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10-4 Chapter 10 SMTP Protocol Configuration and Management 4. Host01 identifies Server01 as the recipient using the rcpt to: command. Server01 returns response 250. 5. Host01 indicates that it is ready to send the message using the data command. Server01 returns a 354 response, which indicates that the message should start. 6. Host01 sends the message. 7. Host01 indicates the end of the session using the quit command. Server01 returns a 221 response, indicating that the SMTP service is closing the connection. Common SMTP Commands The SMTP commands define the mail transfer or the mail system function requested by the user. The commands consist of alphabetic character strings terminated by the car- riage return/line feed character (<CRLF>). If a command code has parameters, then it is followed by a space character (<SP>), the parameters, and then <CRLF>. Table 10-1 lists the common SMTP commands. This list is not comprehensive. A full list of com- mands can be found in the RFCs. Table 10-1 Common SMTP Commands Command Description helo Requests an SMTP session and identifies the sending SMTP host to the receiv- ing SMTP host. The argument field contains the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the sending host. mail from: Identifies the sender of the message. This is not necessarily the same as the sending SMTP host; for example, the sending host could be acting as a relay. rcpt to: Identifies the message recipient. If there are several recipients, then the com- mand is used for each recipient. data Indicates that the sending host is ready to transmit the message. quit Indicates the end of the SMTP session. rset Aborts the current mail transaction. quit Disconnects the TCP session. vrfy Allows the sending host to verify that the recipient is valid before sending the message. turn Triggers the recipient server to send queued messages destined for the send- ing server. This command is used in a dial-up environment to poll a host for queued messages. Lesson 1 Managing SMTP Message Transfer Support 10-5 Common SMTP Reply Codes Table 10-2 lists the common SMTP reply codes. The commands are text strings, whereas the replies are numbers. However, reply codes 220 and 221 include the FQDN of the receiving host as a parameter. As before, this list is not comprehensive. How ESMTP Implements a Connection ESMTP uses the standard SMTP commands and response codes over TCP port 25 but also provides additional capabilities such as delivery notification. ESMTP communica- tion can be made more secure by means of advanced messaging commands that sup- port host authentication and encryption. If an ESMTP host initiates a session with a host that does not support the protocol, then it will use normal SMTP. Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 operating systems support ESMTP by default. There are also ESMTP clients available for UNIX and Apple Macintosh operating systems. Let us again suppose that an ESMTP client (Host01) sends a message to an SMTP server (Server01). The procedure is as follows: 1. Host01 initiates a TCP connection to Server01. Server01 returns response 220 (ready), which indicates that it has opened a connection. Table 10-2 Common SMTP Reply Codes Reply code Description 220 Indicates that the SMTP service is ready. 221 Indicates that the SMTP service is closing the transmission channel. 250 Indicates that the requested action is okay and has been completed. 354 Indicates to the sending host that the message should be transmitted. 450 Indicates that the requested action has not been taken because the mailbox is busy. 451 Indicates that the requested action has been aborted due to a local error in processing. 452 Indicates that the requested action has not been taken because there is insuffi- cient system storage. 500 Indicates a syntax error or unrecognized command. 550 Indicates that the requested action has not been taken because the mailbox is unavailable or not found. 552 Indicates that the requested action has been aborted because the storage allo- cation was exceeded. 554 Indicates that the transaction failed. 10-6 Chapter 10 SMTP Protocol Configuration and Management 2. Host01 sends an ehlo command (rather than a helo command). This requests that an ESMTP session be initiated. If Server01 supports ESMTP, then it returns response 250, which indicates that the requested action is okay and has been com- pleted. If, however, Server01 does not support ESMTP, then it returns response 500, indicating that it does not recognize the command. 3. If Host01 receives response 250, then it continues with the ESMTP session. This is similar to an SMTP session except that the extended commands are available. If, on the other hand, Host01 receives response 500, then it sends an SMTP helo com- mand and starts a normal SMTP session. Common ESMTP Commands ESMTP uses the standard SMTP commands (with the exception of helo) and also uses some additional commands. Table 10-3 lists some common ESMTP commands. A more detailed list of ESMTP commands is available in RFC 1869. Further details are given in the additional RFCs listed in the table. Table 10-3 Common ESMTP Commands Command Description atrn An authenticated turn command (refer to Table 10-1) that runs only if the ses- sion has been authenticated. It is described in RFC 2645. etrn This command is similar to turn, but it