Tunable lasers handbook phần 7 docx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 7 docx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 7 docx

... 2683 i 1993). 13, 975 - 977 (1988). Impurit? ’PI7>-s. Reii d 8. 6-14 (1 973 1. Ni?+ Ions in KRlgF,.” Opt. Lett. 8, 371 - 373 (1983). QE-21, 1581-1595 (1985). Lasers. “ Appl. Phys ... Phys Letr. 35. 838-840 (1 97 I j. Opt. Lett. 3, 164-166 (1 978 ). Appl. Opt. 17, 2224-22 27 (1 978 ). Lett. 6, 1 17- 118 (19811. Conipt. Rend. 1 97, I593 (1933). 7...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 316 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 1 ppt

Tunable lasers handbook phần 1 ppt

... Introduction 1 67 2. Laser-Pumped Pulsed Dye Lasers 3. Flashlamp-Pumped Dye Lasers 179 4. cw Laser-Pumped Dye Lasers 5. Femtosecond-Pulsed Dye Lasers 191 6. Solid-state Dye Lasers 195 172 184 ... be established between broadly tunable sources of coherent radiation, including broadly tunable lasers, and discretely tunable lasers, and/or line -tunable lasers....

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 316 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 2 pot

Tunable lasers handbook phần 2 pot

... McLean, VA (1988). Phys. 68,5 177 (1 978 ). 68,51 87 (1 978 ). 35. H. J. Hsia, J. A. Mangano, J. H. Jacob, and M. Rokni, Appl. Phys. Lett. 34,208 (1 979 ). 36. R. W. Tuxworth, M. Lawton, ... Hays, J. Chem. Phys. 64,2484 (1 976 ). 46. 0. L. Bourne and A. J. Alcock, Appl. Phys. Lett. 43 ,77 7 (1983). 47. M. Ohwa and M. J. Kushner, in Con$ Lasers and Electr...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 324 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 3 pps

Tunable lasers handbook phần 3 pps

... 6899 .79 53 275 7 975 4. 270 1 276 0 2451.1 674 276 2 4990.4564 276 4 73 72.0954 276 6 9596.0318 276 9 1662.2021 277 1 3 570 .5320 277 3 5320.9363 277 5 6913.3186 277 7 83 47. 571 9 277 9 9623. 578 4 0.0 174 0.0216 ... 3002.4 878 270 3 6323.94 27 270 8 8955. 574 2 271 4 0899.6 478 271 9 2158.2464 272 4 273 3. 272 7 272 9 2626.4506 273 4 1839.3 276 273...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 239 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 4 pptx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 4 pptx

... 0.0056 1 077 .3388 9903 1 078 .0 279 5994 1 078 .71 13 68 87 1 079 .3891 2643 1080.0612 3366 1080 .72 76 9202 1081.3885 0340 1082.0436 70 11 1082.6931 9488 1083.3 370 8086 1083. 975 3 3162 1084.6 079 5114 ... 3260 8028. 376 9 3262 5984.1040 3264 377 2.1880 3266 1392.8451 32 67 8846.3029 3269 6132.8008 3 271 3252.5895 3 273 0205.9314 3 274 6993.0998 3 276 3614. 379 4...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 381 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 5 pptx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 5 pptx

... 553- 570 570 -600 6 16-658 652-68 1 652494 655 673 72 7 -74 0 76 2 -77 8 74 2 -75 4 93 4 97 110 4 97 210 561 80 58 1 500 220 635 120 666 240 6x0 670 350 74 0 110 75 4 850 77 0 Ring ... 518.48 662 679 74 3 (N2) 698 (Nd:YAG)C 512.39 695 71 9 76 2 (Nd:YAG)C 509.05 75 0 79 0 8 37 (N2) 826 (Nd:YAG)C 536.00 75 0 79 0 841 (N2) 832 (Nd:YAG)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 300 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 6 ppsx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 6 ppsx

... Gd,Sc2A1,0,, ScBeXlO, ~-,sc,w,2 0 .76 8 0 .78 0 0 .75 2 0.825 0 .79 7 0.843 0 .78 5 0 .79 1 0 .76 7 0 .78 4 5.64 0.51 0.3 1 0.36 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.23 0. 27 0.19 coordinated sites. Thus, Cr ... Melting point Pm 940.1 5 47. 6 112 .7 370 0 830 23 hg/m' Jkg-K 1VIm-K 10-6 1.4 6.8 6.9 1 .74 21 1 .74 78 1 .74 01 10-6K 9.1 8.3 15 .7 0.23-* Pm...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 259 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 8 ppt

Tunable lasers handbook phần 8 ppt

... semicon- ductor gain medium. 7. 2.3 Comparison with Other Types of Tunable lasers Compared to other types of tunable lasers, external-cavity semiconductor lasers are compact, are easily ... Lerr. 11, 973 - 976 (1965j. Waves in a Nonlinear Dielectric.” Php. Rei: 1 27, 1918-1938 1.1962;). Appl. Phys. 39,35 97- 3639 (1968). IEEE J. Quantum Elect?-on. QE-15,115431 (...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 269 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 9 pptx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 9 pptx

... [69 ,70 ]. The electro-optic effect can also be used, either in bulk crystals [7 I] or in birefringent lithium nio- bare waveguides [72 ], 7. 2.2.2 Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter 7. ... gain 8 Tunable External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers 405 €or the unconverted TM-polarized light [96]. The tuning rate of the filter was -0.05 nm/Y and its FWHM bandwidth was 1.2...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 286 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 10 ppt

Tunable lasers handbook phần 10 ppt

... 53). 476 Index Thermal conductivity AlzO j. 219 Be,41,0,, 251 GSGG. 277 LiCaAIF,. 265 YAG, 272 A1,0,, 249 BeA1,0,. 251 GSGG. 272 LiCaA1F6, 265 MgF,, 277 YAG. 272 MgF,, 277 expansion ... 275 -281 Cr: A1,O; (ruby), 174 ,246251 Cr:BeAU,03 (alexandrite). 2.3,6,13.251-258 Cr:GSAG, 270 - 275 Cr:GSGG. 270 - 275 Cr:YG. 270 - 275 Cr:LiCaAIF,. 263-269 Cr:LiSrAIF,, 263-...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

52 418 0