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284 Norman P. Barnes Curved Reflecting a\ ? I Curved Mirror output output FIGURE 3 3 (b) Grazing-incidence configuration. Littrow and Grazing-incidence grating configurations. (a) Littrow configuration. where N is the order of the reflection. For gratings used in a laser resonator, the orders are limited to 1 so that the losses associated with the higher orders are avoided. In the following, we assume that the first-order reflection is always uti- lized. If a grating is used in the Littrow configuration, the incident and reflected angles are equal. In this case, the variation of the angle with wavelength is Using the same expression for the beam divergence, the bandwidth is -I A& = (274 "rJ cos (8 j)] . h Since d, cos(8J can be much larger than dnldh, the spectrz (35) single-pass spectral (36) narrowing achieved with a &rating can be much larger by employing a grating rather than a prism. Although greater spectral resolution can be achieved with a grating, the losses of a grating tend to be higher. Losses are associated with both finite reflectivity of the coating, usually a metal, and less than unity grating efficiency. Higher losses are particularly pronounced at shorter wavelengths where the 6 Transition Metal Solid-state Lasers 285 reflectivity of the grating is lower since the reflectivity of the metal is lower. In addition, gratings tend to be more damage prone as compared with prisms. Note that a grating will, in general. polarize a laser. Consequently. the same comments regarding the losses associated with restricting the laser to operate in a polarized mode apply. The dispersive characteristics of multiple-prism grating systems are described in Chapter 2. Birefringent filters achieve wavelength control by utilizing the variation of the phase retardation of a wave plate uith wavelength. For normal incidence. the phase difference CD between the ordinaty and extraordinq wave of ti nave plate is CD = 274 1ZC, -11, )d/h , (37) where tio and ne are the ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices. respec- tively, d is the thickness of the wave plate, and h is the aavelength. If a poly chromatic polarized wave is incident on the wave plate. only some of the nave- lengths will have a phase difference. which is an integer multiple of 2x. These wavelengths will interfere constructively as they exit from the wave plate and emerge with the same polarization as the incident polarization. If a polarization discrimination device is used after the wave plate, only the wabelengths that have the correct polarization will suffer no loss. By using this wavelength vary- ing loss, a wavelength selective device can be made. Both birefringent filters and Lyot filters can be made using this principle. Lyot filters (681 employ several wave plates to achieve better spectral resolution. Between each wave plate is a polarizer. By using these polarizers, good wave- length resoliition can be achieved. However, this leads to a filter with high trans- mission losses. High losses are incompatible with efficient lasers. To obviate these losses, birefringent filters were created [69,70]. These devices are nave plates orientzd at Brewster‘s angle. In this configuration, the Brewster’s angle sur- faces act as the polarizer, eliminating the polarizer as a loss element. Since the degree of polarization of a Brewster’s angle surface is not as high as that of a polarizer, the wavelength resolution is not as high as that of a Lyot filter. Phase difference between the ordinary and extraordinary waves can be calculated for 2 wave plate at Brewster’s angle by taking into account the variation of the refrac- tive index with orientation and the birefringence. Because birefringent filters con- sist only of wave plates oriented at Brewster’s angle, they can have low loss. assuming a polarized laser, and can be damage resistant. Etalons, like birefringent filters. operate on a principle of constructive inter- ference. An etalon consists of two parallel reflective surfaces separated by a dis- tance d. Wavelengths that fill the distance betmeen the mirrors with an integer multiple of half-wavelengths will be resonant: that is. resonance occurs when 286 Norman P. Barnes where 9 is the angle of propagation, N is an integer, and ii is the refractive index of the material between the mirrors [65]. Note that since n occurs in these rela- tions rather than tio - ne, resonances are much closer together. Because the reso- nances are closer together and the resolution is related to the wavelength interval between the resonances. etalons tend to have much better spectral resolution than birefringent filters. Spectral resolution of the etalon is a function of the free spectral range (FSR) and the finesse. FSR is defined as the spectral interval between the trans- mission maxima. If h, corresponds to N half-wavelengths between the reflective surfaces and h, corresponds to (N + 1) half-wavelengths, the difference between the wavelengths is the FSR. It can be easily shown that A,,, = h . 