Alspach The book you need to succeed! Adobe insider Ted Alspach helps you unlock the power of Illustrator CS4 If you rely on Illustrator every day, you can’t afford to be behind the curve. This comprehensive guide is just what you need to become current and stay that way, from drawing basics to advanced techniques. Adobe expert Ted Alspach reveals the latest on Illustrator CS4’s new features, thoroughly explains how to integrate Illustrator with the rest of the Creative Suite, and, best of all, teaches you step-by-step how to create designs that work beautifully, whether in print or online. Strengthen illustrations by using advanced techniques Use multiple Artboards to layer multiple pages Create exciting artwork from basic typography • Learn the basics of drawing, painting, coloring, and uncoloring • Master paths, masks, blends, patterns, transparency, and type • Become super smart with enhanced Smart Guides • Work in multiple pages with Illustrator’s new Artboard tool • Use pages of practical tricks and tips to improve your designs • Conquer the Web with scripts and online design techniques Ted Alspach is the author of more than 30 books on graphic design and publishing, including Illustrator For Dummies and previous editions of the Illustrator Bible. Ted spent eight years at Adobe on the Illustrator and Creative Suite product management teams, enabling him to provide a unique perspective on getting the most out of Adobe Illustrator CS4. Illustrator ® CS4 Adobe ® Shelving Category: COMPUTERS / Computer Graphics / General Reader Level: Beginning to Advanced $44.99 USA $48.99 Canada Master CS4’s new features to increase productivity Use Illustrator for the Web as well as for print Preview color separations inside Illustrator CS4 Ted Alspach Adobe ® Illustrator ® CS4 Beautiful 16-page color insert with cutting-edge examples Special full-color insert Spine: 1.54" Illustrator ® CS4 Bible 01_345191-ffirs.indd i01_345191-ffirs.indd i 10/24/08 9:13:23 AM10/24/08 9:13:23 AM 01_345191-ffirs.indd ii01_345191-ffirs.indd ii 10/24/08 9:13:24 AM10/24/08 9:13:24 AM Illustrator ® CS4 Bible Ted Alspach 01_345191-ffirs.indd iii01_345191-ffirs.indd iii 10/24/08 9:13:25 AM10/24/08 9:13:25 AM Illustrator ® CS4 Bible Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-34519-1 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. 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Adobe and Illustrator are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Wiley Publishing, Inc. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. 01_345191-ffirs.indd iv01_345191-ffirs.indd iv 10/24/08 9:13:26 AM10/24/08 9:13:26 AM About the Author Ted Alspach is the author of more than 30 books on desktop publishing and graphics as well as hundreds of articles and reviews on related topics, including the Illustrator Bible series and the Illustrator For Dummies series. Ted was the Group Product Manager for Illustrator and the Creative Suite at Adobe Systems for more than seven years. Ted also runs Bézier Games (http://, a board game publishing company, and has designed more than a dozen games and expansions for popular games, including Rapscallion, Seismic (Atlas Games), Start Player, and Ultimate Werewolf. Acknowledgments Thanks to everyone at Wiley who put in the time and effort to produce another great edition of this book! 01_345191-ffirs.indd v01_345191-ffirs.indd v 10/24/08 9:13:26 AM10/24/08 9:13:26 AM Credits Senior Acquisitions Editor Stephanie McComb Project Editor Christopher Stolle Technical Editor Dennis R. Cohen Copy Editor Kim Heusel Editorial Manager Robyn Siesky Business Manager Amy Knies Senior Marketing Manager Sandy Smith Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Vice President and Executive Publisher Barry Pruett Project Coordinator Kristie Rees Graphics and Production Specialists Stacie Brooks Carrie A. Cesavice Andrea Hornberger Jennifer Mayberry Quality Control Technician Laura Albert Proofreading Christine Sabooni Indexing Christine Spina Karpeles 01_345191-ffirs.indd vi01_345191-ffirs.indd vi 10/24/08 9:13:26 AM10/24/08 9:13:26 AM vii Y ou’re holding in your hands the biggest, most thorough, and most helpful guide to Adobe Illustrator you’ll find anywhere. The Illustrator CS4 Bible is the book I wrote because I couldn’t find the book I wanted about Adobe Illustrator. Now I have it, and believe it or not, I’m constantly using my own book as a ref- erence. I’d love to tell the world, “Sure, I know that,” without putting them on hold while I search the index for the Reset Tracking to 0 shortcut for a Mac (Ô+Shift+X, by the way). There’s just too much about Illustrator for any one person to keep in his or her head at one time; now, this latest edition of this book gathers all the Illustrator information you can’t remember and makes it more available and easier to follow than the plot twists on your favorite soap opera. If you’re at your local bookstore looking at the different Illustrator books, don’t just pick this one because it weighs the most (sorry about that . . . I get more thank-you letters from chiropractors who’ve stayed in business because of this monstrosity) or because it works great as a booster seat for your