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ONE – PERIOD TEST English 12 (lần 1 HKI) Đề: 457 ppt

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Trang 1/4 - Mã đề thi 132 Mỹ Quí High School ONE – PERIOD TEST English 12 (lần 1 HKI) Name: ______________________________ Đề: 457 Class: ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Choose the answer that has the closest meaning as the original one. Câu 1: “Why don’t you ask your boss for a pay raise?”, he asked me. A. He offered me asking my boss for a pay raise. B. He suggested me to ask for my boss for a pay raise. C. He asked me why I don’t ask my boss for a raise. D. He advised me to ask my boss for a pay raise. Câu 2: People think that he was born in a rich family. A. He is thought to have been born in a rich family. B. He was thought to be born in a rich family. C. That is thought he was born in a rich family. D. That he was born in a rich family is thought. Choose the answer that has different stressed syllable or pronunciation from the rest. Câu 3: A. chance B. mischievous C. chores D. technology Câu 4: A. intention B. informal C. important D. impolite Câu 5: A. oranges B. houses C. sentences D. topics Câu 6: A. biologist B. confidence C. obedient D. responsible Câu 7: A. rough B. laugh C. although D. cough Speaking: Choose the best answer to make a meaningful dialogue: Câu 8: – Lan: “That’s a nice present.” _ Minh: “________________.” A. Thank you. See you soon B. Thank you C. I can’t buy it for you D. How do you do Câu 9: – Peter: “We haven’t been to a birthday party for ages.” _ Daisy: “ _______________.” A. Neither have I B. Neither do I C. So have I D. So do I Câu 10: – Tam: “Let’s go to the cinema tonight, shall we?” - Mai: “ _______________.” A. It’s such a good film B. That sounds great C. I’m fine D. It’s my pleasure Câu 11: – Tony: “ I think married women should not go to work.” - Babara: “____________.” A. It’s nice talking to you B. I’m happy you like it C. That’s my pleasure D. I quite disagree with you Trang 2/4 - Mã đề thi 132 Find an error in each sentence: Câu 12: As she had a bit of a cold, Jill didn’t feel like come to the class party. A B C D Câu 13: Mr Jones is an experienced teacher who has been in this school since thirty years. A B C D Câu 14: The children looked happily as their mother was coming home from work. A B C D Câu 15: Mr Tam will be divided the class into 2 sections to prevent overcrowding in his classroom. A B C D Reading: Read the passage and choose the correct answer from 16 to 20: If you (16)_____ to someone’s house in America for dinner, you should bring a gift, such as a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates. (17)_____ you give your host a wrapped gift, he may open it in (18)_____ of you. Opening a present in front of a gift-giver is considered polite. It shows that the host is excited about receiving the gift and wants to show his appreciation to you immediately. Even if the host (19)_____ it, he will tell a white lie and say how much he likes the gift to prevent the guest from feeling bad. If your host (20)_____ you to arrive at a particular time, you should not arrive exactly on time or earlier than the expected time because this is considered to be potentially inconvenient and therefore rude, as the host may not be ready. Câu 16: A. have invited B. are invited C. invite D. invited Câu 17: A. If B. While C. Because D. Before Câu 18: A. spite B. stead C. case D. front Câu 19: A. likes B. doesn’t like C. is like D. isn’t like Câu 20: A. lets B. makes C. invited D. asks Choose the best asnwer to complete the sentence: Câu 21: If your hiccup don’t stop, why don’t you try __________ a glass of water? A. you drink B. to drink C. drink D. drinking Câu 22: What could be more __________ than a wedding on an island? A. romantic B. romance C. romanticism D. romanticizing Câu 23: We can _______ not only through words but also through body language. A. talk B. transfer C. interpret D. communicate Câu 24: I regret ________ to my father’s advice. He was right. A. not to have listened B. not listening C. listening not D. not to listen Câu 25: Dad is always willing ________ a hand _______ cleaning the house. A. to give / with B. to change / in C. to join / with D. to help / in Câu 26: Pay attention _________ all traffic signs when you are travelling in the street. A. to B. on C. from D. for Câu 27: If I had a map, I ________ you to show me the way to the market. A. wasn’t asking B. had asked C. didn’t ask D. wouldn’t ask Câu 28: They asked me __________ in Los Angeles then. A. whether my father had been working B. if my father was working C. whether was my father D. was my father working Trang 3/4 - Mã đề thi 132 Câu 29: I feel tired. I __________ in the garden for 2 hours. A. was working B. had been working C. have been working D. am working Câu 30: Yesterday, Mai met a friend, saw a movie, and ___________ home late. A. coming B. comes C. has come D. came Câu 31: We object __________ your leaving dinner table to take calls. A. to B. with C. for D. on Choose the best answer to make the sentence meaningful: Câu 32: Owen told me he _____________. A. already finishes B. had already finished his project C. is already finished D. has already finished his project Câu 33: I wouldn’t have to take this course ______________. A. unless I didn’t speak English better B. if my English were better C. unless my English is better D. if I can speak better English Câu 34: Thousands of people are reported _________________. A. to having lost their homes after the flood B. to have lost their homes after the flood C. having lost their homes after the flood D. that have lost their homes after the flood Câu 35: It’s many years ________________. A. that they were on holiday together B. when they have gone on holiday together C. since they went on holiday together D. until they went on holiday together Reading: Read the passage and choose the correct answer from 36 to 40: Don’t be surprised if people you don’t know well ask you how much you earn and how much your car costs. This is quite normal in Singapore. If you are invited for a meal, people will always offer you a second helping. You should always say “No”, so as not appear greedy. This will be understood and your host will give you more anyway. In Britain, it is impolite to ask someone about money or age. However, if you arrange to meet someone, try not to be more than a few minutes late. On trains, people tend to sit in silence and read. If you try to start a conversation with the person next to you, don’t be surprised if you don’t get much of a response. In Thailand, it is quite normal to visit people at home without being invited. It is rude to point at people with your finger but do it by nodding your head instead. The head is considered the most spiritual part of the body and the feet the dirtiest part. So never put your feet up on a chair or a desk. Câu 36: . According to the passage, in which country it is not impolite to ask about soeone’s salary or wages? A. Britain B. all are correct C. Thailand D. Singapore Câu 37: . As a guest for dinner, you may want to have more food but it is better to refuse when offered? A. say “Yes, please.” B. say “I’d love to” C. say “ You’re welcome.” D. say “No, thanks” Câu 38: . Punctually is important here. A. in Singapore B. in Thailand C. Not mentioned in the passage. D. in Britain Trang 4/4 - Mã đề thi 132 Câu 39: . In Britain, people tend to keep their privacy ______________. A. on trains B. in a car C. at home D. when travelling to work Câu 40: . The Thai considered the head the most spiritual part of the body . A. the most admirable B. the highest C. the most attractive D. the most respectable HẾT . Trang 1/ 4 - Mã đề thi 13 2 Mỹ Quí High School ONE – PERIOD TEST English 12 (lần 1 HKI) Name: ______________________________ Đề: 457 Class: ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Choose the answer that has the closest meaning as the original one. Câu 1: “Why don’t you ask. do I Câu 10 : – Tam: “Let’s go to the cinema tonight, shall we?” - Mai: “ _______________.” A. It’s such a good film B. That sounds great C. I’m fine D. It’s my pleasure Câu 11 : – Tony: “

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 10:23

Xem thêm: ONE – PERIOD TEST English 12 (lần 1 HKI) Đề: 457 ppt



