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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11: UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK-SPEAKING ppt

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Period:22 Speaking Class Teaching date Absentees 11A I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ps will be able to: - know to make questions and answer the volunteer work - master some vocab dealing with the topic through speaking and writing II. Language Focus: *Vocabulary: volunteer work, mow, handicapped ,remote *grammar: present *skill: 4 skills III. Method and Tecniques -Communicative approach, gap-filling multiple choice, discussion IV. teaching aids: text book, handout, poster., real objects V.Procedures: *Check up: -Tell some works of volunteers? who are volunteers? why do they do volunteer works? who are helped by volunteers? Have you ever done volunteer work? what do you do if you are a volunteer? -Do you like this work? why? Ss answer the questions of T * New lesson: T’ACTIVITIES STS’ACTIVITIES Warmer: (3mn)write some volunteer works you know in our society T asks students to speak out some words about Volunteer work. -Ss work in groups and write the answer on the bb -Sts’ answers may vary Clean up the environment help disadvantag look after the old/sick peolpe helped the T has students do the exercise on page 49 (Work in pairs) Task 1:Decide which of the following activities are volunteer work. taking part in an excursion and participating in an speaking English club because you do it for yourself not for other peolpe. handcapped do traffic safety help the orphanages Work in pairs and do the task. - Read out the answers and explain why some activities are not volunteer work -Helping people in remote or mountainous areas . -Giving care and comfort to the poor and the sick. -Providing education for disadvantaged children. -Joining the Green Saturday Movement. -Providing clothes , foods, ……for the poor. -Cleaning up rivers. -Helping the poor to improve their economy. -Establing some programmes to give the money to the poor to survive. -Taking care of war invalids and the families of martyrs 3. Task 2 - T asks Ss to read the model conversation on the page 50. then read the list of volunteer activities and the exact things related to them. - T elicits and explains some new words + War invalid : th¬ng binh + Martyr: LiÖt sü + Intersection: ng· ba, ng· t - T guides Ss to match the activities on the left with corresponding activities on the right - T asks Ss to practise the conversation. - Calls on some pairs to act out - T elicits feed from the class and gives final comments Conversation 2: -Taking part in directing the traffic -Helping elderly people -Teaching the children to read and write -Giving them money -Playing game with them -Listening to their problems -Cleaning up their houses -Cooking meals -Taking them to places of interest -Directing vehicles at the interactions -Helping old people and young children to cross the road -Talking to them about clean water and right food Conversation 1: (work in pairs) A: What kind of volunteer work are you participating in? B: We’re helping people in mountainous areas. A :What exactly are you doing ? B: We’re teaching the children to read and A : what kind/ volunteer work/ you /participating ? // B: we/ helping/ elderly people// A: what exactly/ you/ doing ?// B: we/ talking/ clean water/ right food/ health// A:you/ like/ work ?// B:yes. I/ like/ taking/ elderly people// 4. Task 3: -T instructs: Now you work in groups to talk about a kind of volunteer work - T asks Ss to read through the example in the book. T encourages Ss to use transition signals such as also, besides, moreover ……. - T gets sts to work in groups to make similar talks. - T goes around the class to observe and collect errors - T calls on some Ss to talk about the write. A: Do you enjoy the work ? B :Yes. I like helping people. - listen to T carefully. - Read through the example to know how to talk about the volunteer activities. - work in groups and make the same talks. - Act out the talk.Task 3: Work in groups Talk about a kind of volunteer work your friends usually do to help people. Example: (page 50) *We usually take part in helping people in mountainous areas. We teach the children to read and write .We enjoy the work very much because we like helping people. activities they take part. - T gives feedback and comments. Summarizes the main points and assigns homework Homework: Short dialogues : Volunteer Work -Helping adults in Home for Old People -Helping people to repair houses in flooded Volunteer works . -Tell some works of volunteers? who are volunteers? why do they do volunteer works? who are helped by volunteers? Have you ever done volunteer work? what do you do if you are a volunteer? -Do. to make questions and answer the volunteer work - master some vocab dealing with the topic through speaking and writing II. Language Focus: *Vocabulary: volunteer work, mow, handicapped. T’ACTIVITIES STS’ACTIVITIES Warmer: (3mn)write some volunteer works you know in our society T asks students to speak out some words about Volunteer work. -Ss work in groups and write

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 23:20

