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Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 10 pptx

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Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 10 A. PHONETICS I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. prepared B. called C expressed D. employed 2. A. employers B. forgets C. asks D. stops 3. A. advice B. find C. interview D. tjme 4. A. possible B. company C. job D. responsible 5. A. should B.young C. couple D.rough II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others. 6. A. prepare B. stressful C. pressure D. early 7. Ä.reduce B. advice C. aspect D. create 8. A. interview B. impression C. addition D. remember 9. A. experience B. concentrate C. enthusiasm D. certificate 10. A. candidate B. interest C. company D. employment B. VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence. 11. I expect it will rain again when we're on holiday this year, but at least we are properly prepared it this time. A. about B. at C. with D. for 12 Could you be more-specific about what is in this particular job? A. enclosed B. concentrated C. represented D. involved 13. If it fine, I ll go out. A. was B. is C. were D. will be 14. What's the name of the man ? A. you borrowed his car B. whose car you borrowed C. which car you borrowed D. his car you borrowed 15. The expansion of the factory will mean the of sixty extra workers. A. employ B. employment C. unemployment D. employed 16. traveller's checks, you may not need to carry money. A. If you carry B. To carry C. If he had carried D. For carrying 17. The movie has been highly by critics. A. recommended B. recommendation C. recommend D. recommending 18. A hotel room is being for their arrival. A. served B. equipped C. prepared D. given 19. A lot of people for the job. A. intended B. requested C. applied D. referred 20. I don't like stories have unhappy endings. A. where B. which C. they D. who 21. Don't forget goodbye,to the interviewer before leaving the office. A. saying B. to say C. telling D. to tell 22. They tell me he is a lot of money in his new job. A. having B. profiting C. gaining D. earning 23. Colin told me about his new job, very much. A. that he's enjoying B. he's enjoying C. which he's enjoying D. he's enjoying it 24. The shop assistant was quite helpful; but she felt he could have given her advice. A. a B. an C. more D. many 25. Workers who do not obey the safety regulations will be immediately. A. dismissed B. rejected C. disapproved D. refused II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 26. Jackie Robinson, (A) whose joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, (B) was the first black American (C) to play basketball (D) in the major leagues. 27. (A) Today we (B) know that the earth is (C) one of nine planets (D) orbit the sun. 28. (A) While the boys were (B) ice-skating, they (C) slip on the thin ice and (D) fell into the deep water. 29. I (A) hear that Kate (B) had accepted a new (C) position (D) at the East Side Clinic. 30. If you (A) setted the plant in a (B) cooler location, the (C) leaves would (D) not have burned. III. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. 31. We are talking about the girl who used to be a Miss World. A. The girl about whom we are talking used to be a Miss World.B. We hardly know a girl who used to be a Miss World. C. The girl who used to be a Miss World said that she knew you.D. We know the girl who used to be a Miss World. 32. Unless you can swim, you aren't allowed to sail this boat. A. Anyone who wants to sail this boat must be able to swim.B. If you can't swim, you'll have to go in this boat. C. You may sail this boat whether you can swim or not.D. The only persons allowed to swim are those in the boat. 33. Tom said: "If I were you, I wouldn't trust Peter." A. Tom wasn't me and he trusted Peter. B. Tom advised me not to trust Peter. C. Itrusted Peter and Tom did, too. D. Whatever Tom said, I trusted Peter. 34. The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was too rough. A. The children were not calm enough to swim in the sea.B. The sea was rough enough for the children to swim in. C. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming.D. The sea was too rough to the children's swimming. 35. Passengers ünable tö show a ticket must pay an immediate fine £10. A. You are fined £10 at once if you can't show us your ticket.B. A £10 fine will be payable later if you travel without a ticket. C. If you lose your ticket, a new one will cost you £10.D. If you are travelling without a ticket, we may fine you £10. C. READING I. Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. THE JOB INTERVIEW Nicole had always thought that she would work (36) advertising. She had always been (37) in creative work. Even at primary school, she was (38) in projects that had an artistic element. As soon as her first year at university was over, she decided to (39) for just such a job for the summer. Nicole filled in an application form for a big advertising agency, attaching her photo as requested. The next week she received a phone call asking her to see a Ms Sweeney. She made her (40) to the interview in her best clothes but was surprised when Ms Sweeney insisted (.41) her changing into new clothes and high heels. She thought it a little strange when she was (42) to walk slowly round the room. But when another woman came in and started (43) at her face, she decided to ask what the matter was. She couldn't believe it when she was offered a full-time (44) as a fashion model with a very large starting (45) 36. A. at B. in C. to D. on 37. A. keen B. excited C. tempted D. interested 38. A. involved B. employed C. excited D. keen 39. A. apply B. see C, make D. do 40. A. route B. road C. way D. direction 41. A. in B. at C. to D. on 42. A. wanted B. said C. involved D. made 43. A. looking B. glimpsing C. watching D. seeing 44. A. work B. job C. employment D. career 45. A. salary B. wages C. money D. purse II. Decide which of the alternatives given for each question best completes each