specifies the remote host to which the mail is to be delivered. It is described in RFC 1985. pipelining Allows SMTP commands to be sent in batches without waiting for a response from the receiving host. chunking Makes the sending of large Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) mes- sages more efficient by “chunking” data together as it is transported between SMTP hosts. starttls Provides a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection between the SMTP client and server by initiating a Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection. The client sys- tem must initiate the TLS connection. auth Provides a form of Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) SMTP authentication that uses Kerberos and Microsoft’s new technology local area network (LAN) manager (NTLM) protocol to authenticate SMTP hosts. The SASL mechanism used is specified in the command parameter. auth=login Provides a form of SASL for clients such as Netscape and Exchange Server 5.5 that require basic SMTP authentication. help Outputs a list of the commands supported by the SMTP host. It is described in RFC 821. vrfy Determines whether an e-mail account exists and whether the account is dis- abled by default. It is described in RFC 821. Lesson 1 Managing SMTP Message Transfer Support 10-7 Real World Hazards of Using the vrfy Command In real-world systems, the vrfy command is often disabled. Many administrators consider it a security risk because it could help a malicious third party determine the identity of enabled e-mail accounts. Testing an ESMTP Connection The ehlo command may be used to test connectivity between your Exchange Server 2003 server and a remote SMTP host. If the remote host recognizes the command, then you can authenticate sending and receiving hosts and use encryption. You first estab- lish a connection over TCP port 25 using the telnet utility. On establishing the connec- tion, telnet will indicate whether the remote host supports ESMTP. However, this is not sufficient to indicate that an ESMTP connection can be established. It is possible, for example, that the recipient host is an Exchange server with the System Attendant ser- vice stopped. To test ESMTP connectivity, you must then issue the elho command. If you are testing the connection while logged on at another computer (which should be the case in a production network), then you need to follow the command with the FQDN of your server. If the remote host responds with a 250 reply, then it supports ESMTP commands. Figure 10-1 illustrates this technique. dsn Generates and sends a delivery status notification to the sending host if there is a delivery failure. The command is considered an improvement on the non- delivery report (NDR) mechanism. It is described in RFC 1891. size Determines the size of a message prior to its acceptance. In standard SMTP, a message must be transmitted to the receiving system in whole or in part before it can be rejected for exceeding a size limitation. The command is described in RFC 1870. x-eps gssapi ntlm login Uses an authentication mechanism that supports Kerberos and NTLM. It sup- ports the same authentication mechanisms as auth. x-exps=login Uses an Exchange Server 5.5–specific authentication mechanism that supports NTLM and provides compatibility with Exchange Server 5.5. x-link2state Specifies support for the Exchange 2000 Server link state command verb. For example, it can be used to advertise the fact that a server is capable of exchang- ing link state information. xexch50 Used when establishing a connection with another server running Exchange. It is used to transfer Exchange-specific content in messages. Table 10-3 Common ESMTP Commands Command Description 10-8 Chapter 10 SMTP Protocol Configuration and Management F10es01 Figure 10-1 Testing ESMTP connectivity You can use the same technique to test standard SMTP connectivity between your server and a remote host. In this case, you should use the helo command rather than the ehlo command. Exam Tip You should know that ESMTP is required for facilities such as authentication, encryption, and delivery notification (but not for NDRs), and you should be able to distinguish between the helo and ehlo commands. You should also be able to recognize commands as SMTP or ESMTP and summarize their functions. SMTP Folders SMTP uses three system folders to temporarily store messages in transit. By default, these folders are created on an Exchange Server 2003 server in C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1. The folders are as follows: ■ Pickup SMTP delivers any SMTP formatted messages that are placed in the Pickup folder. Exchange Server 2003 does not use this folder. ■ Queue SMTP stores inbound SMTP messages in this folder when they are received. Internet Information Services (IIS) then processes these messages for delivery. ■ Bad Mail SMTP stores undeliverable messages that cannot be returned to the sender in this folder. If you want to change the location of these folders, you need to make the change in the configuration partition of Active Directory. Otherwise the changes will be overwrit- ten. Use the Adsiedit.exe tool for this purpose. ! Lesson 1 Managing SMTP Message Transfer Support 10-9 Configuring DNS to Support SMTP Having a well-designed DNS service is critical to the operation of an Exchange Server 2003 organization. In a production network, you