2d Finesse F is related to the reflectivity of the mirror surfaces R by (39) Single-pass spectral resolution, Ah, is then AhF& To obtain good spectral res- olution, either the FSR can be made small or the finesse can be made large. Unfortunately, both of these options involve compromises. If the FSR is made small. laser operation on two adjacent resonances of the etalon is more likely. To avoid this, multiple etalons may have to be employed. If the finesse is made large, the reflectivity of the mirrors must be made close to unity. As the reflectiv- ity is increased, the power density internal to the etalon increases approximately as (1 + R)/(l - R). Increased power density increases the probability of laser induced damage. In general, laser induced damage is usually a concern for etalons employed in pulsed lasers. In addition, as the reflectivity increases, the losses associated with the etalon also increase. Losses in etalons are related to the incident angle used with the etalon. In practice. etalons are used internal to the laser resonator and are oriented some- what away from normal incidence. Tuning is achieved by varying the orientation of the etalon, although temperature tuning is sometimes utilized. When the etalon is not oriented at normal incidence, the transmitted beam is distorted by the multiple reflections occurring in the etalon. This beam distortion leads to losses that increase as the angle of incidence is increased. Consequently, etalons are usually operated near normal incidence. Typically, angles of incidence range around a few times the beam divergence. However. as the orientation of the etalon is varied to tune the laser. care must be taken to avoid normal or near nor- mal incidence. Additional losses in etalons are associated with losses in the reflective coatings and with nonparallel reflective surfaces. 6 Transition Metal Solid-state Lasers 2 When wavelength control devices are utilized in laser resonators, the resolu- tion is higher than predicted by using the single-pass approximation. For exan- ple, in a pulsed laser the pulse propagates through the wavelength control device several times as it evolves. Theory indicates and experiments have verified that the resolution increases as the number of passes through the walrelength control device increases [71]. Ifp is the number of passes through the wavelength con- trol device that the pulse makes during the pulse evolution time interval, the res- olution is increased by the factor p-?. Thus. when estimating the spectral band- width of the laser output. the resolution of the wavelength control devices must be known as well as the pulse evolution time interval. Injection wavelength control utilizes a low-power or lowenergy laser. referred to as a seed oscillator, to control the wavelength of a more energetic oscil- lator referred to as a power oscillator. Either a pulsed or a cw single-longitudinal- mode oscillator, that is, B single-wavelength oscillator, may be used to produce the laser output needed for injection control [72-741. Injection seeding can utilize length control of the power oscillator for high finesse resonators or length control may be omitted for low finesse resonators. If length control is not utilized, the seed laser resonator is not necessarily matched to the resonances of the power oscillator. However. the output of the power oscillator will tend to occur at a resonance of the power oscillator resonator nearest to the seed laser. Because this may not corre- spond exactly to the injected wavelength. some wavelength pulling effects may occur. In some cases, the injected wavelength will occur almosr exactly between two adjacent resonances of the power oscillator. In this case, the power oscillator will tend to oscillate at two wavelengths. On the other hand, if length control is uti- lized, the resonances of the power oscillator match the resonances of the seed oscillator. In this case, operation at a single wavelength is more likely. Hom?ever. the power oscillator must be actively matched to the resonances of the seed oscilla- tor. complicating the system. Injection seeding has several advantages over passive wavelength control. By eliminating or minimizing the wavelength control devices in the power oscil- lator. losses in this device are decreased. Concomitant with a decrease in the iosses is the attainment of higher efficiency. In addition, wavelength control of the low-power or lowenergy seed laser is usually better than that of the wave- length control of a high-power or high-energy device. Finally. optical devices that are prone to laser induced damage are eliminated from the high-energy laser device. therefore higher reliability is possible. However, the system is compli- cated by the necessity of a separate wavelength-controlled oscillator. Power o'r energy required from the seed oscillator to injection lock or injec- tion seed a power oscillator can be estimated [75]. Power requirements for injec- tion