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Giáo án Anh văn lớp 7 : Tên bài dạy : Period 101: Language focus 5 pdf

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Period 101: Language focus 5 I.Ojectives. -After the lesson Ss will be able to review the grammartical structures and the vocabulary that they learnt in the second semester of grade 7 . -To drill Ss reading, writing, and listening skills. II. Teaching aids. Work book, text book, reference books. III. Teaching procedure 1. Organization: 2. Oral test: - Ask Ss to make sentences with the simple past tense? 3. Presentation: A. Warm up: _Ask ss to look at the english text book and then note down the main grammar structures that are in the lesson.  Adjective and advebs.  modal verbs.  Like and dislike.  The simple and the past form. B.Presentation: *Presentation. Ask Ss to review all the grammar that listed above. And then make examples with these structures. -Listen to the explaination and ask Ss to write the sentences on the BB. + Adjective/ adverb I am quick but I can not run quickly. +Modal verbs: can / may/ should/ ought to / can’t You should go to the dentist twice a year. + Like and dislike: What would you like for breakfast ? I’d like fish and fried chicken + The simple present and simple past. I eat banana everyday but yesterday I ate apple. *Practice. -Ask ss to work in pairs to complete the exercises given in the text book. -Read and give the answers . -Write the answers on the BB. Ex 1: Adjective and adverb. a)Adjective: Dangerous, good , bad Adverb: Slowly , skillfully, quickly. a) A: quickly. B: slowly. C: good D dangerous. E skillful. Ex2: Modal verb. -Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs. -Work in pairs to make the similar dialogue, Read aloud before the class. a) Read the dialogue and then make the similar dialogue. b) A: Can I play soccer? B: No , You can’t. A: Please, Mom. B: First you must practice playing the piano. Then you can go. A: great! Thanks , Mom. b) Give some advice: + Hoa is hot. She should drink a cool water. -Write on the BB. -Read the menu and then make a dialogue to express what you like or what you dislike. Ex 3: Like and dislike. -Read the menu first. Then make a dialogue. What would you like for lunch , hoa ? I prefer rice, fish, and cucumber salat. Would you like fried chicken ? Yes, that sound nice. Ex 4:Tense: Past Present Future. C,e,h a,b,f,g i d,j. Ex 5:Read and make a similar dialogue. Using Why and Because. 4. Consolidation: - Ask ss to retell the main content of the lesson. 5. Home work: - Prepare for the revision. . Period 10 1: Language focus 5 I.Ojectives. -After the lesson Ss will be able to review the grammartical structures and the vocabulary that they learnt in the second semester of grade 7 BB. Ex 1: Adjective and adverb. a)Adjective: Dangerous, good , bad Adverb: Slowly , skillfully, quickly. a) A: quickly. B: slowly. C: good D dangerous. E skillful. Ex 2: Modal verb dialogue. b) A: Can I play soccer? B: No , You can’t. A: Please, Mom. B: First you must practice playing the piano. Then you can go. A: great! Thanks , Mom. b) Give some advice: + Hoa is

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2014, 16:20