
Trang 36This is an appropriate error for an open(O_CREAT | O_EXCL)failure.
If a program simply needs a resource exclusively for a short period of its execution, often termed a
criti-cal section, it should create the lock file before entering the criticriti-cal section and use unlinkto delete itafterward, when it exits the critical section
We can demonstrate how programs can cooperate with this locking mechanism by writing a sample gram and running two copies of it at the same time We’re going to use the getpidcall, which we saw inChapter 4; it returns the process identifier, a unique number for each currently executing program
pro-Try It Out—Cooperative Lock Files
1. Here’s the source of our test program: lock2.c:
if (file_desc == -1) {printf(“%d - Lock already present\n”, getpid());
}else {
2. The critical section starts here:
printf(“%d - I have exclusive access\n”, getpid());
Trang 37Then we run two copies of the program by using this command:
$ /lock2 & /lock2
This starts a copy of lock2in the background and a second copy running in the foreground This is theoutput that we get:
1284 - I have exclusive access
1283 - Lock already present
1283 - I have exclusive access
1284 - Lock already present
1284 - I have exclusive access
1283 - Lock already present
1283 - I have exclusive access
1284 - Lock already present
1284 - I have exclusive access
1283 - Lock already present
1283 - I have exclusive access
1284 - Lock already present
1284 - I have exclusive access
1283 - Lock already present
1283 - I have exclusive access
1284 - Lock already present
1284 - I have exclusive access
1283 - Lock already present
1283 - I have exclusive access
1284 - Lock already presentThe preceding example shows how the two invocations of the same program are cooperating If you trythis, you’ll almost certainly see different process identifiers in the output, but the program behavior will
be the same
How It WorksFor the purposes of demonstration, we make the program loop 10 times using the whileloop The pro-gram then tries to access the critical resource by creating a unique lock file, /tmp/LCK.test2 If this failsbecause the file already exists, the program waits for a short time and tries again If it succeeds, it canthen have access to the resource and, in the part marked “critical section,” can carry out whatever pro-cessing is required with exclusive access
Since this is just a demonstration, we wait for only a short period When the program has finished with theresource, it releases the lock by deleting the lock file It can then carry out some other processing (just thesleepfunction in this case) before trying to reacquire the lock The lock file acts as a binary semaphore,giving each program a yes or no answer to the question, “Can I use the resource?” You will learn moreabout semaphores in Chapter 14
It’s important to realize that this is a cooperative arrangement and that we must write the programs correctly for it to work A program failing to create the lock file can’t simply delete the file and try again It might then be able to create the lock file, but the other program that created the lock file has no way of knowing that it no longer has exclusive access to the resource
261 Data Management
Trang 38Locking Regions
Creating lock files is fine for controlling exclusive access to resources such as serial ports, but it isn’t sogood for access to large shared files Suppose you have a large file that is written by one program, butupdated by many different programs simultaneously This might occur if a program is logging somedata that is obtained continuously over a long period and is being processed by several other programs.The processing programs can’t wait for the logging program to finish—it runs continuously—so theyneed some way of cooperating to provide simultaneous access to the same file
We can accommodate this situation by locking regions of the file so that a particular section of the file is
locked, but other programs may access other parts of the file This is called file-segment, or file-region,
lock-ing Linux has (at least) two ways to do this: using the fcntlsystem call and using the lockfcall We’lllook primarily at the fcntlinterface because that is the most commonly used interface lockfis reason-ably similar, and, on Linux, is normally just an alternative interface to fcntl However, the fcntlandlockflocking mechanisms do not work together: They use different underlying implementations, soyou should never mix the two types of call; stick to one or the other
We met the fcntlcall in Chapter 3 Its definition is
#include <fcntl.h>
int fcntl(int fildes, int command, );
fcntloperates on open file descriptors and, depending on the commandparameter, can perform ent tasks The three that we’re interested in for file locking are
effec-int fcntl(effec-int fildes, effec-int command, struct flock *flock_structure);
The flock(file lock) structure is implementation-dependent, but it will contain at least the followingmembers:
Trang 39Value Description