two-year-old nephew. Instead, take a look-see through these pages, which are stuffed to overflowing with in-depth Illustrator information that you just won’t find anywhere else. What’s New in This Edition Illustrator CS4 has added a variety of new features and has revamped some of the old standby tools. In this edition, you find complete coverage of the new functions and features as well as extensive explanations on how these new features work. For a complete listing of new features and enhancements, see Chapter 1. Is This the Illustrator Book for You? I’ve been to bookstores and seen the other Illustrator books out there. Some of them are quite good. Some of them are fairly awful. But none of them can match the Illustrator CS4 Bible for thoroughness, usefulness, or completeness. I’ve left no vector-based stone unturned. 01_345191-ffirs.indd vii01_345191-ffirs.indd vii 10/24/08 9:13:26 AM10/24/08 9:13:26 AM viii Preface Here are more reasons why the Illustrator CS4 Bible is the best overall book on Illustrator: n The most complete coverage of Illustrator: This book isn’t big because I wanted to hog all the retail book space for myself (of course, that’s not a bad idea), but it’s because I tried to include every possible thing you’d ever want to know about Illustrator. From learning the basics of drawing to creating outstanding special effects with vectors and ras- ters, it’s all here. n Fun, original, different artwork to illustrate the techniques and capabilities of Illustrator: When I say different, I’m not talking about performance art. Instead, I mean that each technique is created with a different piece of artwork. Some of it is simple, and some of it is complex — with each piece showing not only a particular feature but also other Illustrator capabilities. n Clean artwork without those annoying jaggies: This is vector software. When you think of vectors, you probably think of smooth, flowing paths that don’t look like some- one filled in a bunch of squares on a sheet of graph paper. So, instead of using screen- shots for paths shown in this book, each path was painstakingly drawn in Illustrator. I think you’ll appreciate the difference. n Top-notch technical prowess: Again, the Illustrator CS4 Bible has gotten the best possi- ble people to do a technical review of the book. Previous editions were technically reviewed by Eric Gibson, the lead technical support engineer for Illustrator; Andrei Herasimchuk, who designed and implemented the Illustrator interface; and Sandra Alves, a user interface designer for Adobe Photoshop. This current edition has been technically reviewed by Dennis R. Cohen, technical editor of the last four editions of the Illustrator Bible as well as a contributor to and technical reviewer of numerous Illustrator and Photoshop titles. n Perfect for teaching: If you know Illustrator inside and out, you’ll find that the Illustrator CS4 Bible is the best teaching tool available for Illustrator, with examples and explanations that perfectly complement a teaching environment. Many computer-training companies teaching Illustrator use this book, as do schools and universities. n Real-world examples and advice: Illustrator doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Instead, it’s often used in conjunction with other programs and in a variety of different environments and situations. Some people use Illustrator to create logos, others create full-page advertise- ments, and still others create entire billboards with Illustrator. Throughout this book, I present various real-world situations and examples that add to your understanding of each topic. You don’t need to be an artist or a computer geek to learn Illustrator with this book. No matter what your level of Illustrator experience is, you can undoubtedly find new things to try and will learn more about Illustrator along the way. 01_345191-ffirs.indd viii01_345191-ffirs.indd viii 10/24/08 9:13:27 AM10/24/08 9:13:27 AM ix Preface How to Get the Most Out of This Book You may want to be aware of a few matters before you dive too deeply into the mysteries of vector- based graphics, Adobe-style: n Versions: When you see the word Illustrator, it refers to all versions of Illustrator. When I stick a number after the word Illustrator, it’s relevant to that version only. When Adobe releases the next major upgrade, look for a new version of this book to help you through it. n Menu and keyboard commands: To indicate that you need to choose a command from a menu, I write something like MenuName ➪ Command — for example, File ➪ Save. If a command is nested in a submenu, it’s presented as MenuName ➪ Submenu ➪ Command, as in Effect ➪ Distort & Transform ➪ Roughen. If a command has a keyboard command, I mention that for both Mac and Windows versions. For example, Save is Command+S on a Mac, which I’ll present as Ô+S. Ô corresponds to the Ô symbol on the Mac keyboard. The other Mac keys are spelled out — Option, Shift, Tab, and so forth. Save is Ctrl+S for Windows (Ctrl corresponds to the Ctrl key on the Windows keyboard). So, both plat- forms are specified by saying, “To save a document, press Ctrl+S (Ô+S).” The Windows convention is stated first and the Mac convention