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Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 17 docx

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Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 17 A. PHONETICS I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. plant B. danger C. animal D. dam 2. A. species B. causes C. industries D. agencies 3. A. endanger B. verge C. conserve D. diversity 4. A. thousand B. around C. sound D. young 5. A. thousand B. threaten C. other D. think II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others 6. A. species B. danger C. drainage D. reduce 7. A. habitat B. endanger C. extinction D. appearance 8. A. primary B. diversity C. seriously D. benefit 9. A. pollution B. disappear C. addition D. awareness 10. A. protect B. preserve C. product D. destroy B. VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence. 11. What John says true but I very much doubt it. A. may be B. will be C. shall be D. should be 12. By cutting down trees, we the natural habitat of birds and animals. A. damage B. harm C. hurt D. injure 13. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually A. lowers B. drops C. sinks D. reduces 14. The by-laws say that all dogs be kept on a lead in the park. A. ought B. need C. must D. have 15. A man's pay usually on the number of hours he works in a week. A. results B. starts C. depends D. follows 16. If you keep trying you might to do it. A. succeed B. discover C. understand D. manage 17. Lack of sleep can have a noticeable your performance at work. A. impact on B. effect on C. affect on D. A or B 18. Many plant and animal species are thought to be on the of extinction. A. verge B. way C. mood D. state 19. The famine caused widespread of life. A. lack B. loss C. shortage D. death 20. Despite the bad weather, he get to the airport in time. A. could B. couldn't C. was able to D. almost 21. This book will you with all the information you need. A. provide B. offer C. give D. assign 22. There has been an accident on the motorway, long delays. A. result in B. resulting in C result from D. resulting from 23. The giant panda is now A. in danger of becoming extinct B. an endangered species C. is becoming extinction D. A or B 24. Different conservation efforts have been in order to save endangered species. A. taken B. made C. given D. done 25. Alan and Susie an argument. They're not speaking to each other. A. must have B. might have C. must have had D. may have II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 26. I'm not sure where Matthew is. He can be playing squash. 27. You'll be leaving college soon. You may think about your future. 28. Mark have to get the car repaired. There's something wrong with the brakes. 29. The Bactrian, or Asian camel can identified by its two humps. 30. It is well-known fact that camels can go for extended periods without water. III. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. 31. There'll be a bus later on, but we might as well walk. A. We are quite ready to walk. B. We would much prefer to wait for the bus. C. We'll have to walk because the bus is late. D. We think we will be late if we walk. 32. May I suggest Monday'for our trip to Bristol? A. I think we must go to Bristol on Monday.B. I think we would be allowed to go to Bristol on Monday. C. I think Monday is the only day we can manage for the trip.D. I think Monday would be a good day for us to go to Bristol. 33. Mrs Smith said, "Sam may have gone to the library." A. Mrs Smith knew Sam had gone to the library. B. Mrs Smith wasn't sure where Sam had gone. C. Sam was allowed to go to the library. D. Sam had certainly not gone to the library. 34. Nobocty could possibly believe the story he told us. A. The story he told us was magical. B. It's possible that he told an unreal story. C. The story he told us was beyond belief. D. It's possible that he told a real story. 35. It's not necessary for you to do the test. A. You needn't do the test. B. You don't need to do the test. C. You don't have to do the test. D. All are correct. C. READING I. Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. SAVING THE TIGER In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be facing (36) . the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Indian Government agreed to set up "Operation Tiger" - a campaign to (37) this threatened creature. They started by creating nine special parks (38) that tigers could live in safety. The first was at Ranthambhore, a region which was quickly (39) into a desert because too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people's cattle. (40) the time there were just fourteen tigers left there. The government had to clear twelve small villages, which (41) moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land could be handed back to nature. Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall enough for tigers to (42) in, and there are now at least forty of them in the park, wandering freely about. Other animals have also benefited. For example, (43) , are many more deer and monkeys than before. The people who were moved are now living \n better conditions. They live in new villages away from the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water (44) . There are now sixteen such tiger parks in India and the animal's future looks a little (45) 36. A. extinction B. disappearance C. loss D. death 37. A. assist B.save C. aid D. survive 38. A. such B. too C. so D. by 39. A. altering B. made C. formed D. turning 40. A. At B. In C. By D. On 41. A. faced B. meant C. made D. considered 42. A. conceal B. elude C. hide D. exist 43. A. these B. those C. they D. there 44. A. provision B. reservoir C. supplies D. source 45. A. safely B. safer C. safety D. more safe II. Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. Dinosaurs were reptiles that lived during a period of earth's history called the Mesozoic Era, which is also known as the Age of Reptiles. The first dinosaurs appeared more than 200 million years ago. For many millions of years, they dominated the land with their huge size and strength. Then about 65 million years ago, they died out rather suddenly, never to re-emerge. The word "dinosaurs" comes from two Greek words meaning "terrible lizard". Dinosaurs were not lizards, but their appearance could be truly terrifying. The', biggest ones weighed more than ten times as much as mature elephant and nearly equaled the' size of most modern-day whales. The famous kinds of dinosaurs, including the brontosaur and tyrannosaurus rex, reached 80 to 90 feet in length. Not all dinosaurs were giants, however; some were actually not larger than a chicken. Scientists still do not know what caused dinosaurs to disappear. One theory involves a change in the earth's climate. It is believed that temperatiires dropped significantly towards the end of the Cretaceous Period. Too large to hibernate and not having fur or feathers for protecting, it is possible that the climate became too chilly for dinosaurs. In contrast, other species having protection, such as the mammals and birds, were able to survive. 46. What is the best title for this passage? A. The History of Earth B. The Metabolism of Dinosaurs C. Earth fs Largest Reptiles D. The Domination of the Land 47. It can be inferred from the passage that the Age of Reptiles lasted about A. 200 million years B. 135 million years C. 80 million years D. 65 million years 48. In line 6, the author uses the phrase "never to re-emerge" to indicate that the dinosaurs A. went into hiding B. lost their way C. became extinct D. never died out 49. According to the passage, what is true about the size of dinosaurs? A. It was rather uniform. B. It guaranteed their survival. C. It made them the largest creatures ever on earth. D. It varied quite greatly. 50. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses A. another theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs B. other changes in climate C. the ability of mammals to survive D. the protection of other species . Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 17 A. PHONETICS I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. because the bus is late. D. We think we will be late if we walk. 32. May I suggest Monday'for our trip to Bristol? A. I think we must go to Bristol on Monday.B. I think we would be allowed. squash. 27. You'll be leaving college soon. You may think about your future. 28. Mark have to get the car repaired. There's something wrong with the brakes. 29. The Bactrian, or Asian

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 04:22