F_RDLCK A shared (or “read”) lock Many different processes can have a shared lock on
the same (or overlapping) regions of the file If any process has a shared lockthen, no process will be able to get an exclusive lock on that region In order toobtain a shared lock, the file must have been opened with read or read/writeaccess
F_UNLCK Unlock; used for clearing locks
F_WRLCK An exclusive (or “write”) lock Only a single process may have an exclusive
lock on any particular region of a file Once a process has such a lock, no otherprocess will be able to get any sort of lock on the region To obtain an exclu-sive lock, the file must have been opened with write or read/write access
The l_whence members define a region—a contiguous set of bytes—in a file The l_whencemust beone of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END(from unistd.h) These correspond to the start, current posi-tion, and end of a file, respectively l_whencedefines the offset to which l_start, the first byte in theregion, is relative Normally, this would be SEEK_SET, so l_startis counted from the beginning of thefile The l_lenparameter defines the number of bytes in the region
The l_pidparameter is used for reporting the process holding a lock; see the F_GETLKdescription thatfollows
Each byte in a file can have only a single type of lock on it at any one time and may be locked for sharedaccess, locked for exclusive access, or unlocked
There are quite a few combinations of commands and options to the fcntlcall, so let’s look at each ofthem in turn
The F_GETLK CommandThe first command is F_GETLK It gets locking information about the file that fildes(the first parame-ter) has open It doesn’t attempt to lock the file The calling process passes information about the type oflock it might wish to create, and fcntlused with the F_GETLKcommand returns any information thatwould prevent the lock from occurring
The values used in the flockstructure are in the following table:
l_len The number of bytes in the file region of interest
l_pid The identifier of the process with the lock
263 Data Management
Trang 40A process may use the F_GETLKcall to determine the current state of locks on a region of a file It shouldset up the flockstructure to indicate the type of lock it may require and define the region it’s interested
in The fcntlcall returns a value other than -1 if it’s successful If the file already has locks that wouldprevent a lock request from succeeding, it overwrites the flockstructure with the relevant information
If the lock will succeed, the flockstructure is unchanged If the F_GETLKcall is unable to obtain theinformation, it returns -1 to indicate failure
If the F_GETLKcall is successful (i.e., it returns a value other than -1), the calling application must checkthe contents of the flockstructure to determine whether it was modified Since the l_pidvalue is set tothe locking process (if one was found), this is a convenient field to check to determine if the flockstruc-ture has been changed
The F_SETLK Command
This command attempts to lock or unlock part of the file referenced by fildes The values used in theflockstructure (and different from those used by F_GETLK) are as follows:
Value Description
l_type Either F_RDLCKfor a read-only or shared lock or F_WRLCKfor an l_type
Either F_RDLCKfor a read-only, or shared, lock; F_WRLCKfor an exclusive, awrite,exclusive or a write lock; and F_UNLCKto unlock a region
l_pid Unused
If the lock is successful, fcntlreturns a value other than -1; on failure, -1 is returned The function willalways return immediately
The F_SETLKW Command
The F_SETLKWcommand is the same as the F_SETLKcommand above, except that if it can’t obtain thelock, the call will wait until it can Once this call has started waiting, it will return only when the lockcan be obtained or a signal occurs We’ll discuss signals in Chapter 11
All locks held by a program on a file are automatically cleared when the relevant file descriptor is closed.This will also happen automatically when the program finishes
Use of read and write with Locking
When you’re using locking on regions of a file, it’s very important to use the lower-level readandwritecalls to access the data in the file, rather than the higher-level freadand fwrite This is neces-sary because freadand fwriteperform buffering of data read or written inside the library, so execut-ing an freadcall to read the first 100 bytes of a file may (in fact, almost certainly will) read more than
100 bytes and buffer the additional data inside the library If the program then uses freadto read thenext 100 bytes, it will actually read data already buffered inside the library and not allow a low-levelreadto pull more data from the file
To see why this is a problem, consider two programs that wish to update the same file Suppose the fileconsists of 200 bytes of data, all zeros The first program starts first and obtains a write lock on the first
100 bytes of the file It then uses freadto read in those 100 bytes However, as we saw in an earlier
Chapter 7