seeding are lower if length control is utilized. However. for low-finesse res- onators. the difference is not great. The power or energy required for injection seeding depends on the degree of spectral purity required. In essence. the pulse evolving from the seed must extract the stored energy before the pulse evolving 288 Norman P. Barnes from noise can extract a significant amount of the stored energy. Power or energy requirements depend critically on the net gain of the power oscillator. In addition, the alignment of the seed laser to the power oscillator is critical. Espe- cially critical are the transverse overlap of the seed with the mode of the power oscillator and the direction of propagation of the seed with respect to the power oscillator. A full analysis of the power required can be found in the literature as well as an analysis of the critical alignment. For single-wavelength operation of a solid-state laser, ring resonators are often preferred to standing-wave resonators. Standing-wave resonators are formed by two reflective surfaces facing each other, similar to a Fabry-Perot etalon. As such, waves in a standing-wave resonator propagates both in a for- ward and a reverse direction. If the propagation in the forward direction is char- acterized by the propagation term exp(-jb), then the propagation in the reverse direction is characterized by the propagation term exp(+jk ). In these expres- sions. j is the square root of -1, k is the wave vector, and z is the spatial coordi- nate along the direction of propagation. Waves propagating in the forward and reverse directions interfere to create an intensity pattern characterized by cosl(k ). If the laser operates at a single wavelength. the power density is zero at the nulls of the cosine squared term. At these positions, the energy stored in the active atoms will not be extracted. Unextracted stored energy will increase the gain for wavelengths that do not have nulls at the same spatial position as the first wavelength. Increased gain may be sufficient to overcome the effects of homogeneous gain saturation and allow a second wavelength to lase. Con- versely, no standing-wave patterns exist in a ring resonator. By eliminating the standing-wave pattern, homogeneous broadening will help discriminate against other wavelengths and thus promote laser operation at a single wavelength. For this reason, ring resonators are often preferred for single-wavelength operation of a solid-state laser. REFERENCES 1. T. H. Maiman, “Stimulated Optical Radiation in Ruby,“ Nature 187,193394 (1960j. 2. D. Pruss. G. Huber. A. Bcimowski. V. V. Lapetev. I. A. Shcherbakov. and Y. V. Zharikou. ”Effi- cient Crj+ Sensitized Nd3+ GdScGa-Garnet Laser at 1.06 pm,” AppI. Pkys. B 28, 355-358 (1982). 3. R. E. Allen and S. J. Scalise. “Continuous Operation of a YA1G:Nd Diode Pumped Solid State Laser,”App/. Phvs. Letr. 11, 188-190 (1969). 4. N. P. Barnes, ”Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers.”J. Appl. Phxs. 41,230-237 (1973). 5. L. J. Rosenkrantz. ‘-GaAAs Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG Laser.” J. AppI. Phjs. 43,46031605 (1977). 6. D. Sutton. Electronic Spectra OfTi-ansirion ,Ileta/ Cornp!e.res, McGran-Hill, London (19683. 7. A. Kaminskii. 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Q1~717tuw7 Elec- troi1. QE-29, 1670-2683 (1993). 75. J. C. Barnes, N. P. Barnes, L. G. Wang, and %’. Edwards. “Injection Seeding: Ti:A.IZO; Experi- ments.” IEEE J. Qiiantiinz Electron. 29. 2683 i 1993). 13,975-977 (1988). Impurit? ’PI7>-s. Reii d 8. 6-14 (19731. Ni?+ Ions in KRlgF,.” Opt. Lett. 8, 371-373 (1983). QE-21, 1581-1595 (1985). Lasers.“ Appl. Phys Letr. 35. 838-840 (197 I j. Opt. Lett. 3, 164-166 (1978). Appl. Opt. 17,2224-2227 (1978). Lett. 6, 117-118 (19811. Conipt. Rend. 197, I593 (1933). Norman P. Barnes NASA Langle! Research Center- Hanipton. I i'rginia I. INTRODUCTION Optical parametric oscillators are a convenient method to create a widely tunable sour'ce of laser radiation. An optical parametric oscillator begins with a pump laser. In many cases the pump laser is a well-behaved solid-state laser such as a Ndl:YAG laser or a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. To complete the system, a nonlinear crystal between a set of mirrors is required. As such, the optical parametric oscillator by itself is an extremely simple device. Using an optical parametric oscillator, any wavelength longer than the pump wavelength and nominally within the transparency region of the nonlinear crystal can be cre- ated. However. practical problems limit the range of generated wavelengths to those that are somewhat longer than the pump wavelength, nominally a factor of 1.2 or so. Optical parametric oscillators may be regarded as photon splitters. That is, a pump photon is split into two photons or one photon divides itself to create two photons. To satisfy conservation of energy, the sum of the energy of the two cre- ated photons must equal the energy of the pump photon. With the energy of a photon given by hv where 12 is Planck's constant and v is the frequency of the photon, the conservation of energy can be written as Timohle Laser-s Hrmdhmk Cop>nnhr 1995 b) Acadernlc Press, Inc. A11 rights of reproduirion in any iom reserved. 