should ensure that DNS does not con- stitute a single point of failure by the use of secondary DNS servers, Active Directory Integrated DNS, or both. When an SMTP host sends an e-mail message to another SMTP host, DNS resolves the SMTP domain name of the receiving host to its IP address. SMTP domain names and host addresses are held in DNS Mail Exchanger (MX) records. Typically, an organization registers multiple MX records in DNS to provide fault toler- ance if an SMTP host becomes unavailable. If the recipient SMTP host is unavailable, then the sending SMTP host retrieves all MX records for the receiving domain from DNS and resolves the lowest-preference SMTP host name to an IP address. If the SMTP host with the lowest preference is not available, the SMTP host with the second-lowest preference is used. When an available SMTP host’s IP address is resolved, an SMTP ses- sion is established with that host. Exchange recipients can have a single SMTP address or multiple SMTP addresses. Exchange can segregate recipients into multiple virtual organizations, each with its own SMTP address space and domain name. You can configure DNS to support mul- tiple Exchange servers within your organization and implement a single or multiple domain namespaces. Your DNS configuration also depends on how your Exchange organization is connected to the Internet and whether your DNS records are managed internally or by your Internet service provider (ISP). MX Records for an Organization that Manages Its Own DNS Table 10-4 shows how you could configure MX records if your organization manages its own DNS and has a single namespace. Host (A) records should exist for Server01, Server02, and Server03. Tables 10-5 and 10-6 show how you could configure MX records if your organization manages its own DNS and has multiple namespaces. Host (A) records should exist for Server01 and Server02 in both the tailspintoys.com and nwtraders.com namespaces. Table 10-4 MX Records for a Single Namespace Record Preference SMTP host MX 10 server01.tailspintoys.com MX 20 server02.tailspintoys.com MX 30 server03.tailspintoys.com 10-10 Chapter 10 SMTP Protocol Configuration and Management MX Records for an Organization Whose ISP Manages Its DNS Table 10-7 shows how your ISP could configure MX records if your organization has a dial-up connection to the Internet and the ISP manages your organization’s DNS. Notice that the ISP’s smart hosts are in a load-sharing configuration and have equal preference. Host (A) records for Smarthost01 and Smarthost02 must exist in the ISP’s namespace. Table 10-8 shows how your ISP could configure MX records if your organization has a permanent connection to the Internet and the ISP manages your organization’s DNS. In this configuration, messages will be delivered to the ISP’s smart hosts if the connection goes down, and you can retrieve them when the connection is re-established. Host (A) records for Smarthost01 and Smarthost02 must exist in the ISP’s namespace, as must a Host (A) record for server01.tailspintoys.com. Table 10-5 MX Records Added to the tailspintoys.com Namespace Record Preference SMTP host MX 10 server01.tailspintoys.com MX 20 server02.tailspintoys.com Table 10-6 MX Records Added to the nwtraders.com Namespace Record Preference SMTP host MX 10 server01.nwtraders.com MX 20 server02.nwtraders.com Table 10-7 MX Records in an ISP’s Namespace for a Dial-Up Connection Record Preference SMTP host MX 10 smarthost01.yourisp.com MX 10 smarthost02.yourisp.com Table 10-8 MX Records in an ISP’s Namespace for a Permanent Connection Record Preference SMTP host MX 10 server01.tailspintoys.com MX 20 smarthost01.yourisp.com MX 20 smarthost02.yourisp.com Lesson 1 Managing SMTP Message Transfer Support 10-11 Configuring Internet Connectivity If you want to change how messages flow in and out of your Exchange organization, you have several options that allow you to control and configure Internet connectivity. These include the following: ■ Creating and configuring an additional SMTP virtual server and configuring an SMTP connector to use this virtual server as a bridgehead. ■ Limiting the scope of the SMTP connector to the routing group. ■ Configuring the credentials on the SMTP connector. ■ Configuring the SMTP connector only to receive e-mail or only to send e-mail. ■ Configuring Internet message formats and message delivery parameters. Exam Tip You do not need to configure an SMTP connector for e-mail to function. Nor do you need to connect an Exchange server either to other servers in an organization or to the Internet. The default SMTP virtual server manages all these connections. Beware of exam questions that ask what you need to do to implement Exchange Server 2003 connectivity to the Internet. Exchange Server 2003 can connect to the Internet by default. Creating an Additional SMTP Virtual Server You can use the default virtual server to configure control filters, relay restrictions, mes- sage formats, outbound security, and smart host options. However, if you want to con- trol these items domain by domain, you should create an additional virtual server and then configure an SMTP connector to use the virtual server as a bridgehead server. When you configure the virtual server in this way, the SMTP connector overrides any settings that the SMTP virtual server and SMTP connector share. You can, for example, create an SMTP connector with an address space