sentence. HOW TO PREPARE FOR JOB INTERVIEWS You've been invited for interview find now you want to make sure you do everything within your power to get the job. So what do you need to do to prepare yourself for the big day? Firstly, you should find out as much as you possibly can about the position, the company, the industry and even the interview. You should go to your prospective employer's website on the Internet, where the company presents itself as it wants to be seen; relevant trade journals will then tell you how it is viewed by others. You should perhaps also speak to people who work or have worked for the company, if at all possible. All this information will give you a great deal to talk about during the interview and so help create the right impression. The more you know, the greater your competitive edge over other candidates. To help increase confidence, many people practise rhe interview in frant of a mirror. However, you should instead try it out with a real person: it's far more realistic and it gives you the chance to ask him or her for some feedback on your performance In particular, you should practise answers to common questions you can expect to be asked. These include: • What do you consider to be your major strengths and weaknesses? • Why do you want to work for this company? • Where do you see yourself in five years' time? An interview is also your chance to decide whether you want to work for the company, so be prepared to ask three or four relevant questions yourself. You shouldn't ever underestimate the effect of your appearance on the interviewer: make sure you wear a suit to the interview, even if the normal working environment of the company allows for more informal dress. Punctuality is another crucial factor with regards to first impressions, and for this reason you should always arrive at the interview site at least 15 minutes before your scheduled meeting. All that's left now is the interview itself. See over for information and advice on successful interview strategies. 46. Before a job interview, you should A. get some information about your future companyB. wander on the Internet to get some work experience C. meet the interviewerD. chat with your prospective employer on the Internet 47. helps you easily surpass other candidates. A. Your ability to speak B. Your ability to start a conversation C. The company's impression on youD. The information you know about the company 48. To help increase confidence, you should practise the interview A. in front of a mirror B. with a real person C. ask the interviewer some questions D. give the interviewer a chance to ask you some questions 49. Before an interview, you should A. prepare 3 or 4 questions yourself B. only practise answers to common questions C. only think of the questions on the job of your choiceD. give you a chance to practise speaking 50. All of the following factors help you become a successful candidate except A. your appearance B. your punctuality C. your informal dress D. your knowledge PRACTICE TEST 2 I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. interested B. prepared C. avoided D. demanded 2. A. pieces B. washes C. goes D. watches 3. A. concentrate B. candidate C. appropriate D. certificate 4. A. agency B. advice C. relate D. take 5. A. impression B. expression C. tension D. conclusion II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others. 6. A. centre B. resume C. reduce D. explain 7. A. technical B. previous C. recommend D. difficult 8. A. advertisement B. disappointment C. education D. understanding 9. A. honest B. account C. formal D. letter 10. A. character B. dangerous C. journalist D. economy B. VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence. II. It was clear that the young couple were …… of taking charge of the restaurant. A. responsible B. reliable C. able D. capable 12. Overwork is to cause increased stress. A. likely B. probably C. obviously D. possible 13. Dr Evans has a valuable contribution to the life of the school. A. done B. created C. caused D. made 14. Marie, I met at the party, called me last night; A. that B. whom C. which D. whose 15. He has recently got an interesting in a textile factory. A. employment B. work C. job D. occupation 16. Unemployment by 4% since January and now stands at just under three million. A. was raised B. has raised C. has risen D. rose 17. Ansel Adams was a landscape photographer photographs of the western United States show nature on a grand scale. A. whose B. of whom C. of his D. his 18. Jan didn't check she had enough petrol before she left, was careless of her. A. what B. it C. that D. which 19. , an author probably most famous for his tales of terror, also dabbled in some science fiction. A. Edgar Allen Poe B. To Edgar Allen PoeC. Edgar Allen Poe was D. For Edgar Allen Poe to be 20 The periodic table contains all the elements, has a particular atomic weight and atomic number. A. which of each B. each of which C. which each D. each 21. Students sometimes support themselves by of evening jobs. A. ways B. means C. efforts D. methods 22. She is young for the job, but on the other she is well qualified. A. case B. hand C. chance D. occasion 23. Henry a rich man today if he had been more careful in the past. A. would be B. is C. will be D. was 24. The team has trained hard in for the match. A. prepare B. preparing C. preparation D. preparatory 25. This new service will be available for all users up for paid membership. A. that signed B. which signed C. that signed it D. sign II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 26. If I have (A) to fly, I (B) would get very (C) nervous, so I usually (D) drive. 27. Do you (A) remember the night (B) which we ate (C) at the restaurant that Bill (D) owned? 28. In (A) recent years, steps (B) have been taken to guarantee (C) equality job opportunities to (D) the handicapped and to minorities. 29. (A) Do you know (B) whom wrote the song (C) that Michael Jackson (D) was singing last night? 