follows in parentheses. There are some other minor differences in things like menus, dropdown lists (popup menus), and so on, between the Windows and Mac versions, but you won’t have any problem identifying these elements, no matter what you call them. n This is not a novel: As much as I’d like you to discover plot intricacies, subtle character- izations, and moral fabric woven into the story, none of those things exist in this book. You can use this book in two ways: n Look up what interests you in the Contents or the Index and then refer to that section. Rinse and repeat as necessary. n Slowly, calmly work your way through the entire book, trying out examples (the funky steps that are almost everywhere) and techniques as you run across them. The book is designed to be read this way, with each chapter building on the previous chapter. n Mac and Windows versions used when writing this book: I shuffled between a Mac and a Windows computer when writing this book: The Mac uses OS X 10.5 Leopard, while the Windows computer uses XP SP2. Few items, if any, should be different on Vista, Tiger, and other operating systems supported by Illustrator CS4, but there could be a few minor differences between the platforms. 01_345191-ffirs.indd ix01_345191-ffirs.indd ix 10/24/08 9:13:27 AM10/24/08 9:13:27 AM [...]... 10 9 Using brushes 11 1 Using the Calligraphic brush 11 1 Creating a Calligraphic brush 11 3 Variable widths and pressure-sensitive tablets .11 3 Creating with the Scatter brush 11 3 Working with the Art brush 11 5 Creating tiles using the Pattern brush 11 7 Making a custom brush 11 9 Understanding colorization tips 12 0... 10 Chapter 2: Understanding Illustrator s Desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Picasso Meets Illustrator: Getting Started 11 Getting started with Illustrator 12 Quitting Illustrator 12 Working with Illustrator s Interface 13 Working in the document window 14 Understanding the Artboard 15 Getting to know the work area 16 ... . 210 Using Illustrator s Pathfinder Functions 211 Setting the Pathfinder options 212 Adding to a shape 212 Subtracting from a shape 214 Intersecting and excluding shapes 214 Using the Expand button 215 Dividing paths 215 Trimming paths 216 Merging paths 217 Cropping paths . 217 Outlining... Handles 18 8 Select Object Brush Strokes 18 8 Select Object Clipping Masks 18 8 Select Object Stray Points 18 9 Select Object Text Objects .18 9 Select Flash Dynamic Text .18 9 Select Flash Input Text 18 9 Keeping and labeling a selection 19 0 Custom paint style selections 19 0 Editing Paths in Illustrator 19 1 Editing with... .3 81 Chapter 11 : Using Path Blends, Compound Paths, and Masks 427 Chapter 13 : Using Live Trace 473 Chapter 14 : Using Live Paint 495 Part III: Mastering Illustrator 503 Chapter 15 : Working with Graphic Styles and Effects 505 Chapter 16 : Creating 3-D in Illustrator .529 Chapter 17 : Customizing and Automating Illustrator 5 51. .. 310 Creating Individual Type 311 Placing Area Type in a Rectangle . 311 Working with Type Areas 312 Creating Area Type 313 Using area type functions 314 Choosing good shapes for area type . 315 Outlining areas of area type . 315 Selecting carefully with area type 315 Changing the area, not the type 316 Flowing... techniques in Illustrator 609 Summary 610 Chapter 19 : Creating Web Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 Designing for the Web versus Designing for Print . 611 Illustrator and the Web — the Basics 612 Understanding Pixel Preview mode 613 Using Web-safe colors . 618 Understanding hexadecimal colors 619 Optimizing... .18 6 Select Same Blending Mode 18 6 Select Same Fill & Stroke 18 6 Select Same Fill Color 18 7 Select Same Opacity .18 7 Select Same Stroke Color .18 7 Select Same Stroke Weight 18 7 Select Same Style 18 8 Select Same Symbol Instance 18 8 Select Same Link Block Series 18 8 Select Object All on Same Layers 18 8 xvii... Creative Suite applications n Appendix: The appendix contains information on Illustrator CS4 shortcuts x Preface vii Part I: Illustrator Basics 1 Chapter 1: What’s New in Illustrator CS4? 3 Chapter 2: Understanding Illustrator s Desktop 11 Chapter 3: Working with Illustrator Documents 43 Chapter 4: Understanding Drawing and Painting... squares 13 1 Using the Round Corners command to round straight corners 13 4 Rounding corners backward 13 5 Drawing ellipses 13 6 Creating polygons 13 7 Seeing stars .13 9 Working with the Flare Tool .14 4 Understanding Flare options 14 4 Using a flare to add highlight 14 4 Editing a flare 14 6 Filling and Stroking . AM10/24/08 9 :13 :23 AM 01_ 34 519 1-ffirs.indd ii 01_ 34 519 1-ffirs.indd ii 10 /24/08 9 :13 :24 AM10/24/08 9 :13 :24 AM Illustrator ® CS4 Bible Ted Alspach 01_ 34 519 1-ffirs.indd iii 01_ 34 519 1-ffirs.indd iii 10 /24/08. CS4 Beautiful 16 -page color insert with cutting-edge examples Special full-color insert Spine: 1. 54" Illustrator ® CS4 Bible 01_ 34 519 1-ffirs.indd i 01_ 34 519 1-ffirs.indd i 10 /24/08 9 :13 :23 AM10/24/08. great Adobe Creative Suite applications. n Appendix: The appendix contains information on Illustrator CS4 shortcuts. 01_ 34 519 1-ffirs.indd x 01_ 34 519 1-ffirs.indd x 10 /24/08 9 :13 :27 AM10/24/08 9 :13 :27