for a specific e-mail domain and con- figure that connector to use a virtual server that does not have any filters configured. This setup can be used for sending messages across an extranet to one of your organi- zation’s associate companies. You create and configure an SMTP connector later in this lesson. You should have created an additional SMTP virtual server in Chapter 9. Limiting the Scope of an SMTP Connector You can limit the scope of an SMTP connector to a specific routing group. You would do this if you did not want messages from other routing groups to be delivered by the SMTP connector. However, if you want the SMTP connector to act as a backup to other similarly configured SMTP connectors in other routing groups, then you should accept the default scope setting, which is Entire Organization. ! 10-12 Chapter 10 SMTP Protocol Configuration and Management Configuring the Credentials on an SMTP Connector You would configure the credentials on an SMTP connector if, for example, the con- nector is configured to deliver messages to a domain, and the SMTP server in that domain requires authentication. Configuring connector credentials does not affect the virtual server, which could, for example, be configured with no outbound security. Cli- ents could then connect to other domains anonymously, while authentication is required to connect to the domain where it is specified. Configuring an SMTP Connector Only to Receive E-Mail or Only to Send E-Mail Suppose, for example, that your Exchange Server 2003 server cannot perform DNS lookups for Internet addresses, and you want to designate this server as your gateway to the Internet. In this case, you can configure an SMTP connector and then designate a bridgehead server for the connector to use. You also need to configure the connector scope, message routing, and address space. Configuring Internet Message Formats and Message Delivery Parameters Internet message formats enable you to configure the encoding, format, and type of messages (such as out-of-office or NDRs) that you send to a specific domain. The domain can then reference a specific destination, such as nwtraders.com. Alternatively, you can use a wildcard, for example *.edu, to reference a large group of destinations. You can define the message format for all SMTP domains or for specific domains. Note You can also use the Internet Mail Wizard to create an SMTP connector and to config- ure an Exchange Server 2003 server to send and receive Internet mail. This wizard is intended primarily for small to medium-sized companies with less complex environments than large enterprise companies. Internet Mail Wizard creates the SMTP connector for outgoing Internet e-mail and then configures the SMTP virtual server to accept incoming e-mail. How- ever, if you have already set up SMTP connectors or created additional SMTP virtual servers on your Exchange Server 2003 server, then you cannot run the wizard unless you reset your server configuration to its default state. Configuring SMTP Relays Relaying occurs when one SMTP host forwards SMTP e-mail to another SMTP host without resolving the recipient addresses. You can use an SMTP connector to relay e-mail messages between Exchange Server 2003 and other SMTP-compatible messag- ing systems such as UNIX Sendmail (see www.sendmail.org) or to other SMTP hosts on the Internet. The bridgehead server or servers defined on SMTP connectors will relay e-mail messages directly to a smart host or to a remote server on which recipient addresses are stored. Lesson 1 Managing SMTP Message Transfer Support 10-13 There are six different ways to configure SMTP relays in Exchange Server 2003: ■ Configuring an SMTP virtual server to use a smart host ■ Configuring an SMTP virtual server to forward unresolved messages to a smart host ■ Configuring an SMTP virtual server as a relay host ■ Configuring an SMTP virtual server to limit the servers that can relay e-mail mes- sages ■ Configuring an SMTP connector to use a smart host ■ Configuring the domains to which you want to relay messages Configuring an SMTP Virtual Server to Use a Smart Host An SMTP virtual server, by default, uses DNS to resolve the recipient’s SMTP address. You can instead configure the virtual servers in your organization to forward all out- bound mail to a smart host. The virtual server does not then attempt to resolve the SMTP domain name through DNS but instead sends the message to the smart host for delivery. Reasons for using a smart host include ■ It provides an entry and an exit point for all Internet messages or messages to a foreign messaging system. This allows you to manage Internet message traffic. ■ It provides dial-up solutions. Clients can use a dial-up connection to send mes- sages to and receive messages from the permanently connected SMTP smart host. This reduces connection time because the clients do not need permanent connec- tions to the Exchange server. You identify the smart host by an FQDN or by an IP address. However, if you use the latter method and then change the IP address, then you need to change that IP address on every virtual server. If you use an IP address, then you must enclose it in square brackets. Exchange checks first for a server name and then for an IP address. The brackets identify a value as an IP address, and Exchange bypasses the DNS lookup. You configure a virtual server to use a smart host by entering the smart host’s identity in the Smart Host box in the virtual server’s Advanced Delivery dialog box. Configuring an SMTP Virtual Server to Forward Unresolved Messages to a Smart Host Where an organization has other SMTP messaging systems in addition to Exchange, you can forward all unresolved SMTP messages from Exchange to a smart host. If the smart host cannot resolve the recipient’s name, then the message is returned with an NDR. You configure an SMTP virtual server to forward unresolved messages to a smart host by entering the smart host’s identity in the Forward All Mail With Unresolved [...]