30. (A) Most college-age students today are interested in (B) finding universities (C) in which can pursue (D) both academic and athletic extra-curricular activities. III. Choose the one option (A, B, C or D) corresponding to the best sentence 31. / girl / case / stolen / go / police station A. The girl whose case was stolen went to the police station. B. The girl her case was stolen went to the police station. C. The girl the case of which was stolen went to the police station.D. The girl who's case was stolen went to the police station. 32. / Pablo Picasso / die / 1973 / a painter /sculptor A. Pablo Picasso died in 1973 was a painter and sculptor. B. Pablo Picasso, died in 1973, was a painter and sculptor. C. Pablo Picasso who died in 1973 was a painter and sculptor. D. Pablo Picasso, who died in 1973, was a painter and sculptor. 33. / doctor / speak / tell / not / worry A. The doctor I spoke told me not to worry. B. The doctor I spoke to told me not to worry. C. The doctor to that I spoke told me not to worry. D. The doctor I spoke to told not to worry. 34. / students / leave tomorrow / give back / books A. Can the students who are leaving tomorrow give back their books? B. Can the students leaving tomorrow give back their books? C. Can the students to leave tomorrow give back their book? D. A and B are correct. 35. / tree / branches / be dead / be cut A. The tree whose branches are dead should be cut down. B. The tree its branches are dead should be cut down. C. The tree the branches of which are dead should be cut down.D. A and C are correct. C. READING I. Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fite each space. FAILING A JOB INTERVIEW When you first apply for a job, you (36) not succeed in getting it. It's always a good (37) to ask them to explain to you what (38) you from beating the other candidates. Don't complain about the situation, but ask them to advise you (39) what you can do better next time. Perhaps the interviewer (40) of or disagreed with something you said. Perhaps they just (41) at your application and saw something that made it easy to (42) between you and another candidate. Don't regard it as a failure, but recognise it as a chance to learn more. (43) you don't worry too much about it and continue to believe in yourself, you'll (44) find the chance you've been waiting for. Then, your family and friends will be (41) to congratulate you on your success! 36. A. might B. would C. won't D. must 37. A. means B. opinion C. idea D. method 38. A. banned B. prevented C. forbade D. protested 39. A. about B. of C. over D. in 40. A. disapproved B. discontented C. displeased D. disliked 41. A. glimpsed B. viewed C. glanced D. watched 42. A. select B. choose C. pick up D. sort out 43. A. As far as B. By far C. So far D. As long as 44. A. in the end B. lastly C. at last D. eventually 45. A. able B. possible C. probable D. capable II. Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. A lot of advice is available for college leavers heading for their first job. In this article we consider the move to a second job. We are not concerned with those looking for a second temporary position while hunting for a permanent job. Nor are we concerned with those leaving an unsatisfactory job within the first few weeks. Instead, we will be dealing with those of you taking a real step on the career ladder, choosing a job to fit in with your ambitions now that you have learned your way around, acquired some skills and have some idea of where you want to go. What sort of job should you look for? Much depends on your long-term aim. You need to ask yourself whether you want to specialise in a particular field, work your way up to higher levels of responsibility or out of your current employment into a broader field. Whatever, you decide, you should choose your second job very carefully. You should be aiming to stay in it for two or three years. This job will be studied very carefully when you send your letter of application for your next job. It should show evidence of serious career planning. Most important, it should extend you, develop you and give you increasing responsibility. Incidentally, if the travel bug is biting, now is the time to pack up and go. You can do temporary work for a while when you return, pick up where you leftoff and get the second job then. Future potential employers will be relieved to see that you have got it out of your system, and are not likely to go off again. 46. Who is intended to benefit from the advice given in the article? A. students who have just finished their studies B. people who are unhappy with their current job C. those who are interested in establishing a career D. people who change jobs regularly 47. According to the writer, why is the choice of your second job important? A. It will affect your future job prospects B. It will last longer than your first job. C. It will be difficult to change if you don't like it. D. It should give you the opportunity to study. 48. 'it' in the second sentence of paragraph 4 refers to your …… A. first job B. second job C. application D. career 49. If you have a desire to travel, when does the writer suggest that you do it? A. straight after you have left college B. when you are unable to find a permanent job C. after you have done some temporary work D. between the first and second job 50. What is meant by 'you have got it out of your system' in the last sentence of paragraph 4? A. You have planned your career sensibly. B. You are an experienced traveller. C. You have satisfiedyour wish to travel. D. You have learned to look after yourself. . Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 10 A. PHONETICS I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. aren't allowed to sail this boat. A. Anyone who wants to sail this boat must be able to swim.B. If you can't swim, you'll have to go in this boat. C. You may sail this boat whether. when we're on holiday this year, but at least we are properly prepared it this time. A. about B. at C. with D. for 12 Could you be more-specific about what is in this particular job? A.

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 04:22