293 [...]... amplification it can be shown that the efficiency of a low-gain and lowconversion nonlinear interaction 7 Optical Parametric Oscillators - * - 1 1.20 *: g, 1.10 p 1.00 0.31 Slope a , 5 m 3 07 efficiency 0.90 e 8 2 8 0.80 e e k a , 5 0.50 0.40 L 2 0.30 I I I I I I I I I 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7. 0 8.0 9 0 1 .73 pm Pump energy (mJ) FIGURE 4 The 4%GaSe, optical parametric oscillator output energ versus E r :... decreases, the efficiency of the interaction also decreases Average power limits have been estimated for the optical parametric interaction for both Gaussian and circular beam profiles [SI 7 Optical Parametric OsciIIators 2 97 2 PARAMETRIC INTERACTIONS Optical parametric oscillators and amplifiers can be created bir using the frequency mixing properties in nonlinear crystals Nonlinearity in crystals can be... effective nonlinear coefficient With a knowledge of the point group and the polarization of the interacting fields, the effective nonlinear coefficient can be found in several references [Ill Tables 7. 2 and 7. 3 tabulate the effective nonlinear coefficient for several point groups Given an effective nonlinear coefficient, the gain at the generated wavelengths can be computed To do this, the parametric... size of the ancillary pump laser With the maturation of diode-pumped solid-state lasers, the size of the pump laser should decrease considerably 4 s optical parametric oscillators convert pump photons, the system efficiency is limited by the efficiency of the pump laser In general the evolution of diode-pumped solid-state lasers will also make a significant increase in the system efficiency In addition... calculated by expanding the phase-matching condition in a Taylor series about the phase-matching condition In general if Y is the parameter of interest the mismatch can be expanded as follows [ '7] 308 Norman P Barnes 4.0 0.4 h 7 3 E 3.0 v 0 0 r m e e a , Q 2.0 0.2 0 z 1.o 0.1 0 Threshold Slope efficiency 0 50 100 150 Resonator length (rnm) FIGURE 5 The AgGaSe2 optical parametric oscillator threshold and slope... conservation of energy or vice versa Thus, a variation in one of these wavelengths will produce a com- AgGaSep 0 c a -, 0.6 0 0 I -0.015 -0.005 0.005 0.015 Crystal angle (radians) FIGURE 7 Measured acceptance angle 7 Optical Parametric OsciIIators 3 pensating variation in the other wavelength Keeping the pump wavelength fixed and taking the derivative of the mismatch with respect to the signal wavelength... nonlinear interaction 7 Optical Parametric OsciIIators 315 Birefringence angles can be calculated in uniaxial crystals given the ordinary and evtraordinary indices of refraction, ri0 and ne respectively [20].In a given direction of propagation there are two refractive indices for the two polarizations Specifying a direction of propagation 8 and the two refractive indices, denoted by and 17, a refractive... nonlinear crystal it is of interest to explore methods of achieving the former while minimizing the latter One method of reaching this end is phase matching at 90” to the optic axis If this 7 Optical Parametric OsciIIators 3 17 can be effected it is often referred to as noncritical phase matching If noncritical phase matching is achieved the birefringence angles become zero leading to an infinite effective... experimentally and found to agree with the predictions of the model For these experiments, a continuous wave (cw) HeNe laser operating at 3.39 pm was used as the signal, and a pulsed Er:YLF laser, operating at 1 .73 pm, was used as the pump Both the energy and the pulse length of the pump laser were measured to determine the power of the laser Beam radii of both the pump and the signal beam were measured using... attractive in high-energy-per-pulse situations While high-gain optical parametric amplifiers are possible, amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) does not affect these devices like it affects laser amplifiers 7 Optical Parametric Oscillators 31 01 o Experimental points - Theoretical model 15 c - m ( 3 ‘0 5 0 100 200 (Ed.rp)l/2in FIGURE 1 300 400 (W)1/2 Average gain of 3.39-ym HzNe laser as a function of pump . 2683 i 1993). 13, 975 - 977 (1988). Impurit? ’PI7>-s. Reii d 8. 6-14 (1 973 1. Ni?+ Ions in KRlgF,.” Opt. Lett. 8, 371 - 373 (1983). QE-21, 1581-1595 (1985). Lasers. “ Appl. Phys. Appl. Phys Letr. 35. 838-840 (1 97 I j. Opt. Lett. 3, 164-166 (1 978 ). Appl. Opt. 17, 2224-22 27 (1 978 ). Lett. 6, 1 17- 118 (19811. Conipt. Rend. 1 97, I593 (1933). Norman P. Barnes. C. Edwards. “Injection Seeding: Ti:41,0, Experiments,“ IEEE J. Q1 ~71 7tuw7 Elec- troi1. QE-29, 1 670 -2683 (1993). 75 . J. C. Barnes, N. P. Barnes, L. G. Wang, and %’. Edwards. “Injection

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