... your Exchange Server 2003 organization and then create and configure an SMTP connector These are the typical administrative tasks that you carry out when setting up SMTP in an Exchange organization Exercise 1: Create MX Records for Your Exchange Server 2003 Servers In this exercise, you will create MX records for Server0 1 and Server0 2 The exercise assumes that both servers are configured as Exchange Server. .. chapter 1 You administer an Exchange Server 2003 server with a dial-up connection to an ISP You want your ISP to hold your e-mail until your Exchange server connects You then want all queued e-mail to be delivered to your Exchange server How do you configure this? 2 You want your Exchange Server 2003 organization to have smart host capability How should you configure a virtual server to provide such capability,... restrictions for relaying on the SMTP virtual server Note In the next two exercises, you simulate the situation where you connect your Exchange organization to your ISP by means of a demand-dial connection and configure your Exchange Server 2003 server to pull e-mail from your ISP’s server If you want to test this setup “for real,” you need two Exchange Server 2003 servers with modems that are in different... Host box on the virtual server s Messages tab Configuring an SMTP Virtual Server as a Relay Host If you configure an SMTP virtual server as an inbound relay host, this gives Exchange Server 2003 smart host capabilities You can then configure other SMTP servers to use the Exchange virtual server as their smart host and forward all outbound messages to the virtual server The virtual server then resolves... configure Exchange Server 2003 to coexist with messaging systems for which connectors are not provided, then you need to obtain third-party gateways for these systems Alternatively, if your organization already implements Exchange Server 5.5, and an Exchange Server 5.5 connector exists, you can create a mixed mode Exchange organization In the case of Microsoft Mail, you can use Exchange System Manager in Exchange. .. in Exchange Server 2003 to configure a server running Exchange 2000 Server in your organization as a directory synchronization requestor or server for directory synchronization Exchange Server 2003 integrates with IIS to provide an efficient and secure environment that allows users running Internet clients to access Exchange data locally and remotely This feature enables you to configure Exchange interoperability... Systems 10- 37 After this lesson, you will be able to ■ Configure system-wide global settings in Exchange Server 2003 ■ Explain how SMTP works with an HTTP virtual server to provide Web storage implemen- tations ■ Describe how Exchange Server 2003 supports OWA ■ Explain how NNTP is configured to implement online discussions and access newsgroup public folders ■ Describe how Exchange Server 2003 supports... administer an Exchange Server 2003 server You want this server to act as a smart host Your organization has a single SMTP domain How do you configure your server? a Configure an SMTP connector to forward all outbound mail b Configure the default SMTP virtual server as a relay host c Configure the default SMTP virtual server to forward all unresolved messages d Configure the default SMTP virtual server to... Server 2003 servers and that the domain controller, Server0 1, is the primary DNS server (either standard primary or Active Directory Integrated) The MX records will be configured so that an SMTP connection to your organization will first access Server0 1 and will access Server0 2 if Server0 1 is unavailable After creating the MX records, you use the Command console to verify them To create MX records for Server0 1... In the Mail Server Priority box, type 10, and then click OK 5 Verify that a new record of type Mail Exchanger (MX) exists for server0 1.tailspintoys.com 6 In the console tree, right-click tailspintoys.com, and then click New Mail Exchanger (MX) 7 In the New Resource Record dialog box, in the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Of Mail Server box, type Server0 2.tailspintoys.com In the Mail Server Priority . for Your Exchange Server 2003 Servers In this exercise, you will create MX records for Server0 1 and Server0 2. The exercise assumes that both servers are configured as Exchange Server 2003 servers. implement Exchange Server 2003 connectivity to the Internet. Exchange Server 2003 can connect to the Internet by default. Creating an Additional SMTP Virtual Server You can use the default virtual server. the virtual server s Messages tab. Configuring an SMTP Virtual Server as a Relay Host If you configure an SMTP virtual server as an inbound relay host, this gives Exchange Server 2003 smart host

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